Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 33 Chapter 33 (1/2)

Perhaps because they found that all the zombies in this area had been eliminated, the vehicle drove around twice and finally found an open space to stop. Four people, two men and two women, got off the car.

These four people were not very old, and looked to be in their twenties. Although their clothes were a bit messy, they still looked like mountaineering clothes. Judging from their clothes, they were probably going to climb a mountain dozens of kilometers away from here. I don’t know how they came here.

After getting off the car, they still held the trekking poles in their hands, and their eyes were always alert to the surroundings. It was obvious that they had been attacked by zombies.

“Where are you from?”

There were only four people on the other side. After estimating the combat effectiveness of both sides, the two old men stopped hiding and walked out of the house directly, shouting from a long distance.

The sudden sound startled the four people who got off the car. One of the girls shook her hands and threw the trekking pole in her hand to the ground. Then he immediately picked it up from the ground. Even though his hands were shaking, he still pointed the trekking pole in the direction of the sound.

His vigilance was not bad, but he was a little scared.

The two old men commented in their hearts, confirming that the other party would not cause any danger. First, they wanted to release goodwill and began to introduce their identities: "We are local residents of this community. These zombies were solved during this period. We plan to stay here temporarily and wait for the country to send people to rescue."

The four strangers saw that there were three elderly people and a boy younger than them. Their behavior and speech were normal. They were not so nervous and even felt a little close.

From the appearance of the zombies to now, for nearly three days, their experience was simply a nightmare. Now they have the urge to cry when they see normal humans.

The old man brought the new guests into the room where they had just eaten. The food that was still hot exuded an attractive aroma. Several men and women who had not been able to eat well recently couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and their eyes were full of desire when they looked at the food.

"If you don't mind, would you like to sit down and eat something?" Grandpa Li made a sincere invitation.

"Can I?" They hesitated a little. Food was quite precious now, but they couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food. In the end, they listened to their inner desire and took the bowls and chopsticks that the old man had just taken out and sat at the table.

Because there was a power outage, many fresh ingredients could not be preserved. There was no need for the two grandmothers to save when cooking, not to mention that they had basically been doing physical work in recent days.

Due to multiple reasons, the food on the table was extremely rich. Three of the four people ate without raising their heads. Only a girl named Chen Ruoyu put down her chopsticks after eating a few bites. Facing the questions of her companions, she showed a pale smile, shook her head and explained that she had no appetite.

Thinking of the zombies they had encountered not long ago when they came here, it was not difficult to understand that they had no appetite. The companions no longer doubted and continued to eat the food in front of them.

Grandpa Li took two bites and showed a kind and gentle smile, opening the topic. First, they introduced that they had no means of transportation and the only car had no oil, so they could only wait for rescue. Now that the communication is down, they have no way to understand the situation outside, so they want to ask about their experiences.

They were still eating the food prepared by others, and even the other party explained their situation first, so they felt a little guilty. When they heard the old man's question, they didn't think about hiding anything at all, and briefly recounted their experiences in the past few days.

The four of them were two couples, and they were very good friends. They usually liked to go hiking and camping. They stayed on the mountain on the day when the zombies appeared. Fortunately, none of them turned into zombies. There were many staff members of tourist attractions who had turned into zombies at the foot of the mountain, but they had a car and drove directly out of the pile of zombies.

"I know the location of the mountain you are talking about. It is very close to a military station. Why didn't you go there?" Grandpa Li asked. The military he mentioned was the target location they were going to when they first planned to leave.

Speaking of this, the young people all showed horrified expressions, even put down their chopsticks, and their faces were full of fear.

Zhang Xiang, a thin boy, complained in a frightened tone: "We were planning to go there at first, but when we were halfway there, we encountered a zombie tide in the surrounding residential areas. At that time, other vehicles were smashed by zombies and people were bitten. We were a little behind at that time, so we escaped before the zombies surrounded us."

In their description, it seems that the three residential areas near that road have been basically infected. Thousands of zombies are like beasts that have been hungry for a long time, besieging food. As food, they will never forget that horrible scene.

