Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 31 Chapter 31

After the discussion, the two old men who could drive went to find a car. These two were strong in combat, so there was no need to worry about going out together. The rest of the people searched for the necessary supplies in their own homes first.

Wen Zheng did not go home first, but ran to the only small shop in the community. The owner of the small shop also turned into a zombie. In this situation, Wen Zheng took out all the useful things he saw.

Since most of the people living here are elderly and children, most of the things sold in the small shop are daily necessities, and the food is small snacks, with very few types of things.

Wen Zheng came here mainly for toilet paper. In the disaster world he had experienced before, Wen Zheng had enough of the pain of not having toilet paper. Looking back, it was simply torture.

The toilet paper sold here is all the super large boxes. Wen Zheng took out several boxes and put them at the door. If he leaves later, he will put them directly in the car.

He took a whole box of noodles that are relatively easy to carry and easy to eat, and also two boxes of instant noodles and two boxes of salt, and several bags of candy.

After sorting out these things, he went home and found a suitcase and a large backpack at home. There was milk powder for the elderly at home, which was basically opened. He took it all with him. This thing is nutritious and will be given to the elderly in the future.

Wen Zheng was jealous of the bags of rice stored in the house, but the key is that they are too heavy to carry. In the end, most of them were put away, and he took out a bag of millet, which was a little easier to carry.

At this time, Wen Zheng hoped that he had that kind of storage space. There were some sold in the system store, but unfortunately the price was too expensive and he couldn't afford it for the time being.

Thick clothes and shoes that are not easy to be cut, antipyretic drugs, band-aids, etc. that ordinary people usually have at home, all useful things were packed.

The weapon was the axe in his hand, which was used by the original grandfather to chop branches. The kitchen knife was also packed, and the fruit knife was directly placed in the pocket of the clothes. There was also a long-handled cane and a few flashlights with power.

After seeing the flashlight, Wen Zheng remembered that there were batteries in the canteen, and he would take more with him later.

Wen Zheng was very jealous when he saw the work clothes on the two grandfathers. He remembered that he had them at home, so he searched for them and finally found them in the closet, along with matching boots and gloves.

These work clothes, like the clothes the two grandfathers were wearing, were distributed by the factory in the past. The quality of the clothes was really good at that time, and the old people kept them quite well. Even after decades, they are still intact and strong.

It is September now, and the work clothes are a little hot, but still bearable. The outfit that was worn when the white fog hit the last world is used again, and all the places below the neck that may be caught by zombies are strictly protected.

Take the packed things and go directly to the agreed place to gather. When Wen Zheng got there, he smiled as soon as he saw that the grandparents were wearing the same work clothes, and even the little girl Yueyue was wrapped in the same coat, revealing a little face.

Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu saw that everyone was there and said, "We checked. There is not much gas in the car. If we can't refuel in time, we will be out of business before we get halfway."

Not to mention the current situation of the gas station, none of them drove, not to mention that the road they were going to take was rarely passed by, and they didn't even know where there was a gas station.

Grandma Shuying saw this and said, "Then we can't leave?"

"No, we'll take the things to the air-raid shelter." How can we go without gas in the car?

First, find the electric bikes in the community, most of which still have power, ride the bikes to move the things we have sorted out to the location of the air-raid shelter, saving a lot of effort.

Walking to the northeast corner of the community, a hillside made of rocks appeared in front of everyone. The hillside was covered with creepers from bottom to top, and it still maintained its emerald green color in the cool weather in September.

Grandpa Li walked to the front of the hillside relying on his memory, and pushed the creepers aside, revealing the heavy iron gate covered below. The lower part was a complete iron gate, but there was a gap on the top. From the outside, you could see the steps going down, but it was pitch black and you couldn't see anything further down.

The others hurried forward to help, moving the creepers away with their hands, and let Grandpa Li open the door.

There was a big iron lock hanging on the iron door of the air-raid shelter, which was a little rusty. According to several old people, the key to unlock it had been lost long ago.

Grandpa Li pulled the iron lock twice with his hands, and after a few clattering sounds, the lock was still firmly hanging on it. Bending down and looking down, Grandpa Li found a stone of the right size on the ground, and hit it hard at the keyhole a few times.

With a clatter, the rusty iron lock was knocked open, and the lock was removed and hung aside, and he pushed it in with both hands. With the creaking sound caused by the movement of the iron door that had not been opened for a long time, the air-raid shelter came into their sight.

The air-raid shelter built underground was damp and dark. As soon as the door was opened, the not-so-fresh air inside hit us in the face. However, the people who were already used to the unpleasant smell of decay on the zombies did not find it so unpleasant.

However, this air was indeed not good to breathe. They waited outside for a while before turning on the flashlight and going down the steps.

The temperature inside was about the same as outside. It was about three or four meters wide and two meters high. First, you had to go through a long passage. In the middle was a huge square room. Bricks were placed on the ground, dividing the air-raid shelter into general areas.

"We were afraid of bombing, so we built this permanent civil air defense facility." Grandpa Li recalled while standing in the empty air-raid shelter.

