Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 40 Chapter 40 (1/2)

In the Northeast Base located in the northeast of the community, patrol officers and ordinary people maintaining order were walking on the road wearing thick clothes, but their faces not only showed the joy of the upcoming New Year, but also the exhaustion caused by running for survival.

Snowflakes were falling from the sky, and gusts of cold wind were blowing into the neck. Some ordinary people wearing thin clothes quickened their pace. Even the patrol officers who were distributed uniforms by the base wanted to return to the duty area for a drink as soon as the shift was over. Two mouthfuls of hot water.

With such thoughts in mind, the patrol team still continued to complete its mission. When they turned a street corner, familiar cries and noises came from not far away, and the leader of the team sighed softly.

According to the patrol route, they were bound to pass by that place. When they walked past, they saw a crying crowd entering the building and the sounds of noisy and arguing inside.

In the past, many passers-by would gather around to inquire about the situation, and even come forward to comfort them. However, as things happened more often, no one would watch the pain of others anymore, and even relate to the situations they might encounter. Get sentimental.

The patrol originally wanted to leave the area as soon as possible, but uniformed staff came out of the building and shouted quickly when they saw them.

"Patrol team, someone here is deliberately causing trouble, take them away quickly!"

This building was a casualty pension office specially set up by the original leaders when the base was first established. During the process of resisting the zombie invasion and the base sending out zombies to search for locations to rescue survivors, some people would inevitably die in the battle.

After receiving notification, the families of those who sacrificed their lives for the base and ordinary people will come here to receive a certain amount of pension materials. Even if the base provides compensation, their family members will still be sad. As for the quarrels, they are usually due to dissatisfaction with the compensation materials.

Walking into the casualty pension office, it was crowded with people. The people crying because of sadness and the people dissatisfied with the pension were almost evenly divided. The person responsible for distributing supplies stayed behind the metal counter and watched these noisy people. people.

The man who called the patrol team in from outside shouted dissatisfied at the patrol team: "I called you here just to drive these troublemakers out. Why are you standing there now? I gave you the gun in vain. Let's do it!" "

There was a flash of displeasure in the eyes of the patrol captain, but they still needed this job and had to obey the order. They raised the gun in their hands and fired upward. The sound of the gunshot made the entire hall quiet.

However, the gunshots had no effect this time, and a young man in his teens still stood out from the crowd. His obviously still immature face was red with excitement and anger. From the feet of the two people who seemed to be his parents who had been crying next to him, he picked up the sack marked with the casualty pension.

"My brother is a superpower. He took a mission assigned by the base and went out. When he came back, he told us that he was gone. We knew that the mission to leave the base was dangerous. At least he sacrificed his life for the base. We accepted it, but he didn't tell us. What mission, where did he die, not even the body was brought back, let’s look at what the death compensation materials are.”

When the young man was talking, the people next to him showed the same indignation. They took out the supplies they had just received from their bags and placed them in front of everyone.

"Look, everyone, my son is just an ordinary person, but you can't prevaricate us like this. When you smell the rice, it smells of mold, and when you look at it, it's already infested with insects."

"This has never happened before when General Li was managing the base. During the last zombie wave, he led a team to the wall to fight off the zombies. How could such a good man suddenly become seriously ill and pass away."

"Who knows whether he really died of illness or for another reason." The young man who spoke first seemed to have been overwhelmed by anger. His father next to him seemed to want to stop him from talking, but failed to stop him.

Everyone present heard the young man continue to say, "My brother also knows a lot of people with powers. Before he left, he felt something was wrong. He said that there have been a lot of deaths of people with powers recently, but he had to obey the mission of the base. I didn't expect that as soon as I left, he would He didn’t come back, and now I suspect that the base is deliberately arresting people with superpowers to do..."

With a bang of a gunshot, the young man's words stopped abruptly. He slowly lowered his head. In the last moments of his life, he could only see the heart penetrated by a bullet and the blood flowing out of it.

Screams broke out instantly, and the crowd that had originally surrounded the young man retreated in extreme fear. Only the young man's parents could not believe the facts in front of them. The mother, who had been crying for the death of her eldest son, saw her younger son losing his breath in front of her. She couldn't accept it and let out a howl of grief. She fainted on the spot and hit the ground hard.

"Dongming..." The father, who was calling his youngest son's name in a low voice, immediately knelt on the ground after his wife fell in his arms, stretched out his hand to lift the child's mother's body, and called the name in a hoarse voice. After two sounds, he stretched out his fingers and placed them on his wife's heart.

There is no heartbeat anymore.

