Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 42 Chapter 42 (1/2)

The patrol team wanted to gain Wen Zheng's trust, so they naturally would not evade. The orders from the walkie-talkie appeared in everyone's ears. Wen Zheng heard the voice on the intercom asking them where they were without any scruples, demanding that the patrol team must catch Grandpa Li alive, and he suddenly sneered angrily.

In the last world, Wen Zheng met a base that fought wholeheartedly to protect the people. Wen Zheng may have brought his feelings from that time to this world. Even if he felt that there was a problem with the base management, he didn't think much about it.

However, there are leaders who really put the lives of ordinary people behind. The actions of these people are really disgusting.

The captain of the patrol team introduced himself as Wu Xi, prevaricated the superior who issued the arrest order in front of Wen Zheng and Grandpa Li, and then took the time to explain: "They have probably arrived near the trading area. What I just said cannot be hidden for long. We must leave as soon as possible."

"How could there be such people? They are not worthy of being leaders of the base." Grandpa Li, who had been a soldier, was even more heartbroken. His lips were trembling when he spoke with anger, but the obvious facts were before his eyes.

Wen Zheng stopped wasting time, took Grandpa Li's arm and looked at Wu Xi: "The cooperation is established, do you have a way to leave?"

"Come with us." Wu Xi took a deep breath and led the way. This behavior was an extremely bold attempt, but if they missed this opportunity, the possibility of them successfully escaping from the base was too low.

Wu Xi has been observing the changes in the base since many years ago. The results obtained after observing it for such a long time made him believe that if the base continues to develop like this, it will definitely be destroyed. He needs to leave with the people who trust him before the base is destroyed.

Following the patrol, they turned several corners in the trading area and finally entered a room. After changing clothes, they went to the outskirts of the base. Wen Zheng and Grandpa Li saw their vehicle parked outside the trading area from a distance, but unfortunately it had been controlled by people from the base.

Wu Xi led his teammates to open two cars parked in an unobtrusive corner, and asked his teammates to drive one of the cars to leave from the other direction. He was worried that he would be misunderstood by Grandpa Li and Wen Zheng, so he drove while Explained: "We have family members living in the base. They are going to inform their families to leave now. These have been prepared a long time ago. Don't worry, it won't waste too much time."

The distance from the trading area to the base gate was not far. Wu Xi's car drove very fast. He did not leave from the main road, but went around a small road without many people, but the overall direction was indeed heading outside. run.

The lies told by the patrol into the walkie-talkie did not buy them much time. Before they were about to arrive at the base gate, they saw from a distance that the soldiers responsible for guarding the entrance and exit of the base were preparing to close the gate. There were people at the gate who were being inspected and planning to enter or The leaving convoy looked angry and wanted to argue, but was pushed away.

A convoy of arresters sent by the base came from behind. The loudspeaker sticking out of the window amplified the voices of the arresters, making them loud enough for everyone around them to hear.

"Attention all base personnel, saboteurs have deliberately sneaked into the base to steal secrets, and there are patrol teams inside and outside, which shows that they have been planning for a long time. Thanks to the base leadership, they discovered something was wrong in time and have now closed the base gate. All vehicles trying to leave the base are probably Once discovered, the associates of these members will not be let go.”

The loudspeakers continued to ring all around, and the expressions of people walking on the roadside were no longer so numb after hearing it, but the expression on their faces was not anger but excitement. However, ordinary people did not dare to participate and evacuated to both sides of the road. The vehicles that were originally driving in the middle of the road hesitantly slowed down or even stopped. The few vehicles that accelerated instead became too noticeable.

"Grandpa, thank you for your hard work." Wen Zheng confirmed to Wu Xi that the accelerating vehicles were driven by his companions who wanted to leave. There were quite a few of them, so he asked Grandpa Li to take action.

Grandpa Li, who was sitting in the back seat of the vehicle, took out two yellow earth-based crystal nuclei from his pocket. He had brought them just in case, but he didn't expect that they would actually come in handy.

