Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 38 Chapter 38 (1/2)

For life in the air-raid shelter, the most troublesome problems are the lack of sunlight and the unpleasant smell in the shelter.

Some time ago, they could go out every day. Experienced old people looked up at the sun and estimated the time point to be almost accurate. Because of the arrival of the zombie tide, they were completely trapped in the air-raid shelter and could not go out. After just one day in it, Wen Zheng felt something was wrong and everyone's work and rest began to become chaotic.

After clarifying the problems that needed to be solved, Grandpa Bai found various messy things from the collected materials. Among them was a modern clock with batteries installed, but there were not many batteries and they needed to be used sparingly. After finding the mechanical watch, Grandpa Bai readjusted it and it became their daily tool for telling time.

As for the smell, there was really no solution before the zombies left from outside, and fortunately several vents were not blocked. Usually, they wore a homemade mask on their faces, and it was no longer so unpleasant after getting used to it.

Now everyone's daily life is very regular. Apart from eating and sleeping, the rest of the time is spent on training and planting vegetables in the air-raid shelter.

The planting boxes and soil that were specially transported to the air-raid shelter had already been planted with seeds. On the days when they had to stay there, the seeds began to sprout and grow leaves.

The weather outside has turned cold, but the temperature in the air-raid shelter has always been around 20 degrees, which is actually quite suitable for plant growth.

When the leek roots grow out, they can grow leek greens without light, and can grow many times. The same planting method is also used for sprouts. Whether it is soybeans, mung beans, or legumes such as peas, you only need enough water to harvest sprouts.

Not only growing vegetables, the elderly even want to hatch chicks. It was difficult to select more than a dozen fertilized eggs from the eggs collected from various families and put them in the only bright spot. However, in the air-raid shelter, the temperature and other conditions did not meet the requirements. In the end, none of them showed signs of hatching and entered their stomachs before going bad.

With Yueyue's newly stimulated water-based supernatural power, although the water ball that can be condensed each time is not big, it is completely enough. After comparison, it is found that the water condensed by the water-based supernatural power is cleaner. Now they rely on Yueyue for drinking water. The water stored before is used to irrigate the seedlings and daily cleaning.

Wen Zheng's supernatural power has been developed into new uses.

At first, it was easy to do such as starting a fire to burn the debris. Later, Wen Zheng wanted to try to see if he could exercise the fineness of his control over the supernatural power, and began to try techniques such as boiling water through a kettle and directly grilling meat.

The effect was not very good at the first few times, but after practicing a few more times, Wen Zheng really found it useful, and simply took on the cooking task of the grandparents who were keen on practicing.

The iron skewers used for knitting sweaters were found by the grandmothers. After washing them, Wen Zheng was asked to light a fire to disinfect them. A fire-resistant ceramic basin was placed near the vent, and even firewood was not needed. Wen Zheng controlled the fire to burn it from the beginning, and the vegetables on the skewers and the thinly cut bacon and sausages were cooked in a short while.

The meat is placed on top, and the fat secreted during the grilling drips onto the vegetables on the lower layer. Then sprinkle some salt and seasoning on it, and it tastes quite good. Flour and hot water can make hot steamed buns without leaving the dough. Adding these grilled skewers inside the buns is not to say that it is definitely better than the ones sold in special stores before the end of the world, but being able to eat these in the end of the world is enough to satisfy people.

If you don’t have to worry about food and drink, you can only practice every day. After seeing the effect with your own eyes, the old people put in twelve points of energy. On the third day when he couldn’t go out of the air-raid shelter, Grandpa Li found the feeling of absorbing energy, and this news made the others more excited.

Good news came one after another. In a week, after Grandpa Li, Grandpa Liu found the feeling of practicing. When Grandpa Bai just found the feeling, Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu started to have a fever. After that period of awakening, the two old men awakened the earth-related ability and were able to control the soil temporarily.

In fact, the two old men still had some regrets. Being able to control the soil didn’t seem to be very aggressive, but they soon thought it through.

"The earth system is good. We have been dealing with the land for half our lives. If we think about it more in the future, we will definitely find a useful way to attack. At least it will be much more convenient to dig traps."

"After the zombies outside are gone, we can build a wall outside, so we won't be afraid of encountering this situation again."

In fact, for the old man, being able to control water, fire, earth and wood is already a magical method, and the smile on his face can't be stopped at all. It's like getting a new toy, controlling the few pieces of soil in the air-raid shelter and having fun.

Immediately after the two grandfathers activated their superpowers, Grandpa Bai and Grandma Chunxi felt it on the same day, and then held each other's hands and fell into a coma when the superpowers were activated, naturally showing their love in front of everyone.