Everyone was shocked by the successive developments, and the onlookers did not dare to speak. The patrol team originally did not want to get involved in this matter, and their expressions were even more unbearable. Some of the people working at the Casualty Pension Office stepped back uneasily, but the boy who fired the gun showed a disdainful smile.

The father placed his breathless wife next to his youngest son. He did not make any more sounds, but stood up silently, picked up the compensation materials not far from him, and threw them heavily at the service counter.

Another familiar gunshot, the man at the counter played with the □□, staring at the father lying on the ground, the muzzle of the gun pointed at the crowd hurriedly avoided.

They all knew who came to collect the supplies. This was the new head of the casualty compensation department after the change of the base leader. The staff here called him Wang Shao. They knew that the person who dared to withhold their supplies openly must have a backstage, but holding them together to protest might be a useful way to protest.

But now seeing Wang Shao dare to kill two people and force one to death in front of so many people, how could ordinary people like them shake the backstage.

"These two people first wantonly slandered the top management of the base, and then attacked the staff of the base for no reason. I had no choice but to shoot them to maintain the order of the base. Otherwise, if everyone makes such a fuss for supplies, how can the base continue to operate?" Wang Shao defined this matter himself, holding a gun in his hand and scanning the crowd of people who stayed.

"Okay, are there still people who are dissatisfied with the distribution of supplies? If not, leave quickly. There are also patrol teams. If they can't even maintain order, move these three bodies to burn."

The lesson of the past is right in front of us. Even if ordinary people are dissatisfied, they still cherish their lives. Those who have received the supplies took the supplies and left, and those who did not receive them received those worse supplies and no longer dared to protest.

A family of four successfully survived the zombie outbreak, but now they died here because of this incident.

How ironic!

The patrol team left silently with the three bodies. After the cremation, they found three boxes as urns and put the three people of the family together, but they couldn't find the eldest son who was a superpower.

They returned to the shift change area with a depressed mood, but received a punishment notice from above.

"The casualty compensation office complained about you, saying that not only did you not maintain order, but someone also slandered the base leaders and did not do anything when they took action, and the staff had to do it themselves, so the higher-ups issued an order to deduct your supplies for half a month." The leader who had a good relationship with them came to inform them, but unfortunately the punishment order was issued by the patrol team's top leader.

It can't be changed.

The team members were all very angry, but they didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction under the captain's reminder. The current base is no longer the previous base.

When they returned to their residence, they all stayed in a room and locked the doors and windows, and then dared to speak their minds. The patrol captain went back to the room and took out a pack of cigarettes that he had kept for a long time from a hidden place, and threw one to each of the team members.

Smoking is harmful to health, but in this situation, it can calm emotions. Several team members who don't smoke also took it and lit it, took a big puff into their mouths, and then choked because they were not used to it, and they didn't even have red eyes.

"Captain?" The team members all hoped that the captain could make a decision.

What worried them most was whether the young man's guess that the base deliberately created the illusion of the death of the superpower was true. If the base really declared the superpower dead, it would probably be used for experiments. They were all human beings, and they all had a worry that it would be the turn of ordinary people one day.

The captain finished smoking the cigarette in silence, looking up at the sky outside that was gradually falling into darkness: "We need to find a way out for ourselves..."

The base did not announce the accident at the casualty compensation office, but there were so many people present that they could not stop talking, and the news spread quickly in the base. The happy atmosphere that should have been formed to welcome the Spring Festival completely dissipated before it was created. Except for the top leaders of the base, ordinary people were not happy about it at all.

The community where Wen Zheng lived was completely different. There were only seven people, but they prepared for the New Year many days in advance.

Before the end of the world, I didn't pay much attention to the customs of the New Year. The most important thing was the two days of New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year, but after the end of the world, I wanted to take advantage of the festival to have fun. The old people told all the Spring Festival customs in their memories, and Wen Zheng accompanied Yueyue to realize them one by one.

They looked for anything they could use from the materials they searched for, wrote couplets on red characters, cut window paper-cuts, kneaded dough to make dumpling skins and bun skins, and chopped pure vegetarian stuffings and stuffings mixed with a little bacon. They didn't find firecrackers, so they ran around to cut some bamboo and came back to prepare homemade firecrackers on the night of the New Year.

When it was New Year's Eve dinner, everyone showed their skills. Many plants that don't need to see the light were planted in the underground air-raid shelter, and a vegetable garden was opened in the enclosed courtyard. The soil inside was completely replaced by the two grandfathers with earth-related abilities. Although many vegetables cannot grow in the cold winter, with the grandmother with plant-related abilities, the vegetables grown are growing slower.

