Infinite Disaster Survival

238. Chapter 238 The Ghost Realm Appears-18 (1/2)

A group of special students sitting in the classroom were excitedly and nervously staring at the electronic screen in front of them. The content being live-broadcasted on the screen was an extremely special court.

"When ghosts first appeared in the world, I thought about stories about ghost revenge in ancient strange stories. Unfortunately, the ghosts I encountered at that time were all evil ghosts running out of the ghost domain. I didn't expect that after almost two years, those stories would really become reality one day." A student sighed.

Another student turned his head and looked at the dark sky outside, and said excitedly: "This is called judging the yang during the day and the yin at night!"

Since it was discovered that in addition to the evil ghosts in the ghost domain, people in the real world will become ghosts because of obsession after death, the country has begun to study the attitude towards such ghosts.

Finally, the leaders above decided that no matter whether it is a person or a ghost, as long as they belonged to the country during their lifetime, they have corresponding rights and obligations regardless of life or death. After this decision was made, all levels of the country responded quickly, and it took three months to revise the temporary law specifically for ghosts and began to implement it.

According to the Ghost Rights Law, ghosts with clear self-awareness can serve as plaintiffs and witnesses. The case being tried at this time is the first trial with a ghost as the plaintiff.

After the formal start, the already quiet voices in the classroom disappeared, and everyone focused on the screen. Apart from the gloomy temperament and overly pale face, they watched the ghosts that were not much different from ordinary people float out.

In order to ensure that the ghosts' words are true and will not suddenly lose control of their emotions and attack in court, it is stipulated that the judgments involving ghosts must be attended by a Tianshi who has passed the relevant qualification certification. As the first such judgment, the whole country attaches great importance to it. Wen Zheng happened to be free, and when the court tried to invite him, he was really interested. Now he is standing in the court.

The reputation of Tianshi Wen, who is unknown to all the disciples who study metaphysics, has been the first person in the country in terms of strength since the ghost domain appeared in the world. After seeing Wen Zheng's figure, the students' eyes revealed admiration. None of them wanted to become Wen Zheng's apprentice. Jiang Ran, who was accepted by Wen Zheng, is their role model. Everyone dared not to call Wen Zheng "Master" or Tuantuan "Senior Brother", but they all called Jiang Ran "Senior Sister" every day.

Before the defendant appeared, Wen Zheng stretched out his hand and waved it in the air, and golden light appeared under his fingers, which turned out to be a void drawing talisman.

First, it was a simple Qingxin talisman, and then a complex Zhenyan talisman, both of which were specifically aimed at ghosts. Most students only learned the former, and were repeatedly frustrated with the latter talisman. The very few geniuses who learned it could only draw talismans on paper with a pen under concentration and calmness, and never dared to think of drawing in the void.

Void drawing talismans can be done at will, and everyone knows how powerful Wen Tianshi is, but this idea is refreshed every time.

When the suspect was brought in, the ghost of the victim could not suppress the hatred in her heart, and the ghost spirit was overflowing. Just when she was about to lose control of herself, the Qingxin Mantra injected into her body by Wen Zheng took effect. Golden light emerged from her soul, and her gradually hideous and deformed face slowly returned to its original appearance.

The plaintiff was emotionally stable, and the trial continued.

This was another murder case. In the past, the police collected evidence from all aspects, brought the murderer to justice, and sought justice for the victim. Now the ghost of the victim can come forward in person and tell the police how he was killed. The police will not completely accept the ghost's testimony, but will find the crime scene and other evidence based on what the ghost said, and can only determine the true situation of the case after multiple verifications.

The ghost of the victim personally accused, and the police provided various evidences. After the testimony and evidence were released, the suspect was already the murderer, and the next step was the judge's verdict.

This verdict was being broadcast live on major domestic websites. Ordinary people had different emotions after seeing it. Most of them felt sorry for the victim, and were very angry about the murderer's behavior, but also felt a little relieved. Although the public security in our country is quite safe, we can still see evil cases from time to time. If people really become ghosts because of obsession after death, then at least they still have the opportunity to resolve the obsession.

