Infinite Disaster Survival

254. Chapter 254: The Ghost Realm Appears in the World - Extra

After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Ying Yao chose to give up treatment and return home to spend the last period of her life with her family.

Knowing that Ying Yao had a terminal illness that could not be cured now, her family was still unwilling to give up. They tried both metaphysical and scientific methods, but in the end they failed to cure Ying Yao's condition, but let her leave comfortably.

Ying Yao was lying on the bed at home, her parents sat beside her in tears, and her grandmother knelt in the living room outside, praying devoutly to the statues of Master Wen Tian and the divine bird. These days, her grandmother had been praying that she could use her life to exchange for Ying Yao's survival. Ying Yao was unwilling, but she was also sad in her heart. After her death, how sad her parents and grandmother would be.

However, she heard that the soul would go to the underworld after death. Ying Yao didn't believe it before, but now she hoped that this news was true.

The strength in her body disappeared little by little. Ying Yao knew that it was time for her to leave, and she smiled at her parents for the last time. In a trance, Ying Yao saw her parents lying on the bed and crying loudly, her grandmother ran in from the living room crying, and she was floating out of her body. It turned out that people really become ghosts after death.

"Ying Yao, at the age of 28, is now in the world of death." A dark figure came through the wall, with a chain wrapped around his right hand and a book floating in his left hand. After reading the contents of the book, he looked up at Ying Yao and said, "You have done a lot of good deeds, so I won't lock you up. Follow me. If you really can't bear to leave your family, you can stay in the underworld and take the ghost test. Come back to visit when you have a chance."

Ying Yao immediately cheered up when she heard it, and floated to the ghost with some unskilledness, and said excitedly: "It turns out that there is really a underworld and ghosts. Can I torture ghosts? Can I tell my family after I pass the test?"

The ghost listened to Ying Yao's series of questions, and grabbed her hand with a headache, and entered the Yin Road. He took Ying Yao to the newly built new ghost reception hall in the underworld, picked up the new ghost manual from the table and stuffed it directly into Ying Yao's hands.

"Captain Xie, when did you come back? Why did you go to collect souls in person?" The working ghosts in the hall immediately greeted the ghost messenger enthusiastically after seeing him.

Xie Bin said helplessly: "The Western Underworld has basically been dealt with. I have a headache listening to their chattering. Anyway, Lao Fan is leading the team there, so I came back first. I was bored and just went up to pick up a few new people."

If I meet a good seedling, I can just reserve him as my subordinate. The underworld is really short of ghost messengers.

Ying Yao looked at the service hall that was very similar to the present world, holding the familiar new ghost manual in her hand, and found that this underworld was not the same as the legend. Then I heard the ghost messenger chatting with the working ghosts, and felt that the amount of information was a bit large. As a result, the more I looked, the more I felt that the ghost messenger looked familiar.

The surname is Xie... Ying Yao suddenly remembered a figure. If the ghost messenger in front of her was changed to translucent gold, it would be exactly the same. She immediately called out: "Captain Xie, are you Xie Bin? My family goes to the cemetery to worship every year." When the first ghost month appeared, she was only a teenager. Her parents held her and looked at the approaching evil ghosts. Then the heroic spirit appeared and saved her family.

After their family learned the origin of the heroic spirit, they went to the cemetery where the heroic spirit lived to worship every year. After the disaster, the evil ghosts no longer appeared, and the heroic spirits no longer appeared. The most widely circulated saying is that the heroic spirits completed the task of protecting the world and stayed in the cemetery to sleep, but after death, they knew that they had become ghost messengers.

What about Master Wen and the bird? They also lost their traces after the disaster. There are rumors that when people who go overseas to provide assistance encounter danger, they will encounter mysterious forces to help them. It is Master Wen and the bird who took action. They have become gods. Some people also say that they used their lives to solve the ghost domain in the last battle, but once the latter appears, they will be scolded. The official has never announced a definite statement.

Xie Bin has received many new ghosts. At the beginning, he would answer a few of the seemingly endless questions of these new ghosts, but now he will not waste this effort. Looking at Ying Yao's face full of questions, he pointed to the manual in the other party's hand and smiled: "The questions you want to ask basically have answers in it."

Ying Yao swallowed the questions and read the contents of his manual.

The first part is the origin of the underworld. It turns out that after the disaster, the world has undergone irreversible changes. After a person dies, a soul will appear. If the soul is not managed, it may be damaged, die, or even become a fierce ghost. After a newborn is born, the soul is no longer naturally generated by heaven and earth, but needs to be reincarnated by ghosts. The underworld was built on the original ghost domain and came into being.

Looking down is the composition of the underworld. The highest leader in charge of the underworld is the King of Hell, and below are the judges and ghost messengers. The structure looks relatively simple, but there are extremely detailed divisions in the judges and ghost messengers. Ying Yao looked at the densely packed xx ghost messengers and felt dizzy. He quickly flipped through a few pictures and saw the most useful process for new ghosts to enter the underworld.

It turns out that the newborn ghosts are naturally divided when they are hooked by ghost messengers.

Ghosts with sins will be sent directly to the underworld court. The judge will decide what kind of punishment the ghost will receive based on the crimes he committed during his lifetime.

