Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1126

"That's it." So in the next step, the battlefield said sincerely about the possible invasion of Inticus and the British Puritanism. Finally, summarize:

"Never mind other places. But here, this city is our territory. So I decided to conduct a public security strengthening activity. It will last for a week. Take a good look at those who may be criminals, spies, and hostile forces. The guy from the intelligence personnel." Battlefield Hara is sincere, taking it for granted.


On the opposite side, Yu Chuan looked at Battlefield Hara with a look that looked like an aegyo child.

"Sincere." She tried her best, and said to him in an earnest tone:

"Do you know that our current police force is very scarce. Maintaining the current situation is quite difficult."

"Well, is that so?" Zhanchangyuan was a little strange: "Then the automated guard system..."

"That is just a rudimentary form." Yuchuan said helplessly: "Although we don't know why, our scientific research efficiency has improved so much at once. But the Sakura Stone technology you need, plus the mind technology and learning It takes a lot of time to form a brand-new technological system with the ability of the park city itself.

If we can expand the current scientific research system tenfold, maybe we can..."

"That I will figure out a solution." Zhanchangyuan answered like this-what he thought in his heart:

——Ten times the technology is not impossible——One of them is because of the Misaka sisters. The doubled sister's access to the Internet has doubled its efficiency geometrically. In addition, he has two other worlds to use.

One is Sakura Rock World.

In the last few days, Zhanchangyuan went back to Sakura Stone World once. In addition to having sex with the girls, I also copied all the scientific research results of the Yuanshi Academy Urban System that have been sorted out in the recent past. In this way, there are two scientific research forces happily conducting research.

The other side is to go to the world of Eris-although the technology level of the world of Eris is slightly lower. But for this reason, you can't stop going to that world to fuck a girl, right.

So it was a waste of time. Live a happy life with the girls——

Of course, the Sakura Stone World is actually the same. Thanks to the different speeds of the world, things on either side of the battlefield will not be delayed. Every girl can sex to the extent of Ah Hei Yan...

This made the battlefield very distressed.

That is, with his efforts, the desire of everyday girls to have sex is basically zero.

It's like shooting three to five shots every day, looking at the level where the sun is all green. That's not enough to satisfy you, bastard.

If he can fully satisfy his girl, Akua is the only one.

The problem is that Akua’s words, in turn, are squeezed out of him.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 9 Male Ignorance

So it is difficult to say that the battlefield is sincere. If you can play the innocent bad, who wants scum. There are not many people in this world who have such a heavy mouth.

The vast majority of people are normal ordinary people.

This is true and not deceiving.

However, the original high strength of the battlefield made him in a very embarrassing position in terms of sex. Or it's just a lot of sex and dissatisfaction. Otherwise, it would be a shame to let an idiot like Akua squeeze himself dry.

Comparing the two, the original feeling of the battlefield seems to be more important for one's own face.

So we still have to look for girls. Especially those big sisters who are fit and full of shavings. This will snap a little faster.

Improving the strength of the girls under her is also based on this theory.

In other words, the higher their strength, the more pleasure they will have sex with themselves. Strength and time can be improved, why not do it?

"Ah, ah..."

Come to think of it, Battlefield seems to have really discussed similar issues with himself. Thinking of this, Yu Chuan shook his head helplessly. Forget it, this guy has this virtue all his life. It is my misfortune to fall in love with such a scum. In that case, he can only accept his fate as a bastard.

"Okay." So Yuchuan said, "I will find a way...Is the law and order strengthened, right? I see."

"Well, thanks!" Zhanchangyuan said happily: "I knew you were the best, Yuchuan~" After saying this, it was logical that Zhanchang should give Yuchuan a kiss on the side of the cheek as a reward. But Sister Shen Li was watching.

It is now the strategy period for Sister Pa Shen Li, and it is better not to let her know that she has something to do with so many girls.

So, as expected, forget it.

Although I understand why the battlefield didn't kiss me. However, the opposite Yu Chuan cast a bitter look at the battlefield without receiving a reward.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up for you tonight." Zhanchangyuan's sincere eyes revealed such feelings. After this, Yu Chuan smiled satisfied——

That's almost it. After Zhanyuanyuan left, Yu Chuan began to act according to his orders. In the next few days, it can be confirmed that the various technological spies, economic spies, spy agents from various other genres, various magic associations, and various messy organizations in the Academy City are unlucky.

Fortunately, most of them will be pushed to the ground and beaten by the commissioners for discipline and discipline, and then fall into the ruthless law net. Unfortunately, I just died, and I don’t have to think about so many useless things. Hehehehehehehe...

As for the process, there may be some local gangsters and rogues in the academy city, such as the so-called armed incompetent group suffer...

This is not within the consideration of the original battlefield.

They deserve it for doing this kind of thing, and if they are really beaten to death, they can't be considered wronged, right?

That's it.

After Zhanchangyuan left sincerely, he was very happy: "Then, I will find you a place to live next." With this, Zhanchangyuan looked at Inticus who was waiting next to him.

The kid was on the side of the road, having fun with the stray cat who didn't know where he came from. Looking at this cute scene, Kamikari Hoori, who was wearing an erotic maid costume next to him, showed a gentle smile. It can be seen that she really likes Intikes this child.

"That one……"

After hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Shenzhe's expression was a little nervous: "I only need a very ordinary place... if there is rent, I can deduct it from my salary..."

Although he was carrying twenty million on his back, it seemed that he couldn't afford to pay for debts... it seemed that he could only pay for it. But Sister Shen Split clearly didn't think so.

She said this nervously.

"As a maid, of course, wherever the master lives, he must follow wherever he lives."


Zhanchangyuan sincerely did not give her this opportunity, and said plausibly: "If you don’t do this, how can you take care of the owner nearby—and, in the future, you will call me the master, or the original master of the battlefield, the sincere master. Of course, I think my dear master is quite good. Not bad..."

"oh, I see……"

Although it is a bit unclear, why the original temperament of the battlefield has changed a little at this moment. But Sister Shen Split didn't think much. She nodded, and then followed behind Zhanchangyuan, heading towards another property of Zhanchangyuan in Academy City.

Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit——

Although the place that Zhanchangyuan most often goes to is his luxurious private room in high-end hotels. However, he knew the truth about the Three Caves of the Rabbit.

What if you say that you have sex with a stranger, a new girl, and the other harem members feel upset and unhappy, and then come to round the room?

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