Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1111

The comparison between the two sides is the difference between the regular army and the police force.

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Update la la la

Chapter 24 clear


The battlefield shook his head helplessly.

After the emergence of superpowers, age and weapons and equipment are no longer the only criteria for measuring combat effectiveness.

Even with tricks like items, they can easily face the regular army several times more than them, not to mention the regular army under the battlefield.

However, the opponent still put on a posture of preparing to fight against the original battlefield, and even die together. This makes the battlefield very strange.

I never knew that this guy named Terestina was so courageous. Does she have any secret weapons?

While thinking this way, the battlefield got the message that the garrison is coming here. Teacher Ai Sui hopes that the battlefield will be slower before starting.

In this way, they happily past waaagh, can make Battlefield Yuan's actions more justifiable, and she can also share the credit, and later promotion and salary increase will better help Battlefield Yuan. Wouldn't it be great for everyone to benefit?

"Then wait a moment."

So Battlefield Yuan thought this in his heart, and shouted to an aunt with a slightly distorted expression on the opposite side: "You are already surrounded, hurry up and surrender, we treat the prisoners preferentially!"

Although I don't think the other party will give up easily. But try it and you won't get pregnant, right.

Then there was no success.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The aunt with a distorted expression on the other side laughed loudly. The smile was very ugly, and Battlefield couldn't help but frown.

"You bunch of stinky brats--" Similarly, the voice of her words became super arrogant, so arrogant that people couldn't help but want to beat her.

"Stop looking down on people!

Just because I don't know the so-called ability, I look down on people so much! "

To be honest, no one looks down on anyone, just thinking that an aunt like you who can't sex looks down on it. Battlefield thought this in his heart, and his eyes were full of contempt when he looked at the opponent.

"--But now, it doesn't matter, hahahahahaha--I have gained the power to defeat all abilities. You group of dead brats, you can only kneel and get stuck in front of my power!"

"Um... Is that Teristina?"

Teacher Huang Quanchuan, who rushed over at this moment, looked at the aunt with a distorted expression and couldn't help asking.

The battlefield originally heard a bit of sadness from her tone of voice. It seemed to be pitying the child, or a little empathetic.

Maybe it's because such a guy is mixed up to this point because there is no love nourishment.

Although it wasn't actually, but if he could, Zhanchangyuan could not help but hold Mr. Aiho's hand.

Although it is not the time.

Then it is.


The noise that had been exposed once before, the so-called secret weapons used by the bad guys appeared.

Under such noise, all the disciplinary committee members brought by the battlefield covered their ears, their bodies were soft, and they felt that their abilities could not be displayed.

"Puff." The slightly weak Chief Secretary spat out a mouthful of old blood. Seeing that he was going to hit the street.

"Hahahahahahahaha! See it?! Without the ability, you guys are useless, useless!!!!"

The other party burst into laughter very hard.


When the surrounding guards and the discipline committee members were all anxious, the battlefield gave a "tsk".

A very good weapon, this kind of thing, even for those with lv5 level ability, has no small effect. As for those with lv4 level ability, they simply can't move, or even can't use any ability.


"However, it's just that." Zhanchangyuan said as he moved forward.

"Is this your weapon? What a disappointment, Aunt Terestina."


Teacher Huang Quanchuan stretched out his hand and pulled him, but didn't hold it. Battlefield Yuanzheng was very relaxed, as if this ability jamming device didn't work for him.


Without hesitation, looking at the battlefield with a hateful look, Terestina gave the order to shoot without hesitation - and then, pulled the trigger.

The huge mech that made Battlefield could not help thinking of Knightmare, used its cannon to shoot at Battlefield. Also firing at the same time was the group of militants belonging to the advanced state rescue team--



In such a rain of bullets, the battlefield sincerely dodges like a stroll in the courtyard, his speed is not fast. However, the prediction is extremely accurate.

Of course, this "speed is not fast" is based on the concept of capable people, even teleportation.

For those soldiers, it was still fast, and it was too fast.

In an instant, the battle was drawn into the melee phase. Then, it was easy to kill—just an adjective, and didn't really kill.

Cun Jin of the battlefield easily destroyed the weak points of the exoskeleton armor, and then overturned them. The enemy was too close to the battlefield, so he was afraid of accidentally being injured.

"——Asshole, shoot! Don't worry too much!" Terestina shouted angrily: "Our armor is bulletproof and won't be shot at all!"

Although it is said so. But there is a huge gap between "know" and "can" that it cannot be crossed.

After discovering that her subordinates were still being tortured unilaterally, Terestina roared and aimed her cannon at the battlefield----

Unlike those 20mm cannons. The lethality of this weapon is even greater.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

She yelled at this and pulled the trigger. then.

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