Small crimes may result in the person being unable to be reincarnated as an adult, or the person's luck and wealth in the next life may be deducted. However, ghosts who have committed serious crimes during their lifetime will still be punished even if they were punished during their lifetime. If they escape the judgment of the law during their lifetime, they will be punished even more severely in the underworld. Ying Yao was a little scared when she saw those punishments, but when she saw the crimes that would suffer such punishments, she felt that these ghosts deserved to suffer them.

Ghosts who have no sins and even have merits will be sent to this hall by ghost messengers. Ordinary ghosts directly draw numbers here, and then stay in the underworld to wait for reincarnation. Ghosts with merit have another option besides reincarnation, which is to stay in the underworld as a ghost servant.

Captain Xie said before that she could take the ghost exam, right? Ying Yao flipped back excitedly and found that there was no content about the ghost exam in the manual. She was about to ask when she saw all the ghost students in the hall, including Xie Bin. They all stood up, Xie Bin said: "The time of your death was good, just in time."


Ying Yao was so stunned that she followed the ghost officers to the door of the hall. When she looked up, she saw a ray of light shining from the far east in the dark underworld. Then the light gradually rose and became brighter, until it hung above the It reached the center of the sky, like a "sun", making the entire underworld a little brighter.

The "sun" in the underworld is not as dazzling as the sun on earth. The light it casts is harmless to ghosts and can even be looked at directly. Ying Yao seemed to see a familiar figure as the sun rose. She couldn't help but confirm to Xie Bin: "Is this the divine bird? The divine bird and Wen Tianshi are both in the underworld, right? Wen Tianshi is the King of Hell. !”

"Only ghosts can know the identity of the King of Hell." Xie Bin replied.

"You said that my merits are enough, I want to apply for the ghost exam."

"Recently, the underworld has released a new syllabus for the Ghost Examination. It contains a lot of content, and the test is only held once every six months. If you can't wait so long, I have a few places in my hand..."

"Captain Xie, I'm willing to follow your arrangements. Tell me what you need me to do." Ying Yao agreed without even thinking about it. It wasn't that she wasn't vigilant. Team Xie who spoke up was a heroic spirit in the past. He not only saved her family, but also saved countless people. What's more, the divine bird is in the underworld, and there is a 90% chance that Wen Tian is the King of Hell. With them here, there will never be any ghosts trapping new ghosts. Ying Yao has full confidence.

"Okay, okay, from now on you will be my slave." With a smile on his face, Xie Bin pulled Ying Yao to the table, stretched out his hand and took out a contract.

Ying Yao had to read the contract carefully as a habit. It was a simple contract for Xie Bin to recruit her as a new ghost servant. There were no hidden traps. She followed Xie Bin's instructions to input her ghost power into it and signed the contract. In an instant, a brand new uniform appeared, and some rules about the underworld naturally appeared in her mind.

Xie Bin put out his book, took out a new one out of thin air and threw it to Ying Yao: "This is a must-have equipment for every ghost. It contains functions such as identity proof, communication, transaction, inquiry and so on. The appearance can be customized according to the Feel free to change your preferences.”

Having said this, the ghost clerk in the lobby shook the "mobile phone" in his hand and introduced that this was the appearance he had chosen.

Ying Yao held the book and with a thought, turned it into the mobile phone she used when she was alive. After I died, I tried to take out my phone several times but couldn't reach it. It was strange that I wasn't used to it, but now I feel comfortable with it.

"There will be a training notice for new recruits sent to you. After three days, you can attend the training on time. After seven days, you can take a day off to recover. After half a month of training, you can come to me to join the job." Xie Bin continued. When he arrived, he saw Ying Yao nodding and planned to leave, "Then you can explore the underworld by yourself. There is a map inside. If you have any questions, you can ask directly in the group. I'm going to the underworld to seduce the souls."

Xie Bin left happily. When he was seducing the soul, he saw Ying Yao's situation. He was very capable at work and could speak many foreign languages. Fortunately, he had nothing to do today and met Ying Yao when he went up to seduc the soul. After Ying Yao's training, he could do all the work of communicating with foreign ghosts. Leave it to her. You must know that Xie Bin died relatively early. Not only was he not used to using mobile phones, he also couldn't understand those jabbering foreign languages.

Before Wen Zheng made arrangements, these newly appointed ghost officers had never thought about not only having to take care of their own ghosts, but also going to other ghost lands to take care of ghosts from other countries. At first, everyone was quite excited. Foreign ghosts were different from those in our own country. They sounded fresh. Foreign ghosts now no longer want to bully them, but should listen to them. where

Once you know that the ghosts are easy to deal with, you just need to fight them. But foreign ghosts need to be carefully managed, and language communication is not smooth. They can only use ghost power to communicate, which consumes energy and gives them a headache after using it for a long time. Each country also has different customs, and disputes are difficult to adjudicate.

I feel painful when I think back to that time. Fortunately, the other ghost realms are now gradually on the right track. Although they are still under the control of the King of Hell, the judges and ghosts who manage the remaining ghost realms are all their own ghosts. Problems arise. Only then would they come to them for help, and there was also the issue of ghost extradition that needed to be communicated with. Now Xie Bin sees the hope of throwing away this part of the work, and only needs to wait another half month.

Although the next encounters were two ghosts with serious crimes, it did not affect Xie Bin's good mood and threw the two ghosts to the underworld court. The underworld judge was even more manpower-less than they were. Xie Bin didn't stay here too long and was an eyesore. He wandered back to eat. He didn't know what kind of food today's sacrifice would be.

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