Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1322

It's not like before, happily calling "Classmate Hei Yi" but directly calling Zhanchang Yuancheng.

At this moment, the person facing Zhanchangyuan sincerely faced the person who looked at him, with a pair of god-like eyes.

There was silence for two seconds, and the original sincerity of the battlefield had already reacted, and then there was surprise, and even fear. Of course he can understand who and what kind of existence the "Liu Xiao Meijiu" in front of him is. As for what this great being wanted to do, she was also blunt and told herself without hesitation.

This feeling of being targeted by such a terrifying and great being is really, incredibly bad.

It's not the same betting appointment as the kid playing with Mijiu Mijiu, and it's not even related to the outcome of this great game, the game with Aleister. It is a game directly with a goddess in the multiverse.

Zhanchangyuan asked himself sincerely, feeling that he did not have such a strong strength.

Although it was only a moment. But Zhanchangyuan was sincere and had to admit that he was scared.

Well, yes, indeed, I am scared.

"Hei Yi, classmate?"

After that, Yu Xiao Meijiu recovered to become Yu Xiao Meijiu. Looking at the Battlefield Yuanzheng in front of him, Yu Xiao Meijiu looked at him a little strangely, not understanding why the sincere expression on the battlefield became so ugly.

"Ah, Meijiu, so you heard what I said before."

Zhanchangyuan was sincere and strong in fighting spirit, looked at Lu Xiao Meijiu "full of confidence", and then asked such a question.

And although it feels a little strange, something seems to be wrong. But Yu Xiao Meijiu quickly ignored this issue.

She looked at the battlefield with confidence: "Nothing at all." She said: "So, since they don't make sense to each other, let's use the game to decide the outcome, sincere classmates."

Author's message:

Update la la la la la la la la la la

Chapter 70 Competition, Stakes, Soul

"Well, um, use the game to decide the outcome...Then I will go to prepare, let the date end here." Said Zhanchangyuan.

"Ah, ah. It's really a pity, but it's also helpless. Just wait for the end of the game, and then continue with classmate Hei Yi, me and mine~" She said happily, and then hummed happily and left. Only the original sincere person on the battlefield is left, take a deep breath, breathe a sigh of relief, and then desperately call Zhen Zi. Fight

What the hell is going on here? ! Why is there such a big boss at this time, and it seems that you want to have a sex? Who is this guy? Is it your sister? Unexpectedly, I am quite popular-of course this is not the end. Why does this guy appear at this time and say such things?

She cheated, right? She must have cheated, right? This is not fair bastard! What I said before is not the case. Isn't a great game guaranteed to be fair? ! Why should I become that fellow Rinpoche now? There is no such reason in this world, bastard! Real purple, real purple, you guy, hurry up and answer me! Zhen Zi, did you hear that? !

waaagh! ! ! ! !

It was almost like this. In just an instant, Zhan Yuanzheng passed a level of spiritual pollution to Zhen Zi, and after that, Zhen Zi answered slowly:

"So O'Neill, don't be so useless. It's just the only god in the multiverse who wants to turn you into his own Rinpoche. It's such a trivial matter, why is there such a big fanfare. Take a look and see it scares you Like this, I blush for you."

"Asshole! You may not take it seriously, but this is something that is related to my lifelong happiness, asshole! Hurry up and tell me clearly, hurry up! What is going on?!" Slowly and improperly for this fellow Zhen Zi The attitude of the same thing, the original sincerity of the battlefield became even more unhappy, and even more anxious.

"So, she's just talking. It's just talking." Zhen Zi said, "She wants to turn you into her Rinpoche and sincere Oni Chan has become her Rinpoche. At the same time, she It’s another thing to be able to turn sincere Oni sauce into her Rinpoche."

"...Is that so?" Zhanchangyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, it really seemed like Zhen Zi said. But: "Why does this guy have such an idea? You haven't explained this to me clearly!" Zhanchangyuan immediately thought of this.

"Because Ounichan is very good. Especially now Ounichan exudes the powerful charm of male and female killing. Maybe it is because of this that my sister is attracted to Ounichan." Zhen Zi is half of this guy. Said this jokingly.

"——Don't be kidding!" Zhanchangyuan said aloud in an anxious and sincere voice.

"Why does Ernie Chan think I'm joking?" Zhen Zi's voice instantly became serious again, making Battlefield Yuan immediately wonder what to say.

