Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 98 Chapter 98 (1/2)

Wen Zheng suddenly rushed to the front of the ward. Before he could stop, he almost fell because he rushed too fast. He waved his right hand holding the iron rod left and right to keep his balance.

"Grandpa Wen" lying on the bed faced the sudden change, and his first reaction was to stretch out his hand hidden in the quilt, completely forgetting the identity he used.

When he realized something was wrong, Wen Zheng's attack had already arrived.

Knowing that the enemy used a fake face, Wen Zheng could attack without hesitation no matter how familiar the face used by the other party was.

The monster that appeared from the dream, knowing that his plan had failed, even felt the food at his mouth and noticed the scene he was facing, and began to launch a fierce attack.

After the battle began, Wen Zheng realized how difficult this battle was.

The monster's body was hard and agile. The scars caused by each attack on the monster healed and returned to their original state immediately after a while.

Wen Zheng had to fight hard, especially because he had consumed too much physical strength in the previous battle. Now he was relying on perseverance to persist.

The battle continued. The monster may have seen that Wen Zheng was not strong enough, so it started to play with him like a cat and mouse.

"Don't underestimate me." Wen Zheng dodged the monster's attack and looked for any possible opportunity. His already focused mind became even more tense.

Since he obtained the cultivation method, Wen Zheng would continue to strengthen his body after taking the physical enhancer every time he arrived in a world. This time was still the same.

However, in the real world, the cultivation method could not be run smoothly. Wen Zheng had given up this attempt, but the habit he had formed long ago made him run it in the battle against a strong enemy.

The attack, which was originally not very effective, changed after the cultivation method was run. Threads of colorful energy escaped from around the enemy's wound and were completely absorbed into Wen Zheng's body.

After those energies entered his body, Wen Zheng gradually felt the recovery of his physical strength. As for those energies of various colors, including the black color that looked a bit bad, Wen Zheng felt a bit bad, but he didn't want to find out the truth.

Now his most important goal is to survive the monster's attack and leave this weird dream safely. The rest of the problems have to be put aside.

The face that plagiarized the image of Grandpa Wen changed at this time. The monster was obviously frightened and stopped fighting with Wen Zheng head-on. It even showed a tendency to flee.

"I have been tossed by you for so long, how can I let you go easily."

Wen Zheng found a way to restrain the opponent. He didn't care about too much and pursued the victory. While attacking the monster, he accelerated the operation speed of the cultivation method. More and more energy was absorbed into Wen Zheng's body.

The monster had a chance to escape, but was chased by Wen Zheng. The monster was furious and wanted to devour Wen Zheng's soul. It began to show its true image, humanoid, but taller than humans.

At first, the monster was black as a whole. Every time Wen Zheng hit it, it was like hitting a solid entity.

More and more energy can be absorbed. The colorful energy floats out of the monster. The black covering the surface of the monster becomes lighter and lighter, and finally the transparent core inside is left.

The monster panicked, completely lost the desire to fight, and was anxious to get rid of Wen Zheng's attack.

But it had a chance to escape before, and now it was too late to leave.

As the energy on the surface was sucked away, the monster's body became semi-virtual.

Wen Zheng's attack hit the core of the monster directly this time, and a large amount of transparent but perceptible energy continued to flow into Wen Zheng's body.

The result has been revealed.

This was originally a transparent nightmare. After absorbing enough nightmares, it would be stained with dark colors by various colors of dream energy.

It came to this world after smelling the aroma of food. It was too easy to catch food here. This nightmare had eaten several meals and its taste became picky.

It wanted to have a luxurious meal.

Unfortunately, it was not strong in the nightmare population and did not dare to snatch the delicacy favored by the strong.

So when it found Wen Zheng, a delicacy hidden under the plain white water, it was particularly ecstatic.

It was just that the excitement at that time was extremely ironic when put into now.

At that time, the nightmare did not know what would happen to it in the future. It still absorbed human souls into the nightmare world according to its instinct.

When the human frightened by the nightmare had a mental breakdown or really thought he was dead, the nightmare could devour this delicious meal, which would satisfy him and improve his strength.

But this time, the nightmare's plan was completely ruined, and he even lost everything.

Randomly selected from thousands of nightmares, the nightmare put the human soul he liked into it.

