Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 29 Chapter 29

Looking at the thick work clothes, leather boots and thick gloves worn by Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu, Wen Zheng looked down at the ordinary long coat and trousers he hastily put on.

In terms of defense, he completely lost.

He took two steps back to avoid the shovels and hoes in the hands of the two grandfathers. The time spent polishing from time to time was not wasted. The reflected light was a bit dazzling at this moment.

The opponent had weapon bonuses, and the attack power was also inferior.

Not to mention the speed of rescue.

Grandpa Li saw that Wen Zheng was in good condition and did not plan to stay here for long. He said in a deep voice: "Xiao Zheng, you stay at home and block the door from the inside. Your Grandpa Liu and I will go to see the situation of other neighbors."

"I will go too."

Wen Zheng shouted immediately, ran back to the house and searched as quickly as possible, and successfully found a tree-cutting axe according to his memory.

"I can take you there, but you have to stay behind us. Do you see those ghost things outside? If you encounter them, don't be afraid. If you dare to get close, just chop them with an axe. These are monsters, not the people you know." Grandpa Li sighed and warned.

"I think these things are similar to the zombies that were passed down before. Anyway, be careful and don't get scratched or bitten." Grandpa Liu added.

Although the two grandfathers are old and may not understand what zombies are like young people, their life experience is enough for them to judge the situation.

The two grandfathers protected Wen Zheng behind them and walked to another nearby house.

This community was built by a nearby factory for employees many years ago. Later, the factory closed down and the houses were used to offset the wages owed to employees. The residents in the community are basically employees of that factory.

The land in the suburbs is not valuable, not to mention the land decades ago. All the houses in the community are single-story, single-family, red brick bungalows. When they were just built, they were quite popular.

Before the factory closed down, this residential area was full of people, and that was the busiest time for this community.

But after the factory closed down, people had to go out to find jobs to make a living, and more and more people left, and more people never came back after leaving.

This old and dilapidated community was gradually abandoned by the times. In the end, there were only more than 30 families still living here, and most of them were left-behind elderly people with children, lonely and desolate.

There were less than 60 people in these 30 families. After the mutation, how many people were left without turning into zombies, and how many people were attacked by zombies.

The dilapidated community was deserted, and there were about seven or eight zombies wandering around in the visible area, staggering towards the three living people.

The newly mutated zombies did not seem to have much attack power, let alone wisdom, and they moved towards the food by instinct.

"Let's go, let's avoid them first."

We should be thankful that there are not many people living here, the number of zombies is not large, and the abandoned houses around can easily be transformed into obstacles to block zombies.

If Wen Zheng was alone, he would have dealt with the zombies first to prevent a worse situation from happening later. However, since he was following the two grandfathers, he had to follow their orders.

He had just used the door that was about to fall to block the zombies' steps and was about to pass through the yard of the abandoned house when a terrified scream came from a house not far ahead, followed by the sound of a young girl crying.

Amid the unpleasant roars of the zombies, the voices of normal humans were particularly easy to distinguish.

The faces of the three people changed at the same time. Grandpa Li, who knew the residents of the community well, immediately identified the source of the sound: "It's Sister Shuying and her little granddaughter!"

Before the words fell, Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu turned around tacitly. Grandpa Liu opened the door. At the moment when the zombie just rushed in, Grandpa Liu, who was missing his right arm, raised his left hand and smashed the zombie's neck with a sharp axe.

With a click, the skull of the male zombie drooped down and his whole body fell to the ground. It was obvious that his neck was directly broken.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Wen Zheng couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"Xiao Zheng, follow closely."

When the surviving neighbors were in danger, the two old men didn't intend to waste time and ran directly in the direction of the sound.

Although Grandpa Li's legs were a little lame due to previous injuries, he ran at a fast pace. Wen Zheng had to speed up to keep up.

After not taking a detour, he had to face the zombies running on. The two old men did not retreat at all. The farm tools made of solid wood and steel became the most handy weapons in their hands.

A hoe fell down, and a zombie fell down. A shovel fell down, and another zombie fell down.

At first, Wen Zheng was worried about the two grandfathers, always paying attention to the actions of the zombies, ready to make up for the knife and save people at any time. Later, he knew that he could throw away his worries. Once the two old men showed their power, no zombies could resist.

Easily get rid of the zombies wandering on the road. The three people could see that outside the house where the girl's crying came from, there were five zombies lying on the door and windows, constantly knocking and colliding with their bodies, trying to break in.

As soon as Wen Zheng and the others came over, the two people in the house, who were overwhelmed by the fresh breath of three living people, began to run towards them again.

"Xiao Zheng, find a place to hide." Grandpa Liu's first reaction was to protect the child. He watched Wen Zheng, who had just grown up, still be in the range of children.

No matter how powerful the two old men were, they were old and their bodies were still imperfect. Seeing that they were about to face five zombies, if Wen Zheng hid, his conscience would definitely hurt.

The right arm holding the axe handle was raised back, aiming at the target and swinging hard, the axe flew out directly, hitting the neck of the zombie in the front.

The two old men faced the zombies that were approaching respectively. Wen Zheng tried to lead the remaining zombies to the side, circled a few more times, and then rushed forward, pulled the axe from the ground and threw it hard behind him, and solved another one.

