Infinite Disaster Survival

267. Chapter 267 Global Evolution-9

After entering the area where high-rise buildings can be seen, many traces of human activities can be seen.

The obstacles on the road ahead are various plants and various scrapped vehicles. There are no traces of human activities around the vehicles. Before getting close, you can vaguely see that it has been occupied by various evolved animals and plants.

Going further inside, the streets are lined with the doors of various shops. The doors and windows of the first floor are basically broken. There are no mutant animals and plants in several shops. After observing that it is relatively safe inside, they went in to check the situation. There are traces of blood and fighting.

In each store, most of the edible things were swept away, and the packaging bags were thrown all over the floor. Some foods such as rice, flour, and seasonings that animals and plants don’t like are still preserved. Knives, iron racks and other items are still left in different corners. All are collected and loaded into the car.

Going further in from the edge of the city, the road became much smoother. The number of mutant animals and plants living in the city is far less than that in the wild, until they heard the sound of animals again. The vehicle stopped, but the unknown animal had already caught the sound of the vehicle and walked towards them.

Everyone raised their weapons to be alert to the approaching animals. Two big dogs rushed out from the cover of the trees. The people in the car were originally tense, but after seeing the appearance of the dogs, their arms holding weapons naturally relaxed, because the two dogs were wearing special uniforms.

Those were two police dogs.

A man who was not wearing a police uniform but still had a police badge appeared behind the two police dogs. When he saw them, a smile appeared on his face: "Since we received the news from the base, we have been waiting for your arrival. Thank you for your hard work along the way."

On the way, the two police dogs led the way in front, and the police officer Lin Xia sat in the car and briefly introduced the current situation to them.

During the days of the evolutionary outbreak, the residents in the city suffered heavy casualties, among which the police station had the least number of deaths. It may be related to everyone's physique. The probability of the police failing and dying in the evolution process is only one level. And the police dogs that evolved first still maintained their closeness to humans before evolution. Before they woke up, they protected the police station from attacks by animals and plants.

Most of the police officers who were protected by police dogs survived. They rescued ordinary residents as much as possible, cleared the surrounding threats, and collected all possible supplies. At the beginning, with the help of police dogs and the police reserve firepower, everything went very smoothly.

But as the number of rescue personnel increased, the difficulty of protection increased, and more powerful evolved animals gradually came to the city, gathered around, and hunted humans or other animals for food from time to time. They were trapped in the city. Not only did they have to fight with the evolved animals and plants that preyed on them every day, but they also had to collect supplies that were constantly consumed every day.

"Our satellite communication device was damaged later, and we were unable to inform you of the subsequent changes. These days we have tried to expand the scope of searching for supplies. One of the reasons is that we want to see if you have arrived, and work together inside and outside to open up a passage to the outside world."

Lin Xia was a little excited. He didn't expect that the reinforcements would enter the city smoothly. Before he could further ask how the reinforcements came in, the vehicle had already arrived at the nearest safe zone under the leadership of the police dog.

In front of us is a large supermarket in the city. All the entrances and walls that are in contact with the outside world are tightly surrounded by iron sheets. There are also sharp steel bars outside that are pointed out. When the vehicle approaches, someone can feel the sight from the upper floor. Two police dogs bark happily. Lin Xia directly shows his face from the car window and gestures upward.

The iron fence opens a passage large enough for vehicles to enter. When the vehicle approaches, it can be seen that in addition to the iron sheets, many places are reinforced with concrete. There are many traps set around, and these are placed outside. The personnel with enhanced perception can feel that there are eyes and weapons staring at the surroundings, and the defense is extremely tight.

"It is impossible to defend like this. This is a lesson learned at the cost of life." Lin Xia smiled bitterly and led them to drive the vehicle directly into the first floor.

The population of the city is huge. Although about 50% of them died the day before the evolution, it is still a huge number. The entire urban area is currently divided into six safe areas. The number of people in each area is about to exceed the capacity of the reserve. Living, food and the dangers encountered every time they go out make everyone full of fear and confusion about the future.

Nowadays, it is impossible to pay attention to living conditions. It is good to be able to sleep in the car.

The people who stayed in the reserve and did not collect supplies heard the movement and took a look. When they saw the military logo on the incoming vehicle, everyone who got out of the car was carrying weapons. The temperament was very familiar, and they were excited and even couldn't help crying.

They knew that these were the people's soldiers, just like the police, who came to protect them. The excitement was uncontrollable, but he did not make any extreme actions. He watched Lin Xia take them upstairs in silence, but the sadness on his face finally subsided, and the light in his tired eyes lit up again.

