Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1191

How many horror games have been played in the battlefield, of course, knows what to do in this case-that is, the bushes that seem to shake again, look as if there is something, look at you with fear. There is nothing inside.

Sayaka breathed a sigh of relief: Ah, haha, there is nothing, I really scared myself. when. A voice came from behind her.

Large batches, large batches, large batches, large batches of candles, strange monsters with uncertain shapes appeared.

Just by looking at them, people can know that they are definitely not a good thing. Especially when they also made a voice that was definitely not a good person. It's like having a very serious pharyngitis. The turbid eyes flashed with terrible killing intent and hatred, crazy. After people watched it, they couldn't help but want to scream.

It's as if it is now-although somewhat brave. But in the end, Sayaka is just an ordinary girl. After seeing this scene, he screamed in fright and fell to the ground, closing his eyes and plugging his ears. Waiting for the disaster to come-

However, it is at this time.

There was a "bang". The gun went off. After a "bang", the monster that pretended to pounce on Sayaka was knocked down. Then, holding a Western thorn sword, dressed like a 17th century musketeer, but the more beautiful and sexy sister Ma Mei Meimei appeared. With a short-barreled hand gun in one hand and a western stabbing sword in the other, it is as easy as entering an uninhabited state, using extremely magnificent tricks to kill a large number of enemies. Easy and easy. Of course.

"How about it? It's okay." She smiled, and stretched out her hand to Sayaka-Sister Ma Mei Mei in this way looks like an angel. A stupid girl like Sayaka, therefore, without a bit of reason and thinking ability, threw herself into her arms and cried bitterly.

"Please wait a little longer... um... forget it." She pretended to hesitate: "Let's go out first."

So, as if the canvas had a hole broken, a hole appeared in this weird world. After that, Sister Ma Meimei took Sayaka's hand and walked out...

Author's message:

Sorry, sorry, there is a party today, so the update is late, so sorry

Chapter 5 Staring at me makes me feel embarrassed

"That, Ma Meimei, just now..."

In this way, Sayaka was finally relieved after being taken by Ma Meimei and returning to the real world. Then I felt very strange: "What happened just now? Why is there...what are those things?"

"Don't think so much." Sister Ma Meimei smiled and said to her: "Go back and get a good night's sleep, and then you can forget...Huh...?"

As she said this, she pointed her fingers deep on Sayaka's forehead. However, nothing happened.


This time it was Ma Mei Mei's turn to be surprised. Although it is pretended. But for a layman like Sayaka, she couldn't tell.

"That, that..."

So he nodded Sayaka's forehead again.

Then again, again, and again.

Seeing that Sister Ma Meiwen looked very surprised and cramped, Sayaka was also a little uneasy: "Well, what is going on, Sister Ma Meiwen."

"... Well, wait a minute." She tried to pretend to be calm. Then turned his head and whispered:

"Hey, hello, sincere, sincere..."

"Okay, okay, I have heard it."

At this time, Sayaka heard the sincere voice of Battlefield. However, when you look at the front, back, left, and right, you can't see where the battlefield is.

Then I felt everything around me disappeared without a trace, and I fell down in the void. Then before Sayaka screamed. She found herself on a soft sofa. Although the height of the drop was a little high, unexpectedly there was no force. There is no problem with the soft.

Then she found that she was surrounded by beautiful stars. Under him is a leather sofa, and on the table in front of him are fragrant cakes and black tea. Sister Ma Mei Mei sat next to him, and on the other side was the seemingly helpless battlefield.

"That one……"

Before Sayaka wanted to say something, Ma Meimei first spoke: "What is going on here, sincere? Why doesn't my magic work anymore?"

"Eh, magic?!" Sayaka was surprised.

"It's because Sayaka has the qualifications to be a magical girl." Zhanchangyuan replied.

"Huh?! The aptitude of the magical girl?!" Sayaka was even more surprised when she heard this-of course, in addition to surprise, there were some doubts and some joy. It seems that this is not just a bad thing...

"Even if you say that..." Sister Ma Mei Mei looked very aggrieved.

"Okay. If it weren't for your mistake, let Sayaka get involved in this incident, of course Sayaka would not have such a thing, so in the end it is your responsibility!"

Hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Ma Mei Meimei pretended to be very unhappy, and she was angry, pouting her mouth and not talking. Of course, Sister Ma Meimei was indeed very unhappy, and indeed felt that she was angry. This is not much pretend.

Even in the innermost part, there are some things like this and that, Sayaka can’t hear, but Battlefield can definitely hear things, for example, if you have a newcomer, forget the old, scumbag, you can think of such a method. When he came out, he dared to yell at me... or something.

Without pretending, the expression of Zhanchangyuan became very ugly. In this case, Sayaka felt very strange and at a loss. While curious, he was somewhat eager to try.

After all, is it a little girl, this age is when she likes fantasy. Especially girls, they naturally prefer to become a magical girl or something like this-of course, it would be better if they were younger.

But being young has its disadvantages. That's the inability to concentrate, and the likes to make noise very much. So to put it all together, I am not an adult at this age, but I basically understand everything that I should understand. That is, the high school students are just right. Hmm, that's it, that's it.

"What the hell is going on here, sincere senior." So Sayaka asked somewhat eagerly.

"How should I put it..." Zhanchangyuan frowned and said something close to nonsense: "After telling you this, can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah, I can!" Sayaka replied without thinking. Then looking at Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely looking at herself quite seriously, she suddenly felt guilty.

"What I said about keeping secrets is that the small tricks like'I have a secret to tell you, don't tell anyone else' are not allowed, do you know, classmate Sayaka?"

Hearing what the battlefield said, Sayaka became even more guilty.

"Originally, according to our rules, you should be brainwashed to erase this memory. It's just because you have the potential to become a magical girl, so you can't do it-but even if you don't use this, we have other ways. ."

At this time, Sister Ma Meimei said in a somewhat terrifying tone: "A way to make you unable to say anything."

"Don't scare people." Sister Ma Meimei sang white face, and the battlefield would naturally sing red face, gently comforting Sayaka: "Don't think too much, as long as you can keep the secret, it's okay, Sayaka classmate?"

So Sayaka kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice. This time, the child took a lot of seriousness.

"Bamami, and the relationship between me, you should have heard of it."

So Battlefield used this topic as an opening remark.

"Well, um, I know, you and Ma Meimei are a couple." So Sayaka replied like this--


So Zhanchangyuan said: "The lovers are just a cover for us to hide our eyes and ears. In fact, the relationship between us is the magic girl and the mentor."

"...?" Although she explained this, while Sister Ma Meimei rolled her eyes, Sayaka still didn't seem to understand.

"So, do you think the world we live in now is considered peaceful?" Zhanchangyuan asked Sayaka the next question.

"This...should be considered peaceful?" Sayaka asked uncertainly.

Although when I look at the news, I occasionally see political turmoil in other countries, wars and so on. Some ask them to donate money. But those things were so far away from an ordinary little girl that Sayaka couldn't produce any sense of reality.

Her judgment on peace or turbulence is based on the world around her.

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