As for the metaphysical people, since they often deal with evil ghosts, they have encountered many ordinary ghosts in the past six months. They just sighed for the victims' experiences. They are more concerned about what impact such cases will have on them in the future. Some of them have begun to consider revising the content of several studies.

Only a handful of people found something wrong.

Wen Zheng saw the victim's appearance for the first time after entering the court. With the improvement of metaphysical ability, some skills that seemed unreasonable before can be understood by himself, such as face reading. At this stage of Wen Zheng, just looking at a person's face can vaguely see part of the other person's fate.

That feeling is particularly wonderful. Wen Zheng tried many times after discovering it for the first time. He looked at his face in the mirror but did not react. Perhaps it was because fortune telling could not tell his own fortune, or perhaps it was because he was a "player".

If he couldn't do it himself, he would find someone else to try. Jiang Ran's face was very good, and he was worthy of being the apprentice he had chosen. The more he studied, the more interesting he found it. Wen Zheng also looked up some classics left by the ancestors of various sects in this world. Some of the fortune-telling techniques in them were really useful after Wen Zheng tried them.

After many studies and exercises, Wen Zheng's ability in this area has improved a lot. After seeing the victim for the first time, he found that the victim's fate was not right. He should not die so early. Fate is not unchangeable, especially after the ghost realm appeared in the world, it has a lot of influence, but the victim's experience of being killed has nothing to do with the ghost realm.

The date of birth in the victim's situation did not match her face, so after the verdict came down and the victim was taken out, Wen Zheng asked to meet the victim's ghost. This request was of course agreed. After the murderer received the deserved verdict, the victim still had confidence in the country and believed that the criminal would get the punishment he was sentenced to. The obsession was removed a lot, the strength was weakened a lot, and the body was not as solid as before.

But after Wen Zheng came over, the young girl used ghost power to restore herself to the appearance of a living person, but the excitement on her face made her more like a living girl.

Wen Zheng asked, "Is your date of birth the date on your ID card?"

The ghost girl was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded, "No, my dad said that when I was a child, someone registered the wrong date for my household registration. I forgot the date on the Gregorian calendar, and I always celebrate my birthday according to the lunar calendar." After that, the girl reported the date of her lunar birthday.

Wen Zheng then asked, "Do you remember what time it was?"

As soon as she heard the question, she knew something was wrong. The young ghost girl began to try to recall. Young people rarely remember their exact birth time, but their parents did mention it before they died. The ghost girl said a little uneasy, "I only remember that my mother said that it was a sunny day when I was born. I was born just when the sun shone into the yard. The sun was particularly bright that day."

Without waiting for Wen Zheng to ask again, the ghost girl said very cleverly, "I was born in my hometown, in the old city of Yonghe City."

After roughly asking for the address, based on the existing information, the time of the girl's birth can be inferred. Adding the year, month and person, the fate is quite special. Coupled with the premonition of the metaphysical people, Wen Zheng was now certain that the girl's death was not so simple, and it was very likely related to the evil ways that had been roaming around.

The evil ways that were once exposed in Panshan County were hunted down by the power of the whole country, but this evil way was not just one person, but an organization that developed within a year, with special classics and a good talent in metaphysics, and had been hiding from place to place. Several roundups launched by the country, coupled with the help of Wen Zheng after he came out of seclusion, almost completely destroyed this organization.

However, it was still a little short. The leader of this organization was particularly afraid of death, and found a lot of retreats for himself in advance. When the country rounded up, he noticed something wrong and fled in advance.

There was only this restless force in the country, and people couldn't help but suspect them when something happened.

The situation of the female ghost revealed a clue that was easier to investigate. Since the date was filled in incorrectly when she was born, and her parents had died when she was young, how many people would know the real birth date of the female ghost. We only need to check the interpersonal relationships of the ghost girl before her death, and then follow the clues to find out something.

This work belongs to the scope of the police's expertise.

