Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1155

Saying that, Shirai Heizi smiled like a slut.

Then there is Bilibili.

Kuroko threw himself down on the street again, and Misaka Mikoto said angrily and loudly:

"Nothing like that happened at all, I didn't have that guy. I did, I did that kind of thing..."

Saying this, Misaka Mikoto's expression became a little shy. And after that, she also spent a lot of effort to convince Shirai Kuroko that she and Zhanchangyuan were not in that relationship at all.

Spread your hands.

"Ah, that's how it is."

Because he is often beeped, Baijing Kuroko is very resistant to beeping. Even if I got beeped, I can reply soon.

After believing Misaka Mikoto's statement, the guy's eyes on Misaka Mikoto became very deep. That would be like reprimanding Bilibili for not seizing the opportunity, so that he missed the opportunity or something.

"Then, Sister, at least should have done something with that guy?"

"What did you do..."

"Knead each other, touching sensitive parts like this? Or a whole body massage?"

"No! That kind of thing!"

So beep again.

"Even if it doesn't, at least it should be something? It's not that I don't believe you, my sister, it's the boss that I don't believe."

"It's just..."

"It's just?"



"Kiss or something..."

"Is it just kissing after a long time? My sister is too innocent, right?"

After Misaka Mikoto left, the perverted slut who directly pressed the battlefield to the ground with a mouthful, looked at Misaka Mikoto with condescending eyes.

To be honest, such an attitude is still very deterrent.

At least for that moment, Misaka Mikoto felt that her aura was much stronger than that of Shirai Kuroko.

"Ah, ah. But even if it's just like this, at least it's the first step. Then, what should I do next?

Although according to Kuroko, I want my sister to take the throne of the palace as quickly as possible, it is not realistic to think carefully. Besides, I have to ask my sister what you mean..."


Misaka Mikoto was silent for a while, then looked up at Kuroko:


"What's the matter, elder sister?"

Before that, I want to ask you a question first. she says.

"Just ask. What's the matter?"

"You, and that guy... I mean Battlefield Hara, what do you think?"

Although Misaka Mikoto's question was a bit inexplicable, Shirai Kuroko understood what she meant: "If I said that this guy is the best boyfriend in the universe, my sister would definitely not believe it.

But," Shirai Kuroko looked at Misaka Mikoto very seriously:

"But in fact, Kuroko thinks that. Zhanchangyuan is sincere, my boss, my boyfriend, is the best boyfriend in the universe."


Mikoto Misaka didn't know what to say when he heard Shirai Kuroko solemnly say such nasty words.

"This, this...but..."

"Yes, yes, that guy has many shortcomings, very lustful, very unreliable, lazy and likes pranks, many times it will even make you half angry-but ah.

If your sister asks me, I just want to say that Heizi must be his woman in this life. If people really have an afterlife, then in the afterlife, he will still be his woman. If we can stay together forever, then Sunspot will never leave him.

No matter what happens, no matter what happens, no matter what kind of enemy is in front of him, what kind of difficulties and obstacles, Kuroko will follow him and face him together. This is my answer, my sister, what do you think? "


Misaka Mikoto, once again didn't know what to say.

It is hard to imagine. However, she finally realized. After Heizi said such words, she finally suddenly learned an amazing and terrible fact.

That is this girl who is always entangled with her, the older sister is long, and the older sister is short, has entered a state of passion.

Although there is no change on the surface. But in fact, Shirai Kuroko has become a monster that she can hardly understand.


"Okay, I don't need to think too much about my sister." Looking at Misaka Mikoto who didn't know what to say, Shirai Kuroko showed a tolerant smile: "What do you want to do, Kuroko can help you~"

"Ah, no, I still can't—I thought of something else."

In any case, Misaka Mikoto was real this time, and was shocked by Shirai Kuroko. She turned around and ran away at the fastest speed. Seeing Misaka Mikoto running away embarrassedly, Shirai Kuroko didn't mean to catch up. Instead, he sighed.

"Ah, ah. Sister-sama is really...but this is a matter of course."

She sighed for a while, then couldn't help taking out her mobile phone to call:

"Hey, Boss...


Oh, it failed...

How is my responsibility?

you said I?

Are you the same?

Even the two guys Gufa-senpai and Photon after marriage had sex off, why not just snap off the older sister? Now blame me on the other hand?

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