Infinite Disaster Survival

263. Chapter 263 Global Evolution-5

These days, there are all kinds of rumors on the Internet. First, there were strange phenomena related to animals and plants in many places in the country. Most people just watched them for fun and it would not affect their lives.

Many people felt that the phenomenon of physical discomfort caused confusion for a period of time, but in the end, the results of the examination showed that there were no new diseases, so it became everyone's psychological effect.

Later, if someone linked related events together and proposed the end of the world, they would only be sneered at and scolded for reading too many fantasy novels.

One day, people saw a piece of news on the Internet that was moved from the Internet. The text on it was that a large number of rats attacked humans and then suddenly died. Experts are investigating the cause. The picture showed that the overwhelming rats occupied most of the streets, including a part of the dark wall. A closer look showed that there were rats crawling on it.

Country Z has been plagued by rats for a long time. After spending a lot of effort to solve the problem, it even proposed an outrageous idea of ​​coexisting with rats. However, before the idea could be implemented, the rats in the whole country were stimulated by something and walked out of the underground and corners to the streets and people's homes, allowing the people of Country Z to experience what it means to coexist with rats in advance.

Before Country Z took action, most of the rats suddenly died strangely, but the surviving rats were still wreaking havoc in the city, and they were even more aggressive and flexible.

When the news was just spread back to the domestic Internet, it was immediately reported by many people as a rumor, but soon the official media in China began to report related content, and they were shocked to find that these were actually true.

Countless people fell into panic after watching the excitement. Will so many rats cause plague? Then they asked the country to cut off related exchanges with Country Z.

However, there was more than one thing that made them panic. Several strange animals appeared on the streets of M country and attacked humans. There were dogs half a person's height and with tusks, "mermaids" with feet growing under their mouths full of sharp teeth, and attractants that could spit out nets. The residents of M country spread the pictures they took to the Internet, and the same doomsday theory was put forward. Soon someone found traces of human intervention in those photos and videos.

It was as if the plot in the movie had come into reality. Crazy scientists and even a special research institute used animals for experiments, and the monsters tortured by the experiments found an opportunity to escape and launched a counterattack against humans.

When the people of M country found out, they were angry and demanded that the country conduct an immediate investigation, and marches were launched everywhere.

But only some countries knew that the experimental animals in M ​​country were not experiments conducted by a certain individual force, but supported by the entire country behind them.

When the world quietly changes, the power of the country is often the first to discover it, but different countries will take different measures. At least China will never adopt such means.

For evolved animals, China first communicates with them and then conducts research using methods that will not harm them. The monkey king, who was previously caught in a cage, finally gained a positive impression after persistent communication with national staff. After the research was completed, he and his tribe were returned to the zoo.

Not long after returning to the zoo, the monkey king quietly left one night. He would come back to visit his tribe every three or four days, and would bring some gifts back every time. This time, no one helped to erase the monkey king's traces. Some surveillance cameras can find the direction in which the monkey king walked. When there is no surveillance, some traces can also be used to infer.

In the end, it was discovered that the monkey king ran to a mountain in the suburbs to occupy territory and even defeated a wild boar. The local villagers were shocked to see a monkey chasing a wild boar with a stick. After the video was posted on the Internet, netizens found that the monkey king was quite handsome and gave him a title called "Little Beautiful Monkey King", following the title of the Great Sage.

However, before the popularity of this video rose, a more shocking news exploded the popularity as soon as it appeared.

On the coastline of an island country not far away, a huge mutant octopus appeared. It had scales on its head, and a dozen long tentacles with knots similar to eyes. The tops of the tentacles could spray black and corrosive mucus.

The fishermen who encountered this monster went crazy on the spot. They either ran away as fast as possible or knelt down to pray for the gods' protection. In the end, most of those who knelt down to pray were injured by the indiscriminate mucus sprayed. Some of those who ran away at the first time survived.

Not only did the mutant octopus appear there, but there was also black kelp, which would cause a burning sensation after being eaten.

When the news reached China, people fell into panic. Once was accidental, twice was something some countries did not dare to do, but three or four times was different. In addition, there were some rumors in their own country. Even if there were no large-scale animal attacks in the country and no mutant monsters, they still couldn't help panicking.

