Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1348

And I didn't brainwash them into complete machines, and speaking of them, complete machines can't do the work of organization and management, right. The battlefield only magnified their loyalty, sense of responsibility and morality to themselves. The person is still that person, but he is more loyal, responsible and cheerful than before. What's wrong with this? That's not great.

Thinking like this in my heart, Battlefield Hara, who was inexplicably happy, fell happily into the arms of Mama Misaka next to her. Very comfortable, the arms of the big sister are always very comfortable. The high-profile Misaka version like Meiling is also...Although there are so many Misaka on the battlefield that you can hold hands, you can circle the school city. And Yan Shou Huan is fat in various poses.

But, after all, these Misaka are all children. Even the best-developed kind is just a well-developed junior high school student just like the bee-eater. There will be no such kind of temperament, that kind of charm, that kind of gentle and considerate and mature body and charm that a real big sister has.

That's it. In a short period of time, the battlefield as a Zhengtai had to be immersed in the charm of the big sister.

As for the upper echelons of the college empire, major issues, laws and national policies, etc., such matters can all be formulated by the college empire's network and supercomputers. Because Misaka’s sisters are super convenient, even Yu Chuan doesn’t need to be so busy recently, and has time to think about various intrigues in the harem.

"Such a peaceful day, I don't know when it will end suddenly."

Although it was very good, Zhanchangyuan could not help thinking, worrying, and worrying like this. I don't know when I suddenly biu and head to the mission world.

Especially after that guy said something like this.

"Sincerely, I have been doing well recently. But be careful. Nowadays, the great game has entered the final and most critical link. Whether it’s soaring or booming depends on the two wars. By the way, you’ve done a good job lately. Oni sauce. From this point, you should be better than the others."

"What do you mean?"

For Zhen Zi, who only talked about half of his character, Zhanchang Yuancheng had already been used to it.

Did not force her to say more. The battlefield was originally just thinking hard by himself-saying that he is doing a good job now, better than the others. It depends on what I have done recently-I have destroyed one or two countries and established the largest and most powerful empire in human history. And also achieved good results in economic, political and diplomatic aspects.

If you look at it this way, maybe, um, is a story related to this aspect?

"Is the next copy a war?" Zhanchangyuan was sincere and thoughtful: "I have known a few things before. It seems that the great game is more accustomed to the overall victory, and the overall quality of the victory than anything else... But anyway, I can't even lose. Humhhhh..."

With such self-confidence, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely continued to be immersed in the gentle countryside. At the same time, I feel a little bit dissatisfied with desire-not that it is uncomfortable to be immersed in Meiling's mother's arms, but that, relatively speaking, Zhanchangyuan sincerely wants something more exciting...

"Will you come for the memorial service tonight?" At this time, Mei Ling said such an invitation in his ear. Although it is not long, she seems to have been completely used to it, even intoxicated, fascinated by her current life.

Regardless of the life itself, or the battlefield that brought such changes, the original sincerity is that Misaka Mirei no longer wants to go back to the previous world.

"Yeah, I will...but before that...well, go and play for a while." Zhanchangyuan was sincere, and his heart moved: "I suddenly thought of something."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh words

Because of motherhood, Mei Ling's mother is very good at Misaka. Even the most ferocious berserker-type Misaka would be obedient in her arms. Especially those young girls, Misaka, will pester Meiling's mother even more. Make Meiling's mother feel that she has become younger.

Of course, watching Misaka Mirei playing with Da Piao's sister in this way, her true daughter Mikoto would be jealous and envy in all kinds of things... but this is helpless.

If you say too much, you will be collectively resisted by all the sisters, looking at them: "Do you want to monopolize your mother? Really evil elder sister." Looking at her sisters with contempt, Misaka Mikoto felt herself Going crazy.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 17 The Loss of Mikoto

"At least, at least I still have Heizi..."

Seeing her mother seem to love her younger sisters more, Mikoto was naturally disappointed in her heart.

So Mikoto decided to find some reasons or something. For example, my friends, they are still their best magic weapon against this lonely and evil world where there is only sex. Although once, this group of people sold themselves to an evil, the sincere tyrant called Zhanchangyuan. To make matters worse, the tyrant also cloned a million of himself, and used these sisters to do evil and conquer the world while slapped. What's more fucking is that at the moment, Zhanchangyuan is sincerely approaching success.

In this case, the arrogant Misaka Mikoto would of course feel very upset and feel that she needs some comfort. And then...

"Hehehe, so many elder sisters, Yan Shouhuanfei is free to choose, hehehehehe..." Next to him, there was a mysterious creature called Baijing Heizi, who seemed to be dying. As for the reason, most of it was because during a certain group sex, there were many Misaka sisters who had sex with the original sincere battlefield.

Occasionally there will be opportunities to rub, lick, rub or something... Although everything is cheaper in the end, Zhanchang Yuanzheng, but in this way, Shirai Kuroko has said that he is satisfied with the book. After that, it doesn't matter if I die or something.

