Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 72 Chapter 72

The warning just sounded throughout the new city, and the sky changed at a speed that people could not react to. The thick dark clouds that had not been seen for a long time blocked the sun that had been hanging in the sky for half a year again during the day. They were thick and low, as if they could be pressed down at any time.

The scene that once opened the prelude to the disaster seemed to reappear today. When the environment became dark with the arrival of dark clouds, the atmosphere became particularly depressing and suffocating.

The fishing boats on the sea stopped, and it was delayed to find that many fish jumped out of the water today. People who went to the wild to pick them realized that they had not encountered any animals from morning to now, no matter how big or small, and it might not be because of their bad luck. People who were driving or walking in the streets of the new city or busy indoors stopped their actions.

"Is this... going to rain again?"

I thought that life was normal as usual, but this familiar scene came. After being dazed for a few seconds, these people quickly realized that the situation was not good.

Listening to the warning sounds coming from all directions of the new city, which were desperately urging everyone to go back, shadows surged from the bottom of their hearts at the same time. After they reacted, they immediately packed up their things and went back, not daring to delay for a moment. However, because of their fear of similar scenes, their actions became not very smooth.

"Closing the net! Return!"

"Pack up all the things. If you really don't have time to put them in, don't throw them away. Now we have to hurry back!"

"Driver, I won't go. Turn around and take me home. Please hurry up."

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan had originally suspected that something would happen in the past few days, so they didn't even send the hedgehogs and rabbits they raised at home to the purchasing point. They kept them at home honestly in the past few days, and also stored enough things for a few days.

When the warning sounded, the father and son who were checking in the two planting and breeding rooms immediately knew that the situation they were worried about had come true, perhaps because they were scared by the sound or because they could not sense the situation.

The sky gradually darkened, and the wind gradually picked up with the dark clouds. The strong wind shuttled through the doors of the mountains and tall buildings, blowing all the things hanging outside.

"Didn't you see the wind was blowing? Others were running into the house, but you were the only one who went outside."

"How could I not go out? I finally saved some money to buy so much meat. It's all drying outside. I haven't eaten a bite. I can't just watch them being blown away. The water won't flood the door in a short time. It won't be a big problem if there is a little strong wind. Otherwise, you can help me collect the things together, or don't stop me."

"You...wait for me, be careful!"

"...what fell down?"

"Whose flowerpot is on the window? It's okay if you don't care about the window. "It's too late. I didn't see the wind. I didn't even know to take the things back."

"What fell down again?"

"It's just a few clothes racks. Even if they are not heavy, it would be a big deal if they fell from a height and hit your head. So don't run outside anymore. No matter how valuable the things are, they are not as valuable as your life."

"Okay, go back."

The low plants were bent down, and the tall trees kept dropping their green leaves. The sound of the racks built outdoors for drying things was blown to the ground, followed by the sound of the road brake suddenly because the racks fell to the ground.

The open windows kept shaking, and the things drying outside, whether it was clothes, bedding, or wild vegetables and bacon, were all blown to the ground. The already panicked people were frightened because these falling things almost or even hit people. They didn't care about anything and hurried home.

"It's raining."

The dark clouds took the lead, followed by the strong wind, and the rainstorm was also unwilling to be late, and they fell one after another in the world that was sunny not long ago.

Those who have entered the building do not need to worry about safety for the time being. Those who are still running home on the roads of the new city need to avoid the debris that may be blown down by the wind at any time. However, those who are a little far away from the new city before the alarm is issued are now facing a dangerous situation.

Some people in the forest are carrying backpacks and holding equipment in their hands. They stabilize their steps under the strong wind, but they are a little heavy and slow.

The water surface surrounding the mountains and rivers was initially startled by the falling raindrops, and then it was blown up by the increasingly strong winds, creating waves after waves, hitting the rocks at the foot of the mountain, making a violent sound.

The official small cruise ship fishing in the deep waters far away received the message asking them to return quickly, so they used the fastest speed to recover the fishing nets they had cast, which delayed the gate for a while.

They turned around and returned only after the wind became stronger, but the wind direction was opposite to their return direction, so they could only lower the sails and rely on the energy stored in the ship to provide the power for returning.

When they returned to the foot of the mountain, they could see the small fishing boats at the foot of the mountain. Most of these small fishing boats were kayaks that relied on human power as energy, and they were light even if there were people inside. According to official requirements, even when there was no wind or rain and the sun was shining, these boats were still moving around the reefs.