The human soul is so fragile that even if the nightmare does not intervene, it may become a delicious snack in the nightmare world strengthened by the power of the nightmare.

But the dream is ultimately dominated by humans. If the owner has enough confidence in his fighting ability, or realizes that he is in a dream, it will not be so easy to die.

This is a rare opportunity for the prey to escape from the dream. Unless the nightmare is too hungry, or the prey is delicious enough, so he keeps staring at it, the nightmare will occasionally not find it in time and let the food slip away from his mouth.

However, the nightmare that had taken notice of Wen Zheng did not relax at all. It had been hiding in the dark and watching him since Wen Zheng was pulled into the dream.

It originally thought that it would be able to eat the delicious food soon, but after two rounds of strong attacks, Wen Zheng not only did not die, but also slowly affected this dream.

After repeated disappointments, the nightmare did not give up, but instead became more and more angry and determined to win.

The nightmare no longer used the nightmares that were casually drawn, but consumed energy to sense the most terrifying scenes in the depths of Wen Zheng's soul, and integrated into the dream that was being affected by Wen Zheng.

This was the most wrong choice the nightmare made.

Humans not only woke up from the most terrifying scenes, but also turned over to absorb the source of their own power.

For this nightmare, this was as incredible as a chicken that was put into the pot and then jumped out of the pot to eat people.

In the last second of dissipation, the not-so-sensitive thoughts of this nightmare were all related questions.

This is definitely not an ordinary human. How could an ordinary human absorb the source of nightmares? I have never heard of it.

It let out a final wail, wanting to accuse Wen Zheng, an unknown creature, of deliberately pretending to be a human, but it completely dissipated before it finished howling, leaving no trace.

"Burp!" Wen Zheng burped.

There are still traces left, in Wen Zheng's endless burping.

After absorbing all the energy around him in one breath, Wen Zheng felt the discomfort coming from his body after he stopped. The excessive energy exceeded the body's tolerance, and finally manifested in the form of burping.

"This is in a dream. What I am using now should be considered a spiritual body or a soul body?" Wen Zheng sat on the ground and began to review from the beginning, and his right hand kept rubbing his swollen stomach.

In fact, Wen Zheng's entire soul had some indigestion, but from a normal human point of view, the most uncomfortable thing after eating too much is the stomach, so under the influence of thinking, the soul also shows this situation.

It turns out that the feeling of eating too much can be so uncomfortable!

Wen Zheng plans to study the way to speed up digestion in the nightmare space door, otherwise it is better to spit out the excess energy.

But the nightmare world did not give him this opportunity.

"Woo wow wow..."

After the nightmare disappeared, the nightmare world began to collapse from the edge, and now it was about to reach the center where Wen Zheng was standing. The gray collapse area came with an endless alarm.

The next second, the ground beneath Wen Zheng's feet broke, and he felt his feet were empty, and the whole person fell into the void.

People often dream of the feeling of falling from a high altitude in their sleep, and they often wake up suddenly at this time.

Wen Zheng opened his eyes with difficulty, and what he saw was the snow-white ceiling, and the alarm sound disappeared from his ears.

Multiple footsteps came to his side, and the crowd of people all wearing white coats came to Wen Zheng, observing his expression while trying to ask questions.

"Um..." Wen Zheng had no strength to speak at all, and what came out of his mouth was an uncomfortable scream.

Now his stomach is not uncomfortable, but his headache is so swollen that he wants to smash his head. The voices asking him are like countless dense birds calling, which makes him more uncomfortable. Is there any strength to warn them to be quiet?

It is estimated that the discomfort of his body is fully reflected on his face. The doctors finally stopped asking questions and took out a medicine after the examination, wanting to inject it into Wen Zheng's body.

But when the needle tip was about to touch the skin, Wen Zheng used all his strength to avoid the needle tip, and his breathing became heavier.

Wen Zheng's resistance was very high, and the doctor's action paused. Wen Zheng closed his eyes again and began to operate the upgraded practice method that not only worked in the □□. The data detected by the instrument slowly stabilized.

"This is the third patient who has successfully awakened. You stay here and keep an eye on his condition."

"Then won't the sedative be injected? He looks very painful."