Holding the crystal core in his left and right hands to absorb the energy inside, Grandpa Li worked hard to mobilize the surrounding soil. The ground that was simply paved with cement began to vibrate. When the chasing convoy was about to open fire, pieces of the cement floor were lifted up and hit the vehicles. Abnormal protrusions appeared on the ground, which soon turned into a low wall blocking the road.

The pursuing team was temporarily blocked behind the earth wall. Wen Zheng had no time to look at what was going on behind him. He stared at the gate of the base not far away. The staff who received the order were closing the gate.

These two doors cannot be closed before they go out.

Wen Zheng raised his hands lightly, and several fireballs shot quickly from the window to the door, exploding the moment they reached the door. This is a new trick that Wen Zheng developed during the Chinese New Year. In fact, the attack power is not strong, but the visual effect is very shocking. It is not suitable for zombies, but suitable for humans.

The staff who closed the door were frightened by the fireball that was suddenly thrown at them, and they left their original positions to hide. Some unlucky ones had their clothes burned by the flames, and they rolled around on the ground several times before successfully putting out the fire.

At the same time, Wu Xi, who was driving, was so surprised by Wen Zheng who suddenly revealed his fire power that his hands shook. The car moved sideways before regaining stability. The vehicles that saw this scene were more or less frightened, leaving a curved path on the road.

After the surprise, there was excitement. There were two psychics in this team, and they had seen the psychics in the base show their powers, but none of them were as powerful as these two.

Some people who had stopped the car and didn't want to get involved in this matter changed their minds after seeing this scene, restarted the car and sped up to follow these cars to run outside the base.

Wen Zheng and Grandpa Li, who had powerful psychics, did not hide their strength at all in the short distance of a few hundred meters. When the car left the base, several gunshots hit the car body. Wen Zheng quickly aimed at the place outside the base where the confiscated materials entering the city were stored. The fireballs fired this time were small in size but extremely hot, and quickly ignited a fire.

The base didn't take an earth-type psychic seriously, but they never expected that someone in the base would dare to rebel, and they didn't expect that there was a fire-type psychic in this group of people, and both psychics were damn powerful.

Wang Shao, who originally thought he could easily catch the superpower, drove to the front and fired several shots at the vehicle in front. He was frightened by the flaming arrows that broke the glass and rushed in, so he immediately escaped from the car, blocking the road with the vehicles behind him.

"Are there any flammable items in your car? Thick quilts, thick clothes, wood, gasoline, diesel, etc.?" After successfully leaving the base gate, Wen Zheng asked Wu Xi while watching the pursuers who came to observe the chasers.

"Yes, there are thick quilts and gasoline in each car." Wu Xi replied.

When the pursuers finally rushed out of the fire at the gate of the base, they saw the defense line on the road made of quilts, clothes and wood piled on the roadside before they drove too far ahead. If only it was like this, it would be fine. The key is that these things are burning with a raging fire.

They don't even know what was thrown in it. There is an extremely unpleasant and indescribable smell during the burning process, which makes them wonder if this smell is harmful to the human body.

"What did you throw into the fire?" Even Wu Xi was a little curious, and the teammates sitting in the co-pilot seat pricked up their ears.

"It's just some plants with a special smell." Wen Zheng made a few excuses.

In fact, these plants looked like ordinary mint at the beginning, but now they smell like heaven and hell compared to normal mint. The change was caused by the land polluted by zombies and the two grandmothers with plant-related superpowers.

When the two grandmothers saw that the plants on the soil polluted by zombies were gradually withering and blackening, they wanted to try whether their superpowers could save these plants, so they aimed at a few mints. Unfortunately, they didn't know what special changes had occurred in them, causing the smell of mint to change dramatically.

Originally, the two grandmothers asked Wen Zheng to burn them as soon as possible, but Wen Zheng kept them because he thought they might be useful. The smell was not so strong when they were packed in sealed bags, and they came in handy today.

The convoy quickly left the daily cleaning range of the base and chose a road from the three-way intersection to leave. Grandpa Li even controlled the soil to make some changes to the road after the convoy left to ensure that there was no difference.

