Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1198

In this process, Zhanchangyuan and Bamami were discussing this matter.

"Well, it looks like it's just ordinary pistol bullets, right?"

"It is indeed an ordinary pistol bullet." Battlefield Hara answered calmly.

"Can ordinary pistol bullets hurt you?"

"There is an unimaginable power of faith in it." Zhanchangyuan was sincere, and then replied: "Close to God. No, maybe it's already a God."

"God...?! But shouldn't the danger of this world be very low?!"

Hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Bamami felt very ridiculous: "How come an enemy that can approach God suddenly appears?"

He didn't say anything that was taken for granted by the principles of the battlefield, and his attitude was taken for granted without saying, that is: "Who do you ask me?"

"Then what should I do next?" Bamami asked, "We don't even know who the enemy is. Then..."

"No, no. I have already noted it." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "The next time I encounter such an enemy, I will sense her for the first time. I will also find her the first time. This kind of thing will never happen again."

Hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Sister Ma Meimei was still worried, but she couldn't say anything more: "Then your injury..."


The battlefield was silent for a moment.

Although it seemed that it was all right on the surface, in fact, the soul of Battlefield Yuan, or Divine Soul, was traumatized. This kind of injury is slowly healing despite being promoted by the three-in-one exercise. But it is very difficult to heal completely.

In other words... it would be great if someone could come and deduce this exercise together with Zhanchangyuan.

But the problem is that Sayaka is here now, which is a little troublesome...

"I don't care about it, just push Sayaka to the ground and smack Aheiyan, and then work with Ma Meimei... Let's forget it."

The battlefield had ruled out this very tempting idea.

Now that I have chosen to slap Sayaka off in a literary way, then it is necessary to literary to the end. Can't give up halfway.

"Wait till night, Sayaka falls asleep before coming." So, Zhanchangyuan said.

Things were settled in this way, and the next thing was dinner time. Sister Ma Meimei continues to play the role of an unrequited female apprentice who is in love, and happily has a feeding play with Battlefield Hara.

"Sincerely, open your mouth~ah~"


In front of Sayaka, the battlefield looked a little awkward. After the opponent cast a curious look, he smiled awkwardly. In contrast, Ma Mei Meimei looked like a winner, looking at Sayaka with provocative eyes. Sayaka feels very upset.

In the world, the truth of everything is figured out. Only when there is a scramble does it become popular.

Rice is the fragrance of snatching, and women are the beautiful snatched. A product looks inconspicuous when no one cares about it. But when someone scrambles feverishly, it will shine brightly.

Not to mention that Battlefield Yuanzheng itself is the world's best male hormone generator. A little girl like Sayaka, even in a normal state, would look obsessed with the battlefield.

Not to mention, now someone is robbing her—

It might be okay if Ma Meimei behaved a little more tenderly, and treated her better. But now the other party is obviously provocative. Sayaka naturally felt that this was unbearable-so she quickly sat on the other side of the battlefield, and then mustered up the courage to take the other arm of the battlefield.

Sister Ma Meimei thought in her heart: "Silly boy, you are fooled like this." She also looked at her provocatively. Then happily give the original food to the battlefield.

"Don't look at me like this, but in the home economics class, I have worked hard!" Sayaka muttered in a reluctant tone: "I made this dish. Sincerely senior, try it and take a look. See if this suits your appetite."


"Sincere Seniors~"

So, love is the best school for women. Sayaka, who was still very innocent before, has learned how to act like a baby without a teacher.

"Okay, okay..." Although in fact, the coquettish attitude towards Sayaka is very useful. However, the battlefield still pretended to be helpless and ate a spoonful of her potato stew from Sayaka.

How do you say the taste... It's a little bit subtle, Sayaka said that he had worked hard in housekeeping class, and the battlefield could have chosen to believe it. The problem is that this child is just the degree to which he has worked hard in the housekeeping class.

For Battlefield Hara, who has eaten various dishes in Academy City, Sayaka's dishes are quite rough, and she is definitely not the opponent of Ma Mei Mei, who has been practicing skills for many years.

Many girls believe in, or at least believe in a truth, that if you want to grasp a man's heart, you must first grasp that man's stomach.

The girls who like Zhanchangyuan, and can’t wait to be with him every day, naturally take it seriously, so in the harem of Zhanchangyuan, there are quite a lot of cooking masters——

High-level abilities are equivalent to high-level brain developers. It is equivalent to a superman with super computing ability and super learning ability.

The battlefield had always thought so. Compared with the external appearance of those various superpowers, this computing ability and the super learning ability brought by computing power are the greatest results of ability development. Because of this, those with great abilities of average level lv4 in the original harem of the battlefield can learn how to cook soon. There are even many capable people who can already make dishes that emit golden light.

For example, Bamamei. She is a master of sweets and brewing. After eating the few desserts, most people will feel happy sincerely. Even tears moved by this.

In contrast, Sayaka's potato stew...

Very family atmosphere.

This is the best compliment that the battlefield could think of.

It's just...

"How is it?" Sayaka looked at him with gleaming eyes, and then asked.

As a very good man's battlefield, it is naturally impossible to disappoint Sayaka.

"The taste is very good." Battlefield said with a smile.

"Well, sincere seniors like it." So, Sayaka felt sincere happiness while smiling on the battlefield.

"Ah, ah. I'm a good liar as always, you guy Zhanchangyuan, how can she cook as good as I do?" Sister Ma Meimei complained to Zhanchangyuan with a spiritual link.

"The problem is, Mami, all you cook are sweets. People can't live on snacks alone."

What Zhanchangyuan said kindly, just made Ma Meimei feel very upset.

When they reach their level, let alone eat snacks, they just don't eat anything all day long, and there is no problem. But in the final analysis, this is not a question of what to eat or not, but whether the battlefield wants to have a good relationship with them.

So, don’t say that Sayaka just made ordinary food, even if Sayaka made dark dishes, Battlefield would reluctantly dump it.

In this way, Zhanchangyuan sincerely spent the dinner time in the daily happy eating of hugs. Then, as a good-at-home man, taking the initiative to wash the dishes, this kind of thing also surprised Sayaka, but was somewhat moved.

But Miki Sayaka wants to know more important things than this.

"What happened before, sincere senior?"

"To be honest, I don't know exactly what happened." Zhanchangyuan's smile was slightly bitter: "But in any case, it must be very difficult and very difficult.

The threats facing this city look beyond my imagination, so..."

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