"Fortunately, the car has no oil, otherwise we will probably encounter the zombie tide you mentioned when we set out." Grandpa Liu sighed, and several young people nodded with lingering fear.

Their experience is not just that. It seems that all the luck of these young people has been used up on not becoming zombies.

On the first day, they wanted to go to the army for protection, but they didn't expect to encounter a zombie tide blocking the road. In order to avoid the zombie tide, they turned around and took a small road that they had never walked before. Without electricity, the navigation system in the car is useless, and few people in modern society will place local maps in their vehicles.

We just found a place to park and hid in the car to rest. We didn’t have enough experience and fell asleep. We didn’t wake up until we were surrounded by zombies and slapped the car windows. When we woke up, we saw those zombies with scary faces. We never dared to sleep again.

Finally, we saw a house and thought about looking for survivors to ask for directions, but we met zombies. The car was running out of gas, so we luckily found a gas station. This time, we not only met zombies, but also a group of evil people.

"Bah, the gas station is obviously not opened by them, and they are guarding it and asking people for supplies before giving gas. They really think they can be the king and dominate now in the end of the world. When the country controls the situation, the first thing to deal with is this kind of people." When Zhang Xiang said this, he gritted his teeth and put his arm around his girlfriend Chen Ruoyu's shoulders, and got a comforting smile from his girlfriend.

The old people were sharp-eyed and could guess what they were doing. They didn't ask them about the specific situation they encountered. They only asked about the appearance of the group in detail and recorded it. They were some distance away from the gas station, but it was not a bad thing to take precautions in advance.

By noon today, the young people had eaten all the food they brought in the car, and they were out of ammunition and food. No matter how reluctant they were to get off the car, they had no choice but to hold their hiking poles and look for houses that might have food.

"Not only did Ruoyu not find any food, but she was almost scratched by a zombie that jumped out of the corner. She was so hungry that she saw a house here and planned to try her luck again. As a result, it really turned out to be a blessing in disguise. We met you good people. Thank you so much."

"It's not easy for everyone. Eat more when you are hungry. There are extra houses here to rest at night."

No wonder these people were so scared when they heard the noise. It was completely a shadow caused by their experiences in recent days. Wen Zheng felt a little pity for them when he heard their experiences.

After finishing this dinner, the dim sunset in the sky was about to set. The house with the entrance to the air-raid shelter could not be given to them to live in. This was their last trump card.

However, there were still many places to live in the community. Grandpa Li simply brought the people to his house. The bedroom and sofa were enough for them to sleep. The door is locked, the window is equipped with anti-theft windows, and the door is blocked from the inside with cabinets and tables, so there will be basically no problem.

"Thank you very much, we can finally sleep well tonight." After staying in the car for nearly three days, the pain of sore feet and back pain is unbearable. Seeing the soft bed, my heart is full of gratitude.

"Here are a few bags of instant noodles. I see that this girl didn't eat anything just now. If you are hungry at night, eat something first. Your health is important." Grandpa Li looked at Chen Ruoyu, who was standing a little unsteady, and felt a little soft-hearted. Not only did he leave the instant noodles, but he also gave them a hand-cranked flashlight.

In the last rays of the setting sun, the two old men returned to the safe house together and exchanged the information they had obtained with the grandmothers waiting in the air-raid shelter.

The two old men left too early and didn't know what happened next. Just a few minutes after they left, when the four young people were allocating beds, a sound suddenly rang out.


What's going on?

Wang Xiang, holding a flashlight, immediately turned it on and saw that his girlfriend, Chen Ruoyu, who had just stood beside him, had fallen to the ground and seemed to have lost consciousness.

Wang Xiang anxiously squatted down to check on his girlfriend, calling her name: "Ruoyu, Ruoyu, can you hear me?"

Chen Ruoyu, who was lying on the ground, did not respond, but her chest was still rising and falling, indicating that she was still breathing.

The shouting was not responded to, and the companions of the fainted girl surrounded her. Zhang Xiang reached out to pick up his girlfriend, but felt something was wrong after touching her hand. He then probed her forehead, and the scorching heat made him exclaim: "It's so hot, Ruoyu has a fever."

