Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1181

Zhanchangyuan was silent for a while, then looked at God Split, and asked.

"The angel of the cross religion...If it is a low-level angel, it's not that good. The fighting power is not very good. Probably an lv4 with great ability, as long as he is trained, he can fight."

Hearing what she said, Battlefield was relieved.

"It's just that this person who used the Angel Falling Sorcerer is a very strong magician. The angel he pulled down from the sky is the archangel Gabriel." At this point, the expression of Sister Divine Crack was a bit wrong.

"Then Gabriel's combat power..." Zhanchangyuan asked further.

"Probably the highest level of lv5."

Because of the relatively long time around Zhanchangyuan, and for the sake of the battlefield, Sister Shenli used the way that Zhanchangyuan sounds the most understandable and the least effortless method.

"That's it."

The battlefield was relieved again.

Lv5 is the highest, this is a magical horse. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you can solve each other happily in minutes. Hum hum hum.

"But wait a minute, is the archangel Gabriel a male or a female? Isn’t he beautiful?" Zhanchangyuan sincerely asked again—it’s only a pity, when he was halfway through the question. , The girls all looked at him.

"I'm just asking casually, really, nothing else..." So Zhanchangyuan could only say that.


In this way, this matter came to an end for the time being. The rest of the matter will not be under the control of the battlefield.

Although the combat effectiveness of this group of people on the battlefield was very strong, very strong and extremely strong. But the professional posture is still slightly lacking. In other words, it is a bit professional. All in all, the myths and legends of divination, yin and yang, and other chaotic cross religions, Xingyue religions, druids or other sects, allusions and other sects, the battlefield is not clear. In fact, none of the girls under him are clear.

Of course it's not all. In fact, Yu Chuan knew it. Next to Sister Shenchuan and her, Sasha Mauro, who finally recovered from A Heiyan’s condition, worked hard with some feudal fascination tools. When people are unclear about it, only Yuchuan can handle these things. The head is right. Let everyone listen very fresh.

"You know so much." Zhanchangyuan sighed, ignoring the terrible fact that he had lived for so long and was still ignorant. At the same time, he asked a little strangely: "Since this is the case, then Yuchuan, you should also go up and help."

Then Yu Chuan looked at the battlefield with a bit of complaint.

"you will not?"

So complaining becomes a grudge.

"Why... okay, okay, I see."

No, naturally it means that there is no time to learn. With Yuchuan's ingenuity, even if no one taught her, she can figure it out by herself. After all, Yu Chuan is taking a different path than her girls. She was stimulated before, so now she is taking the path of demon repair. Some strange things are better understood than the original party on the battlefield.

By the way, the original technique of Battlefield is okay, but how many ways to cultivate... It's barely a sword repair, the attacking methods are naturally top-notch, otherwise it is impossible for so many girls to snap to A Heiyan every time.


After Yu Chuan's complaining gaze came over, the sentence behind Zhanchangyuan didn't say anything.

——The reason why Yu Chuan didn't have the time to study these things was of course his own sake.

Either he was busy helping Battlefield Yuan, the management of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline, or he was busy having sex with Battlefield Yuanyuan. In this case, how could Yu Chuan work hard to cultivate and be aggressive? Now this child's knowledge is still constantly enriched, not because of this fall in the learning progress has been very good.

"Ahaha, ahahaha, ahahahahaha~"

After knowing this kind of thing, Zhanchangyuan only smiled awkwardly, unable to say anything.

That's it, the girls are tossing. Some people saw it for a while and found it not interesting, so they went to the beach to play. Some chose other entertainment methods. Although the world has become very strange or something. But in fact, within the original ability of the battlefield, everything is intact. Most of them do not have the mindset of taking the world as their responsibility. So all went to play.

Even a few loli who are not sensible, and fools with a lack of brains, still want to play with Battlefield Yuan, but they are a little unhappy when they are rejected by Battlefield Yuan. Muttering: "Isn't there a new Mao Luo, who likes the new and hates the old..." This made the battlefield feel very embarrassed.

——In short, this is the case, a long time has passed. Only Zhanchangyuan was present, Yuchuan's many girls who like to use their brains, and the crap who wanted to love the battlefield, and who didn't want anything except the battlefield.

Seeing the sun set, it was dusk. Sasha still has Sister Divine Split, but she still didn't draw any conclusions——

Originally, Indicus was also one of the candidates for Help. But the child couldn't bear to be lonely for a while, and happily ran to play with his peers like the last one.

In fact, if the battlefield had not read it wrong, that Mauro had left after Inticus, and after running out to play, showed envy.

"Hum...I don't have much friendship with those Russian adults..." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart.

If he can, of course he wants to bring the child over, but how should he say this?

Author's message:

Update la la la la la la

Chapter 10 Angels are by your side

Battlefield was thinking about this issue sincerely. At the same time, the shield next to him gave a sarcastic smile. The pink-haired double ponytails said impatiently, "Isn't it okay?" Yu Chuan comforted her and said, "Be patient, classmate Gaocheng."

While the pink-haired double ponytail continued to complain, the sister Ma Mei Mei on the other side was drinking tea happily. This child doesn't seem to matter where it is, as long as he has black tea to drink, he can live with peace of mind. This free and easy makes Battlefield Hara also slightly envious.

Of course, this may also be because Sister Ma Meimei does not have much sense of belonging to the Committee of Discipline. It's none of your own, so you have this freedom.

"Really." Zhanchangyuan was a little depressed in his sincere heart--if he could, he hoped that Sister Ma Meimei would be more loyal to the Committee of Discipline and Discipline.

But for now, this hope may not be easy to realize.

Although the time with Ma Mei Meimei is not short. But the relationship between the two people is still maintained in that kind of unsalty and not indifferent relationship, and cannot go further. From this we can see the cleverness of Ma Meimei.

Although Zhanchangyuan had seriously thought about it hard, he wanted to go a step further with pleasure with Ma Mei Mei, but Ma Mei Mei did not give him any chance at all. Always rubbing and rubbing against the original battlefield, stay away. Let Battlefield Hara no chance to rub her. What a pity.

It was at this time that Sister Shen Li stopped calculating.

"It seems that the ability of the other party is beyond our imagination." When she said this, Sister Shen Li looked a little tired. Probably the calculation consumed her much energy. After she stopped, Sasha Molo also stopped.

"So what should I do now?"

So everyone looked at the battlefield. Although some people feel a little impatiently, if that's the case, so be it, it doesn't matter. But more girls are lost in thought. Seriously thinking about how to solve this matter.

There are naturally various improprieties in harem governance. But at the same time, ruling the country by the harem will also inspire competition among girls and make them work harder.

"In any case do not want to lose to that little bitch." With this in mind, the girls carefully calculated.

"So, do you think, in this case, what will the fallen angel do?" In this case, Zhan Tian Yuan asked such a question sincerely. After hearing such questions, the girls around looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

"Does she have the ability to decipher the other party's technique? Or is it possible for us to form an alliance with the other party?" Zhanchangyuan said: "On the point of solving the angel's fall technique, the other party should agree with our position. Right?"

Hearing that Zhanchangyuan asked this sincerely, Mauro didn't say a word, as if she didn't know what to say, while Sister Shenzhe was lost in thought.

"I'm" At this moment, it was Yu Chuan who spoke.


"If..., that requires a very large amount of power." Yu Chuan said calmly: "It may be difficult for an angel who has fallen into the world to gather such a large amount of power, or..."

"Or what?"

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