While the old people were reminiscing, Wen Zheng took a flashlight to observe the environment inside. There were several worn-out long wooden benches in the air-raid shelter, and there were several concave places on the wall, which seemed to be used to place lights.

"When it was built, the best building materials were used, rough stone plus red bricks, and finally covered with cement, multiple layers of materials, especially strong." Grandpa Liu added, stuck the flashlight in the concave part of the wall, stood steadily inside, and illuminated the ground.

A drainage ditch was dug on the side of the ground of the air-raid shelter to keep it dry, and there was still some water inside.

"This air-raid shelter was built when the factory was the hottest. The government paid for it, and the factory worked hard. It took several months to dig this air-raid shelter out." Grandma Wang Shuying recalled the scene of that era. Who could have thought that the factory would be dilapidated one day.

After walking around inside, Wen Zheng roughly estimated that this air-raid shelter was four or five hundred square meters. If there was a dangerous situation, it was estimated that nearly a thousand people could be squeezed in.

It was really a big project.

"I saw two more tunnels, which are other entrances and exits." Wen Zheng asked. His original memory was already fuzzy. He and the little girl Yueyue were probably the only two people who didn't know about this place.

"Yes, there are three entrances and exits in total. In addition to the entrance we just came in, there is a passage connecting to the southwest corner of the community, and another passage connecting to the factory."

It can be imagined that this arrangement is very suitable. When encountering danger, whether people are working in the factory or staying in the community, they can enter the air-raid shelter as quickly as possible.

"Let's look at the two holes later. Since we are going to stay, let's clean up here first, move things as much as possible, and rest here tonight."

All flashlights are placed on the wall first to ensure that there is some light inside. The two grandmothers stayed inside with their children and cleaned out part of the ground first.

The three old men, together with Wen Zheng, began to carry out the moving work. They moved the things they originally planned to take away first, and then went to each household to move the most important food, tied them as tightly as possible, and made them moisture-proof, and piled them all in the air-raid shelter.

Then they packed clothes and bedding for sleeping at night. Such a large air-raid shelter was enough for seven people. They moved the narrow single wooden bed into the shelter and covered it with a soft quilt so that everyone could rest comfortably.

The air in the newly opened air-raid shelter was still a little turbid, and it would be uncomfortable to breathe if you stayed there for a long time.

After cleaning for a while, the two grandmothers would go out for a while to breathe the air outside. Yueyue sat obediently next to the iron gate.

Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu brought stools and found long branches. They searched in the air-raid shelter for a long time before finding the vents on the top covered with mud.

Even if the vents were cleaned, it would take a few days for the air inside to be renewed.

So the beds were not placed in the square area. Before the air inside was renewed, the beds were placed under the steps leading to the iron gate, that is, in the tunnel.

During their busy time, four or five zombies wandered in from outside. Judging from their clothes, they should be ordinary people living around.

After only one day, Wen Zheng could sense that these zombies were a little more mobile than in the morning. The key is that they don't feel pain when they are injured, and they don't hide. Ordinary people don't dare to be injured by zombies, so they are inevitably cautious in their actions.

These zombies came one by one. Wen Zheng watched the two powerful old men and didn't kill them directly. Instead, he tried to control their actions and hit different parts to try the effect.

After breaking a leg, the zombie without wisdom lost its mobility, fell to the ground, waved its hands weakly, and crawled forward very slowly.

Grandpa Li called Grandpa Baishu over. In the morning battle, Grandpa Baishu was responsible for holding Yueyue and had not really killed any zombies.

This zombie has lost its ability to fight, and only needs to avoid the hands that are still waving. Grandpa Baishu, who was called over, said nothing and took the hoe to hit the zombie's neck.

The action was neat and tidy. Wen Zheng was used to the strength of the old people, and there was no fluctuation in his heart when he saw this scene.

After losing a leg, the only thing they can do is crawl. After losing a hand, the zombie will try to attack with their teeth.

In order to completely kill the zombie, the two old men wisely chose to attack the neck at the beginning. This place is indeed the zombie's fatal point.

But other parts also need to be tried. After many experiments, it was found that even if the heart is pierced, the zombie will not die. In addition to the neck, the eye sockets and ears are also fatal parts, and these two places are even more fragile than the neck.

The two old men studied the zombie expressionlessly. When they were about to leave, Wen Zheng came over with an axe.

The reason for coming here is that he thought of the zombie crystal core mentioned in many novels. Although none of the seven of them showed signs of having superpowers, they still had to give it a try.

As a zombie with rotten muscles all over his body, he can still move even if the heart is pierced. All the fatal weaknesses are in the head.

If there is a crystal core, it is most likely in the head.

Let the two old men step back a few more steps, Wen Zheng held the pot cover as a shield in one hand, and held the axe in the other hand, aiming at the head of the zombie in front of him and chopped it down hard.

Even the hardest skull could not withstand such an attack, and a crack appeared after one blow. Wen Zheng chopped along the gap twice more, completely unaware of the complicated looks of the two grandfathers behind him.

They were just studying the zombies' weaknesses, but now that the zombies are dead, Wen Zheng still wants to get their brains.

It's probably because he has been stimulated too much and under too much pressure during this period.

After all, he is still a child.

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