It's New Year's Day and it's time to kill chickens. The two roosters don't know how many coveted eyes they have to accept every day, all wanting to eat them. After holding it in for so long, it was finally New Year's Eve. Wen Zheng sharpened his knife and went to kill the rooster after lunch.

He ate one first, and the other one would be killed on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

The rooster's throat was slashed, its feathers burned, and its belly was cut open. Not to mention the internal organs, even the chicken's butt was cleaned up and the edible parts were left for cooking and served on the table.

There were seven of them in total, and they cooked ten dishes. Each dish was quite large, but there was not enough meat in it, and most of it needed to be supplemented by vegetables. The most popular one was the stewed rooster with mushrooms. The collected dried mushrooms were soaked and stewed with the freshly slaughtered rooster, which was fragrant and chewy.

After dinner, everyone, with a full stomach, went to the firewood piled at the door to listen to the crackling of firecrackers. Everyone had a happy smile on their face, and then they stayed in the room together with quilts, roasting the fire, and listening to the language-like Spring Festival Gala broadcast by the official base on the radio.

Although I couldn't see the scene with my own eyes, at least I could have a lively time, and it sounded quite lively.

On the other side, the central building of the Northeast Base was as lively as described on the radio. The newly appointed leader took control of the entire Northeast Base with his team, and began to organize people to rehearse this gala a month in advance to show the happy life in the base after he took office.

The party, which only some people can attend, is extremely lively. There are singing and dancing performances on the stage and delicious food under the stage. No one who attends shows any worries and enjoys this rare night wholeheartedly. Everything looks like it was before the end of the world.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, with the sound of countdown, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky. Ordinary people in the base heard the sound and looked out the window. There was no excitement at all, and their faces were numb.

This is no longer the prosperous city before the end of the world, nor is it the base full of harmony and hope when it was first established. Just like the fireworks in the sky brought a moment of splendor, after the fireworks passed, the sky above the base was still shrouded in darkness.

The zombies scattered outside the base were once monsters that devoured life, and even now they are still predators that block the road and stare at them. They have no wisdom but rely entirely on instinct to force humans to move in specific areas, waiting for humans to abandon their armor under their attack, or directly break out of internal strife and destroy themselves.

Zombies are terrible, but human hearts are no less terrible.

Even though the arrival of the Spring Festival was not so joyful, the official teams all got a few days off, and even those expedition teams that were not under the official jurisdiction and formed their own teams took a few days off during this period to accompany their loved ones.

Some people took advantage of this holiday opportunity to make plans to leave, and quietly prepared and arranged.

On the fourth day after the New Year, the army led by the official of the base once again accepted the mission assigned by the base and set off. However, in less than a day after the departure, only half of the entire team returned, and the vehicles that drove back were even more dilapidated. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the base, they attracted the attention of many people.

Could it be that the zombie tide is coming again?

Those who survived after the end of the world basically have keen observation skills. Seeing that the situation is not good, the teams that originally planned to go out will not go out. Even if they have already gone out, any team that ran back on the road will turn back one by one.

At least wait for this team to tell the situation they encountered, and they will assess the degree of danger outside before considering whether to go out and what to carry when going out.

With such a serious situation, the surviving personnel were immediately summoned to inquire about the situation. They did not need to wait for them to be released after being questioned. The other teams that did not return because they did not know the situation returned in two or three embarrassed convoys.

They were not under official jurisdiction and did not need to keep their information outside. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the base, facing many ordinary people who were worried and asking questions, they told all their experiences outside with lingering fear.

Some zombies have evolved superpowers.

Ordinary people have a certain chance of being infected with the zombie virus after being bitten by zombies, but this probability is extremely rare. There are only more than a dozen superpowers in the entire Northeast Base, and because they "died" during the mission, there are only a dozen left now.

The strength of superpowers is not strong now, but they can absorb zombie crystal cores, but the absorption speed is relatively slow. When superpowers can absorb crystal cores, after everyone found that the crystal cores in zombies are constantly growing, everyone speculated that zombies will also have superpowers in the future.

But there has been no such thing. Gradually, some people put this matter aside. In other words, they want to collect as many supplies as possible before the zombies evolve into superpowers.

During the snowy period around the Spring Festival, the zombies who don’t wear clothes to protect their bodies, although they don’t feel the cold, their bodies are frozen stiff due to the low temperature, and the zombies that were originally difficult to deal with have become a little easier to deal with.

So after a few days of rest, many teams went out to fight zombies and collect supplies. The supplies around the base have been collected almost, and if they want to collect more, they need to go to a farther place.

