Infinite Disaster Survival

240. Chapter 240 The Ghost Realm Appears-20 (1/2)

If Xuan Chengzi's plan had a chance of success a few months ago, the Heavenly Master who dared to step into the trap would be trapped here.

However, Xuan Chengzi, who was hiding in the mountains, did not get the latest progress from the outside world. After all, it was a confidential research and had not been made public yet.

So after arriving at the foot of the mountain, everyone guessed that there was a trap here, but they dared to go up the mountain, not because they were too confident in their own strength, but because they really had a back-up plan and planned to take advantage of the enemy.

Now there are three waves of teams in the forest, and the most central one is a group of Heavenly Masters led by Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan. This group of Heavenly Masters swept away the fatigue not long ago and showed their true state. Not only were they quite energetic, but there was no vague estrangement that appeared when they had conflicts before. They stood together one by one, forming a formation to face the enemy, and it was obvious that they were acting to deceive you just now.

Xuan Chengzi did not expect that the acting skills of this group of Heavenly Masters were so good, and the blood in his heart was barely suppressed.

He was still able to stabilize his mentality and was not too panicked, but his group of subordinates were different.

Originally, Xuan Chengzi was one of the first to realize the changes in the world after the disaster. With his good talent, he soon became successful in cultivation. Relying on the connections he made when he was a fortune teller and the master of the temple, he obtained a large amount of money from the rich, and then began to recruit people.

Xuan Chengzi had money and he was also powerful, so he tried to recruit anyone he liked. At that time, the country also began to teach the method of cultivation. Those who could accept the jurisdiction of the country could be free and obtain enough benefits, and secretly look for ways to join Xuan Chengzi's organization.

The first group of members accepted Xuan Chengzi's teachings, took the money given by Xuan Chengzi, and were sought after by a group of rich people. These were all brought by Xuan Chengzi, and they were still a little bit sincere. However, most of these subordinates had been solved after the country's heavy blow, and the remaining few followed Xuan Chengzi and fled in a hurry.

Now these subordinates under Xuan Chengzi were recruited again in the past six months. After this group of people appeared, Wen Zheng and other heavenly masters recognized some of their faces. After the ghosts appeared in the world, all kinds of evil ways emerged one after another, and they could never be defeated. In addition to the organization created by Xuan Chengzi, there were also large and small groups, and even one person who harmed people everywhere.

After defeating Xuan Chengzi's organization, the country sent forces to continue the pursuit, and sent people to crack down on the remaining evil gangs. The evil ways were almost dead. At this time, the remaining few men of Xuan Chengzi came to them and said that there was a plan that could solve the Heavenly Master, severely damage the power of the country, and even dominate the world. They needed their participation. They didn't necessarily believe it, but it was inevitable that they were tempted.

There was no way to go. Instead of being eliminated by the country, it was better to follow Xuan Chengzi, the predecessor in the evil way, to make a breakthrough.

So, Xuan Chengzi recruited a group of men again and formed a loose gang. This group of new men came here because they were desperate, so they were naturally not loyal to Xuan Chengzi.

At first, they were willing to carry out Xuan Chengzi's plan and ensure their own safety. They hid behind and dared to show up only when they saw Wen Zheng and the bird were injured. They salivated at the blood flowing from the bird and thought about which house to use to refine the blood and flesh of the bird to increase their strength and lifespan. But in the end, the fierce attack from behind shattered their delusion.

After Wen Zheng and his men set out, the well-trained army went up the mountain after a while. These troops had experienced hard training day after day before the disaster. Even after the disaster, they did not lose these basics with the additional training related to metaphysics. How could they be discovered by ordinary people when they carefully explored the mountain? Especially the enemy believed that people who had not practiced could not enter the mountain, and did not investigate at all.

Therefore, the third part of the power was the reinforcements called out by the group of fire before.

The soldiers held improved weapons in their hands, and what they released was not ropes as thick as fingers, but iron chains as thick as children's wrists. The iron chain shot out was wrapped with layers of talisman paper. When it came to the enemy, the soldiers pressed the switch in their hands, and the front end of the iron chain emerged with a long spike condensed by golden light, which pierced the enemy's body fiercely.