"However, I was indeed joking, la la la~" Zhen Zi said. However, before the battlefield could breathe a sigh of relief, the guy continued, "But if Ounichan really falls into my sister's hands, my sister might use various methods to transform Ounichan into a real male and female. The state of killing all. I don’t know exactly what Ernie Chan will be like at that time."

"--Hey!" Battlefield protested loudly and sincerely as a matter of course.

"So, win, Ernie Chan, for your integrity and for your virginity. Whether it's this game or this great game, it must be perfect and beautifully won. Only by winning in this way can you keep these things. Because the loser has no rights."

"I don't need to tell you this," Zhanchangyuan replied calmly. After venting in this way, he has completely recovered his sanity.

Yes, it is a very, very bad thing to be targeted by the only goddess-level enemy in the multiverse. But even so, it does not mean that the battlefield is sincere and has no chance. It does not mean that the original sincerity of the battlefield will really become the opponent's Rinpoche.

Although Zhen Zi, this guy is as unreliable as ever. But at least she got one thing right. That is, the loser has no rights, and as long as they win, it is fine.

"Then, let me win." Zhanchangyuan thought this in his heart sincerely. After this, he has completely calmed down.

"However, let me say a few more words about this." After this, Zhen Zi said happily: "In addition to my sister, other goddesses are actually interested in Ernie sauce. It's just because they all failed. Player, so there is no chance for the time being. After all, the great game has entered the next round.

However, if O'Neill fails, things are a different story. Because there is no human rights, the end of Oni Chan will become very, very bad-of course, if Oni Chan begs me, I am not unable to provide refuge to the failed Ruth Oni Chan. It's just that my requirements and conditions are actually very harsh. That is, less chastity and integrity than those people. So you understand, right? "

"Of course, I can't understand it so well."

After that, Zhanchang Yuancheng once again blocked the communication with Zhenzi. What a bastard, my mood got so bad. It turns out that people are too good, and sometimes they are also faults and sins.

If you are not so good, you will probably not be taken by these goddesses, including Zhen Zi and Zhen Zi's sister, and want to take them home to be Rinpoche.

But again, it's not the fault of Zhanyuanyuan to be so good. Such a good self is really...ah, ah, ah. I don't know what to say. But since I don't know how to say it, just don't say it at all. In short, we must win.

"One day, I will turn all those who covet my chastity and integrity into my Rinpoche." Zhanchang Yuanzheng vowed secretly.

This is probably the so-called gentleman's revenge for ten years is not too late.

"Classmate Hei Yi, classmate Hei Yi?" After that, looking at her face changed, she finally became very gloomy, as if she was a very great villain. Hey Battlefield Hara who sneered, and Meijiu Yuyu beside him was a little scared. The yelled twice, letting the battlefield come back to heart sincerely.

"So, classmate Meijiu~ what's the matter?" Zhan Tian Yuan looked at her with a smile, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Ah, oh, I mean, I should prepare now. No, that..."

Originally Meijiu wanted to ask: "What happened, sincere classmate? Your complexion looks so ugly..." But after the battlefield smiled, she was a little dazed and incomprehensible.

Could it be that I made a mistake just now?

probably. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the original complexion of the battlefield has changed so much all of a sudden.

"Then that's it, I won't lose to you."

It was almost like this. After the two people had a dialogue like this, they broke up and separated to prepare. Then came the highly anticipated performance.

"Hmm, because of the effect of the big star festival this time, did you make an exception to allow men to watch your performance?" Zhanchang Yuanzheng looked at her on the stage behind the scenes, and a group of dancers around her who did not look beautiful enough. Girl, think so.

"Yeah, um. Both the stage effects, looks and voice are top-notch. It does have the power to make fans crazy, and it is worthy of being a super new star who has exploded after his recent debut." He looked at Yu Xiao Meijiu. Those who jumped around on the stage, singing and dancing, made this comment.

"Really a strong enemy."

"Euni-chan, there is no problem, right?" Qinli asked.

"Well, of course it's okay." Zhanchangyuan was sincere and confident: "If it weren't for me, then this lure Xiao Meijiu could dominate her field.

So, the only problem that lured Xiao Meijiu is that she shouldn't challenge me. Oh ha ha ha ha ha..."

"It's really self-confidence, and this self-confidence makes people wonder how to evaluate it, but it doesn't matter. If you lose, you will become Rinpoche, so in this case, I don't need to say too much cold water." Said in this comment.

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