Infinite Disaster Survival

280. Chapter 280 Global Evolution-22

The semi-monthly delicacies finally came out today. All those who had accumulated enough contribution points came to the restaurant early, and most of those who had not accumulated enough chose to come and watch the fun, which also motivated themselves to continue working hard and provided materials for their dreams.

Those who were qualified to specify dishes could go to the private room upstairs, but sitting in the private room was meaningless, and they could not enjoy everyone's admiring eyes at all. The whole team said that they would eat downstairs, so the most central position belonged to them.

The dishes exchanged for contribution points were not the portions for tasting. The dishes with color, fragrance and taste were served on the table on normal-sized plates. It was not an exaggeration to say that they almost drooled. Those who had the food that day were satisfied and planned to continue working hard next time. Those who did not have the food were very envious and decided to strive for it next time.

The bold attempt of the school reserve achieved better results than expected. After eating, the group of people who had eaten some delicious food through their own efforts walked around the reserve for a day. Those who were good at speaking used all the words in their minds to describe the food they had eaten, and those who were not good at speaking touched their round stomachs, which won them countless envious eyes and saliva on the ground.

Not only did they talk about it in the college, but they also boasted to other reserves when they went out to search for supplies. As a result, those who confirmed that the news was true directly moved to the college reserve with their families, and the competition in the second half of the month became more intense.

You must know that the output of food is limited, so the contribution points released each month are also limited. Now it is more difficult to grab enough contribution points for a meal.

Those who couldn't control their mouths and showed off outside regretted it, and they were almost beaten by others.

All the major protected areas are getting back on track. Captain Yuan finally led the team to visit the mutant monkeys in the mountains and forests in the suburbs. On the way, they also killed a lot of mutant animals and plants as gifts. With the previous friendship, the monkeys were on guard against them, but with the friendly attitude of the monkey king, the two sides could still live in peace.

After many meetings and discussions, the leaders of this city decided to establish diplomatic relations with some evolved animals and plants that are friendly to humans, and jointly resist those dangerous existences. The monkey king is their first step.

The monkey king is smart. He can't speak human language but can understand it. Through the pitch of the voice and the movement of the body, the two sides continued to talk. When it was time for the rebate, the cooking team brought by Captain Yuan was ready to show their skills. As a result, the monkeys also learned to cook. They can not only grill meat and cook soup, but also make beggar chicken.

But what surprised them was not only these. When the barbecue was almost done, the monkey took a bamboo tube from behind and sprinkled a little on it, and the fragrance became more complex and more tempting.

A leopard cat suddenly rushed out of the dense forest. Captain Yuan and his men quickly raised their weapons, but they did not attack because they noticed that the monkeys did not move. Seeing that the leopard cat, which should have been a natural enemy, was tamed by the monkeys with barbecue, they became more curious about what the secret seasonings were.

After carefully observing that the monkeys and leopard cats were fine after eating the barbecue, Captain Yuan nodded and let some people try it. Guan Yun, who sensed that there was no problem, was the first to pick up the chopsticks. After tasting the flavor, she strongly hinted that the magical seasoning should be added to the cooperation.

However, she always had an inexplicable feeling after coming here. When she heard Captain Yuan asking about the seasonings, her premonition became stronger and stronger. It was not until the monkeys said that these seasonings were ground into powder from various mushrooms, and the specific formula was taught by the Wen family that Guan Yun suddenly understood.

It turned out that the Wen family came here first after leaving the restricted area. Taking the opportunity of eating, they talked more with the Monkey King about the situation of the Wen family. When they knew that they were mainly here for fun and had built three tree houses on the mountain, they decisively asked to visit after dinner. When I learned that the Wen family had just left, I regretted not coming here earlier. Now I have completely missed it.

"You mean they left in a flying car?" Guan Yun was surprised while holding a little monkey, and the little monkey nodded.

After successfully establishing cooperation with the Monkey King, they can return to the military base through the road under the Flower and Fruit Mountain, or get in touch with the rest of the city.

In addition to being happy, the fog on the Wen family became heavier in the minds of Captain Yuan and others. Guan Yun's premonition ability, which was improved a lot through meditation, lost its effectiveness when targeting the Wen family. When I went back to report the situation, the official temporarily classified the information of the Wen family as top secret, and decided to treat them as friendly, not hostile.

About three months later, Captain Yuan returned to the military base with his team, but learned that it was not because the satellite communication equipment in the urban area was damaged, but because the gradual change of the magnetic field not long after they set out had made it impossible for them to use limited equipment to connect to the satellite, and long-distance communication was cut off, which might not be restored within a few years.

