Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 45 Chapter 45 (1/2)

It's a crow.

Wen Zheng didn't notice when it flew over. Maybe this crow has been staying here all the time, but it just made a little noise.

Wen Zheng recalled what happened just now, and then took out two more crystal cores from his pocket. This time, he tried to throw them up. Before he threw them to the highest point, the crow above flew down and grabbed the crystal core.

Ten minutes later, Wen Zheng followed the crow flying in front and walked to the back of the institute again. The plants behind him were rooted in the soil and could not move, shaking their branches and leaves reluctantly.

In fact, Wen Zheng had found traces of animal activities during this period. He guessed that there might be mutant animals, because they basically did not attack living people and moved much faster than normal animals, but it was the first time he encountered mutant plants.

The mutant animals he encountered in the past basically disappeared as soon as they saw their figures, but this crow actually took the initiative to lead the way. Wen Zheng was still wondering while walking on the road whether this crow behaved like this because of the crystal core, or because he really had some bird affinity.

In the world with Tuan Tuan as his companion, any animal that dared to approach him would be driven away by Tuan Tuan. Even if he entered the mission world alone, there was rarely such a situation, so it should be the former.

Wen Zheng was thinking about it like this, and was brought to the hillside behind the institute by the crow. He immediately stopped thinking about it and kept scanning the surrounding situation. There was a window behind the institute, but Wen Zheng noticed that there was a flash of light, and there were solar panels installed on the roof. There must be a camera installed at that location.

It seems that there is no way to get in without taking action. It is too easy to be discovered during the day. If you want to take action, you have to wait until dark at night. Wen Zheng simply returned to the place where the mutant plant was found and communicated with the plant. At first, the crow flew around Wen Zheng, but when Wen Zheng took out the crystal core, it started to compete with the mutant plant and didn't care about anything.

"Another one." Wen Zheng smiled and threw a crystal core into the air.

The wings and branches moved at the same time. This time, the crow was faster. It returned to the tree with the crystal core in its mouth and pecked it slowly. Before, the crow was flying in the sky and could not be seen. Now that the distance was shortened, Wen Zheng found that the crow had a tag on its neck. Both the tag and the rope were pure black. He almost couldn't find it with his eyes.

This crow has an owner, but it should not be raised by the research institute, otherwise the crow would have more than one tag on its body, and he would not continue to stay here safely. Wen Zheng was thinking when he felt a pulling force on his legs and feet. He looked down and saw that the mutant plant failed to grab the crystal core. It was so pitiful with its leaves drooping, so it secretly asked Wen Zheng for it.

"There are too many crystal cores and you can't absorb them all. When you are done, come with me and I will feed you crystal cores every day." Wen Zheng smiled and refused. He took the crystal core and absorbed it himself.

When it was getting dark at night, Wen Zheng started to act.

He took out the sealed bag he carried with him, which contained the latest research results of the two grandmothers with wood-type superpowers. Wearing a mask on his face, Wen Zheng threw a little flame into the plant in the sealed bag, and soon white smoke came out. Wen Zheng extinguished the flame before it grew bigger. Then he sealed the bag again and handed it to the crow, asking the crow to take the thing over, peck the bag open, and then throw it in through the vent.

In order to ensure the smooth process, Wen Zheng asked the crow to try many times during the day. This time, the real object was really used, and everything went quite smoothly. The crow was a little dizzy when flying after throwing it, but it could still understand Wen Zheng's words.

Wen Zheng picked up a sharp stone again and gave it to the crow. The crow's black feathers were the best camouflage in the dark night. Flying shakily with the stone, and being exposed to the camera became a cover, and finally the crow successfully hit the nearest camera with the stone.

When the camera was broken, Wen Zheng, who was hiding behind the stone, jumped to the roof in a few steps, and the flame in his hand was accurately aimed at the line connecting the solar generator. Those fire prevention measures could not resist Wen Zheng's upgraded supernatural flames. An unpleasant smell of burning came. Wen Zheng controlled the flames to pass along the wires and destroy as many circuits as possible.

The light that was faintly revealed from the gap in the window disappeared. Wen Zheng did not hear any sound from inside. He exchanged a product in the system store that could ensure his safety in such a place, in case of an accident to protect his life, and then opened the window of the institute.

It was dark inside, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly by the moonlight, but there was no suspicious light, nor any sound. Wen Zheng stayed outside the window and raised his hand to open the small flashlight he carried, illuminating the room.

