Infinite Disaster Survival

251. Chapter 251 The Ghost Realm Appears-31 (1/2)

A black mist appeared in the empty square. The people waiting around looked at the instrument recording data. It was such a strong energy fluctuation. I wonder what kind of battles Master Wen Tian had experienced in the ghost domain.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wen Zheng crossed the barrier of time and space and returned to the human world. He glanced at the person in charge of contacting him and asked Wen Zheng: "Master Wen Tian, ​​you have worked hard on this trip. Do you need to rest or go to the meeting now?"

"Go now."

The fourth ghost month was easily passed by them deliberately provoking discord, but after that, the ghost kings discovered the truth and guessed the human plan and took precautions. In the following six months, Wen Zheng still led the team and entered the ghost domain several times. The previous method was only successful a few times. Every time he reached the level of ghost general, the battle between the evil ghosts stopped, consuming the low-level evil ghosts. The ghost domain was born every day, and several attempts were considered failures.

Not only that, Wen Zheng went in alone several times. With his strength, he was able to hide his aura near the ghost king, so he overheard the conspiracy between many ghost kings.

The counterattack of humans made them put aside their past grievances temporarily. The truce was used to train their teams and reach an agreement. When the ghost gate opened next time, they would attack together and occupy the human world to devour those hateful humans.

Wen Zheng knew the situation and of course he had to inform the country so that they could discuss countermeasures in advance. At first, the national forces were still discussing how to resist the attack of the ghost king until the end of the ghost month, until Wen Zheng's calm voice told them a terrible fact: "There will be no more ghost months in the future. The space barrier is now a film with thousands of holes. When the next ghost month comes, the power of many ghost kings to cross the world barrier will tear the world barrier to pieces."

\\That means we will live in a world full of evil ghosts in the future. \\ The old man sitting in the first place sighed. In just five years, he seemed to have aged more than ten years. Now he has white hair.

No one dared to imagine what kind of world it would be. When the ghost domain and the human world are completely connected, how long can humans persist.

After a brief silence and sadness, the people who had no fear of defeat once again cheered up. They believed that there was always a way out, and they would not give up thinking about solutions even when facing a desperate situation.

So one idea after another was proposed, and was rejected again and again in the theoretical stage.

Thickening the space-time barrier is the most ideal way, but human technology has not even been able to analyze the form of the space-time barrier, and Wen Zheng can only do a simple repair. Before the space-time barrier is broken, the ghost domain should be eliminated first. If they can do this, why would they need to sow discord in the ghost domain? The rest can only take all defensive measures and passively wait for the attack to come.

When everyone was frowning, Wen Zheng spoke up: "I have a whimsical but somewhat feasible idea."

"Master Wen, if it weren't for you and the divine bird, we probably wouldn't have been able to hold on until now. Your understanding of the ghost domain and the space-time barrier is far superior to ours, so feel free to speak up if you have any ideas."

"Before I speak, I need to go to the ghost domain to prove some of the content inside." After Wen Zheng finished speaking, he temporarily left the meeting room and went to the ghost domain. The rest of the participants could only wait and continue to discuss how to concentrate the existing defense measures.

When Wen Zheng came back, the meeting had just ended the halftime break and the second half of the meeting had just begun.

Everyone was waiting for Wen Zheng to come up with a feasible path with hope, and Wen Zheng did not let them down.

The special camera that could work normally in the ghost domain was handed over to the staff by Wen Zheng. After the staff operated it, the content that Wen Zheng had just recorded was played in the entire meeting room.

Wen Zheng restrained his breath and walked around the territory of three ghost kings. Each ghost king was anxious for the evil ghosts to train their army. The large number of evil ghosts made the older people hold their hearts. After recording these, Wen Zheng went to find a slightly remote and weaker ghost king, and found an opportunity to attack directly. The ghost king resisted Wen Zheng's first attack and quickly counterattacked. One man and one ghost fought back and forth for three moves, and cracks began to appear around them.

Even though Wen Zheng had tried his best to reduce the power he used, he was not much weaker in the battle with the ghost king. The violent collision of spiritual energy and yin energy impacted the world barrier. Seeing this, Wen Zheng quickly retracted his attack and quickly repaired the relatively small cracks, and quickly hid his breath to avoid the ghost king who was chasing him.

"After testing, the power that can defeat the ghost king exceeds the range that the world barrier can withstand. If you ignore the attack and deal with at most three ghost kings, the world barrier will be completely broken." Wen Zheng continued, "Since the world barrier cannot be stopped from breaking, let it break, and try to build a new barrier after it breaks."

What! The participants were all surprised. They knew Wen Zheng was strong, but they didn't know he was this strong.

Wen Zheng knew they were different at a glance. He reached out and knocked on the table, explaining: "It's a new barrier, not a world barrier. That's beyond the reach of humans." But in fact, many people already regarded Wen Zheng and the bird as gods.

The audience quieted down and listened to Wen Zheng continue to explain and talk about his whimsical idea. At first, everyone thought the possibility of success was extremely low, until Wen Zheng called a few special heroes and played the second half of the recorded video.

The possibility of success has increased a lot. In the absence of a better way, the vote on whether to implement Wen Zheng's proposal was passed unanimously.

In less than half a year, all relevant personnel began to work non-stop again.

After Wen Zheng finished explaining the plan, he went to the ghost domain. He stayed there for half a month each time. After returning, he went to the martyrs' cemeteries in various places, and then checked the progress of the plan in the human world.

The defense device has been upgraded and adjusted. Due to the limited number, only the provincial capital of each province can be equipped. The surrounding small cities are equipped with second-class defense devices to jointly build a satellite city. Residents of the entire province were required to move in forcibly. Ordinary people were originally excited about the last victory, but they quickly calmed down after seeing the country's actions and accepted all the arrangements of the country.

