Infinite Disaster Survival

270. Chapter 270 Global Evolution-12

The next morning, Li Siyuan woke up from a sleep full of happiness and found that he had rarely slept well and was in a particularly happy mood.

After he walked out of the bedroom door, he saw his parents whispering something. When they saw him, they waved and called him over with an uneasy look on their faces. Then they told him that several families had made a fuss after getting up today, crying and calling home. The people inside suddenly disappeared. Speaking of this, Mother Li carefully looked at the room where Grandpa Li was, and whispered to Li Siyuan: "They are all the people who expressed dissatisfaction over there before."

That side naturally refers to the Wen family.

Li Siyuan's remaining sleepiness disappeared without a trace in the words of his parents. His mind was filled with the idea that Wen Zheng or Wen Ling had solved the problem last night. When he reminded him last night, he just thought that they would at most teach the group a lesson. , I didn’t expect to do it so quickly,

"Siyuan, it's better to have less contact with that place in the future. I'll find a chance to talk to your grandfather as well." Father Li patted his son on the shoulder with a heavy expression.

For breakfast, I did not use the ingredients I brought back from the Wen family in the morning and evening. I cooked the few millet porridge at home and the edible wild vegetables dug from outside the door. Li Siyuan couldn't even eat when he thought about the news his parents told him. He barely finished the bowl of thin millet porridge and stared at the empty bowl in shock.

"It's good to be able to survive in this world." Li Siyuan suddenly uttered these words, got up and got the ingredients he brought back from the Wen family, went to the kitchen to stir-fry a plate of vegetables, and heated up some steamed buns. When the meal was ready, After the aroma came out, he no longer had any worries. He divided some of it to eat and drink until he was satisfied, and put the rest in the kitchen for anyone who wanted to eat.

After eating and drinking, his whole body relaxed. Li Siyuan took out the equipment he had prepared these days and was ready to go out: "Mom and Dad, the time I agreed with them to go out is here. If everything goes well, we will go out before the sun sets." Will come back.”

Li's father and Li's mother wanted to dissuade him but were speechless. They could only watch their son go out worriedly.

The agreed people gathered together in the community square. They are all young people in their twenties. They have a relatively open mind and their physical fitness will be easier to improve with more exercise. When Li Siyuan walked over with a bow and arrow on his back, he heard Wu Niannian, a girl with her evolved dog, shouting angrily: "...What do you mean, you have to wait until someone hurts you before you fight back? Don't give it to me. What’s the point of mentioning laws? The world has become like this. Are laws still useful?”

"Don't you have any guesses as to why the animals and plants in the community don't take the initiative to attack us? You all know the information collected intermittently by the radios of several old men, so they won't stand here until they have to go out. The world has already It's changed, don't be naive." Wu Niannian glanced at the two men opposite her with disdain, and the dog beside her even growled angrily.

After venting her anger, Wu Niannian turned around and saw Li Siyuan coming. She glanced over and asked, "You don't have the same idea as them, do you?"

"No, of course not." Li Siyuan smiled awkwardly, not daring to recall the brief silence at home. He quickly counted the number of people present and made sure that everyone was present. He was actually the last one to arrive. He once again recounted the plan he had made before and the details that needed to be paid attention to on the way to ensure that everyone knew it.

Li Siyuan's voice gradually became quieter as he talked. He could accept the looks from his teammates, but he couldn't accept the looks from behind. Even though he knew they wouldn't attack suddenly, he still felt like he was being looked at like food. He said angrily: "Let's talk about the rest while walking."

The others hurriedly agreed, but Li Siyuan still had his back turned, and they directly looked at the animals appraisingly. On the way to the gate of the community, they arranged the rest of the plan. The journey was uneventful, and they immediately became alert when they arrived at the gate of the community.

Although what they got from the radio was only incomplete content, the content gave them a general understanding of the situation outside, which was very dangerous. It is estimated that those people were afraid to go out to look for supplies, and they were greedy for the life of the Wen family and underestimated the talents of the Wen family. Go find death.

The vines wrapped around the gate of the community automatically loosened when they approached. Li Siyuan carefully opened the door, and the gate made a creaking sound. Four cats and dogs who were willing to follow their owners walked at the front to clear the way. The rest of the people lined up in two lines and paid attention to the surroundings. .

Before they had walked a few steps, someone let out a scream. The others were trembling with fright. They raised the weapons in their hands, but found that there was nothing. They couldn't help complaining: "What are you screaming for!"

\\It's just that the plant got tangled in the leg, it's nothing serious. \\After the man who had just shouted explained, he bent down and touched his calf. There was nothing different about him. He tightened the somewhat loose leggings and took off his helmet to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He wore summer long-sleeved trousers and tightly wrapped his wrists and ankles. Now his clothes were covered in sweat. He didn't know how they could bear it while wearing a thick autumn coat.

"Woof woof woof!" The two dogs in front barked suddenly, and the two cats jumped directly onto the tree.

Everyone quickly raised their weapons, and without even looking, they saw a swarm of locusts half the size of a palm flying towards them.

