Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 75 Chapter 75

After eating and drinking, the father and son lazily lay on the sofa. At this time, they were not very sensitive in thinking, but some things that did not require much brainpower could be discussed at this time.

"Dad, what do you think is false in what they said?" Tuantuan was lying on the sofa.

"There is no falsehood, but there are a lot of hidden contents, and they are not beneficial to us."

In fact, the other party's concealment was not particularly good. Even Tuantuan, who was too lazy to deal with them, could see it. It was just because the father and son of the Jian family underestimated Wen Zheng a little.

Not to mention the eye contact of the Jian family when they talked, every time Jian Huabin talked about the hidden contents of Wen Zheng, he would show a complicated expression, and even drink water to cover up their nervousness. These actions seemed a little too obvious to Wen Zheng.

In comparison, Jian Jiaqiang deserved to have lived for decades longer. He spoke more naturally than Jian Huabin. I don't know what he thought, so he let Jian Huabin be the speaker of this conversation.

Whether analyzing from the details that the two people did not demonstrate in place, or considering the real situation, Wen Zheng can make guesses about the concealed situation.

The people who were sent out by various countries at the first time when the disaster just occurred can be used as the fire, and they must have top talents in some aspects. They are in an important position at any time. It can even be said that if there is another disaster in the future, they are the first to be protected.

Now they are using all their strength to build Noah's Ark, and they need more manpower to explain it. But what is the situation of these selected people over there? What work will they be responsible for after they arrive there, and what position will they be in?

The fire of human civilization left after the disaster, those elites with skills are the most valuable resources. Wen Zheng thinks that what he has shown now is only good wild survival ability and breeding ability, but judging from the performance in these two aspects, he is not particularly outstanding in the new city.

If he is really selected by these two skills, Wen Zheng thinks that the probability of breeding skills is higher, because the rabbits and hedgehogs he raises are quite popular.

However, being an individual farmer is different from being hired to do large-scale farming. Unless they have no choice, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan do not like the latter situation.

On the other hand, more than a year is enough for the place to be in a stable state like the current Xincheng. But so far, the ship sent here has only been in contact with the Xincheng government. All the knowledge that Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan have about the place comes from Jian Huabin, but who knows if Jian Huabin believes someone's one-sided words.

Sometimes the publicity is dazzling, but when you really see it, you find that there are many cases where the goods are not what they say.

But there is no way to conduct a field investigation on this matter. The specific situation depends on what the people on the ship say. If you are picked and taken away like this, it will be extremely difficult to regret it after boarding the ship.

Life in Xincheng is free and abundant. Both father and son are accustomed to living here. They are not very willing to go to a new and unfamiliar place to work hard, but this also requires considering the problem of land being submerged by sea water in the future.

Three years of disaster time, just one year has passed, it would be great if there is a solution that has the best of both worlds.

"Tuantuan, you've been at home lately and you've been relaxed. Let's go out and walk around in the wild tomorrow." Wen Zheng said, and Tuantuan naturally had no problem. Anyway, he preferred the feeling of staying outside.

It was late at night, and there was a new desk lamp on in the room. In front of Wen Zheng was a map he had drawn, and he was writing and drawing on it with a pen in his hand.

The map in front of Wen Zheng was naturally the map of Xincheng. It was not the map in the brochure distributed when he first arrived in Xincheng, but the map that Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had explored in the wild during the year since they came to Xincheng. Except for some strictly controlled areas, they knew the rest of the places well.

The pen in his hand drew a few marks on the map. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had found something wrong with those places, but after knowing that they were arranged by the Xincheng government, they did not explore too much.

Now it was time to make a decision. Wen Zheng planned to verify whether those places were in line with his guess. The two aspects should be compared before making a choice.

All the questions were thought about before going to bed. In the end, no matter whether they got the answers or not, they had to clear their minds. They lay on the bed with thick quilts after the rain and had a good sleep so that they would have enough energy the next day.

"Everything is ready. Where are we going?" Tuantuan got up early and packed his things. He took a look at the map drawn by Wen Zheng and knew what he was going to do.

"Get ready, let's go!"