"The patient's resistance to the outside world is too great now, so don't inject it for the time being. His condition is getting better. You stay here and take good care of him. Once the situation deteriorates, no matter what method is used, you must immediately inject the sedative. We will rush over immediately."


The leading doctors told the other doctors behind them, and then took the records of the physiological state before and after the alarm from the patient monitor connected to Wen Zheng's body, and hurried to the conference room for discussion.

The more cases that wake up, the greater the possibility of developing a countermeasure to wake up the sleeper based on their commonalities.

The information of Wen Zheng's awakening was reported to the department in charge at the same time. A few hours later, Wen Zheng's face, which was censored, even appeared in major news.

Wen Zheng slept so soundly that his soul was practicing cultivation. His body could not absorb energy from the outside world. He directly took the ability from the nightmare from his soul and used it to strengthen his body.

There were no beautiful dreams but no nightmares either. This kind of sleep without any dreams was the best quality.

There was no pain in the dream, and all the discomfort was shielded from consciousness. So when Wen Zheng felt the dizziness, which was relieved but still existed, he turned over and rubbed the pillow, wanting to enter the high-quality sleep just now again.

But he couldn't fall asleep anymore. Wen Zheng could hear the movement outside and began to distinguish the surrounding situation from the sounds he heard.

Because he didn't know the true situation of the disaster in this world, Wen Zheng didn't dare to let himself faint alone in the room door, so he booked the medical service responsible by the government.

Under normal circumstances, he is definitely in a hospital, but his breath does not smell the usual disinfectant smell in hospitals, but instead can smell the fragrance of flowers.

According to the direction from which the sound came, there should be three people in the ward, probably the staff responsible for taking care of him, their movements are neat and tidy, and the noise is also very small.

With this level of care, as a sleeper who wakes up from sleep, he is very valued.

Wen Zheng, who didn't know that someone had already woken up when he fell asleep, thought he was the first to wake up.

In fact, the third place and the first place are not far apart at this time, and he began to worry about how to answer the official inquiries that will definitely come.

His already uncomfortable head became even more uncomfortable.

He hopes to share his experience to help more people survive, but some secrets exposed will endanger his safety.

Therefore, it became a problem whether to say anything or not, and Wen Zheng began to rack his brains to slightly process the facts.

This time, when I opened my eyes again, I was in a different place than the first time. There was a warm yellow light above my head, which must have been carefully selected. It was bright but not dazzling, and it felt like home.

I tilted my head slightly and looked at the environment on both sides.

As expected, I was moved to another room door while I was sleeping. There was only the bed I was lying on in the whole room. The layout was more like an ordinary room door, very clean and tidy, not a bit cold like a hospital.

The window on the right was half open, and I could see the lush sap of the trees outside the window.

After waking up from a nightmare, seeing such a comfortable, healthy and normal environment, my tense spirit immediately relaxed a lot.

When Wen Zheng tilted his head to look at the environment, the several people who were responsible for taking care of him in the room door were waiting quietly.

It was not until Wen Zheng tried to sit up from the bed that the person with the nurse logo came forward.

"Mr. Wen, congratulations on waking up successfully from your deep sleep." The nurse adjusted the bed and helped Wen Zheng sit up against the wall.

I don't know how long I have been lying on the bed, but Wen Zheng feels that his body is a little stiff, which is the result of the body being strengthened by energy.

"Did I really wake up from the nightmare? This is not a dream again, right?" Wen Zheng maintained the blank expression on his face since he woke up.

He looked around with vigilance, and was a little evasive and stiff when the nurse helped him.

The staff understood his behavior very well, and all tried their best to express their kindness. They didn't ask about the situation in the dream at all, but only whispered to Wen Zheng if he needed anything.

Wen Zheng went to the toilet, and after coming out, he touched his hungry stomach, and someone immediately came in with a cart with hot meals.

"You slept for a week, and slept for another three days after waking up. During this period, the door was injected with nutrients for you. The stomach and intestines have been useless for the past few days, so you can only eat some easily digestible food now."

The nurse opened the food on the cart, and the color and aroma were excellent. The appetite was already opened before tasting.

It seems that this world has encountered a good government, and the luck is really good.

Wen Zheng knew what was going on and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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