Infinite Disaster Survival

260. Chapter 260 Global Evolution-2

In the supermarket, the firefighting and forestry staff were sweating on their heads, especially the forestry bureau staff who were targeted by all the monkeys. They stood still and did not dare to make any random movements for fear of causing the monkeys to misunderstand. The fire captain watched as the monkey took two steps back, slowly moved outside the supermarket, and reported the situation to his superiors as quickly as possible.

On the premise that the group of monkeys cannot be harmed, the restrictions on them are too large. In order to avoid injury to either the human or the monkeys, the best solution is to find a way to make all the monkeys fall asleep at the same time. Whether you are using a large number of anesthetic needles or releasing anesthetic bombs into supermarkets, you need approval from your superiors and the delivery of weapons.

The fire chief told the situation in detail, but the leaders who heard the report were not surprised at all. They just asked them to wait where they were, and specialized personnel would come to solve the problem.

"The monkey inside has come out?" the fire chief suddenly shouted in surprise and broadcast live to the leader on the other side through the phone.

"The monkey king who commanded the entire group of monkeys jumped off the shelf and was walking out. This monkey's IQ is definitely not low. It didn't follow me out. It kept looking in one direction. What was it looking at?" Firefighter The captain followed the monkey's gaze and saw nothing.

"Zhizhizhi..." The monkey king stood at the door of the supermarket and made a harsh cry, which was particularly clear in the quiet night, with a thinking expression on his face that was almost the same as that of humans.

It is said that humans evolved from monkeys, and they all know that monkeys are smarter than other animals, but when they saw an expression on the monkey's face that looked very human-like, and in such a strange scene, the onlookers could only I felt a chill on my back and subconsciously walked a little further away.

The monkey king seemed to understand something and barked a few times towards the supermarket behind him. The monkeys inside walked out obediently, lined up and got into the car driven by the forestry bureau staff, and opened the car door himself.

Everyone present was shocked by the monkey and didn't know what to do next.

The fire captain was woken up by the voice on the other end of the phone. While explaining the situation, he slowly walked into the vehicle and planned to lock the rear door of the Forestry Bureau vehicle first.

But the monkey king did not enter the car. He stood outside the car and kept telling the monkeys. Before the fire chief walked in, he grabbed the handle and jumped onto the roof of the car. No one could react. , the monkey king jumped from the roof of the car to the security window on the second floor nearby, and then went all the way away from the windows and balconies, and finally disappeared into the night.

That night, I don’t know how many people saw a monkey passing by their windows.

"The Monkey King ran away!"

"Oh my god, this monkey must have become a spirit too."

"Who recorded the scene where the monkey escaped just now? I couldn't even see it. It felt like I just blinked and the monkey disappeared."

Before dawn, topics such as monkeys taking over supermarkets, fighting firefighters, Monkey King Parkour, etc. have become hot topics, and the views of all relevant commentaries are rising rapidly.

People were first shocked by the intelligence displayed by the monkeys, and then some people mentioned in the comments the giant rat that was still popular but not yet, and some mentioned the strange fish caught in the fish pond in their hometown, the dogs that bit the dog dealer, and the people who pecked him blind. There are more and more comments below, so many people realize that something is wrong.

"Actually, it's not just the animals. I feel that something is wrong with the plants. There is a tree on the mountain in my hometown that suddenly grew very tall this year. It has never happened before. This is a comparison photo."

"I remember the news two days ago said that the thousand-year-old trees in the Lanyuan Scenic Area were out of season."

"A large area of ​​trees in the downtown park died. I always thought it was because the weather was too hot and the staff failed to take care of it."

"Is there anyone who doesn't feel like there's something wrong with them?"

"There have been a lot of people sick recently, and the hospital is overcrowded. I couldn't even get a appointment to see a dentist these past two days."

"It feels like the end of the world is coming."

"What? The end is coming. Come here quickly. I don't want to be in this bad class at all. I want the world to be destroyed as soon as possible."

"Beware of the cyber police coming to your door if you talk about the end of the world. They are all psychological hints. Stop thinking nonsense."

Most people don't believe that this is a sign of the end of the world, but they can't help but make it a topic of discussion, and it suddenly spreads on the Internet and even in real life.

The relevant public opinion departments had already made preparations to refute the rumors, and even thought about which experts to invite when the time came. However, they received a notice from their superiors that was contrary to expectations. There is no need to refute rumors, but to guide public opinion in a positive direction and guide people to appropriately store some daily necessities at home.

There won't really be an end of the world, right?

In fact, even the leaders of various countries are not sure.

In the past half month, some abnormal phenomena of animals and plants have appeared all over the world, but more of them occur in wild populations. Many of the news were blocked by the country before it spread, and ordinary people were not aware of it. But in the past week, the stray animals and wild animals living in the city have begun to show strange changes. The plants cannot move, but there are many abnormal growth phenomena.

