Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1196

"This is the best solution right now." Zhanchangyuan said: "Even if we can solve this witch. But as a potential magic girl, you will always attract more witches and more monsters. This Not only will it threaten your safety, it will also threaten the safety of others around you. Sayaka. So I want you to think about it.”


Before Sayaka spoke, Zhanchangyuan interrupted her again: "It's a good and serious consideration." He said: "This is a very important thing, Sayaka. Becoming a magical girl means your life. Great changes have taken place, which means that you must fight those evils as a fighter from now on.

Especially this kind of war is unknown. Even the sacrifice is good. After the magical girl dies, all her memories and existence will be erased. This is certainly for keeping secret, but for the individual magical girl, it is a bit too cruel. "

With these words, the expression of Zhanchangyuan became more solemn. And what he said really scared Sayaka.

"That, then..."

"Yes, then." Zhanchangyuan said: "We have another way. That is to take you back to our base as Mami said before, and then protect it. There, you are absolutely safe. . All the monsters will not find you and harm you. But in contrast, you will have to exist in that base in your future life. Every move will be strictly monitored.

Both methods have their pros and cons, depending on how you choose. "


Sayaka was silent.

Whether it is becoming a fighter, dying in an unknown battle, or being imprisoned in disguise, and then living a lifetime like this, it doesn't sound like a good choice. The child felt a headache, and even had a disgust of "Why me?"

She was in a daze like this for a while, and then looked at the battlefield Hara: "Then, sincere senior...Do you think, what should I choose?"

If possible, she hopes that Battlefield Hara, her savior, the object of worship, and people with obscure affections will give her a choice.

However, the principle of the battlefield rejected her of course: "This is a matter of personal choice." He said: "This kind of thing is too important. I can't make a choice for you."

"Is... so?"

"But I also know that it is difficult for you to make a choice in such a short time.

During this time, I will give you more protection, and I hope you can make a choice as soon as possible, okay? "


Sayaka breathed a sigh of relief from Zhanchangyuan's care and felt a little relieved.

"Really... Thank you so much, sincerely senior."

"No, this is our responsibility." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "So...Where is your home, I will send you back?"

"No need—ah, I mean—"

Subconsciously wanted to reject Battlefield Hara, but immediately remembered that this was also part of the protection, Sayaka immediately recovered, and then blushed and nodded.

"Go and say goodbye to your friend first." Zhanchangyuan went on to say this, and then looked at the Kamijou boy's ward.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 9 Temptation?

Kamijou boy is a little strange. That is to say, this time, Sayaka's visit time was much shorter than before, and she was a little absent-minded when saying goodbye. It seems to be thinking about something else.

Although he asked a little, the other party didn't mean to answer at all.

Saying "Nothing is nothing" actually makes myself more suspicious.

However, Kamijou did not ask. Just smiled. Then he said goodbye to her, hiding this doubt in his heart.

It was a little weird, and a little worried, besides, there was a little disappointment. Kamijou boy watched Sayaka leave like this. Then lay in bed and continued to daze.

Then, after going out, Sayaka wanted to say hello to Battlefield Hara, saying: "We can go now." Such words. But I was a little surprised to find out. There were more people around the battlefield. That is, Bamami, who had not been seen before.

"Is it over?" She said to her a little irritably.

Although the attitude made Sayaka a little unhappy, Sayaka didn't say anything, just nodded.

"That's fine. Let's go."


"Since the instructor has made a decision, then I have to obey it." She continued to say angrily: "Although I still think it is more convenient to send you directly back to the base, but forget it..."

"Mami." She frowned sincerely, and called her a little unhappy.



Although he looks a little careless on the outside, he was originally called a silly boy by the battlefield, but Sayaka is not an idiot. Naturally, she could see that Bamami's dissatisfaction with her increased again.

"You are likely to become colleagues in the future. You should get along well." Zhanchangyuan said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't get along well."


Under Zhanchangyuan's scolding, Bamami lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Ah, ah. Let's go." Sayaka, who came back to his senses, said - so several people moved towards Sayaka's home.

Sayaka took it for granted. She tried her best to think. Then basically smooth the current situation----

Because of someone's mistake, she was involved in a supernatural incident and was targeted by the witch.

(Although, because she has the potential of a magical girl, she will be targeted by the witch anyway).

The danger just encountered was the crisis caused by the witch trying to consume her soul.

Although he was rescued by the battlefield, and the other party was willing to give her help and care for a period of time. But after all, the other party and her are not relatives, it is impossible to take care of her forever.

So, she has two options, one is to hide in the original base on the battlefield and never come out.

On the way, Zhanchangyuan explained to Sayaka. In fact, there are many children like Sayaka who have magical girl potential and don't want to fight at the base, so they won't feel lonely when they go there.

Of course, after this, Bamami said some cool words. It seemed that the magical girls who came out to fight were very disdainful of those guys.

Another option is to become a magical girl.

"In fact, it would be great if Sayaka can become a magical girl." Zhanchangyuan said: "No matter where you are, there is a shortage of manpower. Our strength is always insufficient. Every time you join a magical girl, it is a good thing."


"But, let such an idiot child be a magical girl... it is indeed everyone." Mami said next to her.

"Mami." Battlefield frowned, warned her, and then continued: "Other than that. I can also tell you about the welfare of the magical girl.

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