It seemed to be the kitchen of the institute. Wen Zheng used flames to burn the anti-theft metal outside the window, focusing on the installed joints. It took a while to enter the house.

There was no one in this room. Wen Zheng saw that any circuit had to be completely destroyed, relying entirely on flashlights for lighting. The crow had already followed Wen Zheng into the room, anxiously wanting to take Wen Zheng to a certain place. But as a bird, it recognizes different roads than humans. Instead, it stayed on the ceiling and pecked a few times with its beak, and a board was opened.

Wen Zheng was not surprised at all, but looked up. Sure enough, the ventilation duct in reality is different from the one in the movie. There is no way to enter that opening, which means that crows can pass through it.

Still have to walk from the inside.

Wen Zheng first looked at the kitchen. It was newly built before the end of the world. The facilities inside were still very new. There was a room connected to the kitchen next to it. Wen Zheng tried to open the door. There was no lock. It was a rest room with four people sleeping soundly inside.

It seemed that the medicine thrown in still worked. It was a special plant developed by the two grandmothers. It was still useless for zombies but useful for humans.

After controlling these people and letting them continue to sleep, Wen Zheng picked out a person with a figure similar to him and changed his clothes. He also took the magnetic card suspected to be an identity card and put on the hat he found in the closet.

Estimating the time he would spend here and the dangers he might encounter, Wen Zheng made a device in the kitchen before going out.

After going out, the passage outside was pitch black. Wen Zheng did not turn on the flashlight and walked in the dark. In the dark world, Wen Zheng's hearing worked better. The crow that followed Wen Zheng and did not go through the vent landed on Wen Zheng's shoulder and flapped its wings in different directions to remind Wen Zheng the direction to move forward.

There were no problems with the road ahead. Wen Zheng saw that the people who were supposed to be guarding the roadside fell on the road because of the smoke. Wen Zheng simply changed his clothes.

Following the command of the crow, Wen Zheng came to a secret room on the first floor. He could not hear any movement. After opening it with the key taken from the guard, Wen Zheng smelled the rotten and bloody smell coming from inside before he entered the door.

He closed the door gently and illuminated the room. But after seeing the first human specimen placed in a sealed container, Wen Zheng's right hand flew into the air with countless small flames, illuminating the entire room.

This is not a room for living research. It contains many specimens taken from the body. There are humans, zombies, animals and plants. Some hidden corners still have traces of black or green, as if they cannot be cleaned up.

There are still many instruments left on the table in the middle of the room. Wen Zheng looked at those tables, opened them and found the experimental record book from them. Although the above description did not name names, the experimental subjects indicated by code names allowed Wen Zheng to confirm the essence of this research institute.

After quickly looking through the room, the crow was already urging dissatisfied. Wen Zheng was ready to follow the crow's instructions to take a look at the second floor. The passage on the second floor was still dark. As soon as Wen Zheng arrived at the second floor, he saw that there was still light in the room next to the stairs.

During the action, he burned almost all the visible lines. There was light in that room, which was probably an independent power supply, so that room must be very important, and the crow became more anxious after seeing the room.

There were still people working inside so late, Wen Zheng didn't want to waste time, and if it took longer, there would be a greater chance of being discovered.

Wen Zheng touched the crow's feathers and opened the vent in the passage. The crow flew over from above according to Wen Zheng's instructions. Wen Zheng leaned against the wall and waited patiently. After more than 20 seconds, Wen Zheng rushed to the door of the room where the light was still on and opened the door of the room with two bangs.

At the same time, Wen Zheng whispered to the door: "Professor, something happened outside, the communication is down, I'm worried that something might happen to you inside."

The completely unexpected attack made the people inside react a beat slower. Before they could sound the alarm, they were stunned by what Wen Zheng said, and they were two seconds slower in pressing the alarm bell with both hands.

But the button was pressed, and only this laboratory and a more distant location could make a sound. The circuits that Wen Zheng burned still had some effect. At the same time, the burning drugs floated from the sky to the ground. The researchers who wanted to take up weapons to prevent it in the room were already lacking sleep, and they immediately lost their energy.

In this short time, Wen Zheng had seen the situation inside clearly. No wonder there are independent circuits here, and there are still people studying inside so late. At this time, someone was lying on the bed in the laboratory, his hands and legs were clasped to the bedside, and there were countless needles in his hands, delivering unknown drugs into it.