After Wen Zheng told the police about the situation, the police immediately organized a confidential team to investigate. After assigning all the tasks of the preliminary investigation, the captain said: "It's a pity. Since there is a problem with her death, letting her appear in court today has already alerted the snake."

"Maybe it is because she appeared in court that she thinks we didn't find it at all." Wen Zheng said, "In any case, we still have to investigate first to prevent others from being harmed."

After speaking, Wen Zheng took out a palm-sized compass from his pocket. This skill was also the first one he learned recently. After calculating, he told the team leader that the most important clue was in the south.


Which position is south? Is the ghost girl's hometown just south of the police station, or does it mean that the ghost girl's hometown is further south. The captain wanted to ask more carefully, but Wen Zheng had already proposed to leave, and finally shut up. Now there are enough clues, and the murderer can be interrogated again to see if there is anything they missed.

As for Wen Zheng leaving so quickly, it was because he just learned and didn’t know much. If he asked further, he wouldn’t know.

Wen Zheng went back and touched Tuantuan. The father and son went to several places in the country to solve several evil ghosts, and then went to the border as a deterrent weapon for a few laps. He was also thinking about whether to go to the sea to see if there was a "ghost ship" to bring back.

However, his apprentice Jiang Ran had a breakthrough in his research, and specially called Wen Zheng back for guidance, so Wen Zheng took Tuantuan back.

Wen Zheng was particularly satisfied with Jiang Ran’s research progress. Tuantuan was also very satisfied with the nut gift package fed by his junior sister, especially the new nut cake, which Wen Zheng loved so much that he asked for a recipe for his son.

Now that they were back to rest, Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to various metaphysical schools. The standard for accepting disciples could not be lowered, but students could be taught at will. After almost two years of study, the students had already passed the primary school stage, and the majority were high school students, with a small number of college students and extremely talented graduate students. The questions raised by these students were no longer so basic, and some of them inspired Wen Zheng a lot.

After staying in the school for half a month, Wen Zheng received news from the country that there was new progress about the □□ organization.

The police had previously conducted a search along the victim girl's relationship network. According to the southern tip given by Wen Zheng, they found that there is a mountain called Phoenix Mountain in the area south of the female ghost's hometown, and there is a temple on the mountain called Phoenix Temple.

Because of the existence of Tuantuan, a sacred bird that fits the description of Phoenix, and the frequent presence of ghosts in the world, the incense in Phoenix Temple is particularly strong. Further investigation revealed that the Phoenix Temple was established three years before the female ghost was born. Even before the appearance of the ghost realm, the incense of this Phoenix Temple was very good. Locals said that the Taoist priests there were very accurate in telling fortunes. Unfortunately, the old man behind the ghost realm The Taoist priest disappeared, and many people suspected that he had died at the hands of evil spirits.

The police will have a sixth sense after handling many cases. The first reaction was the old Taoist priest. Finally, they asked the female ghost's relatives and found out that the female ghost's parents had helped their daughter calculate her birth date before she was alive.

Focus on this Phoenix Temple.

Wen Zheng also got the news at that time, but he was dealing with an evil ghost at the time. After calculating that there was no danger in their trip, Wen Zheng asked the police and other heavenly masters to cooperate with the Phoenix Temple to investigate.

There was no danger at the Phoenix Temple, but no important clues were obtained. There are photos of the Taoist priest who used to tell fortunes very accurately on Phoenix Mountain. Unfortunately, he had a long beard and looked like an immortal, but it actually blocked half of his face. After comparing the upper half of the face with the portrait of the Taoist priest described by people in Panshan Town, there is a 70% similarity, which can basically be confirmed.

Now I have found this old boy's lair, and can dig deeper into the opponent's roots.

Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we better deal with each other. His true identity, his hometown where he has lived for more than 20 years, and his huge interpersonal relationships are enough for the police to investigate the origin of this evil.

Wen Zheng believed that professionals were better at investigating this matter than he was. If anyone needed his help, he would definitely rush there. After working as a teacher in various schools for a month, he learned that his apprentice's research had produced a test device.