The long spike was formed by the gathering of spiritual energy. This was a weapon specially developed for evil ghosts. Before setting off, considering that these evil ways might cultivate evil ghosts, they brought it with them. Unexpectedly, it came in handy.

Weapons with spiritual energy gathering are useless for the heavenly masters. For example, Wen Zheng and other heavenly masters cultivate spiritual energy in their bodies. If they are hit by this weapon, not only will they not be harmed, but they may even absorb spiritual energy to replenish themselves.

But it is different for Xuan Chengzi and his gang of men. This group of people probably listened to Xuan Chengzi's tricks. I don't know what method they used to turn themselves into a ghost. The power flowing in their bodies is similar to Yin Qi and resentment. The advantage is that it is easier to cultivate and drive evil ghosts, and it is not easy to be backfired.

The disadvantages were even more obvious at this moment. The spiritual energy entering their bodies was like a bomb that could flow through their bodies, and they didn't know when or where it would explode.

"Ahhh..." A demon was hit, and blood flowers appeared on his body instantly. He couldn't help but scream in pain, and insisted on cursing, "Xuan Chengzi, didn't you say that this time it would be foolproof? Think of a way quickly!"

"Damn it, I told you not to focus on them, don't count on Xuan Chengzi." Xuan Chengzi's men were quite capable. They dodged the soldiers' attacks, condensed Yin Qi in their hands, and threw it forward while trying to manipulate the Yin Qi to escape quickly.

Compared with the group of Tianshi who had many means, strong strength, and good acting skills, the soldiers on the periphery looked easier to break through.

But as soon as the condensed Yin Qi touched the group of soldiers, golden light appeared on the soldiers, and a defense shield constructed by defense talismans appeared on each soldier.

Xiedao's expression was distorted after seeing this scene. What powerful things did these people research? He went crazy and didn't stop. However, before he took two steps to escape, the talismans fired from inside floated above his head, and thunders fell from the sky, hitting him. Xiedao reacted quickly and used the sacrificed underworld tools to block the knife attack for himself.

The pira snapped several times, and the underworld weapon on the top of his head was smashed into pieces by thunder, but then another Tianshi's peach wood sword came again, and the outermost soldiers launched another attack.

I thought I could catch the turtle in the jar, but in the end I was attacked from both sides. Now there are wolves in front and tigers behind. Those who followed Xuan Chengzi to seek benefits now regret it.

The whole forest was caught in this fierce battle. The soldiers outside had laid a net. In fact, there were only one or two Tianshi inside who were hit by the resentment in order to figure out the means used by the enemy. The rest were pretending later. At this time, the Tianshi fought, and their strength was not affected at all.

Being hit by the Tianshi's weapon again, some evil ways saw that there was no hope of escape, so they simply threw down the weapon in their hands and shouted: "I surrender, I surrender."

Although with the bad things he had rushed into before, even if he surrendered, he would not escape the death penalty, but at least he would not die here on the spot. There is still a chance if there is time.

The soldiers and the Heavenly Masters ignored him and continued to attack. Even if the group of people following Xuan Chengzi died ten times, it would not be able to offset their sins. Moreover, in such a life-and-death battle, who knows if this guy is pretending to surrender? The enemy must be beaten to death or completely lose his combat effectiveness.

The evil way who shouted surrender once again sacrificed his newly refined ghost energy to resist the attack of the Heavenly Master, and then took the soldiers' weapons. The next movement froze. The severe pain in his abdomen made him look down and saw a big hole in his abdomen. His internal organs mixed with blood were grabbed out by a pair of invisible big hands.

He had been paying careful attention to the fluctuations of spiritual energy, but he was not on guard against Yin Qi. Only the evil way could use this belly-opening spell. This person endured the pain and turned his head back. He saw Xuan Chengzi with his right palm facing him in a claw-like shape. It was indeed him. The body fell down with a bang, blood kept flowing from the wound, but his eyes were always staring.

When he used the disembowelment technique to deal with ordinary people, did he ever think that he would eventually die from this move?