Grandma Shuying was envious and a little anxious. When Grandma Chunxi had achieved results, she felt nothing, so her mood became not so good. After barely taking care of Grandma Chunxi who woke up with a fever, she said she was tired and wanted to go back to rest after the fever subsided. She even asked Yueyue, who followed her grandmother around, to be taken care of by Wen Zheng.

Everyone could see that Grandma Shuying was in a bad mood when she went back to rest alone. Wen Zheng originally planned to take Yueyue to counsel her, but Grandma Chunxi woke up and saw that her old sister and old rival was not there, so she took on the task of counseling and walked in aggressively.

"Don't follow me in. I'm going to talk to Wang Shuying."

From the tone of Grandma Chunxi's voice and the way she walked, it didn't seem like she was going to give advice, but rather to cause trouble. Wen Zheng couldn't help but worry, these two people really wouldn't fight while talking.

"They won't fight, but it's inevitable that they'll quarrel. After the quarrel, Sister Shuying will definitely become very motivated." Grandpa Bai Shu comforted Wen Zheng confidently, and then his tone became excited, "I feel like my ability seems to have something to do with metal."

"Is it true? Brother Bai, you're lucky."

"Hurry up and try it."

Wen Zheng's fire ability and Yueyue's water ability can both produce flames and water out of thin air, but Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu can only control the nearby soil. Grandpa Bai can also control the metal to move and even deform. Immediately, several people began to discuss how to use it.

The air-raid shelters are all connected, so the soundproofing is quite poor. When the two grandmothers couldn't control their quarrels, everyone who stayed here heard something.

Yueyue was too young to understand what she heard, but the grandfathers knew the disputes very well. After hearing it, they just sighed a few times and continued to discuss. Only Wen Zheng listened and supplemented the information that the original owner didn't pay attention to.

In short, the two grandmothers knew each other since childhood, and they started to compete with each other. They studied and worked similarly, and in the end, there was not much difference in the people they married. When they were old, Grandma Shuying's husband passed away, her daughter was not in a good relationship and worked outside, and only her granddaughter was well-behaved and smart to accompany her. Grandma Chunxi and Grandpa Baizhu were in good health and had a good relationship, but the son they gave birth to was not very filial.

After the two quarreled, they brought up the old accounts and exposed each other's shortcomings, venting all the suppressed emotions during this period. At the end, Grandma Chunxi deliberately mentioned that because Yueyue activated her superpowers first, she forced Grandpa Baishu to work with her, which allowed Grandma Shuying to regain some advantages.

At least her Yueyue is the most talented one besides Wen Zheng.

After a quarrel, Grandma Shuying was no longer so depressed. Instead, she practiced hard because she didn't want to see Grandma Chunxi be proud for too long. In the end, it took another three days to find the feeling.

Grandma Shuying and Grandma Chunxi activated the same superpowers. Both of them have plant-related superpowers. Now the only function is to make the vegetables they plant grow faster and better. It is inevitable that they quarrel from time to time and exchange their experience in using superpowers.

Since then, all seven of them have successfully activated their superpowers.

So far, they have spent more than half a month underground, during which Wen Zheng killed some zombies through the iron gate to get some crystal cores. At first, zombies would come up immediately after killing them. Now there are still many zombies wandering outside, but they will not block the iron gate so tightly. Sometimes the sun is better and the sunlight can pass through the gap.

"We have been down there for a long time, and everyone is familiar with their abilities. Why don't we go out and take a look, and store more crystal cores by the way." Grandpa Li looked outside through the iron gate, and he and Grandpa Liu stretched out their hands in the air, and saw a semicircular deep pit a few meters outside the iron gate.

The iron gate opened, and the long-lost sunlight illuminated the whole body. The zombies who smelled the smell rushed over fiercely, and fell into the deep pit before they could get close. Wen Zheng put a fire in, and saw the zombies burning fiercely.

More and more zombies came over with the smell, and the deep pit would obviously be filled soon, but they would not let the zombies approach so easily.

When the number of zombies reached a certain density, the ground suddenly became uneven, and there were many weeds growing and entangled with each other. The zombies that had accelerated their speed had just run a few steps when they were suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. Several of the fallen zombies rolled into a ball and were stabbed into a string by the sharp steel bars that were adjusted at a good angle.

Some of the zombies with outstanding speed and strength were shot in the eyes by Wen Zheng's arrows before they came to the front, and went straight through the brain.

The wooden arrows were not hard enough, but Wen Zheng had been using the bow a lot. When Grandpa Bai awakened the gold power, he first made a batch of arrows with metal arrowheads for him according to Wen Zheng's requirements, which came in handy now.

