Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1330

In this case, Aleister seems to be able to prove that "the power of the outside world is unreliable" and the core of the original sincere concept of the battlefield "love" is just the "power of the outside world."

Because of this, Aleister claimed that he would win.

"But not, not at all, you idiot!"

The "advantages" in terms of concepts and laws are instantly transformed into actual advantages. The battle situation that had just benefited the battlefield was slowly pushed toward the middle line, and after pushing the middle line, it was pushed in the direction of the battlefield.

"Yes, yes, there is no drag, no delusion, and you who are dragged down, restrained, and bound by my own feelings, it's really clear who we two are stronger." Aleister said sincerely to Battlefield Hara in this way: "So, go to death, go to die!

He suddenly raised the volume: "From the very beginning, your rise was a mistake. Every gain of your strength is the continuation and increase of this mistake. Mistakes accumulate mistakes. Mistakes accumulate mistakes. Eventually you become who you are now, bloated. And the embarrassing look makes people want to laugh! A guy like you shouldn't be in any way, let alone win a great game!

Yes, the inner world, yes, the inner world has been developed to a high degree. If this is an ordinary game, then perhaps you will be lucky to go to the end and become the biggest mistake in the multiverse. Unfortunately, you met me! "

Aleister’s world, concept and energy, rushed to the battlefield like a wave: "So, you are defeated, so you should die, so, just die here!"

The victorious scale tilted in the direction of Aleister, continuously tilting. Then it is.

"What a poor guy." Battlefield Hara sincerely looked at Aleister with a pitying look: "Even the last bit of warmth has been lost, and he has become a complete monster.

The so-called people and the so-called feelings are all discarded as unnecessary and unnecessary things by you. You dare to say that you can win like this? ! You don't even have the qualifications to be an intelligent creature. Even dare to preach to me without shame? !

Such you, Aleister, if I were you, I would find a dark corner that no one could find, while looking at everything in this world with envy and hatred, you never owned and deserved to own it. The beautiful affairs, shivering, powerless, incompetent to curse. Instead of appearing in front of me—"

The tidal-like energy pressed in the direction of Aleister. Compared with before, it is faster, more powerful, more terrifying and more unstoppable. The last bell rang with the destruction of the world. Battlefield's sincere roar:

"Love is not something dispensable, let alone a burden and burden! It is a source of strength! You idiot!"

The outcome between the two seems to be decided.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 78: Applause to the winner

"Damn it, bastard! It's not fair!"

When the power that "belongs to the battlefield original" and "not to the battlefield original" appeared, Aleister finally could no longer pretend to be indifferent and win the ticket.

With the collapse of the mentality, the line of defense this guy has built is also completely collapsed, unable to recover, losing, and damn it. What he described before, and the end of the battlefield, seemed to fall on him in the end.

"This is not fair!!!" He roared: "Unfair, this power, this power is—"

Before he could say this, he disappeared.

Strength, body, soul, spirit, concept, inner world. Everything was wiped out because of the failure of this war. Aleister, completely non-existent.

"Ah, yes, it seems a bit unfair."

Zhanchang Yuanzheng smiled slightly, his body was a little collapsed...

"Thank you, sister Lingyin."

"How come, it should be me thank you..."

Just now, when the world was about to collapse, Murakami gave the last point of the world's origins to the original sincerity of the battlefield, and used the concepts and rules of the small world to support the original source of the battlefield. Although the world’s collapse is imminent, such assistance is a bit trivial... However, as I said before, even a feather can change the weight of the balance.

"No, I don't think it is." Zhanchangyuan returned to his perfect world sincerely. Then fell into the arms of the lovely big sister:

"That guy must have been pissed off by me.

That guy's woman abandoned him and ran away at the most critical moment. And my woman will help me when her life is dying. This guy was pissed off because the contrast was too strong. Hum hum……"

Speaking of this, Zhanchangyuan sincerely laughed happily: "Yes, it must be so. It's so pitiful, Aleister, who is so old but no one loves him, hehehehe... …"

With this smile, Battlefield's voice became lower and lower, and finally fell into the arms of the big sister.

"Ah, ah, so happy." After saying this, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely closed his eyes.

Of course, this is not to say that the guy on the battlefield died. In fact this guy just fell asleep. And any bastard guy who can use the thighs of a cute big sister as a pillow will sleep well. The original sincerity of the battlefield is the same. So even if there are all kinds of unhappy and dissatisfied grumbles of girls around, they say:

"What is going on?

What is going on with this guy in Battlefield? "Or something else. But Zhanchang Yuanzheng couldn't hear it at all.


at the same time.

This world has completely collapsed. Under this situation, the girls who were survivors should theoretically raise their heads, look at the sky, and make a speechless question to the sky. Unfortunately, no.

Because they are now in the source world.

To be more precise, they are now in the perfect world of the original sincere on the battlefield of the source world.

Although it's a bit slurred, the meaning should be clear.

Yes, it is like that. The battlefield won sincerely and the great game took another step. The terrifying existence named Aleister was wiped out. That's it.

"It seems that your wishful thinking has declared bankruptcy again, sister~" After this, Zhen Zi looked at her sister with a very bewitching and happy expression and said this.

The meaning of the battle is no longer there, so the battle naturally subsided. Just like many times before, two people's battles are tied, regardless of the outcome.

"Yes, that's the case." Although she said so, "Sister" didn't seem to feel unhappy at all. This made Zhen Zi feel unhappy instead.

"I mean, sister, you lost, you lost to me, you lost to me, and your plan to grab your favorite man also failed." Zhen Zi couldn't help it. Say something like this: "So, let me show you a little bit, okay, sister?"

"What do you mean. Do you want me to cry and then become hysterical? It's a pity, really Zi, I won't do that kind of thing anyway."

"Ah, ah, that was really disappointing. But I will try my best not to let this frustration affect the next thing-just celebrate, celebrate." At this point, the corners of Zhen Zi's mouth were upturned, revealing Pleasant smile: "My contractor, one step closer to the champion of the great game. Heh heh heh. This is really a pleasant thing."

"Yes, it's really a pleasant thing." After that, my sister also showed a happy smile.

This smile made Zhen Zi feel even more wrong.

In this case, can you still laugh? Still, there is a conspiracy.

"What are you—"

Before Zhen Zi wanted to ask anything, the other party had disappeared. And Tosaki Kakuzo, who was left behind, fell to the ground after "?" Fainted.

"Really, it's disturbing... But it doesn't matter, O'Neill will solve all of this, um, that's it, that's it." She thought so in her heart, but in fact, Zhen Zi still kept the matter silent. Keep it in mind, and decide to calculate, plan, and spy.

But before that, there is still a lot to do.

For example, happy and happy.

"Hahahahahahaha—that guy, that guy has always been so pretentious. It turned out to be flat this time, hahahahaha..." Super happy, the battlefield is really purple, super happy.

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