Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 36 Chapter 36 (1/2)

A rumbling sound rang out in the sky, and weapons were thrown from the air into the zombie group. All the weapons thrown down could blow up a group of zombies. After a round of bombing targeting key areas, teams of vehicles carrying armed soldiers attacked the zombies from all directions.

Many heavy weapons that would not appear in peacetime were aimed at the zombie group at this time to ensure the safety of the people. The zombies who were not afraid of pain could not resist such powerful weapons. All the zombies who rushed to the road to attack eventually fell under the fierce firepower.

The clearing team set out from the edge of the divided base to the surrounding areas. The large force cleared the zombies on the main road. In the area that was cleared later, there was a team carrying guns, entering the high-rise buildings near the road for rescue and registration.

Those who were trapped at home and dared not go out saw the rescue team sent by the country from the window, and their excitement was simply beyond words. When the rescue soldiers came to the door and helped kill the zombies that kept hitting outside the door, they were even more moved.

The state machinery showed its powerful strength, successfully crushing these zombies that had not yet evolved special abilities, and built a protective border around the perimeter of the divided base to prevent the zombies from entering from the outside again.

The densely packed zombies dragged their bodies that were rotten and even grew maggots, and roared with desire from the depths of their throats. They closely formed a huge team and wanted to attack the defense line constructed by the army.

All zombies who wanted to rush in had to face artillery attacks, but these zombies were not afraid of pain and could use their own bodies as shields. Even well-trained troops had sacrificed in the process of confrontation between the two sides. The government had no choice but to arrange personnel to build a tall wall to resist the zombies at the fastest speed.

Before the wall was built, they had to draw out extra manpower to go there. There were many trapped people, as well as researchers who might be helpful in solving the zombie problem, especially for the origin of the zombies, the weaknesses of the zombies, and the crystal cores found in the zombies' heads. A large number of relevant people were needed to conduct research.

Some places that are too remote and where almost no one survived have to be put at the back of the rescue list. This is a choice made out of helplessness. They can only pass on the places where the army passes every day, and this kind of information that may be helpful is transmitted through the radio.

The main reason why the mobile phone has no signal is that the base station has been damaged, but the radio will not be affected by these.

Wen Zheng and others did not know that they would be put at the back of the rescue, which was actually equivalent to being abandoned, but even if they knew it, they would not feel bad, because they had expected this when they chose to stay.

But they always want to know the situation outside, so the repair of the radio has attracted everyone's attention.

Grandpa Bai Shu took back the radio covered with dust, cleaned the dust on the outside, and found a suitable battery to install it inside, but there was no sound, so he thought about repairing it himself.

"How is it, is it fixed?"

"No one has listened to the radio in recent years, and I have forgotten about Bai Shuhui's knowledge."

"Don't bother him, let him fix it slowly. Old Bai never brags, he will definitely fix it if he says it can be fixed."

Hearing the crackling sound of the radio being repaired, the old man waiting next to him immediately asked questions in a flurry, but after a few words, the radio still crackled from time to time, and no specific human voice could be heard.

While they were talking, Yueyue, who was the most curious, was still sitting obediently near the iron gate. She opened her eyes and lowered her head, opened her little hand in confusion, and looked carefully at the crystal core in her palm.

Yueyue closed her eyes and felt it again carefully. This time, she couldn't help but get excited and jumped up from her small stool immediately: "Brother Xiaozheng, grandma, I seem to feel something drilling into my palm, it's cool."

"Really? I knew my Yueyue was a genius." Grandma Wang Shuying was immediately delighted and asked Yueyue to try again. She ran to another passage and called Wen Zheng down.

This time, Grandpa Baishu was no longer in the spotlight. The new focus was on little girl Yueyue. However, he didn't care about these things at his age. Instead, he put down his work and followed the older brothers to watch.

When Yueyue tried to absorb the crystal core again, Wen Zheng held Yueyue's hand and quietly sensed the flow of energy. Finally, under the expectant eyes of everyone, he nodded and smiled: "It was indeed successful."

The air-raid shelter immediately rang with warm applause from everyone, and praises came out one after another from different people's mouths, praising Yueyue so much that she couldn't help but smile brightly, and her whole little face was flushed.

Grandma Shuying and Grandma Chunxi both started discussing what to cook to celebrate, until Wen Zheng's voice, like the strictest teacher, rang out: "Since Yueyue has succeeded, all grandparents should work harder. Yueyue and I want to hear the good news of your success."

"Grandma and grandpas, come on!" Yueyue also echoed the encouragement.

The sound of one person sighing is not obvious, but the five elderly people sighed together, and the overlapping sound was particularly clear in the air-raid shelter. Under Wen Zheng's disapproving gaze, several grandparents who had finally memorized the cultivation method immediately went to pick up the crystal core to find the feeling.

Grandpa Baishu, the only one who had important work, did not dare to stand out too much. He quietly sat back at his maintenance post, holding the radio and continued to think about it.

