Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 88 Chapter 88

I wonder if the birds that Tuantuan helped bring to the institute were researched into something special. In the following months, the institute continued to come up with new research results for the mutant volunteers to use.

After the arrival of the dry season, the number of mutants increased explosively. People with mutant characteristics now account for half of the population in the floating city, and they are still increasing. However, less than one-fifth of these people mutated from behind, and almost all of the rest were directly transformed by their arms.

There are many people with the second mutation who do not want to accept it, but it is not easy to get consent when applying for surgical removal. Moreover, there are not many hospitals in the floating city, and there are not many doctors who can do this kind of surgery. Even if you get the surgery, Approval, I don’t know how long I have to wait in line.

Therefore, some people who want to have surgery but cannot get a place can only think of other ways.

Wen Zheng only heard about these situations. Now that there are more mutated people, the government's statistical management of mutated people has become less strict. Wen Zheng took this opportunity to report Tuantuan's name.

Most of the mutated people now are children. There are so many children that the research institute and several hospitals cannot take care of them, and the medical resources are not sufficient. They are basically sent to doctors for a look and then receive medicines to recuperate at home. If anything is found wrong during the mutation process, it will be sent to the hospital for more detailed examination.

It stands to reason that Tuantuan should go through the inspection process before recuperating at home, but when Tuantuan was cooperating with bird research, he learned a lot of relevant knowledge at the research institute.

Wen Zheng took so long to deliver the ingredients to the institute without wasting it. He used some talking skills with the inspection personnel to successfully register the information about Wen Ling's mutation and received the relevant medicine.

After receiving the things, Wen Zheng ran to wander around the cafeteria again.

This is not because the rain clouds disappear during the dry season, so the floating city descends. It is much easier to catch those delicious fish than during the rainy season, and the price is cheaper than before.

There is no need to go to the purchasing point to buy. Fresh and high-quality fish are delivered to the cafeteria of the institute every day. Wen Zheng had discussed with the fish delivery staff before and brought him a few fish today. He bought them according to the market price. Save yourself the trouble of going to the purchase point again.

When Wen Zheng got it, the fish kept in the barrel were still alive and kicking. The people who sent the fish meat heard that Tuantuan had begun to mutate, and gave Wen Zheng more than a pound of shrimp that they had kept for themselves.

Wen Zheng thought about bringing them some vegetables grown at home some other day, and then bringing fresh fish and shrimp home to start cooking in the kitchen.

Because the news of Tuantuan's mutation was released to the outside world, and then Tuantuan was too ugly to go out to cover up, so Tuantuan didn't go out much recently. The father and son spent two days at home thinking about making delicious food.

Those fish and shrimp recipes can be repeated for several days, braised, steamed, souped, sliced, and there is also a kind of fish that is very suitable for making sashimi. It is probably due to the influence of mutation. This original method is still Very suitable for today's taste buds. Those shrimps were not spared. Although they are not the type suitable for spicy crayfish, they are quite sweet when cooked.

After eating these delicacies at home every day without going out, Tuan Tuan's face became rosy and even his feathers became glossier within a few days.

Wen Zheng smiled deliberately. If he continues like this, he won't be so fat that he can't fly high when he can go out. Originally it was just a joke, no matter how much I ate, I would not be that heavy, but Tuan Tuan is a bird that attaches great importance to image. He ran to the mirror and looked at it for a few minutes, and found that his face was indeed round, so he silently increased the weight every day. Amount of exercise.

Nowadays, the daily work at home is still the same. In addition to feeding the animals, it is to mix the cultivated plants - you don’t need to use grains and vegetables, just use the weeds that grow by yourself, and some insects growing in the soil. feed.

After such a long period of cooperation, everyone has formed a fixed pattern. The cooperative staff come here once a month to pick them up. When feeding, just use this special feed together with the ordinary feed.

It was the day to come over to get the feed again. Before they came, Tuan Tuan put on a disguise behind his back and lay down on the bed when the door was knocked.

The person who comes back to get the feed this time is the fat master. After taking it, he will send it to the rest of the staff. They have agreed to take turns to come and get the feed.

The fat master came over and brought some snacks he had made. He shouted to Tuan Tuan when he entered the door. After Wen Zheng told Tuan Tuan about his mutation, he went into the bedroom to take a look.

"Xiao Ling is going to be working hard during this period. I don't know if he can eat the dried fish I made. It's best to ask. Wen Zheng, as a father, you have to take good care of your child."

"I'm taking good care of him. Can you see if he has gained weight?"

"It would be nice to gain weight. It would be nice to have wings mutated from the back, but the mutation process is not easy." When he said this, the fat master's expression looked a little sad for a few seconds.

I didn’t bother Tuantuan, as everyone knows the pain of the mutation process. Unless they are really impolite, others will not take the initiative to open the clothes of the mutated person or touch them with their hands. This is considered impolite. Behavior.

The two casually chatted about the current situation. Wen Zheng counted the amount of feed in person and invited the fat master to have lunch here before leaving.

The fat chef is not going to eat here, but he does have something to say.

