Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1102

There are more and more strange guys in this combination. A pervert like Kuroko, a violent washboard like Misaka Mikoto, a neuropathy like Chuchun with a lot of emotional ups and downs-now there is an intermittent mania patient.

See who is around you.

Tears produced a feeling of "Is only me a normal person around here?" At the same time, they couldn't help but produce a feeling of "I think this academy city is a pill."


School City is really over.

"Huh?! I'm just talking casually--"

When they felt the ground under their feet began to tremble, Tears couldn't help being a little nervous, and said something like this-but this didn't stop the landslide-the overpass they were on collapsed in an instant. As the ground sank, a few street lamps and telephone poles smashed downwards awkwardly. It seemed that it was about to hit them——


Of course, if a few telephone poles can smash one lv4 and one lv5, then Academy City is the real pill——

Although not as strong as Battlefield Hara's ability, Kuroko still moved instantaneously, running away with the tears beside him. At the same time, Chuchun instantly froze everything that was swaying around, and the created cold and hot convection formed a strong wind, blowing all those things away, and then retreated together with the spring clothes.

It's just that things are not that simple-the four of them are not the only ones affected. The night market below them is the same.

"What's the matter, is there an earthquake?"

Misaka Mikoto, who was going to be ambiguous with the battlefield, instantly broke free from the popping pink breath, and said loudly as she watched the chaos around her.

"It's not an earthquake." Sincerely said, "I didn't feel the source of the earthquake underground."


Although I really want to ask: "You can even sense this kind of thing?" But it's obviously not the time to care about it now. Misaka Mikoto was very anxious--for the chaotic crowd around him, and even more for his lost friends.

In this case, she doesn't care at all, they have one lv5 and one lv4.

"Then now—"

"--Don't worry, it's okay." After the voice of Battlefield, the chaotic crowd suddenly calmed down. Then on the battlefield, he ordered: "I am a commissioner of discipline, everyone, please leave in an orderly manner!" In the voice, they really arranged in the queue and retreated at the fastest speed-of course, in fact, they just did not retreat. no problem.

Because, at the same time that the battlefield was speaking, the chaotic aim field around has restored calmness. The resulting super-scientific phenomenon called "spatial shock" also calmed down.

"It's okay." Said to Mikoto sincerely. Then turn on the phone and contact the headquarters to call someone.


It's completely different from what you imagined. There is no such thing as exhaustion, hysteria, or fate. Zhanchangyuan sincerely solved all this easily, leaving Misaka Mikoto not knowing what to say for a while.

She felt very admired. At the same time, it was a little empty—as a good deed, she originally thought it was a chance to show off her talents. It's just a sad failure.

Other than that. She felt an inexplicable guilty conscience--even fear.

For a moment, she didn't know why, she became extraordinarily well-behaved in front of the battlefield.

"Let's find Heizi and a few of them first." Sincerely said to her like this: "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't accompany you this time. It's time for the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline."

"Nothing, business is more important."

Mikoto felt lost again after hearing what Battlefield said. It feels like the boyfriend has time to accompany him out to play, but there is an urgent task after a call, and they leave again.

It’s the way to feel like a girlfriend—this is a very magical thing, because the relationship between the two of them is actually quite different.



That kind of thing didn't happen.

That's when he was going to do a big fight on the battlefield, showing off his wise martial arts in front of Misaka Mikoto, and adding a buff was so easy to attack. There are already a group of people who have arrived sooner than the commissioners.

It was the advanced situation rescue team that Zhanchang Yuanzheng once mentioned with Misaka Mikoto before—that is, a team organized by the aunt named Terestina.

These guys are wearing mechanical armor that looks a little clumsy. They are carrying the damaged cement blocks and telephone poles, and they are also transporting the wounded. It seems to be done in a real way.

After Zhanyuanyuan's group came to the core area of the space quake and met with Kuroko and others, what they saw was this scene——

"what happened?"

Although they seem to be doing good deeds. But because of what Battlefield had said before, Misaka Mikoto didn't know what was wrong, just couldn't like them well.

Then, seeing the three of Zhanchangyuan, Kuroko, and Chuchun, they represented the past negotiations with the Commission for Discipline and Discipline. Part of the power was quickly divided from the middle. Misaka Mikoto's mood became more subtle again. This kind of delicate mood became more delicate after more people from the Committee of Discipline and Discipline entered and began disaster relief.

It feels like Batman saw a group of criminals and wanted to go to waaagh, only to find that a group of policemen had gone up, and they had eliminated all those guys.

It's subtle and a bit lost.

"All in all, let's get here first today. Kuroko and I have things to do, and early spring is also... Mikoto, can you send this child back?" Zhanchangyuan asked her—and he said, "This child "Naturally, in this chaos, Chunshang Yiyi seemed to be quite frightened.

"Well, I got it."

"Sincere Senior..."

By sincerely, Chuchun pulled his clothes and looked like "I want to go back".

"..." Sincerely looked at her with a bit of dissatisfaction-forget it before, but now you are one of the three lv5 members of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline. How can you leave in this situation. Now it's time to talk to the other party about counting. The stronger the better.

"Recently, there have been more and more reports of space earthquakes."

Zhanchangyuan remembered the previous conversation he had with Yu Chuanyi.

"Oh, the space is shaking."

At the beginning, Battlefield didn't care too much. Just shake it. It doesn't matter, there are so many earthquakes in this horrible place in Japan, what if there is another spatial earthquake.

"I mean, because of this incident, they established a new department called Advanced Situation Rescue Organization."


After hearing this sentence, the original sincerity of the battlefield came up——

What advanced, what kind of rescue, what kind of things-these will not be said for now. The battlefield was really concerned about the following points.

As a quasi-disciplined force and as a public security organization, the Commission for Discipline and Discipline has a high degree of overlap with the guards-that is, because the former general of the battlefield, Ai Sui, is very comfortable. Otherwise, the two sides would have already turned their faces-but even so , Between the guards and the commissioners of discipline, they are gradually moving towards the direction of competition ——

With the discipline committee members, according to what the battlefield said, the autonomy is getting higher and higher. The dissatisfaction of the guards is also increasing.

Because there is no such thing as a "police" in Academy City-because Academy City is a completely autonomous government.

In this case, it is the job of the Commissioner of Discipline, whether a war as large as a theoretically possible war, as small as saving a kitten and looking for a lost puppy.

Very many, very complicated. Many ethics committee members complain that they are tired and unhappy-but.

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