Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1104

I just hope you don't distract me when I'm busy. "

Hearing what Yuchuan said so sad-what's even more exaggerated is that around Yuchuan, the police with Yuchuan, and the Kuroko who had been here before, and Kyoko in Chuchun, all of them looked very agreeable, constantly Nodded.

The battlefield felt that he was very injured.

"——You unite to bully me!"

After saying this, the battlefield ran in tears sincerely.


"In other words, that's it, your women abandoned you, and then you came to me for comfort?"

On the opposite side, Flanda looked at it a little bit speechlessly, and the slightly wronged Battlefield was sincere, and then asked.

"Yeah, yeah." Battlefield Yuan nodded, then said: "Look, they are too much, right?"


Flanda didn't know what to say for a while.


It's not too much.

Flanda even felt that the women on the battlefield were too good to this guy.

She felt that if she were to replace her with her own, not to mention that she would have a sack on the battlefield, just put a sack on the top of the battlefield, and then beat her hard. She could do all this.


No way.

Although I really think so in my heart. But Flanda could never tell. Otherwise, let Zhanchangyuan get angry, push her to the ground and slap her off, then she has no place to cry.

So, even though it was very, very contrary, Flanda nodded, then pretended to be filled with indignation and said:

"Well, yes, these women are too much!"

"--I don't allow you to speak ill of them!" Zhanchangyuan sincerely continued.


Flanda didn’t know what to say again—what did this guy want to make? !

"——In short, what do you guys want to do?" So she said helplessly.

"prior to."

Zhanchangyuan said, "Didn't you say it, your boss, that guy Mai Ye wants to see me, right?

In fact, I have something to discuss with her. So, take me to see her. "

"...Oh...this way..." Flanda nodded, thinking in her heart: "When on earth did this guy hook up with Mai Ye?"

Author's message:

Update la la la la, yes, that term should be called messy and open, but, well

Chapter Nineteen Hooking up with Anbu?

All in all, what Zhanchangyuan said sincerely, the very important thing is to refer to the members of the Anbu-if you can win over this group of people doing private work, then your own power can go further. Hehehehehehehehe...


That is to say, when the battlefield was sincere and happy, followed the various ups and downs of Flanda in his heart to the gathering place of Anbe, at the scene, the girls were also discussing the battlefield tears.

"Ah, ah. Isn't it a bit too much?" Kyoko beside him couldn't help saying this as he watched the tearful girl's battlefield.

"It's okay, that guy is the shameless guy I have ever seen. This level of excitement, he probably forgot in a blink of an eye." Heizi said lightly.

"Really, how can Shirai-san say that?" Chuchun Jie said slightly unevenly: "I think... uh... sincere senior... shouldn't it be that bad?"

At the beginning, it was slightly uneven, but as he talked, looking at the eyes of Heizi and the others, Chuchun didn't have any confidence.

"In short, we need to do this occasionally." It was Yukawa Tsubasa who finally made a concluding statement: "That guy always likes to bully us. If we don't do this, and occasionally punish him, that guy is definitely going to be too much. Everything can be done."


"Yes, yes, yes."

"There is nothing wrong with that."

"Although... well, it's probably like this...?"

That's almost the case. After Yu Chuanyi said this, other girls, including those who are softer like Chuchun, are more towards the battlefield, also agreed.


That's almost it.

If the person in the world understands the battlefield the most, Yukawa Tsubasa is not the first but also the top three. What she said is very reasonable and very correct-

That is to say, when the battlefield was walking, he basically forgot his unhappiness. Become very pleasant again.

In front is the lovely legal girl, the girl who looks very bitch in black silk, the girl and the girl and the girl and the girl. The appearance of jumping in front of him is very cute.

Calculate, originally according to the original work and rest time of the battlefield, now it should be entertainment with a lot of cute girls-I mean the time to work hard and double practice. But now he has to do other things, which makes the battlefield a little bit unhappy.


hum-can you kill Flanda quickly and have sex with her?

Although the dress is a bit bitter, but in fact it is not. Of course Zhanchangyuan can understand that Flanda is a pure bad boy who has never had a boyfriend. Therefore, such children are good materials whether they are entertaining and earnestly doing double repairs.

Then it is.

Doesn't seem to work?

"...Forget it."

The battlefield seemed to be aware of Flanda's hesitation-the child didn't know whether it was intentional or how, his walking speed was a little slower, and he seemed to have a detour. It seemed that he didn't want the battlefield to meet Shenli Maiye so quickly.

To tell the truth this made the battlefield feel very dangerous.

——Of course I feel uncomfortable doing this.

If you feel uncomfortable, you may do something to vent your emotions.

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