He looked at the tightly closed bedroom door of Tuan Tuan, and the expression on his face was no longer concealed. He asked for help: "Wen Zheng, there is really no way to do this, so I want to ask you if you have any solution. Isn't your Xiao Ling helping at the research institute? Can you get a quota for surgery?"

"Surgery to remove the mutation?" Wen Zheng confirmed.

"Yes, the person I married last year brought me a daughter. My daughter is very well-behaved, but the arm has a mutation feature. Our family discussed it several times and finally decided to have surgery to remove it, but after reporting it, we couldn't get a quota for surgery."

Although Master Pang and her daughter are not related by blood, Wen Zheng noticed when he attended the small wedding that the father and daughter have a good relationship, so it is completely understandable that Master Pang asked for help for his daughter.

Master Pang explained it clearly, but Wen Zheng really couldn't help with this matter. The answer he gave was only shaking his head. Master Pang was not surprised by this, but was a little disappointed. He didn't plan to eat lunch here, and was ready to go home and think about whether there were other ways.

Before leaving, Master Pang hesitated for a while, and finally asked another question.

"Wen Zheng, have you ever heard of a method in the research institute that can not only remove arm mutations, but also make the shoulder of people with removed arm mutations mutate? Is it because the research institute has developed it but it is not stable yet, so the government does not allow it to be announced to the outside world?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"Then forget it, I must have made a mistake."

The fat master was about to leave after asking, but the more Wen Zheng thought about what he had just said, the more he felt something was wrong. What the fat master said just now did not seem to be something he had just thought of casually. He even thought of the government not allowing it to be made public because it was unstable. This logic was somewhat reasonable, but it sounded a little wrong.

In this environment where everyone is facing mutations, it is indeed easy for some rumors to spread out of speculation. If it is an ordinary rumor, it is fine. The government can just refute it in time, but I am afraid that someone will use this rumor to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Wen Zheng couldn't let the fat master leave so easily. He pulled the fat master who was about to go downstairs back to the house and pressed him to sit on the sofa. He had to ask about this matter clearly.

"I just imagined it. There is nothing wrong." The fat master denied Wen Zheng's question and wanted to leave after saying that.

"I heard that the tone of your words just now didn't sound like something you thought up. Tell me the specific situation. Don't believe the messy rumors outside. The loss of money is small, but if your daughter is harmed, you will regret it too late." Wen Zheng deliberately used vague words to test the fat master.

The fat master's steps to leave really stopped. Following Wen Zheng's strength, he sat back on the sofa, but he was a little restless. Finally, he revealed a little to Wen Zheng: "I heard it from someone, but I heard that this news was leaked by a researcher in the institute. I guess it's better for the institute to keep it confidential if you don't know."

"Hey, it's better to keep it confidential, so how did you know it?"

Hearing what the fat master said, Wen Zheng was sure that there was something going on. Judging from the meaning of the fat master's words, he was quite convinced of this statement.

The fat master was not young anymore, and he had experienced a lot of things. Even if he was concerned about his daughter, he would not believe the unfounded news casually. This time he was so sure, there must be crucial evidence, either a real example in front of him, or some kind of authoritative personnel.

"Did you hear the researcher tell you in person? No, if that were the case, you wouldn't have come to ask me. That is, you saw the researcher talking to the person who told you the news, and the researcher should appear in the video released in the central square."

Try to speculate the most likely situation. There is no need for an answer. Wen Zheng can draw the result from the changes in the expression on Master Fat's face. The real situation should be not far from his guess.

Seeing that Wen Zheng had guessed almost everything, Master Fat no longer concealed and told him everything he encountered.

Speaking of which, Master Fat himself worked in the cafeteria, and his wife and children at home also raised animals with the special feed provided by Wen Zheng. The combined income from these two aspects is not small. Not only did he make up for the money that Jian Huabin had cheated before, but he also earned a lot of savings.

So when his daughter's arm began to mutate, and it was not her turn to apply for surgery to remove it, Master Fat took his savings and wanted to find someone to find a way. As a result, he met someone who could not only help remove the arm mutation, but also let the child undergo shoulder mutation afterwards.

The fat master naturally didn't believe it, but the other party swore and even pulled out a researcher who had appeared in the video and was known by the residents of the floating city to guarantee it. It was said that the researcher was in charge of this project.

"The government doesn't allow it to be announced, so why did this researcher take such a big risk to reveal it?"

"For money." The fat master patted his thigh.

The researcher in charge of mutation in the floating city can be said to have the highest salary, and it is definitely not as simple as money. Wen Zheng asked the fat master for more specific details, and even asked which staff member in which video the researcher was, agreed to the fat master's request for confidentiality, and then sent him away.

Sitting on the sofa and rubbing his eyebrows, Wen Zheng wondered whether to tell the research institute about this news. It would be a problem to tell anyone at that time. He originally wanted to wait until the end of the year in peace, but suddenly he discovered this troublesome thing.

After pondering all night, Wen Zheng had not yet had time to implement the solution he had come up with, but a sudden incident made him give up his plan.

Before the end of the dry season, the ship from the Ark arrived ahead of schedule.

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