The masters of the metaphysical world are reading the classics left by their ancestors and the books exchanged by Wen Zheng from the system store. They need to understand the contents as quickly as possible and start the huge chain formation covering the whole country at a certain time. All the students who graduated with excellent formation skills in the past five years, together with the country's excellent experts and workers, crossed mountains and rivers, carved those complex formations in advance, tested and modified them over and over again.

As time passed, the cracks that occasionally opened allowed evil ghosts to enter the world, and Tuan Tuan's flying figures appeared in the sky across the country every day, eliminating all hidden dangers before the plan began.

Not everyone knew what plan they were implementing, and those who knew did not have much confidence in whether the plan would succeed, but everyone implemented this plan meticulously.

Wen Zheng came out of the ghost domain again and threw the compressed and purified Yin force to the last batch of heroes. Tuan Tuan, who knew Wen Zheng's itinerary, had been waiting by the side and flew happily into Wen Zheng's arms.

Reaching out to hug Tuan Tuan, his hands, which had been gradually cold these days, were warmed by Tuan Tuan's warm fur. Wen Zheng asked about the current preparation progress and learned that all preparations were completed, waiting for Wen Zheng to conduct the final inspection.

"Just in time, we can catch up with a more appropriate time." Wen Zheng smiled, and the pupils of his eyes turned completely black without knowing when, making people dare not look at them for a long time. This is the sequelae of Wen Zheng's busyness during this period. He looked in the mirror and felt more majestic.

Tuan Tuan took Wen Zheng to fly across the country for three days and made the final inspection and adjustment. When Wen Zheng came back, the people couldn't help holding their breath and heard Wen Zheng say: "Everything needed is ready."

"When does the plan start?"

"Three days later." Wen Zheng looked at the bright red flag fluttering in the wind on the square.

The Zhongyuan Festival is the 15th day of the seventh lunar month every year, and the ghost gate opens on the first day of the seventh lunar month, which is the sixteenth day of the eighth lunar month this year. Their plan must be placed before the ghost gate opens, and they must act in advance when the evil ghosts are not expecting it. In the limited time range, Wen Zheng chose three days later, which is the first day of the eighth lunar month.

Many arrangements can play a better role when placed at special times. And those special times are related to the rotation of nature, while some appear because of humans. In fact, the beginning of October is the most appropriate time, but they waited until then.

After Wen Zheng confirmed the time, the people of the country who had moved into the satellite city found that the daily radio and television broadcast the same content, all of which were the great contributions made by the great soldiers and warriors of our country. Before they asked why these changes were caused, the content broadcast above had already told them the reason.

The faces in the recorded images and old photos that people had treasured before overlapped with the heroes who fought against the evil spirits in the previous ghost months. They fought desperately for the people and gave their lives when they were alive. They died and became heroes and still resisted the evil spirits. Before the ghost month came, they would enter the ghost domain to eliminate the evil spirits. They would always fight to protect people.

The people originally had a special feeling for the soldiers who defended their country. Under the country's propaganda again, facing the upcoming Army Day, the violent emotions in their minds turned into invisible light spots flying everywhere.

The heroes standing in the center of dozens of formations have completely turned black after absorbing and digesting the pure Yin power that Wen Zheng would bring later. Now the light spots specially produced for them are flowing into their spirit bodies. They carefully store them and wait for the moment when the plan starts.

On August 1st of the Gregorian calendar, bright red flags fluttered in satellite cities across the country. At noon, Wen Zheng stood in the center of the country's territory and activated this set of thousands of small formations to form a large formation.

Wen Zheng didn't care about anything at this moment and released all the power in his body. After Wen Zheng's transformation during this period of time, that power was no longer pure spiritual power. The power that integrated spiritual power, yin power, belief, merit, and time and space power had two completely opposite characteristics of destruction and rebirth. After Wen Zheng released the power, the powerful power fluctuations hit the fragile time and space barrier, and cracks spread across the country with Wen Zheng as the center.

The people who stayed in the satellite city were still praying for the heroes, but they felt that the sky suddenly darkened. Looking up, the sky seemed to be torn apart, presenting a doomsday scene. The people who learned about the plan only realized today that Wen Zheng's power has surpassed the scope of human beings. With such a drastic movement, if the plan fails, the world will be destroyed prematurely today.

Seeing the power displayed by Wen Zheng, they actually became more confident in the plan.

As the news spread, ordinary people learned that this was because Master Wen led the army of heroes to fight against the evil spirits. There was no need to panic. Their faith would become the power for the heroes to fight. Everyone prayed again for all the existences fighting to protect them.

Crackling, Wen Zheng seemed to hear the sound of the space-time barrier breaking. He watched the space-time barrier moving towards the shattered space-time barrier, controlling his power to form a huge vortex, sweeping all the chaotic space-time power and the Yin Qi that was pouring into the human world into his body.

Wen Zheng turned his body and soul into a huge furnace. His own power was like a "flame", melting all the power that swept in, purifying it, and finally integrating it into his own power, turning it into a new "flame".

Even if the chaotic space-time power and the cold Yin Qi were swept into Wen Zheng's body, they would not rest in peace. They would constantly destroy and try to escape the control of Wen Zheng's power. The spiritual power provided by the human world and the human faith that also came for Wen Zheng were being refined and repaired at the same time. The merits gained by saving people in this world were like a palliative to control the degree of chaos of power.

The process of the power melee was extremely painful, but this degree of pain was not the first time Wen Zheng had endured it. Even if his body and soul were messed up, he could still maintain his sanity and continue to absorb various energies until the space-time barrier could not withstand such a violent impact and was completely broken.

From this time on, there was no longer a gap between the ghost realm and the human world.

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