After Wen Zheng received the news, he checked that the country was still relatively peaceful, and then went to find his junior sister with Tuan Tuan.

The first generation of test items was improved on the basis of the defensive spell developed by Wen Zheng. However, the required spiritual power does not need to be provided by humans. Instead, it uses electrical energy to absorb the spiritual power in the air and then outlines a path along a specific route. A huge talisman came out.

Wen Zheng had already told his apprentice about the theory of this experiment, and today Tuantuan flew him over to see the actual operation results in the empty experimental field. The huge instrument made a roaring sound, and golden lights lit up and moved, forming golden threads that intertwined with each other, becoming spells that flashed in the air, and a defensive shield that could cover half of the base appeared.

Many people had smiles on their faces, happy for the effect in front of them.

Jiang Ran was holding a notebook and pen in his hand, writing and drawing in the notebook with an expressionless face, and when he looked carefully, his brows furrowed.

After Tuantuan brought Wen Zheng closer, the light spots of the defensive formation flickered several times quickly. The frequency was different from before. Some people may not have noticed, but Jiang Ran raised his head immediately and looked decisively at where his master and brother were. direction.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, who had already gathered their own strength, fell to the ground. Wen Zheng said: "It was because the traction force of the spiritual energy was insufficient and it was easily attracted by other forces."

If a person draws a spell, he uses tamed spiritual energy that circulates in the body and is difficult to be snatched away. However, the spiritual energy attracted and gathered by the machine does not have this characteristic. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan themselves are powerful and will automatically gather without any effort. The other Celestial Masters will not have this effect, but if they absorb spiritual energy near this defensive formation, this machine will only play a role in gathering spiritual energy. Although it is also a good effect, for the purpose of research, it is a Shortcomings that need to be improved.

"Traction..." After Jiang Ran paid tribute to his master and senior brother, he tried to absorb the spiritual energy. As expected, the defensive formation became unstable and he began to frown in thought.

Tuantuan lay on Wen Zheng's head and looked down, clearly seeing the contents of the notes in Jiang Ran's hand. There were more than a dozen items that needed to be corrected. Some of the machines were too loud, took too long to start, and consumed too much energy. Big, insufficient defense, etc.

Looking at Jiang Ran's hair again, even with the nourishment of spiritual energy, the hair is still one layer thinner than before.

Wen Zhengdu comforted himself: "The most difficult thing in the world is to make something from scratch, but now that we have it, it is only a matter of time before we make it better."

But in fact, they don't have enough time. There are still three months until the ghost month of the new year. If they want to put it into use before the ghost month, they must solve all the problems during this period.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan stayed here temporarily to help Jiang Ran improve this month's research results. The two of them not only provided great help in metaphysics, but also sometimes came up with ideas that no one had thought of in science. In this regard, Jiang Ran was more convinced of his master and brother, and deeply believed that he was not worth mentioning at all.

In fact, Wen Zheng was a little embarrassed. These things were knowledge acquired in many worlds over a long period of time. If he had not entered the infinite disaster survival game, Wen Zheng in his original world would not have been able to reach the level he is today. People like Jiang Ran would still be respected scientists regardless of whether there is an apocalypse or not.

Every time he met a genius in the disaster world, Wen Zheng would deeply realize that his ability was acquired through a long period of time, and he did not have enough talent. So he would not be proud, and urged him to keep learning, and constantly use this time to learn knowledge that he had not mastered before.

Time passed quickly when everyone was immersed in the experiment. Starting from the No. 1 test machine, three versions were updated in just two days. Compared with the No. 1, most of the problems were corrected, but it still did not reach the standard for being put into use.

Looking at the direction of improvement in the future, Wen Zheng wanted to continue to participate in the research, but a message was sent over.

After spending more than half a year of hard work, he finally followed the clues and not only knew the approximate process of the appearance of the evil way, but also found the place where the evil way was currently hiding. This time, he was afraid that the other party would escape again, so he contacted Wen Zheng as soon as he found the place.

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