Wen Zheng attacked the zombies with higher evolution levels from a distance, and the gold and wood systems cooperated to attack ordinary zombies, while the earth system defended. Yueyue, who was protected by the adults at the back, secretly poked her head out to watch, and couldn't help but applaud for everyone, directing the water flow to clean up the crystal cores that were dug out.

The small zombie tide had actually left here, and the number of zombies left here gradually decreased under the attack of Wen Zheng and others. When they were tired, they would go back to the air-raid shelter to rest for a while, and then come back to attack after resting.

When the number of zombies surrounding them became sparse, they locked the door of the air-raid shelter, carried the collected crystal cores, found the car they drove when they escaped, and drove around the community to check the situation.

When the zombie tide occurred, there were almost zombies next to each other. The solid walls might still be able to defend, but the houses in the community that were not reinforced were not good. The doors and windows were almost knocked open, and some walls were even cracked.

The same was true for the room with another air-raid shelter entrance. Wen Zheng and his men heard the movement of zombies above in the air-raid shelter, so they didn't think of going up from that entrance. Otherwise, they would go up from the bottom and come out head first. If they were unlucky, they wouldn't even be able to hide from the zombies.

"I've had enough of the days in the air-raid shelter, but if I live there, I have to ensure safety. Lao Liu and I can reinforce this house, but we need to find a sturdy door and window. Can Lao Bai do it?"

"I'll try."

"There are still vegetables, but there is not much meat left. There are not many people making bacon and sausage in our community, and we can only eat two meals at most. Now there is no electricity, so fresh meat cannot be stored. It would be great if we could get some chickens to raise ourselves. When the zombies broke out, many cats and dogs in our community died, and those who didn't die were bitten by zombies, but fortunately they didn't turn into zombies."

Several families in their community have cats and dogs, and there are usually many stray cats and dogs looking for food nearby. On the day when the zombie virus broke out, humans either turned into zombies or survived, but almost all animals died, and they really died instead of turning into zombie animals. Wen Zheng suspected that it might be that the animals couldn't even withstand the energy of transformation.

The few animals that survived were not strong enough to survive. Animals can stimulate the appetite of zombies just like humans, but humans will become zombies when bitten by zombies, while animals will still die when bitten by zombies.

The plants on the land that was once polluted by the rotten flesh and blood of zombies are obviously much worse than those in other areas. Some of them even withered, and it seems that no new plants have sprouted and grown on the land there.

After more than half a month, after coming out and observing these phenomena, everyone has realized that the zombies are very toxic, and decided to rely on Yueyue to provide drinking water in the future. Even daily cleaning water must be boiled and disinfected many times.

"I remember that there seems to be a chicken farm in the south of our community. It is quite large. Maybe there are surviving chicks in it."

When it comes to chickens, you can think of all kinds of delicacies made from fresh chicken, and your saliva can't help but secrete. It's really greedy. When Grandma Shuying talked about the chicken farm, chickens running all over the ground suddenly appeared in my mind. The temptation is not ordinary.

"I'll drive to the chicken farm to have a look." Wen Zheng offered.

These days, everyone can see that although they all have superpowers, Wen Zheng's ability is obviously much stronger than theirs. In the end, the old man directly attributed the reason for this difference to Wen Zheng being a genius.

Before, Wen Zheng could always come back safely every time he went out, and they were almost used to it. Just as they were about to nod to express that they could consider it, Grandpa Li's words suddenly pulled them back: "You kid can't drive, do you still want to ride a bicycle so far?"

Everyone realized that Wen Zheng couldn't drive.

Wen Zheng wanted to say that he could drive. Adding up all the worlds he had experienced before, he had been driving for at least several decades. But he couldn't say these experiences. In the eyes of the old people, the original body had just become an adult not long ago, and he hadn't even registered for a driving school, let alone driving.

Unable to say that his experience in driving a car was actually quite rich, Wen Zheng had no choice but to make excuses, saying that he had learned a little when riding in other people's cars before the end of the world. These few times he watched the two grandfathers drive, and felt that driving was not difficult for him, and he basically learned it.

But this reason was completely unconvincing to the elderly.

"Driving is no joke. Before the end of the world, people died every year because of

"So, let's take a good rest tonight. Tomorrow, Brother Bai will drive Wen Zheng out. Let's not go to the chicken farm first. It's far away and we don't know the road conditions. Now that the zombie wave has just ended, not many people are willing to pass through our area. Let's take our community as the starting point. You can go and find out if there are any useful supplies and explore the surrounding situation. "

Grandpa Li's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

They hurriedly repaired the house, set traps around it, and had a good rest at night. This was the first time they returned to the ground to rest after the zombie tide arrived. The stars in the sky were twinkling, and everyone had a good dream.