"Instead of surrendering and being sentenced to death, it is better to die here and use your flesh and blood to help other brothers fight back." Xuan Chengzi killed one of his men, but his tone was still calm. The other evil ways were not frightened by Xuan Chengzi's methods at first, but after hearing what Xuan Chengzi said, they immediately started to think about their colleague's roommate.

One by one, the evil ways began to use the flesh and blood of the colleagues who had just died, and even grabbed the other party's soul when it just floated out and had not yet transformed into a ghost, and swallowed it directly.

With the previous experience and the threat of Xuan Chengzi's attack, the remaining evil ways did not surrender again, but they were no match for the combination of the Heavenly Master and the army. One by one, the evil ways were defeated in the battle, whether they died on the spot or were so seriously injured that they could not fight at all. Without the Heavenly Master's attack, Xuan Chengzi and his trusted men began to attack, killing these people on the spot and leaving no intact corpse.

The smell of blood in the woods became stronger and stronger.

"No, Xuan Chengzi killed people and bled them intentionally. There is something fishy going on."

Wen Zheng mainly fought against Xuan Chengzi and his loyal men who surrounded Xuan Chengzi. These men were fooled into working for Xuan Chengzi, not afraid of death, and always used other evil ways to resist Wen Zheng's attacks. Wen Zheng felt that these evil ways would be dealt with sooner or later at first, and he was not angry every time his attack was blocked. Anyway, he solved the enemy and relieved the pressure on his companions.

But as more and more evil ways died, the bad premonition became stronger. The breath was slowly filled with the smell of blood, and the range of blood flow could not be smelled. There were many plants in the forest, and the darkness caused by the yin energy also made it difficult to see clearly.

But when Tuan Tuan was in the air to support the surroundings and protect the soldiers in battle, the flames he sprayed burned some of the plants on the ground. At this moment, Wen Zheng caught the blood flowing from the evil ways under the cover of the plants and trees, flowing in an unreasonable trajectory.

Under their feet, Xuan Chengzi also made some tricks on this mountain.

"Tuan Tuan, burn all the nearby plants and trees." It is difficult to control the fire in the forest if you are not careful, but now you can't care so much.

The next second after hearing Wen Zheng's words, Tuan Tuan flew higher, and a raging flame spewed out of his mouth, and he kept moving in the direction, and by the way, he no longer cared about setting fire to the evil ways.

The plants curled up under Tuan Tuan's flames, revealing the small trenches dug in advance, and the blood was gathered in these trenches.

The surrounding grass and trees have not been swept clean, so it is impossible to see the full picture of these ditches. I don’t know what Xuan Chengzi did on the mountain. But the heavenly masters all know that if there are still traps on the mountain, the one who arranged and activated them must be Xuan Chengzi. This battle can no longer continue. The rest of the evil ways can be put aside, but Xuan Chengzi must be dealt with now.

Everyone gave up the enemy in front of them and adjusted the direction of all attacks to Xuan Chengzi.

When Xuan Chengzi opened his mouth to let Tuantuan spit fire, he knew that his biggest arrangement could not be covered up, but he could delay it for so long, and the time was almost enough.

At the moment when all the attacks came, several subordinates around Xuan Chengzi used various methods and even used their lives to help Xuan Chengzi block the attacks. In this short period of time, Xuan Chengzi launched a hand-pressing on the new subordinates, and the poisonous insects hidden deep in the yin and resentment in their bodies awakened. Once they woke up, they swam everywhere in the blood vessels, biting through the flesh, and the blood could not stop flowing, and even the heart was painful.

The remaining evil ways were dealt with by Xuan Chengzi alone. The blood of all the evil ways flowed along the traces on the ground, and finally gathered at the place where Xuan Chengzi stood. The resentment of those killed by Xuan Chengzi continued to emerge. The souls after death were unwilling to transform into evil ghosts. The resentment attracted more yin energy. Now the concentration of yin energy in the mountain has even reached the average value of the ghost month period, and it also gathered on Xuan Chengzi.

Xuan Chengzi laid a huge formation on this mountain, and his position was the center of the formation.

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