Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1328

As she said, her battlefield is not here, but in another place. Just as the sky was falling apart, and the world was ruined, there was still a place unmoved. If you calculate, you will come to an amazing conclusion that this place is located right in the center of this small world, the core, and the very center of this small world. Magic power, spiritual power, the central node of the earth vein.

Needless to say, this place was where Aleister was, the strange closed building without doors or windows.

"I see." Zhanchangyuan was silent for a moment sincerely. Then nodded.

"Sincere?!" Shixiang wanted to ask Zhanchangyuan sincerely what was going on. But before that, she and her girl were transferred into the perfect world by the battlefield: "I'm sorry, Toka, I will tell you when this matter is completely resolved!"

After saying this, the battlefield disappeared, and he had already moved in the direction of Aleister.

After Zhanyuanyuan left sincerely, the last restraint of the two sisters is no longer there, and the two can finally happily let go and beat each other happily.

"That’s been the case since I was a kid! I love toys! I love games! Believe in my world and my favorite pets! I have to grab everything from my sister! As a result, now that we have grown up, you are shameless Come to grab a man with me?! Just kidding, forget about other things, sincerely, I will never let you go!"

Yu Chuanyi - or Yuan Zhen Zi shouted like this, declaring his sincere sovereignty over the battlefield. On the contrary, "Kusuzan Tosaki" or her sister is also unwilling to show weakness:

"Don't confuse you asshole! You have been naughty and mischievous since you were young! The so-called plush toys you like are clearly the things I found before. The games you like are developed by me with my heart. Faith. In your world, you confuse the audiovisual and deceive the concepts of me and you interchange!

These things are obviously my legal property, and you got them in all kinds of tricks and tricks. Of course I will grab it back when I find out! As a result, now you pretend to be innocent and say I robbed you? ! "

"You said it was yours, that's yours?! What's a joke?! Even if you find him first, it's just your luck.

Do you think I don't know what it is? ! That person is clearly mine—"

After that, a huge "boom..." overwhelmed the argument between the two girls. This is the feeling that the core of the small world is beginning to dissolve.

"What's the matter, wait a minute, this—" On the way to the Aleister Tower, the expression on Battlefield changed.

In his perfect world. Originally because of the nature of the perfect world, after entering the perfect world, all girls felt quiet, peaceful and happy. The apple trees in the apple orchard were nourished by love and began to grow rapidly, providing additional strength to the original sincerity on the battlefield.

Everything was fine in the first place, except for the inexplicable Cunyu Lingyin, whose condition began to get worse.

"This kid, could it be said that an elf? No, besides the elf, the more important thing is the relationship between this kid and the world." Zhanchangyuan made a sincere judgment quickly.

In theory, every world should have a deity who controls the core of the world. Even in a world as large as the source world, where spiritual and physical gods are difficult to appear, there should be a conceptual god.

But this small world is different. Because it is cut from the source world and shaped by a great game.

In this case, the battlefield originally believed that there is no true god in this world.

Unfortunately, the battlefield was wrong. Or the rudiment of God, or embryo, or brewing unconsciously, gained this world's original power. This person, theoretically a "god" person in this small world, is the big sister Muramare Lingyin who is very comfortable being rubbed by the battlefield every day——

This is not important, what is important is that now this small world is about to collapse, and with the collapse of the world, the "existence" of Murakami Lingyin itself has been threatened terribly. Seeing it will die with this world.

"It's really purple-damn it!"

He instinctively wanted to ask Zhen Zi for help, but immediately remembered that Zhen Zi was fighting her sister inextricably. In other words...

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 76—The World and the World and the World

After a few minutes. The top of Aleister’s building. The battlefield had sincerely faced Aleister and the angel Ivus beside Aleister. Two to one, the situation is a bit bad.

At this moment, Aleister didn't have an upside down person, and stuffed himself in the nutrition tank. This guy is in very good condition. Fortunately, the battlefield felt unexpected. It can be said that a great game is really a magical place. Even this kind of guy who would hang up anytime and anywhere yesterday can now look very happy, fighting the battlefield.

And also can say some cool words that are neither salty nor light.

