Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1316

She blushed slightly.

Although Zhanchangyuan sincerely played a role that suddenly appeared, after appearing, he utterly spoken out about his behavior. But at this moment, she couldn't produce any sincere dislike for the battlefield. I even really want, really want, really want to be close to her.

"Well, is that so, then I will call you Meijiu." Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely: "Then I will introduce myself a little bit too: my name is Zhanchangyuan... uh... Zhanchangyuan Heiyi ."

After a little hesitation, Zhanchang Yuanzheng decided to borrow her sister's name a little bit-anyway, it won't lose a piece of meat.

"Is the battlefield original Heiyi? What a good name." Yu Xiao Meijiu said: "Then, you are here..."

"I have feelings." Zhanchangyuan said with a smile.


"I feel like there is a lonely and very cute girl here." Zhanchang Yuancheng said as he stretched out his hand and raised her delicate chin. This seemingly provocative action made Xiao Meijiu blush.

"So, come here for a while to accompany this child, talk to her, and do something." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "Now, Meijiu, don't you feel very happy?"

"Well, very happy!"

"Then my goal has been achieved." Zhanchangyuan sincerely prepared to turn around and leave.


Of course, she couldn't help but stop Zhanchangyuan: "We, can we see each other again?"

"Of course." Zhanchangyuan replied, "I am the executive member of the Zen Academy. We will meet many times during the Great Domination Star Festival."

Chapter 65 Dominating the Game

After saying this, Zhanchang Yuanzheng disappeared happily. Only the opponent was left alone, and he felt that he had no strength to stand, and he fell directly on the stage. There was a groan:


Moaning like this, hugging myself, feeling unable to control myself.

"Really, it's so good, so good. The original black instrument on the battlefield?"

She whispered the name of her sincere sister on the battlefield, and then she felt hot all over and collapsed on the stage with joy.

"It's the first time, it's the first time I have such a strong feeling when I see someone. How can it be so handsome, how can it be so cute. In this case, everything except you will not work~~ ~~"

She moaned like this, only feeling that her soul was about to fly. This feeling was so strong that she had a physiological reaction. It was so much that she couldn't help but began to rub herself there to ease the feeling after seeing the original sincerity of the battlefield.


"That's it, Aleister, do you think that putting a lily in front of me can prevent me from attacking the other party? Naive, it's so naive, it's unimaginable. Heh heh, heh heh Hum ha ha ha ha ha ha..." After Battlefield Yuanzheng left, he couldn't help but laughed hum ha ha ha ha.

It's almost like this, um, that's it, that's it.

So the next day is next.

Last night, Yu Xiao Meijiu could not sleep well after tossing and turning. His mind was filled with the sincere and handsome figures on the battlefield who couldn't be more handsome.

"Ah, ah, ah. Why is there such a good person, why?! But anyway, I must, I must turn her into my thing..."

Originally, in fact, Battlefield Yuan was sincere and happy to go to her house that night, and he could hit the iron while it was hot, but Battlefield Yuan didn't. The battlefield originally felt that he should try to indulge himself, and felt that he should be tempted to lure Xiao Meijiu. At present, it seems that this tactic is also successful.

After he went to Tokiwadai where Yuxiao Meijiu was located, she soon arrived at her residence under the escort of Yuxiao Meijiu's female guard. Then there is time for two people alone.

"I'm so happy, you came to see me, sincere classmate~" she said with a smile.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality, this snack is delicious." Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely, picked up a small snack and put it in his mouth, chewing and chewing.

"Sincere classmates like it, that's really great. Most people don't have that good taste. They can eat the small snacks I made by myself~" she said with a smile.

"Oh, is that so?" Zhanchangyuan was sincerely noncommittal.

"Yes, of course it is. But sincere classmates are different, sincere classmates are different." While she said that, she walked up to the battlefield Yuanzheng and sat on the armrest of his sofa: "To be honest , I like you very much, sincere classmate."

"It's really an honor to like me. But don't you doubt my identity or something?"

"Identity, doubt? That kind of thing doesn't matter." She looked at Zhanchangyuan affectionately: "Even if the sincere classmate is really a spy, or someone else who wants to hurt me, I will recognize it~ because , Sincere classmates are really, really, really great ~ ah~ really, I really can’t help it, if there are no sincere classmates in my life. What should I do next? If sincere classmates leave If I leave, I might die because of it."

Although when talking about these things, the child didn't come over as usual and rubbed his body. But the battlefield could tell that what the kid said was serious. And it's very, very serious.

"My own charm is so great, it's really impossible."

"Okay, then I'll talk a little bit." So Zhanchangyuan sincerely decided to reciprocate, and explain his identity: "Zhanchangyuan Heiyi. I am the chairman of the Academy City's Discipline Committee."

"Oh, like this, the chairperson of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline. Oh, oh, indeed, I have indeed heard of..." Because the battlefield was sincere and directly changed concepts from the conceptual level, the opponent also directly understood the battlefield original black instrument = battlefield The original sincerity = the chairperson of the Academy’s Urban Discipline Committee, this equation.

"I have good intentions towards the elves." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely, "In fact, I have the ability and methods to allow the elves to live a normal life. That is to say..."

"No, but I don't need those things."

When the battlefield sincerely wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and by the way happily earning a Rinpoche-I mean a lovely girl, Xiao Meijiu unexpectedly rejected him.

"What did you say?" Zhanchangyuan was sincere, and couldn't react for a while.

"I mean, I don't need that kind of thing." She said: "The shelter of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline may be very attractive to ordinary elves, but it doesn't make any sense to me." She smiled. , Looked very confident: "Whether it is combat power or other abilities, the ability to live in humans is the same. I don't need your protection, sincere classmate."

"Ah, ah. That's really..." Hearing what she said, Zhanchangyuan's sincere smile was slightly startled.

Then, just as he was thinking about what should be said next to make this guy obey him, this guy said something more surprising:

"But, I really like you, classmate Hei Yi~ In other words, do you want to live with me in the future?"

"Living with you?" Zhanchangyuan's sincere and instinctive feeling, the concept and meaning of "living together" mentioned by Yu Xiao Meijiu is different from what she said about living together.

"Yes, it's just to live together~" The corners of her mouth turned up and she showed a calm and confident smile: "That means we will live together in the future. In other words, tomorrow, classmate Hei Yi will transfer to Tokipantai. All right."


Well, sure enough, just as the battlefield had sincerely expected, what this guy said about living together is completely different from what he said.

"You mean..."

"You don't have to worry about the credits and school status. I will take care of it."

"No, no, I mean..."

"The same goes for life equipment and the like. Just sincere classmates, just live with me, hum hum hum..." The other party took care of himself, completely ignored the original sincerity of the battlefield, and fell into his own delusion. in.


"So, let's make an agreement, sincere classmate?"

"Don't make decisions like this. I don't mean to transfer to this school." Zhanchang Yuanzheng finally had the opportunity to interrupt her.

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