After holding the crystal core for a long time, none of the grandparents felt the flow of energy, and their thoughts ran further and further away. From the modifications in the air-raid shelter to the preparation of traps, to the fact that they were unlikely to have superpowers at such an old age, their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of "squeaking... squeaking..." that sounded again.

When will Lao Bai be able to repair the radio?


This time it was a different voice.

Um? If you heard it right, there was someone talking from the radio just now. Baizhu really repaired the radio.

Grandpa Bai, who finally fiddled with the radio, kept adjusting the radio's reception frequency. After changing several channels back and forth, clear sound finally came out from it.

"...Unit 605, Building 3, Xingfu Community. I am the only one left in my house. My parents have turned into zombies...I am locked in the room. The food in the house has been eaten. There are zombies outside. I I don’t know how long I can hold on... If I could go back to the day before the end of the world, I would never quarrel with my parents again..."

After those last words, the boy's suppressed crying came from the radio, which made people feel particularly sad. I can only pray that someone close to that community will receive the signal and help this child.

The channels with sound that were replaced later were basically the survivors asking for help. The more I listened to it, the heavier I felt. They cleared away the zombies at the beginning. Later, Wen Zheng even evolved super powers, which he had never encountered before. Danger.

After a few more adjustments, the sound of a news broadcast from a local TV station appeared. Everyone carefully identified the content, and then discovered that it was really a notice from the official channel.

When they adjusted to the channel, they were halfway through the broadcast, but after all the broadcasts were completed, they switched to another host's voice and repeated the content of the announcement. Several hosts rotate to ensure that everyone who listens to this channel can hear the complete content.

"Dingjiang City has dispatched troops to clean up zombies. Two bases are now being established in the Southwest District and Northeast District. Fences are being built. Zombies in the surrounding areas will be cleared out at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day. People who are able can do so during this time. Enter the base within.

In addition, multiple rescue troops were sent from the base to search for survivors. The first team set off from the southwest district, passing through the radio channel..., and the tenth team set out from the northeast district, passing through the radio channel..., located in front of the rescue team Survivors on the journey please wait patiently for military rescue.

At present, the base has discovered that some zombie brains contain transparent crystals that contain energy, but experts from the research team are currently unable to determine whether the crystal nuclei contain zombie viruses and how their energy is used. After survivors kill zombies, if they find crystal nuclei, please collect them carefully and do not test them randomly.

Base research has found that among people who are injured by zombie attacks, almost all of the injured will transform into zombies, but there are still a very small number of miracles that survive and have supernatural powers. If someone around you is injured by a zombie attack, please control the injured person's actions and wait for the final result before taking different treatment methods.

The probability of acquiring superpowers after being bitten by a zombie is extremely low. Please do not intentionally injure yourself in order to obtain superpowers. Only by ensuring the safety of your life will you have more possibilities in the future.

In the face of sudden disasters, we need to work together to tide over the difficulties. The country will never give up on any citizen. Please don't give up easily! "

The notice released on the official channel contained too much information. Several old people kept changing their expressions according to the content, and they were still looking back and forth at Wen Zheng and Yueyue.

They heard in the notification that people bitten by zombies would have a chance to activate supernatural powers, so they couldn't help but guess whether Wen Zheng was really injured when they didn't notice it. The so-called cultivation method was just used by Wen Zheng to comfort them. Rhetoric.

This makes sense, but Yueyue felt the energy according to Wen Zheng's method. If it were true, wouldn't Wen Zheng be more powerful than those research experts if he could come up with a cultivation method that can stimulate supernatural powers?

I always feel that the first possibility is unlikely.

Wen Zheng couldn't ignore the suspicious looks that the old people cast on him. Even if he said that he had obtained the cultivation method from another world, these grandparents would not believe it. He might as well admit that he was a genius. It took a lot of mistakes and accidents to successfully develop it.

Facing the expressions of the old people saying "You're right, you're right", Wen Zheng, who had become a lot more irritable after activating his fire power, said with a straight face: "Whether you believe it or not, this cultivation method must be practiced."

"Xiao Zheng, don't be angry. We didn't say we won't practice. It's not time to cook. Let's continue practicing after eating." Anyway, just think hard with the crystal core, and there is no harm in practicing.

Peace has temporarily returned to the air-raid shelter. Whether those who are cooking or waiting to eat, they are still thinking about the content released on the official channel.

The government's rescue speed and research speed have exceeded their expectations. It has only been a short time since the end of the world, but the base is already under construction, and a lot of things have been researched and released to everyone.

In terms of superpowers, Wen Zheng is mainly responsible for supervising their practice. They will not be stupid enough to deliberately find zombies to bite them. What concerned the elderly was the base under construction and the tenth rescue team that would pass by not far from the community.

The seven of them are indeed living well here, and with Wen Zheng here, they won't encounter any danger, but there are only seven of them here. After all, humans are herding animals. It's okay for the old people to stay here, as they are used to loneliness. But what should Wen Zheng, a young man, and Yue Yue, a child, do? They are afraid that they will have psychological problems if they get too anxious.