These teams went out with full confidence, waving their weapons and thinking about how many zombies they could kill, but before they could do anything after encountering the zombies, the newly evolved zombies roared loudly, and the front of the car immediately sank a large area. The driver wanted to escape as soon as possible, but the zombie roared again, and the vehicle was scrapped.

The team that encountered the zombies first became the unfortunate ones who delayed time, so that the people who followed and immediately fled when they found something wrong had enough time to escape back.

The team that escaped from outside walked in different directions, and encountered zombies at different times and places. After careful questioning, they found out that the zombies had different superpowers. So far, there are zombies with three different superpower attributes: gold, fire, and earth.

This matter is related to zombies, the strength of the enemies we will face in the future, and how to protect our lives and survive. When the official base announced this matter, it had already spread throughout the base by word of mouth.

In the past, zombies did not have superpowers. Although they evolved faster and stronger, they had no wisdom. Even ordinary people could kill many zombies at close range and collect a lot of supplies.

When zombies had superpowers, the whole situation turned around. Ordinary people with ordinary weapons had basically no combat ability when facing the first-level zombies that evolved superpowers. Those official teams of the base who could use firearms such as guns and superpowers were the main force against these first-level zombies.

And almost all superpowers followed the arrangements of the base because they signed a contract.

After going out several times, they encountered danger, and the number of ordinary people leaving the base became fewer and fewer. In this case, those who originally planned to leave the base, which became more and more excessive after the change of leaders, were caught off guard by the sudden change.

It is not so easy to leave the base. Where to go after leaving and what to do on the road are all problems that need to be solved. The two bases in this city are located on a diagonal line. If you want to get from the northeast base to the southwest base, you basically have to go through the entire city. It is better to go to the base in the next city, but the journey is just as long.

Considering these reasons, people who don't want to die still want to stay in the base even if they have many dissatisfactions in their hearts, at least they can survive. There are very few people who plan to leave, and they have to plan carefully.

Originally, they planned to leave when the zombies were inconvenient to walk in winter, and spent time preparing to set off. The new news made it impossible for them to leave. Unless there are superpowers in their team, or they are equipped with hot weapons.

The original plan was disrupted, and they still need to plan carefully if they want to leave.

Zombies with superpowers appear not only in one place, but also nationwide. People are beginning to have headaches about this. Even near the community where Wen Zheng and his friends are, such a special zombie has appeared.

The seven people all looked outside nervously. The traps built for defense have no effect in front of this zombie.

This special zombie was tall and no longer the ugly purple-black color. Its body turned into earthy yellow, looking like it was covered in mud, and then naturally became mud armor covering its body surface after drying.

During the walking process, the zombies wandering around took the initiative to make way for it. It waved its thick arms without any delay. As soon as it fell into the deep pit dug in front of the wall, the ground below automatically bulged and sent it up. It stood in front of the wall and pushed it with its arms, and the wall soon broke a hole.

"It should be a zombie that has activated the earth-related supernatural power." Wen Zheng said unhurriedly, picked up the bow and arrow with iron arrowheads hanging on the wall, bent the bow and arrow, aimed at the target, and shot it fiercely at the zombie's body.

The arrow broke through the air and hit the zombie's body, breaking the armor made of mud, but the remaining power of the arrow was not enough to penetrate the zombie's body again. Wen Zheng estimated the intelligence and defense of this zombie. The zombie's intelligence has not increased, and its superpowers are not as sophisticated as those used by humans. If his arrow was aimed at the eyes, this zombie would have been solved.

The reason why Wen Zheng did not solve it directly was that he wanted the grandparents to practice.

"Grandparents, this earth-type zombie is left to you to solve." Staring at the eyes of the grandparents, Wen Zheng showed them a trusting smile, "Although this zombie has superpowers, there is only one. You all have superpowers. Can't you beat the zombie?"

The grandparents who were a little panicked calmed down. The panic at first was just the first time they met a zombie with superpowers. Now their heads recalled the skills they had practiced before, and several people cooperated very well.

The newly formed earth wall protected them in front of them. Suddenly, the vines growing from the ground controlled the zombie's movements. A big hole suddenly appeared under the zombie's feet. Before he could get up, the steel bar held by Grandpa Bai stretched out according to his wishes and inserted into the zombie's eyes.

Even Yueyue was no longer afraid of zombies, and threw water balls at them from a distance.

The earth-type zombies still couldn't escape their attacks. Wen Zheng finally walked up and dug around in the zombie's head, and found a crystal core the size of a peanut.

This crystal core was no longer white, but had a light yellow color.

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