The two set out at dawn. After leaving the city, they went directly to places that were difficult for others to walk. They put all the rare medicinal materials they saw on the road into their backpacks. Finally, they came to the edge of the mountains and the rocks exposed by the wind and waves.

There was no need to hide their figures too carefully. In fact, they were indeed exploring in the wild, but they paid more attention to a few places during the exploration. Tuantuan even found a hidden bird's nest in the cracks of the rocks. He even muttered to the birds, making the birds not want to pay attention to him and flew away after a while.

Tuantuan, a young child, scared the birds away and deliberately made some specially made bird food, which not only attracted the birds that were running away, but also attracted a few scattered birds.

After the big scene when the rainy season came, many people thought that wild birds were scared and dared not run to the open ground, but they didn't expect that they could be attracted by bird food.

"No special circumstances, everything is normal."

In a room full of surveillance screens, some of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan's actions were shown on it. After they completely left the area, the person in charge of paying attention to those screens made the above conclusion.

"I remember that this father and son came here to search a few times before. They are brave and careful, but it seems that the frequency of running to the wild has decreased a lot in the past six months." After another staff member saw that there was no situation that needed attention in other surveillance screens, he took the time to chat for a while.

"Don't you know? They started breeding after the dry season began. The raw materials for the dishes that are always fought over in the cafeteria are provided by the two of them."

"Are you talking about the rabbit meat and hedgehog meat? I was wondering how that kid managed to lure all the birds out. We have been feeding them every day recently, but we haven't seen the birds show such closeness. I guess they have a secret recipe for making feed."

"The birds are full and flew back. I guess we don't need to feed them for lunch."

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were completely unaware of this conversation. According to the original plan, they wandered outside for nearly a day and returned in the evening when it was almost dark. They harvested a lot, not only the medicinal plants, but also the speculation about the mountain.

Although they are in different worlds, the country in this world and the motherland in the real world where Wen Zheng grew up are very confident. Wen Zheng believes that they will not abandon the people of Xincheng and believe that they will do their best to ensure the lives of so many people.

But based on the scarcity of boat tickets, the Noah Plan may not be able to accommodate such a large population in Xincheng.

Everyone knows that you shouldn't put your hopes in one place. Wen Zheng has determined through this exploration that the mountain on which the new city is built has long been hollowed out to become an underground research base.

When all the land is submerged, if humans still cannot leave the planet that nurtures them, then the only places to survive are the water surface and the sky.

After making up his mind, Wen Zheng was about to go to Jian Huabin the next day to make it clear that he was not going to board the ship but could not delay others. However, before he left, Jian Huabin came to visit him with a happy face.

"Good news, Wen Zheng! I spent all yesterday asking people to inquire, and I was busy until midnight before I got the confirmation. I came to tell you this good news early in the morning. Thanks to your skills in breeding, plus all the animals you have now, you and Tuantuan can get two tickets."

"We give up this opportunity."


Jian Huabin's smile was completely frozen on his face when he didn't expect to get this answer.

Jian Huabin persuaded Wen Zheng until his mouth was dry, but the other party sat opposite him with a smile on his face. Every time he asked, he just shook his head to refuse. He seemed to be completely indifferent to his proposal.

After saying everything he could, Jian Huabin slammed the cup in his hand on the table, and a few traces of anger appeared on his face: "Wen Zheng, if we were not on good terms, do you really think this opportunity would come to you? Are you willing to cooperate? Give me a definite answer."

"Tuantuan and I are used to living here. We don't want to start fighting again in the Ark Base." Wen Zheng was not shaken at all, "Besides, we don't know the specific situation over there. Can we live comfortably in the new city?"

Seeing Wen Zheng's insistence on being unyielding, Jian Huabin was full of anger at Wen Zheng's ignorance, but he didn't show his emotions on his face, but it filled his heart.

That was guilty, and even more anxious.

Only their family members knew that with the breeding technology of Wen Zheng and Wen Ling, they only needed someone to recommend them to get the qualification to board the ship. Of course, the treatment and living environment at that time might not be as good as here, but life safety is guaranteed.

Those rabbits and hedgehogs that Wen Zheng was asked to leave behind were to exchange for tickets, but not for tickets for Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, but to give his family more places on the ship.

Now the plan could not be carried out at the very beginning because of Wen Zheng's refusal.

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