Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1169

The battlefield was aware of this child's inner and psychological fluctuations.

In this regard, he did not know what to say. Or whatever it says is not right.

Although, Danxi’s feelings are absolutely wrong. But Zhanchangyuan didn't want to criticize her excessively. After all, she is just a child. Since she is a child, she can't control her feelings and it is only natural to make some wrong ideas.

Treating children, especially girls, especially those who are very beautiful and cute, with big breasts and very white skin, with a pair of white and long legs. Battlefield Yuancheng is always very, very, very tolerant. .

It was to the extent that the surrounding members of the harem wanted to pull out their hatchets to rid the original of the battlefield.

Well, yes, that's it.

Although I really want to talk to Yubi Danxiduo. It's just that the other girls around, their eyes on the battlefield are almost bursting with flames. In this case, the battlefield is not easy to say. So he took her hand happily, and instantly moved to Aleister. The next thing is to talk to Aleister.

Uh, hmm. Of course it is.

"I'll go to you after it's over, don't rush away." Zhanchangyuan said to her in a low voice like this, and she scratched her palm twice while speaking.

This made Kyubei Danxi blush slightly.

Because this was in front of Aleister, she was at a loss at the same time.

In short, she didn't do anything. The battlefield had taken her silence as a default. He smiled happily at her, watched her move instantaneously, and then disappeared. Then he turned his head and looked at Aleister who was hanging upside down, soaking in the nutrient solution.

Such a guy can no longer arouse any awe in Battlefield.

Although still vigilant, although still alert. But in any case, the battlefield at this moment was standing on an equal position with Aleister looking at each other.

Even somewhat provocative.

Just like just now, digging the foot of the wall in front of him.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 21 The Balance of Terror



Battlefield and Aleister stared at each other like this, and no one spoke.

After a while, Aleister spoke.

It is still that complete, unable to hear any emotional voice: "What you did is a bit too much, Zhanchangyuan."

"Which aspect are you talking about?" Battlefield Hara was not surprised by this guy's words. Instead, he asked easily.

His attitude silenced Aleister again.

A little surprised, even a little angry. It's like seeing your pet attacking yourself.

Of course, this is not correct to say that his relationship with Battlefield Hara is—but, in a sense, Aleister thinks of Battlefield Hara that way. People who think that the battlefield was originally like this.

Unfortunately, it is not. Especially when Aleister subconsciously wanted to let Battlefield understand his position, but found that he actually had nothing to do. This anger and unhappiness became even more intense——

Of course, if Aleister's hole cards are in hand, there are actually. But even if he is useless, it is impossible for him to throw his hole cards out for a moment, right?

So, this tone can only be endured.

But before that.

"Ah, I'm sorry." As if feeling something, Battlefield Hara sincerely showed an apologetic expression, and said to Aleister: "Chairman, what I said seems a bit like that. Don't be angry. ~"


This kind of attitude, which is slightly more meaty, made Aleister a little bit powerful.

"All in all, the impact of what you do is very bad."

After a while, Aleister finally calmed down.

Although he was very unhappy, he still had to admit one thing, that is, the original sincerity of the battlefield was no longer what he could just handle.

In fact, Aleister had this feeling before. But the subconscious feeling and the immersive encounter face to face are completely two kinds of feelings.

Deep experience, the pain of the skin.

"Is that so?" Hearing what he said, Battlefield Hara smiled and pretended to be stupid: "No one was hurt, and nothing happened. The discipline and order of the Academy City were not affected. The world didn't even know that such a thing had happened. . Only a small group of people know. Does this have a very bad impact?"

"..." Aleister was silent again.

The battlefield was sincere just now, and he did show a certain degree of obedience, but this degree was very, very limited.

In a sense, what the battlefield said was indeed correct. His movements were too fast and his strength was too strong, so that the Kihara family didn't even have any reaction before they were wiped out.

In this case, what is affected is indeed nothing to the onlookers who do not know the truth.

However, for those insiders who really understand, it is because of this that it feels terrible. That's why it caused a bad influence.

If the guy in the battlefield fought back and forth against the Kihara family. In the end, no matter who wins or loses. Everyone can accept it. But this feeling is almost like how the Americans beat Iraq during the Gulf War.

The strength of the ethics committee frightened everyone in the circle.

This is terrible.

Is there anything in this world that can stop the existence of this group of people?

If their goal is not the Kihara family, but their own, what will happen to their own results?

After thinking about this issue, many people have come to a frustrating conclusion, that is, their ending may not be much better than that of the Kihara family, or even worse than the Kihara family.

Because counted, the power and strength of the Kihara family is already the top group in the academy city. Even the Kihara family was wiped out in ashes in an instant, and it didn't even cause too much trouble for the Battlefield Yuan and the Commission for Discipline and Discipline, let alone their little shrimps.

As a result, a lot of bones are softer in the knees. In other words, the guy who knows the current affairs is a handsome guy, like a wall of grass, fell to the Committee of Discipline at the fastest speed.

Although many people would laugh at them, they actually bowed their heads to a group of children whose fur did not grow up. But it doesn't matter, bowing is better than headless, right.

Moreover, it is not without benefits to communicate and cooperate with the Discipline Committee.

It is well-known that military technology is usually better than civilian technology for an era. At present, the science and technology of the Academy City is stronger than that of the outside world, and the technology of the Discipline Committee is stronger than the average level of the Academy City. Under this circumstance, the discipline committees with higher technological content and stronger capabilities, the products launched, production equipment, and other things will be more competitive.

What is even more pleasant is that the Discipline Committee itself does not have too many distribution channels. In other words, in order to draw an alliance of common interests, the battlefield did not sincerely want to expand the Commission of Discipline to the extent of omnipotence.

At least for a short time, the Discipline Committee is content to be a supplier. As dealers, these people can happily share the interests of the Discipline Committee. In this way, even if the two sides form a community of interests, why not do it.


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