"What should we do? Should we go to some grandfathers for help? They should have antipyretics, right?" Another boy thought in a panic, "But we have already troubled them enough. Wouldn't it be bad to ask for help again?"

Another girl rushed to the sofa where the backpack was placed and shouted to Wang Xiang: "Light it up for me. I have painkillers in my bag. I remember they can also reduce fever."

She dumped everything in the backpack on the sofa, found the painkillers that girls often carry, glanced at the instructions, and hurriedly fed them into Chen Ruoyu's mouth. The rest was to wait for the drug to take effect.

"You go and rest first. I will take care of Ruoyu. Only after sufficient rest can we deal with the situation that may be encountered tomorrow." Wang Xiang persuaded his partner to go to sleep, and he sat on the sofa to accompany him.

After his companions fell asleep, Wang Xiang put the flashlight aside and reached out to touch his girlfriend's forehead from time to time to feel the heat.

Even the moon was not very bright tonight, and no one saw that Chen Ruoyu, who was covered with a quilt, had a cut on her arm. Not only the clothes, but also the skin under the clothes had a very light wound, which even the owner of the body could not notice when he was nervous.

If it was in the past, or if it was a wound caused by an ordinary thing, it is very likely that after half a day, the wound would naturally scar, and there would be no need for treatment.

But in the case of zombies that can infect viruses everywhere, any wound must be careful. The wound on the arm under the quilt has turned purple-black, and flows along the flow of blood to the whole body, and finally all converges in the brain.

Feeling the increasing pain, Chen Ruoyu, who originally thought he had a normal fever, had a bad premonition. However, no matter how hard he tried with his remaining consciousness, he never thought that he had been caught by zombies. She used her last strength to tug on her boyfriend's clothes, opened her mouth and made an imperceptible sound: "Let's go..."

However, Wang Xiang, who was too tired, failed to resist the call of the God of Sleep. He fell asleep during the companionship and failed to hear his girlfriend's warning.

There was no other way. Chen Ruoyu finally couldn't stand the intense pain that multiplied, and lay on the sofa completely losing consciousness. Perhaps it was because of reflection that in the last few seconds, her mind was clearer than usual. She recalled that when she was looking for food in the morning, she had been scratched by the wire on the table, and there was suspected rust on the wire. traces.

Looking back now, it seems more like the rancid flesh and blood accidentally left on it by zombies.

With surrender to fate, Chen Ruoyu gave up the painful resistance and struggle. When she closed her eyes and stopped breathing, her body changed in just a few seconds. Blue-black skin replaced the pale complexion. Along with the rapid decay of her body, a putrid smell spread in this space.

Can't you get rid of zombies even in your dreams?

The two people sleeping in the room frowned, turned over and buried themselves in the quilt, trying to avoid the unpleasant rancid smell.

Wang Xiang, who was next to Chen Ruoyu, had this smell all over his nose, and he woke up immediately. Before he could touch the flashlight next to him, a severe pain came from his right hand.


The painful and shrill screams pierced the roof and cut through the silent night sky. The two people sleeping in the room immediately turned over from the bed. Without flashlights, they could not see the situation outside, so they could only shout and ask: "Wang Xiang, Ruoyu, are you okay?"

Holding back the severe pain in his arm, Wang Xiang felt his body gradually become stiff. Taking advantage of the last moment, he fumbled for a flashlight with his right hand and illuminated the room. His girlfriend, who had turned into a zombie, appeared in front of him, holding his left hand and chewing on it.

And in this short period of time, his bitten arm turned into the color of a zombie. He began to feel no pain, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The two people staying in the room saw the scene in the bedroom clearly after there was light. Sad but also more of a fearful emotion.

The experiences they had experienced in the past few days had made their mental endurance much better, so they did not wait until the situation was irreversible and took the time to close the door. Then, push the bed out of the bedroom to block the door.

The security window outside the room window originally gave them a sense of security, but now it became an obstacle to escape.

Listening to the sound of zombies starting to hit the door, the two people who could not escape could only scream desperately, hoping that the people they met today would hear the noise and save them.

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