Infinite Disaster Survival

247. Chapter 247 The Ghost Realm Appears-27

After the worship ceremony, ordinary people sorted out their moods and continued to live, but the country had to consider how to deal with increasingly strong disasters.

Now is the fourth year since the disaster occurred. This "ghost month" was advanced, increased in difficulty and prolonged in time. According to statistics, nearly half of the country's combat forces have been sacrificed. If such an intensity occurs again next year, it is likely that the whole army will be annihilated.

This is not a future that will not come.

Not only their country, during the disaster, they were too busy to take care of their own country, let alone other countries, so they did not start to receive information from abroad until the disaster or even the worship ceremony was over. Then they learned that not only they encountered a more serious disaster, but the rest of the countries were also now. Dozens of small countries have been destroyed, and the island country that had caused trouble before has now become a paradise for ghosts.

In this way, it is easy to draw a conclusion that the disaster will be stronger every year. If they want to prepare for the disaster next year, they must do it in a way that is several times more serious than this year's disaster.

The meeting has been held for several days, and Wen Zheng and a group of heavenly masters have participated. Many of the old faces were missing from these Heavenly Masters, which made everyone who noticed this feel heavy-hearted. The disaster was overcome by attracting lightning in the early stage, and by the sacrifice of many Heavenly Masters and Wen Zheng's efforts to turn the tide in the later stage. But how many Heavenly Masters can there be? There are too few who can use the self-destruction trick, and Wen Zheng is only one person. This year's method cannot be used next year.

"Fuck, why do we always wait for the invasion of that group of evil ghosts? This time we opened a hole in advance and ran over to raid. Why can't we catch them off guard? Every time we are on the defensive, it's aggrieved." During the discussion, a grumpy general couldn't help but slam the table and curse.

After cursing, he felt something was wrong. Why did the surroundings become quiet? When he looked up, he found that everyone was looking at him. He withdrew his hand in a sullen manner and whispered: "I know we can't fight them, but I can't help wanting..."

\\Who said it's not possible. \\The person whose mind was opened by the general's words said excitedly.

"Ah?" The general was a little confused.

Now everyone's eyes left the general and turned to Wen Zheng, who was an expert in this area.

Wen Zheng thought carefully before speaking: "It is theoretically feasible to change from defense to offense."

The others did not speak, and even slowed down their breathing to listen to Wen Zheng continue: "We have used ghost ships to enter the ghost domain before. With the cover of ghost ships, we can enter the ghost domain to sneak attack those evil ghosts. If we are discovered, we can return to the world. I can open and close the ghost gate in time. But I am not sure if there are other hidden dangers in the ghost domain, and a ghost ship can't carry enough people, so why not have more similar vehicles."

"Is it really feasible?"

"Theoretically, there is no problem."

"Then let's try it first. If it really works, then it's our turn to fight back." Someone made the decision.

The specific plan still needs more detailed research and supplementation. Wen Zheng's most important task now is to go back and recuperate. After closing so many ghost gates, everyone thinks that Wen Zheng has consumed too much power and may have affected his foundation. All future plans require Wen Zheng to open and close the ghost gates.

As for Tuantuan, he did not follow Wen Zheng to retreat, but followed a group of heavenly masters to get a few more ghost ships back. The island country next door has become a ghost country, and the ships around the island have basically become ghost ships. Some of them are drifting around on the sea, and often drifting to their territorial waters. This time they plan to deal with those ghosts who have crossed the border and select the best ghost ships from them.

Except for his father, Tuantuan is not happy for others to step on him. The heavenly masters who plan to go to the coast can take a plane, but they will not choose a plane if they have the opportunity to be taken away by a divine bird. So after the two parties discussed it, they finally decided to compromise and let them sit in a car, and Tuantuan grabbed the car and flew over.

Maybe ghosts also have regional restrictions. Although the neighboring island country has been completely occupied by ghosts, the ghosts basically did not dare to set foot on their country's land. At most, they wandered on the uninhabited sea when they could not take care of it. People who knew about it privately speculated whether it was because Wen Zheng and the divine bird had taken action before that the ghosts were scared.

If these heavenly masters were allowed to do it themselves this time, they might be afraid, but there was a divine bird following them, so they were more excited. The injuries from the previous battle with the evil ghosts were almost healed, and this time they tried not to let the divine bird take action.

As a result, when they arrived at the coastal area, the ghost ship that was about to wander ashore two months ago was not seen. Recently, because the disaster came early, no one paid attention to the situation on the sea. For unknown reasons, Tuantuan slowed down and flew over according to the direction of the island country they pointed.

I didn't see the ghosts next door in my territorial waters until I flew to the border of the two territorial waters before I saw the ghost ship. A group of Heavenly Masters were all ready to fight. The old Heavenly Masters had either died or were seriously injured in the previous disasters. The ones who came this time were relatively young. After seeing the target, they began to discuss in a low voice how to start.

Tuan Tuan was flying in the sky and shook his head. The power fluctuations below felt so weak, just like the level of the ghost soldiers and ghosts faced in this disaster. He didn't need his help this time. These little guys could handle it.

The flight altitude was lowered, and the celestial masters who had discussed the tactics all jumped down. They faced the attacking ghosts with a serious attitude, but in the end, they were beaten to doubt their lives. This group of ghosts is too weak. In the end, the tactics discussed were not used. The ghosts on the entire ghost ship were cleared in two moves.

Maybe the ship they chose was relatively weak. With such a guess, they found another ghost ship under the leadership of Tuantuan, and the result was still the same strength, which made this group of celestial masters doubt their lives.

