Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1332

After that, perhaps it was rare to see the original battlefield like this, Zhen Zi was obviously shocked, and then he smiled like a fool.

"In any case, this time it is thanks to you." Zhanchangyuan said.

"Hey hey hey." Zhen Zi is even more uncomfortable. Therefore, Zhanchangyuan sincerely and decisively gave up and continued to tease her, and kept this experience firmly in mind, preparing to use it when the fellow Zhenzi teased himself in the future.


That's the problem with Tokazaki Kakuzo. The next thing is the question of Mura Yu Lingyin's sister. It's not just Tokisaki Kuzou who is unconscious. Sister Lingyin too.

"Hum. How do you say this? If it is serious, she is more serious than Tokizaki Kuzou." Zhen Zi commented, "As a world's god, even his own world has collapsed. It’s good to keep a life under the circumstances."

"Whose fault do you think it is." Zhanchangyuan looked at Zhen Zi.

"I can't help it. If you don't fight, Ounichan will be taken away by my sister to make a hot weapon. Do you want me to cry at this and then bite the handkerchief, and watch Ounichan be hit by someone? Looks good?" Zhen Zi said lightly, and what he said was super reasonable, so that Battlefield didn't know how to answer.

"Besides, you think that if we don’t fight, this guy’s results will be better. It will be worse. That’s because her world is just a small world. It’s not a real world capable of self-circulation, but attachment. It was in the small world of the source world, and she herself did not have the consciousness and ability to be a god.

There are only two endings waiting for this guy. The first is to be re-digested and absorbed by the source world. As a god, she will become a part of the concept of "God" in the source world. Personality and soul all merge and then disappear.

The second outcome is that it is impossible to recycle all the energy in the small world. Then it was even worse, it just disappeared completely. In comparison, the current situation is pretty good. "

"Is it good to be in a coma like this?" The battlefield was slightly surprised: "Your three views are so different from normal people, Miss Zhen Zi."

"After all, I'm a god." Zhen Zi said, "And don't interrupt, Ernie Chan. Didn't I say it before-good or bad, bad and bad. The bad side is like this, but the good side Yes, it’s easier to treat her than Tosaki Kazami. As long as there is a world to help, it’s not difficult for Oni-chan, right?"

"... Indeed." Battlefield Origin nodded.

In terms of the world, he controls the Sakuraishi world of partial authority. If this part of the authority is given to sister Lingyin, she will be better-but the price of that is that the battlefield can't enter the Sakura Stone world at any time, meet with the harems there, and have sex.

The second is the original main world of the battlefield, which is the perfect world... Just because the perfect world is not perfect yet, it has not really become a real world, so unless you give her everything in the perfect world, nothing will happen.

And this is impossible to do. After all, the battlefield had to rely on the perfect world to play the game.

The last method is the most worth trying. That is the source world.

"The source world, both the accumulated energy and the conceptual level are top-notch. And the fit with the other party is also the highest." Zhen Zi said happily, "After all, the world she was originally in is part of the source world. So now There is only one problem, and that is how to obtain the world authority of the source world. Oni sauce."

"..." Zhanchangyuan didn't say anything sincerely. In fact, she felt that Zhen Zi was instigating him and doing something unpleasant. Of course, even so, he had to do it.

Moreover, the authority of the Source World, and the power of the Source World... This is a pleasant world where the "God" has not yet formed a personality. If you don't take this opportunity to do something, you will suffer if you think about it.

"I will work hard." Battlefield Hara said. Even if a conclusion is drawn on this matter.

In the end, there is only one last question left.

"That is to say, Yuanyi origami. How do you solve this child's problem? Give her a hug?" Unconsciously, Zhen Zi used a sarcastic way of speaking again.


Kiteichi origami.

The person who "killed" her parents was not Jinli or anyone else, but herself. Killed them after becoming elves out of control-and after returning to the source world, this historical fusion became Yuichi Origami and killed her parents unconsciously. She had no idea about it. So I fell into a situation of guilt and confusion. And to this day, he is still thinking about and looking for prisoners who do not exist.

Compared to Tokisaki Kuangsan, Murasame Lingon. The battlefield felt that the problem of the origami students was actually the most serious. Because there is no simple or difficult way to solve it.

"..." Zhanchangyuan was silent for a moment: "Then, give her a hug."

"Oh, that's the case. I kind of understand, Ernie Chan is really a gentle person." After a little surprised, Zhen Zi said relaxedly: "I thought you would just abandon such a troublesome child. It turned out to be like this?"

"Troublesome child? Speaking of one thing, you kept keeping it from me, right?" Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "Your sister has almost blatantly violated the rules in this game. I think why. Great games can be misjudged to this degree. In the end, you cheated first, right, really purple?"

"Ah, hum? What are you talking about, people don't understand~"

"That is to say, Origami should have been my target, an elf. To reduce the difficulty of cheating, you eliminated her directly, right?" Zhanchang Yuanzheng didn't give her face, and directly said the answer.

② Source world ruler

Chapter One Crime City

"This is also for the sake of O'Neill! Who do you think I have worked so hard for?!"

Every time I think of the conversation with Zhen Zi before, Zhan Tian Yuan couldn't help laughing.

After being exposed, Zhen Zi ran away furiously. Whenever I think of it, it will make people feel very happy. The kind of happy hum.

But it doesn't matter. After all, the guy Zhen Zi can cheat, but in the end Battlefield had to solve this problem.

what. what……

"So, why did you take me on vacation suddenly?"

"Well... how do you say, recently, I have paid less attention to you?" Zhanchangyuan answered her question in a questioning tone.

"So, why did you choose this place for your vacation?"

"Roalapura--because of the beautiful scenery and pleasant air. It is a popular tourist attraction." Zhanchangyuan sincerely said nonsense with his eyes open.

"Really." The girl on the opposite side nodded, "Just as a sincere classmate and tell the truth."

"Why reluctantly temporarily, what I'm telling is the truth." Battlefield Hara said without embarrassment.

"Then, please explain, sincere classmate-what's the current situation?"

——Just not far from Zhanyuanyuan and her, a large number of gangsters holding various guns desperately angling. At the same time he shouted: "Kill them! Bastards!" Such warm and hospitable words.

"——This is a special tourism project for the three-day trip to Roalapura." Zhanchangyuan replied sincerely and solemnly.

"Is it really?"

Facing the child's gaze like inorganic matter, Battlefield finally couldn't bear it.

"Okay, sorry. I lied."

"Well, it doesn't matter, I forgive you." She said.


"Well, um. I know that sincere students have a lot to be busy with. In such a busy situation, sincere students still remember me. And they can take me with me, I am already very happy."


The two people watched each other affectionately in such a rain of bullets. Seeing that the next second will be able to kiss, and then this way, that way...whatever.

However, it was at this time: "Shit! Can you two see the situation before you talk! Fvck!" A voice yelled furiously beside Zhanchangyuan.

"So, Miss Lavi, I did not hire you as a tour guide to hear you say such unnutritious swear words." Zhanchangyuan said bitterly to the side, the big sister of the Fauvism dressed very coolly, "Please Lady, okay~"

The good attitude of the battlefield has not been exchanged for the same good treatment.

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