The country was still discussing ways to deal with such changes. In recent days, the speed of changes has suddenly accelerated, catching them off guard. First, all the top biologists in the country were summoned, and then they tried to control all abnormal animals and plants for preliminary observation and research.

The surge in the number of patients received by all hospitals every day is also a problem that requires great attention. It is not that there are no mutations in humans.

The source of the mutation has not been found, and it is not known whether the speed of the mutation will accelerate again. After many careful discussions, the country decided not to clear up the relevant speculation for the time being, and guided it secretly, trying to prevent people from falling into it. Panic, but also able to make certain preparations.

The newly formulated response plan has been implemented, and all regions have been notified to transport animals that have recently been found to have abnormalities to designated locations, and to carry out air defense at locations where abnormal plants appear.

For a time, the storm was coming and the mountains were full of buildings.

The fire brigade was finally able to send out the rats with fully equipped escape skills. They all described cats as liquids, but they didn't expect that there were rats who had learned this trick and squeezed out through the gaps in the iron cage. Fortunately, the firefighter who fed him reacted quickly and after a lot of trouble, he caught the mouse again and locked it in an airtight iron box.

After the mouse was sent away, the entire fire brigade breathed a sigh of relief. One of the team members saw that the captain was still frowning and comforted: "Captain, I'm still thinking about the escaped monkey king. This matter has been transferred to the police." , as long as the monkey doesn’t hide from surveillance, it will be found.”

"I was wondering what was in the direction that monkey was looking at at that time."

That night, after the monkey disappeared, the captain went to carefully search the location where the monkey was looking, but could not find any clues. But his intuition told him that this matter was very important. Even though the follow-up tasks had been handed over, he was still thinking about it in his heart.

With this trouble, the team leader went to his superiors and submitted an application. The superiors did not think he was fooling around. Instead, they believed him and asked him again. They communicated with the Public Security Bureau and agreed to let him go and participate in the investigation as a party involved.

Sure enough, the Public Security Bureau was playing the surveillance video from that night, trying to find the route the monkey took after it left. They also attached great importance to the clues put forward by the fire chief. They called up all the cameras near the supermarket and analyzed them from all angles. The monkey king's eyes were always fixed on one location, but there was nothing there.

"It's not the same position. The Monkey King's gaze moved slightly." Fortunately, the cameras nowadays are relatively high-definition, and the lights outside the supermarket are bright enough. Experts who specialize in this field noticed something wrong after repeated viewings.

In his mind, he simulated all the possible landing points of the monkey's gaze, and further calculated based on the monkey's height and distance. Finally, the expert walked to the small blackboard, picked up a pen and quickly drew three points on it, and connected two more points. lines.

"This point represents the monkey. During the time it was standing outside, its eyes only stayed in two places, which are the positions pointed by these two lines." The points connected by the two lines are very close, but they are in different places. high.

Seeing that everyone still didn't understand, the expert drew a horizontal line at the bottom of the blackboard, then vertically connected three points with the horizontal line, and continued to explain: "The vertical line of the monkey represents its height, and the other two lines represent The height of the target it is looking at at that time.”

"Are they two objects floating in the air, or are they two people, one tall and one short, that only monkeys can see?" A police girl suddenly had an idea and came up with this idea, and even made further suggestions based on these two heights. Guess, "Guess further, does this height difference look particularly like a father and son?"

When the father and son were mentioned, the same thing came to the minds of all the police officers present.

That strange father and son who set up a stall.

They first appeared in this city. At that time, Guan Yun, who was looking for stall owners to return gifts and caused a heated discussion, lived in their jurisdiction.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan didn't know yet that they were being targeted by the police, and were now sitting on the balcony entertaining a special guest.

The Monkey King, who is causing a heated discussion on the Internet, is squatting obediently in front of them.

Monkeys are smart, and this monkey king is the best among them. When I was in the supermarket, I sensed the powerful aura of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan. I immediately prepared to go to the top of the mountain and give the monkeys to the group of humans to take care of them, and I followed behind.

Wen Zheng originally wanted to help the firefighters catch the monkey, but this monkey king was too aware of current affairs. Wen Zheng also wanted to understand the changes in the world, so ready-made research subjects came to his door on his own initiative, so he deliberately left some traces.

The monkey actually came to the door, which proved that it had an advantage in this disaster.

Wen Zheng circulated his power into the monkey's body, but did not feel any power in the monkey's body. Although there was aura between heaven and earth, it did not stay on the monkey, so Wen Zhengcai was not aware of anything unusual around him unless it was triggered by his understanding of the training method.

The system panel, which had been silent for a long time, popped up and answered Wen Zheng's question.

Final mission: global evolution

World background: All creatures are facing a difficult test without knowing it. Whether it is animals, plants, or humans, only creatures that have successfully evolved can survive, and then in order to redefine their status in the food chain, they can Chaos again...

Mission goal: Survive

Completion reward: Exit the game

Wen Zheng's eyes stayed on the last four words for a long time.

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