Although most of these boats did not dare to go too far, people always forgot or were unwilling to comply, and the final result was that they needed to spend a lot of time to get back to the mountain. Halfway through the return journey, they were blown by the wind and had difficulty moving forward.

"Hold on to the safety ropes, we will take you back."

Fortunately, although the returning ship was not happy that they ran out of the designated location, it could not watch these people stay on the water and could only lend a hand.

Almost all of these scattered people trapped on the water were rescued, but unfortunately, before someone could get there, the kayak under them was overturned by the waves, and two people fell into the water at the same time, but they grabbed the kayak and were pushed forward by the waves.

Some people were unlucky and didn't catch the floating objects themselves, but they were able to run to the surface of the water to cast nets and catch fish. After this time, they all learned to swim.

After getting into the water, they wanted to go back in the direction they learned to swim, but the waves behind them directly hit their bodies, which was cold and heavy, disrupting their swimming movements, and water would enter their mouths every time, choking them and making them unable to swim. They could only hope that someone could help.

The large ship quickly dispatched personnel with better swimming skills to rescue, and the scene became extremely dangerous. Before people were rescued from the water, the fish that were excited about the rain and exposed their heads to the outside were not interested in humans, but they did hinder the rescue.

Finally, in the eyes of the rescuers, those who were swimming in the water disappeared on the water after being hit by overlapping waves again, and they couldn't even struggle anymore.

"Are you still going to rescue them now?"

"Try for another five minutes, and if they don't come back, we'll go back."

But they didn't come back after all. The cruise ship stopped at the port of Xincheng. The people on the ship were not in a hurry to go back to the mountain. Instead of rushing in the storm, it was safer to stay on the ship.

As long as the people in Xincheng didn't leave the city, they basically hid in the doors of their rooms. After the rain fell, they took back the things that had not been blown away from the windows, closed all the doors and windows of the rooms, and prepared to continue to live such days with the experience of the first six months of the disaster.

But the current situation is not that simple.

After a long absence of half a year, these special climates have changed particularly violently, as if they want to say hello to all creatures and tell them that they are back. This time the movement is even more huge.

"Tuantuan, go and tape all the window glasses in the doors of the rabbit breeding room."

Wen Zheng found the larger rolls of tape and put a few rolls in Tuantuan's hands. Seeing the movement outside the window, he was a little worried whether the glass could withstand the power. Thinking of the information that he had firmly memorized, he simply used tape to reinforce the window glass.

After the disaster, most of the materials were submerged by the water, and only a very small amount was collected. The factories that produced various daily necessities, including the raw materials for production, were almost gone because of the disaster.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans can use tools. Similarly, when faced with insufficient resources, humans will always use scientific principles to create new natural tools that can change their lives.

There are several small factories run by the government in the new city. In the center are scientists from all walks of life who were rescued and sent here after the disaster. They enjoy extremely high treatment there and have also contributed many useful research results.

This tape is one of them. It seems to use the ingredients of a certain fish in the water. It seems that because of the deterioration of the natural environment, the fish living in the water have undergone various mutations first. The tape made from the body ingredients of fish is much more sticky than those before the disaster, which can be regarded as a kind of evidence.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were busy on this floor, first the door of the room where they lived, and then the doors of the other two rooms used for planting and breeding. The doors and windows were originally closed tightly, and now they were taped on the windows, leaving only a gap at the door for ventilation, and the whole room door felt much safer.

"Dad, is there anything else to do next?"

"No, stay at home for now, what do you want to eat, Dad will make it for you?"

"Hmm... Spicy diced rabbit!"

Tuan Tuan opened his mouth, and Wen Zheng sharpened his knife and went to the rabbit. The poor rabbit was trembling with fear from the noise outside. The fattest and strongest one was picked out by Wen Zheng. It is estimated that he left the world without feeling any pain, at least he doesn't have to worry anymore.

Wen Zheng was busy in the kitchen with the rabbit in his hand. Tuan Tuan wanted to go in to help, but Wen Zheng had just returned to the living room and told him to play by himself.

So Tuan Tuan took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

Before the disaster, both father and son had mobile phones. Later, they could not use them because of the power outage. They did not throw them away and protected them from water. When there was extra electricity in the new city, they could charge their phones.

In the past six months when the weather was good, there was no rain and the wind was very small, so the government built solar generators next to the wind turbines to generate electricity in any situation.

Although there was electricity, there was no signal and no network, so there were very few places to use it. Tuantuan would play the single-player games downloaded on his mobile phone before the disaster. After playing a few levels, Wen Zheng brought the prepared meals.

It was windy and rainy outside, but everyone was happy inside.

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