Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

More than a dozen policemen stood at the door of the supermarket with guns, and everyone suppressed their complicated and indistinguishable emotions.

The voice of the leading policeman was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

No longer resenting their late arrival, all negative emotions were covered by the feeling that surged into their hearts.

That feeling is called peace of mind.

After expressing his apology for arriving too late, the captain of this team calmed the masses and handled the follow-up in an orderly manner.

Five policemen stood up first and asked those who were injured in the battle with the insects to wait by the side according to the severity of their wounds.

"The paramedics are behind and will come to bandage everyone's wounds soon. Please come here first and wait for preliminary treatment."

The injured people followed the police obediently to the clean area to line up, and the other two policemen went to control the thieves who took advantage of the chaos.

The rest of the police faced two pools of insect mud.

These people in the supermarket are really amazing to be able to defeat two insects and turn them into this.

The two policemen put the guns in their hands back and took out the utensils and small □□ they carried with them.

People around watched silently, and some people who were not injured but just frightened even took out their phones to take group photos, and the police who could definitely see it did not stop them.

Think about it carefully, I don’t know how many people saw this scene during the battle with the giant insects, and someone must have posted it online.

The commotion was so big that there was absolutely no way to cover it up.

In fact, the government was not prepared to conceal it from the public anymore to prevent people from being unprepared when facing attacks.

"Oh my God, it turns out that we are not the only ones who have encountered insects. It has spread all over the Internet. Giant insect attacks have occurred all over the world."

Someone exclaimed, and the people who were reminded opened their phones one after another.

These insects had been active underground before, not showing up easily, and only secretly dragging their prey underground.

I don’t know what special moment today is. These insects seem to have made an appointment. They all came to the ground in different cities and attacked crazily in a short period of time.

Just refresh the page, and you can see people in different places describing the insects they encountered in horror.

"We are relatively lucky here. The bugs were dealt with before the police came. In the neighboring Qingyuan City, there was only one bug in a community, but no one dared to do anything. Everyone was busy running away. Finally, when the police came, the bug fled underground again... Alas, more than a dozen people died in total."

People who saw this news were a little scared at the end, and even had an indescribable feeling.

"We can muster the courage to attack, thanks to this little girl and this little boy."

The two people mentioned immediately became the focus of the crowd, and the captain of the police team also looked at them with interest: "Were you the first to take the initiative to fight back?"

"No." The girl shook her head.

The boy walked to the middle-aged man who died and said with a little sadness, "It was this big brother who saved me first."

As he spoke, an indescribable smell drifted in the air.

The police in charge of handling the bugs had already put the samples of the two giant bugs into a sealed container, and after taking the samples, they opened the □□.

Flames spurted out, and the fire burned fiercely. The earthy yellow mixed with blood-red bug meat immediately turned into charred black.

The sirens of the ambulance began to approach, but unexpectedly, at this moment, the phones in everyone's hands issued a piercing alarm.

Without opening any application software, or even unlocking the phone, a bright red emergency warning popped up on the screen.

The warning looked like it was modified from the earthquake warning system. In Yong'an City, which is not an earthquake zone, many people saw it for the first time.

The warning was very long and had many words, but everyone had enough patience to read it all.

[Danger warning!

Giant worm attacks have occurred all over the country. Please pay attention to prevention and be alert to the ground. If there are any signs of attack, please stay away immediately.

The following are the characteristics of giant worm attacks:

Often active underground, moving very fast, and abnormal protrusions will appear on the ground before attacking.

The body has a very strong self-healing ability. After being cut off, it will become two and still survive. It needs to be attacked violently, cut into pieces, or burned to death by fire to make it lose its attack power.

There are mouths at the front and back ends, with sharp teeth inside, good at biting, and the mucus in the mouth is poisonous, which will prevent wound healing and speed up blood flow.

If bitten, please rush to the nearest designated hospital to get special medicine or contact the official for help.

Please remind each other and pay attention to safety.

No matter what happens, the country will not abandon any citizen! 】

In addition to this warning, click on the screen to see the attached designated hospital and official helpline, as well as the official website address that will continue to release relevant information.

"Wait a minute, the wounds bitten by giant insects are difficult to heal, and you need to go to a designated place for treatment!"

"What? Then what are we waiting for here? Which designated hospital is closest to here?"

"No wonder my leg is bleeding so badly!"