In the first year of the disaster, the island country maliciously transported a ghost ship here, and it was still Teacher Wen who took action to solve it, so they always had the impression that the ghosts next door were powerful. What happened now?

Tuantuan tilted his head and thought about it, and he understood the reason. At that time, his father and he had just come to this world, and the disaster had just come. They had not practiced for a long time, so naturally this kind of little ghost was more powerful. But later, their strength became stronger and stronger, but the ghosts next door were not much stronger. Now the level of this group of little celestial masters is about the same as Wen Zheng's level before, so naturally they think it is not difficult.

All the ghost ships that were wandering around their territorial waters were dealt with at once, and some even ran a little further away. All the ghost ships were tied to Tuan Tuan's claws with ropes, and Tuan Tuan took the people and the ships back. The people waiting for them hurriedly asked if the Tianshi were injured and the situation of the battle. The researchers had already rushed to the ship to discuss how to transform it.

Tuan Tuan, who had been strolling outside, became curious, greeted them and flew up. When they flew to the location of the island country, they saw that among the ghosts that killed people, the most powerful one was only at the level of the ghost king. And judging from the energy fluctuations, it was a newly advanced one recently. Tuan Tuan, who had killed many ghost kings with Wen Zheng, wanted to sigh at this moment. How weak are the people here? A ghost king can wipe them out.

After solving the doubts, Tuantuan thought that he couldn't just leave like this after running all the way here, so he threw a few balls of fire directly below, and solved the ghost king below in a few moves. It seemed that he also burned the building where the ghost king was staying. It happened that there were similar buildings in the real world, and his father didn't like them. Burning them might make his father happy.

Tuantuan solved a ghost king and flew back. His chirping was incomprehensible to others until Wen Zheng came out of retreat.

During the period of retreat, Wen Zheng focused on studying the laws of time and space. The disaster mission requires survival in this world for five years. Wen Zheng can sense that five years is the last time point for the space barrier to break. Even if the current people are struggling to support, in the fifth year, the space barrier will break, and the ghost domain and the human world will merge. How can these people who persist survive?

He and Tuantuan's strength can survive for a long time even in the ghost domain, and they can completely persist until the end of the five-year mission time and leave this world. But in this way, the present world will become another ghost domain, and all those he knows will be swallowed by evil ghosts. Wen Zheng wants to find a way to solve the problem.

The space barrier weakened year by year, and his current repair of those cracks can only play a temporary role. Just like a dangerous house that is about to collapse, even if the cracked walls are repainted, it can't really repair the house, and it may collapse one day.

To solve this problem, either find out the reason for the weakening of the space barrier and solve it, or build a new space barrier.

Unfortunately, he has no idea for these two methods.

Wen Zheng searched a lot in the system store and selected a book about the power of time and space. The large amount of points consumed made Wen Zheng feel distressed. The points earned from solving evil ghosts and closing ghost gates this year were not enough, and his savings were reduced a lot.

After exchanging the book, Wen Zheng couldn't wait to read it, but found it a little difficult to understand. After barely reading the first few chapters, Wen Zheng rubbed his swollen temples and closed his eyes to practice for a while.

The practice method started to work, not only the surrounding spiritual energy flew from all around, but also flashing light spots floated into Wen Zheng's body. Every time Wen Zheng absorbed a little light, he could hear a sentence. The light spots are people's beliefs, and they come with a touch of people's thoughts. Most of those thoughts are the same, hoping that Wen Zheng can continue to protect them safely and hope that Wen Zheng can solve those evil spirits.

After the disaster, a very small number of people complained that Wen Zheng came too late, but more people understood the truth. They not only refuted the previous remarks, but also were grateful to Wen Zheng. Even if Wen Zheng was still alive, they still found someone to secretly make a statue of Wen Zheng and put it at home for worship.

Wen Zheng did not integrate those light spots into his own power, but he collected them well and found a place in his body to accommodate them.

Not long after practicing, Wen Zheng was ready to continue studying the exchanged books, but Tuantuan came to him again and told him about his outing.

After listening, Wen Zheng temporarily canceled his retreat and went out to convey what Tuantuan said.

After hearing what Wen Zheng said, everyone who heard it praised Tuantuan for his good cooking and offered a basin of nuts as tribute. Then they wondered why the ghosts they encountered were so weak. If they were facing the same difficulty next door, they would have destroyed the country two years ago.

After a few discussions, everyone stopped talking. No matter what happened over there, it had nothing to do with them. What they needed to worry about was the security of their own country and whether the plan to counterattack the ghost domain could be implemented.

Because the first disaster happened ahead of schedule, they were not sure whether the fourth would be the same. So the plan was set for a shorter time. It was tentatively scheduled to prepare in the next quarter, and try to enter the ghost domain to counterattack in the next quarter.

All the ghost ships were transformed into a connectable and detachable fleet, equipped with various ghost-killing weapons. These weapons are surrounded by a tight soul-isolating shell, which will not damage the ghost ship due to the overflow of spiritual energy, but the shell will automatically open after the launch, giving the evil ghosts a fierce attack. The participants also went through heavy training and screening during this period. There were powerful celestial masters, and there were also soldiers who were not talented but professionally trained. Finally, a team that was strong enough in all aspects was selected.

Before departure, everyone was equipped with the most advanced attack, defense and escape equipment. The celestial masters calculated a time when the yang energy was the strongest and the most auspicious. Wen Zheng controlled the ghost ship to enter the ghost domain through the gap in the gently opened space barrier.

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