Fortunately, almost all the information that might be needed next time has been stored in case of problems. Human beings have come from nothing to something, and now they are just walking along the road they have walked before.

Half a year later, the second generation of Hope Seeds was successfully cultivated, and the tea donated by the Wen family also helped the experts to research energy potions, not to mention the meditation method that everyone has to practice every day. The food increased everyone's enthusiasm, and the meditation method and potion enhanced the combat effectiveness, and a large amount of supplies were collected for each protected area.

When the disaster first came, people could only live in the original buildings, but many places were pierced by trees, and the sunlight was blocked by overlapping leaves. Later, the personnel in the reserve called for the construction of wooden houses. The ability of human evolution enables them to complete this task without the help of electricity.

Houses are built on trees one by one. If someone has the friendship of the monkeys and is lucky enough to visit the holy land of Huaguo Mountain, they will find that these tree houses are similar in style to the tree houses in the holy land.

The solar panels built on the roofs of the houses destroyed the quaint style and looked much uglier, but no one objected, because when the solar panels were put into use, they finally had electricity to use. Soon some small electrical appliances with low power consumption appeared in everyone's lives, and mobile phones with local storage of TV series and movie resources became a hot spot for trading.

In the past six months, the surviving humans have walked through almost the entire urban area. Of course, some dangerous places were just entered and quickly escaped. There are also evolved plants and animals that have established cooperative relationships with humans. There are some areas that are generally not allowed to be entered by humans, but a few people who have evolved animal affinity have also set foot there.

The only place that could not be entered was the legendary restricted area.

The official did not announce the existence of the restricted area at first, but everyone who broke into it intentionally or unintentionally would realize that there are always people outside of them. They were simply vulnerable in front of those powerful evolved animals and plants. Even if they wanted to fly up to the sky to take a look at the situation inside, they would be attacked by all the evolved birds around.

The official mentioned the word "restricted area" at one time, tacitly acknowledging the existence of such a mysterious place.

The more mysterious a person is, the more curious he will be. Anyone who intends to explore will basically be injured, and each time it will be more serious. A mysterious and powerful existence will instead cause everyone to fear. The restricted area has become a topic of discussion late at night. Many people are curious about what is inside, why there are so many evolved animals and plants, and whether it is the source of this evolution.

In a tavern that opened not long ago in the tree house complex of the reserve, people are surging inside, and everyone has drinks of various colors in their hands. This is the first tavern opened in the city since the disaster. Although the name says tavern, the wine they buy is very good. There is not much grain to make wine now, and most of them are non-toxic and unique plant juices.

Even if they are not drinking wine, in this environment, they have tasted various flavors of drinks, and everyone's interest in conversation has increased a lot. There are a lot of gossips in this tavern. There are not only residents of the city, but also teams from nearby cities and even farther places. They are curious to know more about the local situation. As they chat, they talk about the legendary forbidden area.

There is no source, but there used to be a big boss who made those evolved animals and plants fearful. Li Siyuan answered silently in his heart while drinking the newly researched grass juice drink.

"I'm telling you, add a portion of jumping fruit juice to this grass juice, and it will taste like a carbonated drink before the disaster. Damn, I've forgotten what Coke and Sprite taste like." The man next to him patted Li Siyuan's arm and continued to talk about the restricted area, "I heard someone say yesterday that a meteorite fell into the restricted area before the disaster."

"Really?" Li Siyuan recovered and reached out for a portion of jumping fruit.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but the guy took out a photo, and I recognized it as a scene from an old movie." The man toasted Li Siyuan for his good memory.

Li Siyuan took a sip of grass juice with jumping fruit, which was far from real Coke. He and his teammates shared a bottle of Coke two months ago. It was the last stock in the community supermarket. He still remembered the taste, but the taste was indeed much better than pure grass juice.

Listening to the chatterbox collaborator still talking about the fake forbidden areas, Li Siyuan still sat in his seat, reciting many pleasant transactions, and skillfully used words to deal with occasional inquiries, but his thoughts drifted far away.

In the more than a year since the Wen family left, most of the residents in the community have left the community. With the help of Li Siyuan and the officials, they have successfully become a team that travels between various protected areas and trades resources. They will not be discovered if they go back from time to time.

They did not tell the fact that they came from the forbidden area outside. The troublemakers had been dealt with when the Wen family was still there. The rest of the people just wanted to live a good life. The Wen family's residual power was still there, and the evolved animals and plants in the community could not afford to provoke them. Telling these news meant the arrival of big trouble.

It's just that the big guys who once said they would come back have not come back in the past year and a half. Li Siyuan is not for their safety. He believes that the big guys can completely solve it with their abilities. It's just that recently several people in the team felt that someone was paying attention to them.

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