Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1173

This is different from Zhanchangyuan, who wants to have sex when she sees girls and is very tolerant of all girls. Yu Chuanyi has the abilities, wrists and vision that a superior person should have.

So without the battlefield knowing it, she contacted it in the first place and forced them to play.

In this case, under pressure, Mai Ye Shenli made a decision to fight with the Commission for Discipline and Discipline.

Afterwards, this decision was proven correct.

At the same time, Yu Chuanyi also apologized to Mai Ye and declared that this matter has nothing to do with the battlefield. Although Mai Ye hated it, he had to pretend to be generous, saying: "Ahahaha, it's nothing, I don't care about it at all." And secretly cursed Yuchuanyi for not having a child. .

This is a headache for Battlefield Yuan.

Although his harem was restless from the beginning. There are all kinds of mess. But if possible, Battlefield still hopes that his harem can be peaceful.

——Mai Ye and the four of them, Mai Ye is naturally the center axis...Although, speaking of it, Zhanchangyuan actually prefers Flanda. But as the eldest sister of the foursome, Mai Ye is more important——

The problem is that the few other girls who are not important may feel nothing, maybe they don't feel it at all, or they are used to the life of begging under the power, so they are nothing. Instead, it was Mai Ye Shenli, unable to swallow this breath anyway. In view of the relationship between Battlefield Hara and her, it is difficult to say too much about Battlefield Hara.

As for Yuchuan, the battlefield persuaded him. But Yu Chuan smiled and said, "Hey, isn't this clear, Miss Mai Ye said she doesn't care." This pretended to be a fool. Said the original battlefield. She just said: "Now there is a lot of work, don't bother me with such insignificant things, okay." Then she didn't want to discuss this matter.

Intuition told Zhanchangyuan that if he continued speaking, Yu Chuan would definitely be angry and would be very, very, very upset. Not even bleaching again.

Therefore, the battlefield was decisively left alone.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 3 How nice it is for everyone to go together

As a result, the original mediation work of the battlefield failed.

But Battlefield was not discouraged and given up. Instead, another decision was made.

It's like this now--

Persuade the Item group of four and Yuchuan to go to the beach together. Everyone happily play together. In this way, everyone's conflicts can be resolved happily-

Therefore, the reason why the battlefield sincerely appeared in this place, playing with the four girls at the same time, was completely out of public heart, out of good intentions, out of ideals and love for this world, and for this world The love of the lovely girls on the site. That’s why.

"--Yes, that's it, you must believe me!"

In Xiaojing's house, in the private courts set up by Teacher Huang Quanchuan and the others, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely yelled that he was wronged.

In a sense, Zhan Tian Yuan sincere indeed felt that he was wronged. What I said was true verbal—at least partly true asshole. About half-one third-twenty-five percent.

I really want to bridge the conflicts and contradictions between the girls. Selfishness is just a small, trivial reason. About half, two thirds, about 75%.

"Do you think I will believe you?"

Unfortunately, however. Teacher Huang Quanchuan, who was on the other side as an interrogator, sneered twice, and then said so.

Okay, it seems that everything that Zhanchangyuan said just now was all for nothing, and it was all useless.

"But the problem is that I'm telling the truth, Teacher Huang Quanchuan-ah no, Ai Sui."

"I told the truth, then..."

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough--"

In the battlefield, I was originally called the nickname of Teacher Huang Quanchuan, and I wanted everyone to climb friendships all the time. Of course, the more important thing is that when Teacher Huang Quanchuan heard the battlefield call himself that, when he blushed slightly, there was a coughing sound next to him.

That is, Teacher Xiaojing's cough.

"Ah, that—what about even if you are telling the truth?" So, Teacher Huang Quanchuan became firm again: "Even if you are telling the truth, can't you use other methods to solve it? Like this?!

And even if you say that, why do you invite me again-shall we go over? "

"——Did I not agree to Teacher Huang Quanchuan some time ago, saying that I would go out to play together — Ah, of course, I also agreed to Teacher Xiao Jing — Although Teacher Xiao Meng did not agree. But you think. I took two A teacher went, but didn't take Teacher Xiaomeng with him. How sad Teacher Xiaomeng should be.

So let’s just take a few teachers to play together. Isn't it all right?

Teacher Zhuli on the other side also means something~"

" seems..."

With what Zhanchangyuan said, Teacher Huang Quanchuan seemed to understand a little bit.

Well, that seems to be okay... It's not easy for Battlefield Hara to be sincere... Even though I really want to be alone with Battlefield Hara, this kind of sex. But if so many girls are unhappy because of being alone, it doesn't seem to be great...

"Really, this bastard..." On the other side, Teacher Xiaojing murmured like this.

Of course she wasn't very happy. But I don't know how to say the same.

——When talking, Zhanchangyuan did not mention Yueyong. In fact, Yueyong did not appear at all. Teacher Huang Quanchuan grabbed the battlefield and came out in despair. When a pair of armed forces catching the rape, or the posture of the police to make a house round, made everyone afraid to move, Yueyong Xiaoguai had already run out of a very unbehaved person——

So this kind of occasion is not suitable for her to meet with Battlefield Hara. After all, in the final analysis, she was a sincere subordinate of Zhanchangyuan, pulling outsiders to kick Zhanyuanyuan's nest, and then pulling her own boss out to criticize or something. This can be regarded as betrayal. If it were to be placed in the classical era, she would definitely have to be three-pointed and six-hole for doing such a thing.

Although it is now a society under the rule of law, this does not mean that Xiaoguai students feel that this is a matter of course. So she just run away.

But it doesn't matter if run is dropped. Looking at Huang Quanchuan, Teacher Xiaomeng and the others appeared here, and the battlefield had no idea what it was.

In this, there is someone who has a good relationship with them and knows that they are here, besides Xiaoguai classmates, who else?

So it's definitely her.

"Look at how I cleaned up you after I survived this catastrophe." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart. At the same time, I looked at Teacher Xiaojing: "Teacher Xiaojing~"

"ok, ok, I got it……"

As the teacher Xiaojing who has interacted with Zhanchangyuan the most, he naturally understands the "ability" of Zhanchangyuan.

Seeing the battlefield see this way, before the battlefield said anything, Xiaojing teacher directly surrendered at the fastest speed, just like the Italian on the battlefield of World War II.

In this way, Teacher Huang Quanchuan and Teacher Xiao Jing, the two more powerful sisters, were all dealt with. There was the kind of very weak little girl in the iron decoration next to them, so there was no way to speak.

In this way, even if the original sincerity of the battlefield is—


It was at this time that a childish, righteous shout came from the other side: "You can't just let him go!"

Teacher Xiaomeng, righteously looked at the battlefield. Then said loudly like this: "Little sincerity, you are almost hopeless! I must educate you well-don't talk!"

Before the others next to him wanted to speak, Teacher Xiaomeng stopped them:

"As a teacher, I want to persuade students to study hard and make progress every day!" She looked at some of her colleagues sadly: "But you, just indulge the little sincerity! The little sincerity will fall to where it is today, and it will follow you Independence is inseparable!

Go out now! "

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