Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1161

The first is that it is profitable, and the second is that I don't want to worry about it.

No matter what the result is, it can only prove one thing.

That is, Misaka Mikoto has no importance in the original sincere heart of the battlefield. Or in other words, the original sincere battlefield is actually a sinister and cold bastard. Everything about him is deceptive.

No matter what the result is, Mikoto Misaka doesn't want to see it.

Next. She stood up, subconsciously going to the battlefield-but after two steps, she hesitated.

If Zhanchangyuan didn't know about this, even if Zhanchangyuan was just lying to her, saying that he didn't know about it, Mikoto Misaka would have a psychological comfort.

But what if he did know this? If he really answers:

"Ah, yes, yes, since you guy already knows, there is no other way. In other words, I must explain that you are just a funny toy in my opinion, Misaka Mikoto. It’s very happy to get up, that’s all. Something for fun. Otherwise, what do you want?"

So Misaka Mikoto didn't dare-but had to do it again.

"Um, that kid—"

Because she thought of the child she was with before. The dumb, expressionless, copy of himself.

Even if I feel unhappy when I get along with her. Think that guy played a trick on himself. But she still didn't want her to die like this. I don’t even want her to die like this in the hands of Yuanzheng on the battlefield——

In this case, Misaka Mikoto gritted his teeth and rushed to the place where the child disappeared.

In any case, she has to figure it out.

"Don't let me down, Zhanchangyuan." She thought so in her heart.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 15: Everything I Do Around the Battlefield

at the same time.

"Ah. Ah. How to put it." Zhanchangyuan was sincere, facing the child opposite, a little helpless: "Even after such a long time, your child still doesn't grow up.

I have already made a lot of concessions, you know, many, many concessions~" He raised his foot while saying that, and stepped on the child's face.

"I didn't use any weapons.

Did not use more than your physical strength.

There is no ultra-long-range attack method.

I didn't use any props either-you are equipped with an ability jamming device. It's amazing~ but so what. In the end, it’s still me who won, it’s me~"

Sister Misaka, who was stepped on by him, let out a muffled noise, as if she was suffering from intense pain.

"So, let's just do it. It's really boring." He raised his foot again as he said that, and then "crunched".


Next second.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Misaka Mikoto, who saw this scene with his own eyes, let out a scream like crazy. Desperately rushed towards the battlefield original sincere. At the same time, a super-electromagnetic gun-much more terrifying and more powerful than the previous super-electromagnetic gun, blasted the battlefield to the original sincerity-of course it was of no use. but. This is not what the battlefield really cares about. But to say--


how come? !


Could it be that--"

Almost just for an instant, the battlefield genuinely sensed the wrong, wrong, deeply shady, and malicious targeting.

And there is only one force that can do all of this, and only those bastards who have such a vicious mind, need, and even say that it is necessary to do this kind of thing-that is, those bastards of the Kihara family.

"The bastards—"

Battlefield Hara made a decisive decision in his heart--

"Mikoto, listen to me!" He said loudly—but Misaka Mikoto never thought about talking to him.

In the next second, she continued to roar, the lightning in her hand blasted towards the battlefield-then the iron molecules grabbed from the ground, composed of electromagnetic sword blades, and then another super electromagnetic cannon-Misaka Mikoto seemed to be crazy He yelled and shed tears at the same time, and attacked the battlefield with all his might, as if he wanted to kill the battlefield.


Battlefield Hara, who had already made a decision, did not hesitate to release the phantom magic. Sister Misaka, who seemed to have been tortured by him just now, stood up again: "My sister! Please wait a minute--"

"Wait a minute, why—?"

Seeing this scene, Misaka Mikoto's attack slowed down. The gaze looking at Battlefield Hara became erratic-but the next second.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him.

He killed more than 10,000 copies of Misaka Mikoto.

Kill him kill him kill him.

He doesn't care about you at all. Just treat you as a toy.

Kill him kill him kill him.

This is just revenge, for those innocent sisters Misaka who died, and for you.

Kill him, kill him. Kill him.

We were made because of you.

Because of my sister, we were killed by him.

All this must be stopped. All this must be stopped.

Kill him and everything will be solved. "

Such a huge idea poured into Misaka Mikoto's brain in an instant.

In an instant, took over her thoughts. At the same time close to the limit expanded her power.

"This, this is..."

The battlefield watched this scene sincerely and surprised. On the opposite side, around Misaka Mikoto, the violent electricity seemed to have life. Hovering around her, making a tyrannical sound.

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