Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1184

"Yes, there is indeed a lot of useful news, but..." Battlefield continued to hesitate.

"Just say if you have it. Don't hesitate." So Yu Chuan finally became impatient and said.

"...Okay." Then Battlefield said: "It's not just the identity of the angel, but who created the angel falling technique, I have already figured out this."


"That's it, the archangel Gabriel himself." The battlefield said so confidently, and then, the sister Shenshi next to him shouted for the first time: "Impossible!"

"it is true."

Battlefield Yuan nodded, and then one fifty one ten, all the information he had in his hands was revealed.

Regarding how degenerate this angel is, how decadent, how scumbag, etc...

After listening to Zhanchangyuan's words, most of the surrounding girls looked at Zhanchangyuan with strange eyes. Needless to say, Battlefield Hara can understand it.

Everyone didn't believe it, they didn't believe it at all—just kidding, how could there be such a stupid thing, how could there be such an idiot angel in this world and there is still the famous archangel Gabriel.

Among these children with faith, Sister Shenshen and Inticus were the most excited: "Don't talk nonsense, this will be condemned by God!"

"Yeah yeah, hurry up and pray to the gods with me, begging for forgiveness, sincere."

"The problem is that I'm telling the truth." Battlefield also seemed helpless—yes, it sounds very unbelievable, but it's true, it's absolutely correct, bastard.

It's true these days, no one believes the truth.

The problem is Zhanchangyuan, there is no way to convince those people. And his credibility is basically negative. What else can be done in this case? There is no way, right... Wait a minute.

At this moment, the girl in the original arms of the battlefield moved her eyelids.

"If you don't believe it, just ask her herself." So Zhanchangyuan said to the girls like this.

"Ask her herself?"

"Don't pretend, Lord Archangel. You must have been awake for a long time."

The next second Battlefield said he "suddenly", it was like an instant movement, and the girl in his arms disappeared suddenly. Zhanchang Yuanzheng had arranged dozens of spatial force fields before this, but failed to stop her.

"This one--"

Next second. The battlefield originally opened the enchantment to protect all the girls in the middle. At the same time, countless energy bombs condensed from pure positive energy in the sky blasted over, tearing open the ceiling of the hotel room. Then he ploughed almost all the places except the battlefield to protect this one, leaving only a ruin.

"Really, this strength is obviously much stronger than what you said." Even in the battlefield, it is still a bit difficult to protect so many girls in one breath. It was a little hard, so he couldn't help complaining to Sister Shen Lie.

"But..." Sister Shen Li wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say.

At the same time, the archangel Gabriel in the sky opened his wings and showed a happy smile: "Hahahahahaha! I didn't expect to be seen through by you! But what?! Here, I am Invincible! Since I was pierced by you, then I don’t have to continue to pretend to be! If you are a bit more acquainted, just treat it as if you haven’t seen it. !!!"


After this guy said such things, the girls present were all surprised.

Of course the surprise was not what she said. Although an archangel, speaking in such a quaint tone is quite fresh. But they were not surprised by this. But: "What the battlefield said turned out to be true?! Didn't lie to us?!"

"So I just said it." Battlefield said reluctantly.

"What is your answer?!" The other party continued to ask the battlefield with a condescending stand and attitude. Of course it's just pretending to be outside. The strength that Battlefield Yuancheng had just shown made this archangel Gabriel also very frightened.

If you really want to fight with him, then the odds of not winning are not very high.

More importantly, there are still a large group of girls who are not weak in fighting power around the battlefield-although most of these people's fighting power is not as strong as hers. But many ants kill elephants, not to mention that even if these girls are weak, they are at least the level of African man-eaters. If she fights like this, she will definitely suffer.

"Since you said that..." The original battlefield made a serious thought: "Speaking of which we don't have any deep hatred. Although you lied to me, I also used anesthetic to turn you over again. Even if we are not owed each other. Up."

"Uh, uh. Then..."

"Then, let's fight as expected."


Before the other party reacted, the girls around had already moved. Xiao Mo’s magic sword has been raised, and then a magic cannon, Misaka Mikoto’s super-electromagnetic cannon, Maiye Shenli’s particle collapsing cannon blasted over—while they were bombarding, others around him could carry out long-range attacks. The girls, for example, Tosaka Sakura, Tosaka Aoi, and Yukawa Tsubasa, etc., also blasted past-and those girls who did not have long-range attack methods, or girls who had insufficient range like Yueyue, Jumped up. Stepped off at the fastest speed and rushed towards the archangel Gabriel.


Seeing this posture. Gabriel did not hesitate and chose to escape-but she found out in the next second that she couldn't run at all. Because the original sincere spirit of the battlefield has locked her. If she turned around and escaped, the battlefield would definitely attack with nothing, knocking herself underground and then rushing to the street.

The next second, the same energy shield opened, blocking all the girls' bombardment. The opponent also felt very strenuous, even more strenuous than the original sincere battlefield.

Because, although she is not like Zhanyuanyuan, she only needs to protect herself. But in the previous round of bombardment, she just fought casually and didn't give her full strength. The girls just now fought against the archangel, but they all had a trick.

Thus. Gabriel really couldn't stand it.

After that, she escaped the Kuwu that Yue Yong shot over. Then it flashed past the Nota sword that was swung by the godshou sister, and then the chief executive's, then the blade, then the son, then the Peiko, then the Kyoko. As soon as I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, I felt that something was wrong behind me. I didn't know when, the surrounding area was full of mist.

This curse, as well as the aura of the level of causality, shocked her, and then dispelled the mist at the fastest speed, while a burst of magic bombarded her. Little Jack, who took the opportunity to approach, had to step back.

In the whole process, Yu Chuan did not do anything, but used the technique of spiritual connection to direct the other girls to fight. This makes the cooperation of the girls look decent.

At the same time, the archangel Gabriel felt a very headache, and his hands and feet were a little disobedient. That is because there are two very strange energies that are interfering with her mind and even her soul. One of them wanted to grab her soul. And the other one wanted to make her sanity more annihilated.

In this case, she can only use 80% of her strength to fight the girls at most, otherwise she will rush to the street——

"Damn, why are there so many masters-no, it's normal to have so many masters. The key is why so many masters gather here. What are they here for?!"

While she was so amazed, the surrounding scenes changed suddenly. The sound of music sounded like an opera theater in the classical era. At the same time, "Ah..." seems to be a feeling, it doesn't look good to just do it. Regardless of whether you contribute effort or not, at least the work is required.

Sister Ma Meimei thought so in her heart, she put down the teacup, then raised the musket in her hand and "touched" it.

The lead bullet flew over the archangel Gabriel's profile, leaving a blood stain on her face.


This greatly shocked the heart of the archangel.

She originally thought that the battlefield was alone, a very powerful opponent. But I didn't expect that the omelet-headed big tits who are not showing up next to him are also a very powerful and ruthless character. I was not careful and almost started saying.

"This, I can't fight anymore!"

She thought so in her heart-now that the battlefield hasn't started, she can't win against these girls. Waiting for the battlefield to take action again, then I am afraid I can't escape!

Thinking of this, the archangel made a decision. Don’t be embarrassed, and run quickly--

Then she spoke, ready to say something cruel, such as the most classic: "I will be back!" or something. Then run off.

After all, he came to the world with all his hardships, just for entertainment, not for the desperate bastard.


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