"Captain Wu, we have all come out of the base, and we have completed the first part of the cooperation. We can help you repel the zombies on the road later, but you have to tell us where the destination is." Wen Zheng asked.

Wen Zheng was a little worried when he said this. The last time he and Grandpa Li entered the base, they filled in their native place, which was the location of the community. Although the native place address and the living address and the place where you stay after the end of the world may not be the same, the location of the community is not far from the base. Wen Zheng is not sure whether the base will send someone to check it out.

It's all caused by not being careful enough.

So after coming out, Wen Zheng didn't reveal any information about himself, and Grandpa Li didn't say anything, letting Wu Xi choose one of the three-way intersection. In fact, this was the road that the rescue army took at the beginning. He had to solve the problem before returning to the community.

"I originally planned to go to another base. After all, if we can escape successfully this time, the base will not let any of us go, so we can only find another base with fair management."

"What about now?" Wen Zheng heard the implication.

"You two are so strong that we can't imagine. No wonder you can survive outside. Although we don't have superpowers, we are good at shooting and have many special skills. I wonder if we have the honor to follow you?" Wu Xi asked tentatively, but his thoughts came from the heart.

The teammate sitting in the co-pilot was a little surprised. It can be seen that the idea of ​​following Wen Zheng came up with Wu Xi, but he didn't raise any objections. After thinking for a while, he nodded repeatedly, and there was admiration and expectation in his eyes when he looked at Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng smiled, tapped the seat lightly with his fingers, and faced Wu Xi with his side face: "Although we haven't been together for a long time, I can see that your teammates believe in you. Your family is a group that is not easy to break. I took you to my territory. Even superpowers can't stop the conspiracy. What can I do if you attack me? The risk is a bit too great."

The incident at the base this time taught Wen Zheng a lesson. Never trust others too much in the end times, but Wen Zheng didn't want to become the kind of person who doubts casually. Fortunately, the old people around him can be trusted.

The trust between Wu Xi and the others is the most difficult problem to solve. Wen Zheng would rather not have these subordinates than bring these unsafe hidden dangers back to the community. Now he is waiting for Wu Xi to give him an answer that can convince him.

"We were not the only ones who took advantage of the chaos to leave the base." Wu Xi had confidence in the character of himself and his teammates, but he couldn't deny that what Wen Zheng said was indeed possible, and he could only rack his brains to think of the reasons.

"We have a total of four vehicles. There are eight vehicles following us now. The other four are the vehicles that stayed near the base gate when we rushed out. They should want to defect to you. Eight vehicles There are at least three teams here, and anyone who wants to take action may be discovered." Then he used it to please Wen Zheng. Wu Xi didn't say the last words, but he thought Wen Zheng would understand what he meant.

It sounded reasonable, but Wen Zheng still chose to shake his head. He saw the extra vehicles outside, and he also thought about what Wu Xi said, but such a stranger who was completely unaware of the situation did not deserve too much trust from him.

"Your reasons haven't convinced me yet. These are just your words. What if you have friendship in the base? Besides, if those people don't know you, how do you know that they are not deliberately sent by the base to wait at the gate of the base? I plan to sneak in among us and find out my lair directly."

Wu Xi had nothing to say.

Although Grandpa Li has a high opinion of Wu Xi's team, but with the base as a warning, he is afraid that he will be soft-hearted, so he simply pretends that he can't hear the two of them talking at all, and focuses all his attention on the outside. He doesn't care about this matter. Mix it in and let Wen Zheng make the decision completely.

Wen Zheng was still thinking about the community and said at the new fork in the road ahead: "We will leave after arriving at the community in front. Don't worry, my grandpa and I will help clear the second-level zombies in that area before leaving. I miss you." You should be able to find a place to rest.”

"But it's still too close to the base, and there are so many zombies. Can we really not follow you?"

"Not yet. I will go to your side every once in a while and wait until we have enough trust to discuss it." Wen Zheng was particularly determined.

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