The wounded who were waiting were scared and shouted, and the police waiting next to them immediately explained.

"After we received the alarm and learned that the giant insects appeared here, we notified the designated hospital. They moved a little further away, so they came slower than us."

As soon as the voice fell, the doctor who rushed over followed the police's instructions and walked to the waiting treatment area. They took out different treatment supplies from the medical box they carried with them, and several unpackaged bottles were particularly eye-catching.

"Doctor, is this the kind of special medicine specially used to treat insect bites? Isn't it available in pharmacies?"

"Is there any way to buy this medicine? The bleeding is too severe. To put it bluntly, if I encounter another attack in the future, I am afraid that I will lose too much blood before I get to the hospital, and it will be too late for treatment! "

The country also wants everyone to be able to prepare medicines, but it is really not possible and cannot be done.

At this time, it was less than a week since the official discovery of giant insects raging underground. Even if all the research efforts were used, not much useful information could be found in the face of this never-contacted species.

The phenomenon that wounds cannot heal after giant insect bites has received special attention. After all, this seriously affects the survival probability of the injured, so treating wounds is the first focus of research.

But it's still extremely difficult.

It was really sheer luck that the research team was able to discover an effective treatment in just a few days.

However, before further testing of the drug could be carried out, a massive giant insect attack broke out.

After weighing the pros and cons, they could only pass on the drug production methods to various cities, and those hospitals would temporarily produce the drugs for emergency response.

No matter what, human life comes first.

"This drug is newly developed and was only delivered to us before departure. If you ask me, I actually don't know." The doctor shook his head. They didn't know much more than others.

A group of people gathered around the doctor asking questions. On the other side, some people were interested in asking the police what punishment would be meted out to those who took advantage of the chaos to steal.

"Now we don't know when the giant insects will appear. The police department is short of manpower. Locking them up will be a waste of police resources."

"Is it possible to let them go so easily?"

The man who asked was a little angry, but the thieves who were watched by the police and did not dare to escape showed some hope.

The policeman laughed and shook his head: "Of course not. Simply locking people up is a waste, so there are many tasks waiting for them to complete."

The raised head fell down in disappointment, and even a little more fear of the unknown.

This matter was specially revealed by the police. Once this bug came out to cause trouble, they were afraid that the general environment would become chaotic.

Special period, special treatment.

Only by using severe measures against criminals can the current peace be stabilized. Anyway, they have all the energy they have but use it to steal things. It is better to go and work hard to build a safe zone.

The thieves, who did not know what task they were trying to complete, were on tenterhooks. The police asked the public to help keep an eye on them, began to investigate the identities of the people who died in the accident, and tried to find ways to contact their families.

Wen Zheng and his parents did not leave. They stayed in the supermarket to help clean up things until it was almost dark before they reached their new home.

After returning home, the three of them were physically and mentally exhausted.

For the next few days, they didn't go out unless necessary. Of course, no one wants to hang out in their new home. Everyone is searching for information in the ocean of the Internet.

No matter which website you open now, you will find discussions about giant worms.

Every day there are new attacks somewhere, and no one knows when they will happen.

Nowadays, most people dare not go out or even sleep. They vent their inner emotions through online discussions every day.

The country is trying its best to protect the people. The official website published in the emergency notice is updated every day and is divided into multiple sections to try to improve the people's survival ability in all aspects.

The distress guide teaches people how to make warning devices, how to recognize the signs of an incoming giant insect, and how to face the attack of giant insects.

The content in the treatment guide is how to deal with the injury simply and how to get timely treatment.

There are also house reinforcement tips in the protection guide.

Following these guidelines, the country's next step was to issue a notice to form a patrol team.

All cities are divided into regions according to area and population, and residents are called to form patrol teams to protect regional security.

After the patrol team needs to register with the government, they can not only receive special communication and warning equipment, but also receive a certain amount of medicine for death worm bites.

Their mission is to patrol in turns, observe ground conditions, maintain regional order, and protect the safety of the masses.

The community that the Wen family moved into newly has a small population but a large area, so it is directly divided into one area.

After the recruitment notice was issued at the street police station, Wen Zheng immediately signed up online and was ready to go to the police station for simple training.

On this day, the international community officially named this giant worm as a global threat——

Death Worm.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-08-03 23:58:24~2021-08-04 23:51:12~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: everything goes well 2311 9 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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