Three people easily won against five zombies. Grandpa Li secretly calmed his breath, looked at Wen Zheng with surprise and praise, patted his shoulder with his hand, and praised: "Well done!"

Just relying on Wen Zheng's quick action just now, in this world where people suddenly turned into monsters, it was enough to protect himself for the time being.

The howling of the zombies disappeared, and Grandma Wang Shuying, who was hiding in the house in fear, was far away from the window, observing the situation outside.

"Sister Shuying, it's me, Lao Liu, and Xiao Zheng." Grandpa Li shouted, and after confirming, Grandma Shuying opened the door.

Several people exchanged information with each other and looked at the situation of the six-year-old girl Yueyue. Yueyue's little hand tightly held her grandmother's big hand. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, but her eyes were still clear and she didn't look scared.

While several people were talking, another zombie came over with the smell, and the door of Grandma Shuying's house was no longer so strong due to the efforts of the five zombies just now.

It didn't take a few minutes for Grandma Shuying to make the decision to go with them. She put on a sturdy old-fashioned raincoat on herself and the child, then held the child with one hand and held a kitchen knife in the other.

The little girl Yueyue obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of the adults. Before Grandma Shuying picked her up, Wen Zheng bent down first and bowed his head and said, "Yueyue, let your brother carry you away, okay?"

If Tuantuan knew, he would probably get angry with him, and Wen Zheng smiled naturally when he thought about it. Yueyue looked up and observed Wen Zheng for two seconds, then obediently stretched out her hand and agreed to let Wen Zheng pick her up. Grandma Shuying consciously followed behind.

In order to find the survivors, the zombies' sense of smell is particularly sensitive in this regard, so by looking at where the zombies are surrounding, they can basically find the living.

"Isn't the house in front the home of Tian Chunxi?" Grandma Shuying recognized it at a glance, and her pace could not help but speed up a bit.

When Wen Zheng heard the name, he immediately recalled the scenes of Grandma Shuying and Grandma Chunxi quarreling on weekdays. It can be said that they could quarrel over any trivial matter, and the neighbors usually watched happily and did not try to stop the quarrel.

In fact, everyone knows that although the two quarreled, their relationship is actually quite good.

I arrived here later. Grandma Tian Chunxi and her husband Grandpa Baishu lived in this house. The doors and windows of their house were reinforced not long ago, and they are still stable in blocking zombies.

"Why did Xiaozheng hold Yueyue? Where is Wang Shuying? I just heard her crying for help. How could she, who is stronger than a cockroach, get into trouble?"

Grandma Tian Chunxi's figure appeared next to the window, shouting from a long distance, with a tone full of disbelief.

Isn't Grandma Shuying here? The next second Wen Zheng remembered that he and the two grandfathers were standing in front, and Grandma Shuying, who was 1.6 meters tall, was completely blocked. Grandma Tian Chunxi seemed to be worried.

Hearing this, Grandma Shuying didn't appreciate it. She immediately ran out from the back, holding a kitchen knife in her right hand and her left hand on her waist and yelling.

"Who are you crying? Can these weird things scare me to tears? You're dreaming!"

"Wang Shuying, I'm talking about you. I can't tell your voice apart. Your screams are so loud that the whole community can hear them, but you still don't admit it."

"I was obviously screaming in fear, not crying. Don't exaggerate. Besides, I was mainly worried about my Yueyue just now. Now I've recovered. These zombies are not enough for me to chop with a knife."

After quarreling with their old rival, the two grandmothers, whose combined age has long been over 100 years old, completely forgot about the surrounding environment.

Grandma Wang Shuying threw out a harsh word, and the energy rushed straight to her head, controlling her to raise the kitchen knife high and throw it straight at the zombie.

That posture was exactly the same as when Wen Zheng threw the axe just now.

However, the axe was aimed at the neck, but the kitchen knife was thrown off and directly stuck in the chest. The zombie that was hit took two steps back and continued to walk forward with the kitchen knife in his chest.

Seeing that the blow did not kill her, Grandma Wang Shuying was dumbfounded, and the zombie was getting closer and closer to her, but her body was shaking and unable to move.

At the critical moment, Wen Zheng hurriedly made up an axe, then pulled Grandma Shuying to a safe place, stuffed Yueyue into her arms, and joined the battle himself.

With a bang, the closed door opened. It was estimated that Grandma Tian Chunxi, who was probably provoked, directly took her husband Grandpa Baishu and pushed out the heavy solid wood table, and flipped it towards the zombie outside.

Without waiting for the zombie to get rid of the weight of the table, Grandma Chunxi held a stone and aimed at the zombie's neck and smashed it hard, and the battle was over.

"See, they can't stand a stone from Tian Chunxi."

Wen Zheng was completely dumbfounded by this series of rapid developments.

I thought they were all bronze, but they turned out to be at least gold, if not king.

I saw several elderly people who were old enough to retire easily deal with these zombies. Even though I knew that these zombies had just transformed and were still weak, I was still shocked.

Don't underestimate the elderly. If they are pushed to the limit, they can even kill zombies.

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