The rescue team sent out this time is composed of the surviving personnel of a battalion and dozens of special personnel. The team leader Yuan Gangyi is the battalion commander. Most of the personnel stayed in the car. Yuan Gangyi took the special team that knew the most about evolution upstairs to meet the temporary district chief of the safe zone here.

The district chief opened the door to handle the affairs in the base. After hearing the sound of them going upstairs, he quickly solved the work at hand and walked out to greet them.

Special situations do not require useless greetings. After a simple two sentences to introduce each other's identities, they began to discuss the current situation and the next arrangements.

The district chief first asked Captain Yuan with concern: "I see that the direction you entered the city is the territory of the wolf pack. How did you break through their encirclement and come in? What is the casualty situation? We have transformed the fifth floor into a temporary hospital to deal with some injuries. If the situation is serious, there is another safe zone in the city center hospital."

"The casualties are not bad. Two people died and there are many injured people. They have all been treated urgently. But I still trouble you to arrange for them to go to the fifth floor for further treatment." Captain Yuan said.

It has only been a week since we set out from the military camp. Although the situation in the city is difficult, it is still under control. The two known safe zones are well located. There are a lot of supplies in the large supermarkets, the space is large, and the building pattern itself is suitable for further reinforcement.

Not to mention the hospital, the various medicines and medical equipment in it are extremely precious. It would be a pity if they were destroyed by mutant animals and plants. The hospital is also large in area, and the inpatient department has a large number of rooms suitable for living. In addition, the area around the hospital is often quite lively, and various shops can collect a large amount of supplies.

The district chief also admired and was curious about the rescue team. While sighing, he asked: "The wolves wandering outside the city are very difficult to deal with, especially the head wolf, whose wisdom can be compared with that of an adult. He led the wolf pack to avoid the traps we set. The evolution in speed is too difficult to deal with. We tried to encircle and suppress them several times, but suffered heavy casualties and had to give up. But they have been blocking the road. I wonder how you broke through the siege of the wolf pack?"

"We solved all the wolves." Captain Yuan said, causing the district chief and other personnel to be amazed.

Captain Yuan briefly recounted the process of solving the problem. The key to their success was to take out a bait that the wolves could not refuse, so as to lure the wolves into the trap and attack at the same time, thus gaining the upper hand.

The district chief and others wanted to ask about all the details of eliminating the wolves, but they could not be informed of the bait. Captain Yuan skipped this aspect when he was telling the story, and the district chief regretted that he would not continue to ask.

The alarm clock in the office rang, and the district chief briefly explained to them that this was the time for the search team to return. Animals are more active at night, and the dark vision will hinder human activities to some extent, so they organize the team to go out after dawn and return before dusk.

Vehicles returned to the reserve one after another, and the sound also alarmed many evolved animals and plants. Some teams would return with angry evolved animals, so the reserve must strengthen its vigilance at this time every night to repel those evolved animals and plants that tried to break in.

Captain Yuan naturally would not stand upstairs and watch. After contacting the soldiers who stayed downstairs, the rescue army and the guard team of the reserve fought together. During the battle, everyone's evolutionary abilities can be clearly seen. In addition to the evolution of enhanced forms, some people have shown different evolutionary abilities.

Reducing the sense of presence, nails growing and sharp like blades, controlling metal to deform, and the sound can confuse animals for a short time. These are the abilities that have appeared in recent years, and they are still slowly increasing, just like they are far from the end of evolution.

With the army joining in, the pressure of the battle on this day was greatly reduced. Before the battle lasted half of the usual time, the mutant animals found that the human attack today was a bit too fierce, and they all chose to retreat wisely.

The battle gradually stopped, and after the perception evolutionists determined that there was no danger around, they sent people to clean up the battlefield. The mutant animal corpses left on the ground will attract more animals and plants. After the animal corpses are brought back, they will be handed over to the logistics personnel for processing and storage as reserve food.

Although a large part of these animals may have eaten humans, when there is no food and they have to eat these reserve food, no one will care about these.

After the battle in the evening, it means that except for the duty personnel who patrol and guard at night, the rest of the people can rest. We went to the restaurant on the second floor for dinner. The dinner was very simple. Everyone had their own share. There were more people who went out to search for supplies and participate in the battle, and the logistics personnel who stayed at the base had less. Most of the staple food was grains, and the dishes were stewed in a big pot. Basically, they were produced before the disaster and have been preserved until now. Meat was extremely scarce. The leaves of vegetables looked like some evolved plants. They were edible and proved to be non-toxic, but the taste was not very good.

After dinner, Captain Yuan and his team went to the district chief's office again. This time they had enough time to sit down and have a good discussion.

Then, they saw the district chief brought a map.

Six green circles marked the location of the safe zone, and a bright red circle circled a small community.

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