There were three such people in this room.

The crow that brought Wen Zheng in had come down from the pipe above and stopped at the hand of the boy on the far right. The crow, which had been silent all this time, howled shrilly at this moment, like the legendary mourning bird hidden in the darkness.

The crow obediently lowered its head and gently rubbed the boy's ear. The boy left tears in the corners of his eyes and tried to move his head.

"I am a gold-type mutant. Let me out. I can help." said the girl lying on the far right. She was not controlled by metal on the bed, but by a kind of wood and a transparent material similar to plastic. There was nothing around that position, and there were no metal products within three meters around.

[Hidden Mission-Exploring the Sins of the Hidden Research Institute in the Doomsday has been completed, and 3,000 points are awarded. ]

The appearance of the system panel clearly showed the sins of this institute, and with the metal mutant, some problems were much easier to solve.

Wen Zheng's hands ignited a fire, and the flames instantly burned the researchers on the ground who were wearing white coats but insulted this uniform. Others successfully burned the gold-type mutant's bed and everything that restrained her, but the flames easily avoided the human body.

The flames burned the circuits here, and the lights and all equipment that required electricity lost their functionality, but there were still countless flames lighting up the house.

The metal superpower had no time to be shocked, and finally escaped from the control. Her first reaction was to stand up, but her body was a little weak after undergoing the experiment, and she almost fell to the ground, but was supported by Wen Zheng in time.

Put five crystal nuclei with different attributes into the person's hand, and then help the person to the research experiment table nearby: "They will leave it to you. Are there any other surviving superpowers in this research institute? "

"No more. The ones who came before are all dead. We are the latest three people to come in." The gold superpower replied in a hoarse voice. When Wen Zheng nodded, he walked out of the door.

The girl held the gold crystal core in one hand, and the metal ring that controlled the victim of the supernatural being with the other hand, and let the metal shackles be released. She couldn't be as powerful as the fire superpower who came to save them, but she was able to use all her strength to save the remaining two companions who were in trouble together.

To be honest, before entering this research institute, they were both superhuman beings at the Northeast base and were proud of themselves. Looking back now, it was the subordinates who photographed them at the base who deliberately caused sabotage between them. In the past, they were hostile to each other, guarded against each other, and hated each other in the base.

When he was finally dispatched on a mission from the base, and then knocked down and controlled and sent into this research institute, he realized how wrong he was.

As soon as the last metal cuff was released, a bang was heard, and an explosion occurred somewhere in the base.

Wen Zheng, who was standing at the door, and the base defense personnel who rushed over were in the middle of a battle. They were completely unfazed when they heard the explosion, but the ordinary soldiers outside who were attacked by fire-type superpowers didn't think so.

With the fire ahead, they couldn't go any further inside, and the constant explosions from the first floor made them even more panicked.

The staff working in the research institute were well aware of the capabilities of these superpowers. Seeing these ferocious fireballs that were almost non-stop, and listening to the noise coming from below, they all thought that there must be many people attacking the research institute. Not only are there people with super powers, but there are also ordinary people with weapons.

They probably couldn't believe that it was just a man and a crow who came here.

After rescuing the two fellow superpowers, put crystal nuclei with appropriate attributes into their hands. After entering the research institute, the supernatural power remained in an exhausted state, and as a result, the crystal core immediately absorbed the energy inside.

The metal-type superpower has absorbed a lot of energy, and the superpower is recovering quickly. She walked to the metal window on the wall of this room, and used the method of consuming her body to use the energy that was finally recovered. Another Earth supernatural beings also came to help.

The closed soil layer shattered, and the metal that prevented people from entering quickly deformed under the command of the superpower. In the end, it was not wasted but formed into a thin metal slide that led outside from the second-floor window.

When these superpowers began to take action, Wen Zheng watched more and more staff arriving. Before launching more powerful weapons, he raised his arms and made a bow and arrow out of thin air. gesture.

Beating flames appeared from the palm of his hand and quickly formed in front of Wen Zheng following the master's will. The bow and arrow composed of flames appeared in the blink of an eye. It was obviously composed of the most basic elements, but under Wen Zheng's control, it acquired real characteristics.

The arrow exuding terrifying heat came out of the string and shot forward at a speed that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. The enemy on the opposite side had no time to dodge, and saw the flaming arrow shooting straight into the powerful thermal weapon that had just been picked up.

