Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1113

It is the Kihara family.

"What do those lunatics want to do?"

When it came to this matter, the surrounding directors seemed a little eager to try.

If they can, they hope that the Kihara family can harden. Then ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-peng-pong-to-death fight with the battlefield. In this way, they can happily add to the flames and play peace dogs in the back.

The end result does not matter. If the Kihara family collapses, they can happily take over the scientific research institutions of the Kihara family.

If the battlefield collapses, then the important department of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline, they can also get a share.

It would be great if both the Kihara family and the battlefield collapsed. They can definitely party for three days and three nights. It was definitely a sharing feast.

"The Kihara family didn't do anything. They seemed to tacitly agree with the ethics committee. Terestina, they have already given up."

"So, what about the body crystal, advanced condition rescue team?"

"It seems to give up too."


Unexpectedly, the Kihara family had completely compromised——

They originally thought that even if the Kihara family was a little harder, they could take advantage of this opportunity.

Who would have thought that the Kihara family would be horrified here? !

"Aren't those guys crazy? Why do they become so useless against the battlefield?!"

With absolute self-interest, they complained like this. Then the conversation ended hurriedly-there was no need to continue.

This round of strategy against the Discipline Committee has been completely defeated. The ethics committee is about to usher in a new period of development.

In this case, everyone should think about how to distinguish the relationship with Terestina and get on the big ship of the battlefield.


It is at this time.

It is in the scientific research institute where Kihara is located.



I know.

No no, absolutely no.

Terestina has always been a shame to our Kihara family. Don't worry, we won't give her any help in this matter.

Yes, um. I hope that this incident will not affect the relationship between you and me.

Uh, uh, yes, we still hope to continue to cooperate with you, Lord Hara on the battlefield.

Yes, we will make certain concessions in the next negotiation, please rest assured. "

That's almost it.

When Terestina was handcuffed and then marched towards the special prison under the Commission for Discipline and Discipline, Battlefield made a sincere call and gave Kihara more.

The voice of this vicious dog sounds very husky. Submissively messed up.

If anyone sees this, if there are many Kihara like this, it is absolutely difficult to connect him with that terrible scientific lunatic.


"It's over like this."

After hanging up the phone, Kihara was relieved. It seems that Battlefield Hara also has certain scruples about the Kihara family. In this way, they can continue to live in peace.

Although God knows how long this "peaceful coexistence" can last.

I don't know how much the Kihara family has to pay in order to maintain this "peaceful relationship."

From the beginning to the present, the Kihara family has lost too many benefits. In the cooperation with Battlefield Hara, the Kihara family gained far less than what they invested.

Within the Kihara family, questions and objections have already emerged. Is such a compromise at all costs really necessary?

Can the cooperation with Battlefield really achieve the goal they want?

In fact, this time Terestina was able to succeed, and these people behind it were indispensable.

They are not opposed to the Lv6 Absolute Ability Program.

Rather, I believe that this plan must be in my own hands. Only in this way can we gain more benefits.

As for the original sincerity of the battlefield, this sample is very important, so it must be mastered. Even if he can't be locked in a sterile room and act recklessly, he must be controlled to a certain extent.

And Kihara's current performance is obviously not satisfactory.

Terestina, yes, this guy did fail. This gave Kihara some time. But this does not mean that the matter is over.

Compromise, retreat, and surrender the benefits will definitely make the Kihara family more dissatisfied and cause greater confrontation and backlash. In the end, such a backlash may even evolve into an all-out war with the Commission for Discipline.

"Of course, the probability of such a thing breaking out is not too big...As for speaking, give that guy a certain constraint...hehehehe..."

At this point, Kihara Shuzuo's mouth turned up, revealing a gloomy smile.

He has already started to do it.

When he likes to compromise? I really like to nod and bow to a hairy boy who is dozens of years younger than me?

Doesn't he want to completely control the original sincerity of the battlefield?

"It's just that I'm much smarter than the idiot Teristina.

Of course, although that was a worthless idiot. But she at least figured it out. "

Lifting his right hand with a strange armor glove, a strange music box appeared in his hand: "The ability jamming device is really effective for the original sincerity of the battlefield. Hehehehe, hehehehahahahaha..."

Thinking of this, Kihara Shuda laughed happily--


hang up the phone.

"Ah, ah." Zhanchangyuan sighed: "Every time I talk to that guy, it makes people feel unpleasant." He couldn't help shook his head: "Really...when... forget it."

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