Early the next morning, Wen Zheng told the old people to stay at home and be cautious. If anything went wrong, they should hide in the air-raid shelter and wait for them to come back. The old people were worried that Wen Zheng and Grandpa Bai Shu would be in danger when they went out, so they asked them to go outside the community to see the situation first. If they couldn't handle it, they should come back quickly. Supplies are far less important than safety.

Both sides were a little worried about each other, and finally separated with worry.

This car was snatched from the group of people who ambushed them. Wen Zheng knocked a hole in the window glass at that time, just to hit the vehicle in front. Now It was temporarily repaired by Grandpa Bai with metal.

Their target today was the nearest residential area that Wen Zheng had been to before. The goal of this trip was to find a good car to drive back, or to refill the car with some oil.

The density of zombies wandering outside was about the same as that of zombies in the community that had not been cleaned up. Grandpa Bai Shu accelerated and drove the car recklessly. The fragile zombies could not withstand the impact and could be directly knocked away and become missing arms and legs, but some zombies were fast and rushed directly to the side to pounce on the window glass. Before they pounced, they were pierced in the brain by a flame arrow.

The car quickly arrived at the nearest residential area. There were only three or four vehicles parked inside, and there was no key, so the car door could not be opened or started. Grandpa Bai first followed Wen Zheng's instructions and drove the car directly into the gate of a house, then got out of the car and cleaned up the zombies, and then closed the door.

The residential area close to their community also belongs to the suburbs. Because of the factory in their area, the environmental conditions were polluted. Later, the factory closed down and the environment needed time to gradually improve, so this suburb has not been developed. This residential area is better than their community, but it is also ordinary buildings, basically two-story, and the highest is only three-story.

The house they drove into was mainly because the door was open and wide enough for vehicles to pass through. After entering, there were no zombies inside. I don’t know if they escaped from here alive or wandered out after becoming zombies.

When they first turned into zombies, they could still be recognized by familiar people through their clothes. After a few months, there is basically no difference between zombies now, and sometimes even men and women can’t be distinguished.

All the supplies in this room were searched, and the particularly important food, weapons, tools and necessary daily necessities were selected and loaded into the car.

Then the two did not open the door to go out, but moved the ladder found in this house and climbed directly to the roof.

"Grandpa Bai Shu, you're not afraid of heights, are you?"

"Afraid of heights? When I climbed the tree, you didn't even know where you were." Grandpa Bai looked at his surroundings with a look of "you underestimate me", standing on a high place and looking around, not knowing where to start.

Wen Zheng remembered that he had come here before but felt someone was watching him, and later when he was ambushed, Wen Zheng felt that it was Brother Yang and his gang who were watching him. Based on the direction of his gaze at that time and the fact that he usually stayed at a high place to observe, Wen Zheng established his goal.

"Let's go in the direction of the houses with three floors." Wen Zheng suggested, and Grandpa Bai helped Wen Zheng put the ladder between the two houses.

Unless zombies can fly or birds can turn into zombies, their route walking from the roof is completely safe. They only need to deal with the zombies that may stay in the house after arriving at the new house.

After searching for a long time, Wen Zheng also found a lot of books in a study room. He looked at some of them that might be used and packed them all up. There are some exciting rooms with tightly sealed plastic barrels, glass jars, ceramic jars, etc. Buckets of cooking oil are essential for cooking. Glass jars contain pickled sour cowpeas, sour peppers, etc. There are also large ceramic jars full of salted duck eggs and pickled cabbage, which are tightly packed and not contaminated by zombies.

All the things collected in different houses are placed on the roof or by the window of the second-floor room. After all, it is not easy to carry so many things. When you are ready to leave, you can return to the original route and take them away. After working for a long time, Wen Zheng and Grandpa Baishu jumped to the three-story building in front after eating a few biscuits found in the house on the roof.

The balcony door is locked, and the rest of the windows are equipped with anti-theft windows, but this is the purpose of Grandpa Baishu. Wen Zheng originally wanted Grandpa Bai to try to control the keyhole of the main door from the outside to open the door, but unfortunately Grandpa Bai's gold-related supernatural power could not control it so finely. After a slight attempt, the keyhole was completely blocked by metal. Now even with the key, the door could not be opened.

At present, Grandpa Bai Shu can move and deform metal. The houses that could not be opened before all relied on the supernatural power to twist the anti-theft windows and enter through the windows.

Wen Zheng had just entered and had not yet stood firm when he saw the neatly stacked boxes and barrels in the room on the third floor. He had some guesses in his mind. Although he was surprised, he quickly regained his calm. But when Grandpa Bai followed in and saw the labels on these boxes and barrels clearly, he was completely unaware, his eyes widened, and he stood there in surprise.

Where did they come to?

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