With a bang, the flaming arrows that rushed in directly detonated the ammunition inside, and the already shaky second floor collapsed completely at this time. The flying ammunition fragments were wrapped in the flames of the superpowers, and continued to burn wherever they reached. Some of the flames that burst into the guns and ammunition again triggered a series of explosions.

The three victims of superpowers had already slid down the metal slide. Wen Zheng finally jumped out of the window and saw the owner of the crow lying on the ground completely unable to move. The earth superpowers needed help. Jin was in the best condition. The person with the supernatural ability can move freely, supporting the person with the earth element next to him.

"I have no way to leave. I originally hoped to die early, but now I am satisfied to see this research institute destroyed with my own eyes. You can leave with Mo Crow, I will only drag you down." The crow master lying on the ground prayed softly.

Wen Zheng asked the earth power user to take them to the bottom of the hillside, while he burned the plants surrounding the research institute, trapping them in the flames and unable to leave. Who asked them to hide themselves among so many trees for concealment.

However, the plants in the forest were not innocent after all. Wen Zheng controlled the fire from spreading further outside, while letting the few people with powers who were finally rescued run towards the main entrance. His observation efforts during the day were not in vain. There was a military green truck parked nearby.

The three wounded people and one crow were moving too slowly. Just as they were moving hard, there was a rustling sound. The wounded people immediately looked over like frightened birds, only to see a tree of their own in the soil. Moving plants inside.

"It's great that you came. Help me transport them to the place where the car is parked in front. Don't worry, the flames won't burn you, and there are crystal cores for you." Wen Zheng said as he threw the largest white crystal core to the mutant plant.

The mutant plant immediately grabbed it with its branches and leaves, and then transported it to the root position, letting the root grab the crystal core. All the branches and leaves quickly stretched out to tie up the person lying on the ground first, and then the earth-type mutant who needed support.

The gold-type mutant who entered the institute the latest and had the least physical damage hurriedly took two steps forward, not wanting to be tied up by this weird plant arranged by the mutant who saved her: "I can walk by myself, I don't need your help."

Walking quickly forward, she heard the rustling sound behind her, and couldn't help but look back out of curiosity. She saw that the weird plant tied up the person and directly pulled the person forward.

Fortunately, when she escaped from inside, she took the cloth that blocked the sun from the window and put it on them. Now it is an extra layer of protection. Otherwise, I don’t know how uncomfortable it would be to drag them like this.

Of course, it is also not very comfortable now, but compared with life, I can only endure it temporarily.

The rumbling sound rang again, and the institute exploded again. The flames burned more fiercely and were accompanied by black smoke. Wen Zheng controlled the flames and moved behind them. He looked at the direction of the explosion. It was near the research room. It was estimated that there were some dangerous items in it, probably diesel generators that provided independent power supply there.

The raging flames were difficult to deal with. The fire controlled by Wen Zheng was not so easy to be extinguished by water. It can be said that the research institute is very important. There are many people stationed inside, and they carry more weapons. However, if they encounter a flame that cannot be extinguished, these thermal weapons become the best flame retardant and are more likely to cause a series of explosions.

The flames were accompanied by billowing smoke, which was not so easy to bear.

Wen Zheng saw some people who couldn't stand the thick smoke running out, but were caught up by the flames in the end. Their howls were particularly miserable, but Wen Zheng couldn't feel any pity when he thought of what he saw in the institute. They could stay inside, so they must know the research content inside, and they were actually accomplices.

With the help of animals and plants, several people finally arrived at the parking place of the military truck belonging to the institute. The two people with limited mobility lay in the back, and the crow flew in to accompany the owner. Wen Zheng and the girl with gold-type superpowers sat in the front seat, and the mutant plant took the initiative to jump onto Wen Zheng's legs.

When the vehicle started, Wen Zheng controlled the flames for the last time. The plants outside the institute were basically burned out, and the flames entered the institute under Wen Zheng's control, and there was basically no possibility of burning the forest outside.

Leaving along the road, the institute burning with raging flames was quite obvious in the dark night, but it was getting farther and farther away from them. The gold-type superpower stared at the rearview mirror until he could no longer see the institute, and then he couldn't help crying.

After calming down a little, he had time to think about the doubts that filled his mind.

Could it be that they had been in the laboratory for too long and had completely forgotten the time when they entered the institute? How long had they stayed in there for such a powerful mutant to appear outside, as well as plants that could move independently and understand human language?

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