They didn't dare to go out before because they were afraid of encountering danger on the road. Now Wen Zheng has fire abilities. As long as they catch up with the rescue team sent by the base and the army escorts them to the base, there will be no danger. Several old people, especially Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu who are soldiers, have absolute trust in the army.

After dinner, they discussed the issue of going to the base, and no one objected to this decision.

Grandpa Li took out paper and pen, and once again showed his map-drawing skills, drawing the route of the tenth rescue team, one of which was half an hour away from the community.

After explaining the route of action of each rescue team, the official channel also gave the channels of different rescue teams and adjusted to the channel of the tenth detachment. Someone in it notified the team of their current location and the area they would arrive at on the first day, so that the survivors who could hear it could judge when to meet up with the rescue team.

The tenth rescue team set out from the northeastern district two days ago and had left the road closest to them. If they wanted to meet up with the army, they had to wait until the rescue team returned, which would be about two days later.

"We can't ride electric bikes or bicycles for this half-hour journey. Tomorrow we will check if there is any oil in the car in the community. We will drive that car at that time. If not, I will go out to find a suitable vehicle." Wen Zheng added that although the car did not have enough oil, the half-hour journey was enough.

From the first day, they were ready to leave and put everything they wanted to take away into the trunk of the car as completely as possible. More supplies that could not be taken away were still stored in the air-raid shelter. Maybe when they waited, they would have the opportunity to come back and take these supplies away.

The old people stayed in the community to rest. Wen Zheng thought about it and decided to explore the road first. In case there were any obstacles blocking the road or too many zombies, clearing them in advance would not delay the time on the road.

Wen Zheng was a man of great skill and courage. He took all the equipment he had used to collect crystal cores and rode his bicycle towards the target again.

The same outfit appeared in the eyes of Brother Yang's men. The younger brothers who were always observing the situation outside immediately confirmed his identity. After all, they had only seen one person like Wen Zheng who dared to ride a bicycle on the road.

"Did you really see him again?" Brother Yang's eyes flashed after receiving the news, and he immediately ordered his younger brothers, "Everyone should ambush on both sides of the road where he appeared. This time, you may hear the sound of the vehicle starting. This time, all of you should take telescopes and observe from a distance. If you can't find his nest again, you don't have to come back."

They have collected a lot of crystal cores in recent days, but except eating them, they have really tried every method. But the crystal cores are still very hard, and there is no change when burning them with fire or hitting them with stones.

Without receiving the radio from the official base, Brother Yang could only start with the crystal core if he wanted to obtain superpowers, but his attempts for many days failed. Brother Yang was embarrassed in front of his subordinates, and he had accumulated a lot of anger in his heart. Now all of it was directed at Wen Zheng, waiting to force Wen Zheng to tell him how to use the crystal core, and then he would kill Wen Zheng as soon as he had superpowers.

With superpowers as a temptation, the younger brothers who also wanted to obtain superpowers performed exceptionally well, not only did they not attract Wen Zheng's attention, but they also followed him to the community. Seeing that there were no zombies in this community, and Wen Zheng did not come out after entering, the younger brothers immediately determined the location, sent someone back to inform the boss, and stayed nearby to monitor.

The old people who were going to find the army were packing up their things, moving the supplies they wanted to take away through the entrances and exits hidden in the house, and then moving them to the vehicles parked outside the house. All of this was seen by several pairs of eyes with the help of goggles.

"Brother Yang, except for the superpower, there are only old people and children inside. The trouble is that they have never separated. I also saw them packing things in the car, as if they are going to leave tomorrow." After Brother Yang arrived, the younger brother quickly reported what he observed.

"Leaving tomorrow? It is probably the road that the superpower explored. The army just passed by there a few days ago. Brother Yang, should we launch a surprise attack tonight, or wait until tomorrow to ambush on the road during the day?" The leader of the team asked.

Brother Yang looked up at the sky. The sky was overcast, and even the daytime seemed particularly dim, but it didn't look like it was going to rain. If it was still cloudy at night, they would be more likely to alert the enemy with flashlights.

"Let's take action tomorrow during the day. Let's go. We can make good arrangements tonight."

Wen Zheng and others didn't know that danger was coming. They spent what they thought was their last night in the air-raid shelter, and they felt a little reluctant. It was not until late at night that the old men fell asleep in a daze and woke up before dawn.

After a simple breakfast, several people estimated that the time was about right, so they prepared to set off. After trying several times, they started the car and left this familiar place.

The zombies around this road had been dealt with by Wen Zheng, but Brother Yang and others who ambushed on the roadside at night estimated that they had attracted a few zombies before dawn. Grandpa Li, who was driving, remained calm, thinking that these few zombies would not cause any impact, and planned to directly hit them.

But before the car hit the zombies, the tire of the car pierced the long spikes deliberately thrown on the road. The tire burst and the car instantly became unresponsive. Grandpa Li remained calm and stepped on the brakes in time. After several bumps, he stopped the car on the side of the road.

At this time, Brother Yang and others who had been waiting in ambush on the side of the road for a long time launched an attack on them.

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