After half a day of spreading the doomsday talk on the Internet, the related topics were not banned, and the official accounts began to continuously publish popular science explanations of various animals and plants, homemade tools, epidemic stockpiling guides and other "doomsday survival materials", and no one dared not to touch them.

When everyone put down everything at hand and rushed to the supermarket to buy, the traffic police, armed police, urban management and other personnel who had received the notice were waiting and trying their best to maintain social order.

Wen Zheng saw the mutant monster that appeared in a certain island country at home and shook his head speechlessly.

Except for the Monkey King, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan have traveled all over the country these days and conducted a careful study of evolved creatures. This kind of evolution is more like a change at the genetic level. The wisdom of animals and plants has been improved to a certain extent, and some characteristics of their bodies have been enhanced. All animals or plants that have successfully evolved are changing in a good direction.

The disasters in this world have not added any points to the direction of mutation. The strange animals in the M country come from human experimental interference. The mutant octopus and mutant kelp in the island country can only be said to be related to the process of evolution and the environment. How can such a heavily polluted environment evolve normally?

"Squeak." The familiar monkey cry appeared on the balcony again.

Before Wen Zheng and Tuantuan made any move, Grandpa Wen took the initiative to walk out of the kitchen and said with a smile: "Gohan is here."

The Monkey King remembered the location of Wen Zheng's house. After being released by the country, he found an opportunity to run to Wen Zheng's house and brought a gift, a fruit picked from an evolved plant.

Facing a polite monkey who would bring gifts to visit, Wen Zheng couldn't say anything to refuse, especially since the monkey also took a stick as a weapon, which reminded him of his childhood idol Sun Wukong. Which child didn't like monkeys when he was young?

That day, the Monkey King came and ran into Grandpa Wen. This clever monkey immediately identified who had the most say in the family. He first bowed to Grandpa Wen, gave him freshly picked berries, and helped Grandpa Wen water the fruits and vegetables planted on the balcony to pick insects.

Grandpa Wen liked the Monkey King very much. Not only did he give him a lot of food to take away, but he also asked the monkey to come over often in the future. When the monkey left, he was so happy that he almost flew.

Since Grandpa Wen was happy, Wen Zheng helped the Monkey King clear the surveillance, and gave him a prop purchased in the system store, asking him to bring it every time he came to block the surveillance tracking. Although it will be discovered by the country sooner or later, it is not the time yet.

The Monkey King didn't come to visit often, but he would have a little more wound on his body every time, and he would bring gifts. Grandpa Wen felt a little soft-hearted, and he took a lot of things away for him. The Monkey King also watched a few episodes of Journey to the West at Wen Zheng's house, and then he gestured to Grandpa Wen and Wen Zheng, wanting to give himself a name.

Since the monkey has human wisdom, it is up to him to decide what to call him. The Monkey King watched TV and then looked at the food on the table. He admired the Monkey King on TV and liked the food on the table. After some thought, he decided that his name would be Sun Wuhan.

Tuan Tuan was a little unhappy when he heard that the Monkey King wanted to name him at first, but it didn't matter that Grandpa Wen and Wen Zheng named him, but he thought of a name himself.

Sun Wuhan is not a new member of the family, but just a guest who comes to visit occasionally. The main reason is that Grandpa Wen likes this monkey more, and Dad just likes Sun Wukong, and whether it is the great grandfather or Dad, he will always be the favorite.

Tuantuan's appearance has not grown much, but he has experienced many worlds with his father, so he naturally cannot sit idle during this disaster. The Monkey King is fighting for territory every day, and he has seized a "Flower and Fruit Mountain" in advance. He disdains to occupy only that small piece of territory. If he wants to do business, he will command all the birds in the country.

Wen Zheng is not idle at home either. He has been studying the mechanism of evolution for a while. Although he has not figured out the reason for evolution, he has been able to determine that he and Tuantuan will not evolve again. Their bodies have reached the extreme after long-term practice.

Although Grandpa Wen has not practiced, he has the nourishment of spiritual energy, and his body is healthier than ordinary people. Even if he evolves, the effect will not be too obvious, and there is no possibility of failure.

Other people's evolution may go wrong, causing death, but large-scale evolution has not yet arrived, so it has not attracted everyone's attention.

And this day came faster than many people expected.

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