Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1306

After saying this, Yakushi left.

Of course, one thing the child didn't know was that her sister, Xixuan, did the same thing not long after this.

"In other words, I hope I choose Yakushi?"

"Yes, no matter how you look at it, it's that Ye Juya is more cute." She calmly said to Zhanchangyuan: "Every time I see her so lively, I feel that life is full of colors. Isn't it true? Do you think so?"


The battlefield was sincere and speechless.

"Yes, yes, although it is a pity, please choose Yajuya. This is the only correct choice. And she is more suitable than me, inheriting the name of the eight dances. Then..." After finishing these words , The child hesitated, as if to say something. But in the end he held back and said nothing: "Let's do it..."

After saying this, Ba Wu Xi Xian was about to leave. However, before leaving, Zhanchangyuan stretched out his hand sincerely and grabbed her.


"...No, don't do this." She was a little flustered, a little resisted, and wanted to pull her arm back from the battlefield. But that force is very small, and it is not like a wizard with strong power.

"...Do you know everything?"

So, after this, Xi Xian lowered his head, looking a little lost.

"Ah, yes, I know it all."

Although he didn't know at all in fact, he didn't even understand what Xixian was talking about. But Zhanchang Yuanzheng nodded pretendingly, and then said: "Xixian, you have something to say to me, right?"

Although the word "also" is very confusing. But Xi Xian, who was confused in her heart, probably didn't notice this.

After nodding, she said, "Yes, that is to say, I have been thinking about you a lot recently.

When you sleep in your arms, you feel at ease. I feel very happy when I am with you. Everything feels very good... that's it, this feeling. Then I felt very confused, that is, I asked about it later. This, I seem to like..."

"In other words, Xixian, do you like me?" Zhanchangyuan asked sincerely.

"... Hmm." Xi Xian nodded, blushing, but still said firmly: "Originally, I wanted to... But if that happened today, I would never be able to say this to you. , So I must tell you at this time.

I like you, sincerely. Like everything about you, everything, good places, even bad places, all things I like, like, like, like. There are no other feelings other than liking. "

Saying this, she gently leaned on her sincere chest: "Really, why, really, really..."


"Don't talk, so sincere, don't talk. You won't see me after this, so don't talk."

After she finished speaking, she quietly leaned against Sincere's chest, and then Zhanchangyuan stretched out her hands, hugged her, and gently hugged her in his arms... That's it, the two of them didn't say anything, that's it. I don't know how long it took. Xi Xian opened his eyes again: "Well, um, um, this is enough."

She smiled: "After that, I can leave with peace of mind... Sincerely, you also think that Yakushi is very cute, and you think Yakushi is very beautiful, right. Yakushi also likes you, very, like you very much.


Having said that, Xi Xuan gritted his teeth, as if to decide something:

"No, Ye Jushi, I'm afraid I like you more than I do. So don't let her down, sincere. Otherwise I will never forgive you."

After saying this, the child turned around, ready to leave. On the way out, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Zhanchangyuan. After that, he was cruel, turned and left.

"...Ah, ah..."

"So what to do, Oni-chan." At this time, all the girls who are connected with the original sincere on the battlefield, Yuchuan, Qinli, Miss Lingyin-even Zhen Zi said gleefully: "This Two girls, what do you want to do with them?"

"..." Battlefield was silent for two seconds sincerely.

Ah, ah, it's really difficult. This reminded Battlefield Hara sincerely of that story. Little stories of Europe. There are couples who love each other. The best treasures for two people are the beautiful long hair of the wife and a handsome suit of the husband. Both of them are small employees, and their income is not high. Only on the wedding anniversary (maybe Valentine? Can't remember), will they buy gifts for each other to commemorate.

So the husband sold his suit and bought a gemstone headband for his wife. The wife sold her long hair and bought a matching tie for her husband. After that, both of them felt dumbfounded...

This is the case with Battlefield Yuanzheng. He felt that he wanted to sacrifice himself and chose his sisters. The girls were very nice, very handsome and very beautiful. Especially when they are facing themselves. Instead of choosing the very ugly "choose me" and then living happily with her sincerely, he chose decisively, using his own life as the price, and then asking another person to live, and then have a happy, happy life with the battlefield. Go down.

These two stories, how do you say, have a feeling of similarity. However, the former is more romantic and warm, and the eight dance sisters are destined to reveal a sacrifice, which is even more poignant.

"However, even though it is dumbfounding to laugh or cry, the two of them will definitely feel very happy." After that, Yu Chuan was silent for a while, and then said to Zhan Tian Yuan:

"The tone says that the long hair and the tangible things in the suit are treasures. For example, what they enjoy is their love. The former is valuable, and the latter is priceless. So even if they don’t have their own treasures, they know themselves. His lover loves himself as if he loves him. This kind of happiness and joy should be stronger than losing the thing you love."

"Yes, it's true." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely, "So I'm a little surprised. These two sisters, obviously love each other... Ah, they talk like Lily. In other words, I will count this way. Didn’t it count as ntr? Or did I ntr both of them?"

"——Sincere classmate!" Yu Chuan was a little unhappy when he heard Zhanchangyuan say this.

"Okay, okay, go on." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely, "But why? They live together clearly and love each other. Can't they feel each other's love?"

"...I don't know. This is very strange, indeed very unusual. It stands to reason that there should be telepathy between the twins. Not to mention that they were once alone." Yu Chuan also felt very strange.

"--But, anyway." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "This is all an opportunity, um, yes, an opportunity! I can happily conquer both of them by seizing this! The Eight Dance Sisters are nothing more than that! Watch me take you into the harem every minute!"

"Ah, ah. Is this the case again?" Yu Chuan sighed helplessly when he heard that Zhanchangyuan said.

But soon, she smiled again.

The previous story sounds very sensational.

That is.

My sincere classmates and I are also in love.

Author's message:

Update la la la la la la, by the way, this book, jk's new book "The Sloth Knight Please Don't Hurry Up" tells about the grievances between the authors

Chapter 57: No One Can Be Less

Many people think that love is very important, and love is also very powerful. Sometimes the magic of love can lead to extremely terrible and magical consequences.

But at the same time, love is something invisible and intangible. How much power can it exert? If the magic of love is calculated mathematically, is there a formula, and is there a unit of measurement?

If not, how to measure the power of love? And if it can be calculated, what is her formula, what is the scale unit, and what method should be used to calculate it?

All this is unknown, all unknown. Usually love always belongs to the research direction of psychology. In the eyes of most scientists, psychology is simply not a science.

Because psychology simply has no possibility of using mathematical methods to conduct research.

Unless one day, I don’t know how long after that, human technology will be upgraded to an incredible level. Humans are well aware of their own structure, the brain, and pheromone secretion, and they can be quantified by scientific methods.

If that day comes, then humans may be able to look at love thoroughly and rationally. And analyze love.

It's just a pity that when that day comes, it probably means that love is dead. It has become a kind of strange and redundant burden that is out of season. In addition, it also shows people's feelings, will, and desires. Everything can be easily operated.

For emotional people, it mostly represents the end of the world.

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