Li Siyuan took out a crossbow from his back, and predicted the trajectory of the arrow at a glance. His right hand naturally adjusted the position, and the arrow was fired, piercing the bodies of three locusts. Wu Niannian swung the kitchen knife vigorously under the protection of the dog, and the boy who sensed the wind direction quickly avoided the locusts' attacks, hitting the locusts' wings with every blow.

Some people also raised their shields made of pot lids and other materials in fear to block them in front of them. The flying locusts were blocked by shields and helmets, but there was always a place that was not blocked, and the sharp fangs bit hard and directly penetrated the thick clothes. The bitten man screamed sharply, slapped the bitten part with his right hand quickly, and rushed directly to the position of his companions.

"What are you doing!" The teammate's attack rhythm was directly disrupted. He gritted his teeth and wanted to help, but the locusts had already flown in front of him. More and more locusts stayed on the bitten boy's body. He still did not resist but kept running around for help. Finally, the cat on the tree jumped down and scratched the locusts with its claws, which aggravated the boy's injury.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, the bodies of locusts fell all around. The remaining locusts did not get any benefits and slowly flew away. This fledgling team was on guard for a few minutes before relaxing slightly. Li Siyuan arranged some people to be on guard, and the other part helped each other clean up the situation on their bodies and exchanged them later.

Li Siyuan arranged himself in the second wave of people. He first used arrows to deal with the locusts on his arms and legs that he could not avoid, but he could not reach his back. Wu Niannian came over, took the arrow from his hand, and turned to his back: "Let me help you deal with it."

The positions where the locusts were removed left deep or shallow wounds depending on the thickness of the clothes, and there was also a pain that was constantly transmitted to the mind. The boy who was bitten the hardest couldn't stop crying. Several pieces of his flesh were eaten by locusts. He was still cursing why they watched him get bitten without helping.

"Why didn't you execute the plan you repeated on the way? You were wearing summer clothes and didn't take good protection. You didn't dare to fight the locusts and you blamed others for being bitten. You don't have any responsibility." Wu Niannian complained, and was even more dissatisfied with the man who had said bad things about the Wen family in the morning. He bent down to pick up the dead locusts on the ground and put them in the backpack behind him.

"These locusts eat human flesh!" The seriously injured man shouted, and he felt cold all over when he thought that the locusts that ate his flesh were eaten by others.

"It's okay if it's handled well. At least the locust meat is not real human flesh." Li Siyuan said, picking up the locusts on the ground as well.

In the end, three people in their team of ten didn't pick up the locusts, and they wanted to retreat and return to the community. After discussing, Li Siyuan and his team decided to continue exploring for a while. The three people didn't dare to return by themselves, so they could only follow and hide at the end of the team.

"Be careful!" Li Siyuan reminded the team members, and then they noticed that there was a pile of white eggs the size of normal eggs in the mud covered by the grass in front. If Li Siyuan hadn't reminded them, they would have stepped on them if they walked over.

This was still a barely normal-looking food, and neither the cats nor the dogs had any warnings, proving that there was no danger around for the time being.

Wu Niannian remembered that she had seen similar eggs on the Internet before, and was trying to recall them, when the three people hiding at the back suddenly jumped out, ran to the front, picked up the eggs and wanted to put them in their pockets, saying, "We all agreed that all the harvests would be distributed equally. You just picked up so many locusts, and these eggs should belong to..."

Such completely shameless words stopped abruptly, because the three people who were picking up eggs found something wrong, and tried to shake their hands but still couldn't find them, and said angrily, "What the hell is this! Why can't it come off after it sticks to my hands!"

As he said this, the boy, who became more and more irritable because of the pain of the wound, aimed at the trees not far away, ready to smash the eggs stuck in his hands directly. But just as he was about to step out, he felt a sticky force under his feet. The man, who was not prepared at all, lost his balance and fell on his back.

Someone reacted faster and kicked him when he fell, so he didn't crush the eggs and fell to the side.

"These should be snail eggs. They must have mutated, but I remember that they are edible." Wu Niannian remembered the type of eggs through the mucus. Even if they can't be eaten, this viscosity can be used in many places.

Ignoring the scolding of the people who were stuck, Li Siyuan and others picked leaves that were wide enough, spread them on the mucus, and wrapped the snail eggs tightly and put them in the backpack. After struggling hard, the three people who were stuck were covered with mud, stones, leaves, etc. under their feet. They could walk normally, but they still didn't want to smash the eggs stuck to their palms. After so much trouble, they only got this little bit.

The road was not easy to walk on, the things stuck on the soles of the shoes slowed down the speed, and the wounds on the body became more serious when they fell. The three people strongly demanded to return to the community. After discussion, Li Siyuan and others decided to send them back first before coming out, otherwise they would not be of any help. They could not leave these three people outside for the time being.

So, they returned to the original way before they walked a little way.

But when they walked outside the community, the gate was not opened, and the vines wrapped around the gate directly rolled up the most seriously injured person.

Li Siyuan clenched the crossbow in his hand, wondering if the smell of blood induced the appetite of the evolved plant. Should he take action, but he couldn't deal with this plant.

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