"You are more conceited than I thought, the battlefield is sincere." Holding a golden scepter, the guy who seemed to be not so much a scientist as a pope said, and said: "Not only without a helper If you come alone, you even have to put an extra burden on yourself.

What's wrong, this, do you look down on people? In other words, I look so weak that you think you are sure to win? "

For this guy's provocative remarks, Battlefield Hara sincerely said nothing. Just looked at him calmly.

Ah, ah, even the triple crown is worn. Which plane and religion is this guy?

The battlefield was sincere and couldn't help secretly spit out like this.

"I thought, but it looks like that guy hasn't come." After this guy finished speaking, he just didn't look cute at all, and not cute at all. Even if the mobile self-propelled artillery like Zhanchang Yuanzheng is completely meaningless, it is a guy who wants to put it into the palace.

His name is Ives, and his profession is an angel. It seems that he is not very interested in the original sincerity of the battlefield. As for the guy she said "did not come", Zhanchangyuan could think of it after a little thought. It should refer to Yukawa Tsubasa.

It seems that at some time after entering this small world, Yu Chuan and Ives did a while. The result was unbeatable. It seems that after that, Ives was very concerned about Yuchuan.

"She is playing against an enemy one million times stronger than you, and there is no time to care about miscellaneous fish like you." The battlefield could have easily laughed at her own accusations and sarcasm. But what the other party said was Yuchuan's words, which is a different matter. Zhanchangyuan said such ironic words sincerely, leaving the angel on the opposite side speechless for a while.

"Is that so?" Ives said after a few seconds of silence.

She didn't seem to be angry. Of course, if two simple sentences can make a high-ranking angel angry, the original sincerity of the battlefield may have to change its rumors.

"let us start."

After this, Aleister seemed to have no interest in talking. In the next second, an invisible force spread from under his feet to the surroundings. After that, Battlefield saw the true face of this thing for the first time.


The other party developed an inner world. Something like your own "perfect world".

"Unexpectedly..." Even Battlefield Yuanzheng, after seeing this guy's hole cards, couldn't help but exclaimed. As expected of Aleister, just a few days after entering the great game, he obtained such an achievement.

Although he said: "So that's the case, I can just let it go. Otherwise, I will be guilty and bully." In fact, Zhan Tian Yuan couldn't help but secretly admired the other party's achievements.

"As expected of Aleister." He thought so. Subsequently, the perfect world spread out with him as the core.

The scent of roses, the scent of apples, in addition to the feeling of quietness and relaxation, and the inexplicable spiritual power that will increase the favorability of the original sincerity of the battlefield to the degree of explosion——

This is not to deal with his lover, but to fight against the most powerful enemy since his debut. So don't care about the morals.

The battlefield had to do its best, even if it was a nymph skill that was disgusting after thinking about it before, it must be done to make the opponent nymph and then show A Heiyan or something.

Just win!

In contrast, Aleister's inner world showed another power.

Absolutely rational, absolutely correct and absolute yearning. Longing for power, truth, and so-called gods. Just like a scientist. Yes, scientist. Although I complained about Aleister's dress before, it was like the holy seat of which religion came.

But when he released the inner world, the battlefield changed his judgment instantly. Aleister's method of cognition and exploration of the world, and his desire for truth can make him well-deserved, and he is dubbed the title of "scientist".

This kind of craziness for knowledge, and absolute rationality in research. Two completely different emotions, like a yin and yang fish, are perfectly mixed together. Just a moment, it will make a person's mental breakdown to the extent of doubting the three views-the original sincere inner world of the battlefield, through sex and love, makes people crazy and collapsed. And Aleister's inner world uses a lot of knowledge to make the enemy on the opposite side realize that he is a useless pure stupid, so as to make the opponent crazy and collapse.

The edges of the two distinct worlds are like two cumulonimbus clouds that are too big to fall directly, emitting countless crazy lightning.

A large number of purple, white electric lights are like thousands of ferocious snakes, or the branches and branches of withered old trees in the oldest and wildest jungle. It also emitted the volume and energy that burst out when tens of thousands of nuclear bombs exploded.

In just a moment, the energy generated by the friction between the two worlds was enough to make a two-year-old island in the southeast of the mainland that looked like a developed country could use it for two years.

Although the methods are completely different, the results are unexpectedly consistent.

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