Of course, after Meiling's mother joined the sincere harem on the battlefield, some changes have taken place.

That is, Heizi felt that he could not die yet. Even if you die, you should wait until He Meiling’s mother, and of course, have sex with the original battlefield before you die...

But in any case, Bai Jing Heizi is now satisfied with the book, feeling that he has won the world. Even if it was the greetings of the original sister, this guy was kind of indifferent. At least for now, watching a few coolly dressed Misaka sisters doing a new ultra-bikini swimsuit conference is a pleasant thing, Kuroko will do nothing but press the shutter desperately and drool.

"Well, the guy Heizi has always had this virtue. I knew that this guy is unreliable at all." Mikoto Misaka said this self-comforting and self-deceiving remark after he blew away. Then he looked to the side:

"Heizi is not saved, but they must have tears in early spring..."

"Uh, uh, so is this the life of the so-called eldest lady?"

On the other side, a group of girls are having a tea party, and the Miss Chuchun whom she is expecting is also among them-she is full of stars, looking at another star. That is, bee-eater Fuck Chi-she, with big blonde tits and full of aristocratic style, looks perfectly in line with the dream of a young lady in early spring. More importantly, this eldest lady, seems to be very interested in her, and wants to lead one or two.

"Well, um, but early spring. We live now, not the life of the so-called eldest lady, but a further step. We are the queen of the academy empire, the apex of a huge empire with a population of more than one billion people. People like you. This is much better than the so-called Missy." Xingxingyan said happily:

"Ah, ah. So, I really deserve to be the former classmate of the battlefield, who was able to develop such a foundation. When he told me this, I just thought the former senior on the battlefield was very bold. I didn't expect what he said. It’s true~"

"It turned out to be true... what's the matter with this?" Hearing the bee-eater exercise Chi, Chuchun also came to be interested.

"Listen to me, just before, the senior had talked with me freely. At that time, he said that the upper strata of the academy city are full of fat and self-righteous guys, and they treat all capable people as guinea pigs. , I think I own the entire school city.

And with their resources, lies, deception and money, they can manipulate the world's largest capital to suppress us who have talents.

He said that his wish is to build an academy city where the capable people can have the final say.

The capable ones will act as rulers, not guinea pigs. And those with abilities will definitely not be viewed with alternative eyes. Those researchers and upper-level directors will be eliminated. "

"Ah, the former senpai on the battlefield~ really deserves to be the former senator on the battlefield~" Hearing that the star eyes were full of star eyes, Chuchun Shili turned into star eyes. Seeing the two people cherishing the stars, Misaka Mikoto felt that she shouldn't go over and make trouble——

Just when she thought of this, the bee-eater next to him suddenly raised his head, and then looked at her with provocative, winner-like eyes, making Mikoto angrily. Bastard bastard. Although I can't say everything, or even the main reason, the fact that recruiting Misaka Mikoto's friends will make Misaka Mikoto angry must be one of the reasons why Star Eye is soliciting Misakari.

But Misaka Mikoto hadn't been able to stop her-because all of this was within the scope of the rules, which was the rules of the harem of the Academy Empire. Tripping each other, each other like this, the healthy competition between the harem is good for sex. The battlefield is very sincere about this point. So if you were crying and looking for Battlefield Yuan at this time, it would only hurt your own face.

But having said that, Misaka is not that kind of person either.

"Forget it." After thinking about it, she decided to retreat temporarily: "Then she tears...

Well, Sakuriko Saten is working very hard to follow her kendo teacher. At the same time, he is also one of the back of the harem of the academy empire, Okita Soji learning kendo. Next to them, there are a group of kendo girls under the command of the battlefield, Beiya Shan Peizi, Toxic Island Sakiko and Miki Sayaka are all watching hard. From time to time, I will nod seriously, and then seriously think about these tricks, how to comment...

Around them, there are a large group of Misaka sisters who are interested in kendo. It seems that there is no problem forming a bikini gym.

Although they are all wearing bikinis, this gym training does not look so authentic. However, Misaka still felt that it was not good to disturb them in the past at this time.


Seeing that my friends were unreliable, my mother was holding two treacherous and cunning Misaka young girls in her arms, and said, "Looking at Mikoto has become so small, I feel like I have become younger too, huh huh~" If it were, Misaka Mikoto instantly felt very lonely.


After being silent like this for a while, Mikoto quickly made a decision—since it was what the fellow Zhanchangyuanzheng did and made herself so uncomfortable, then go to the trouble of the fellow Zhanjunyuan——

Although I don't know where she is, it doesn't matter. After having sex with Battlefield Hara, Mikoto also felt that her body had become abnormal—of course, her physical fitness had risen substantially, and she had acquired an inexplicable power that was sincerely called Zhenyuan by the battlefield. "Abnormal" is a bit bad.

In short, all the harems of the Academy Empire have been sincerely double-cultivating with the original battlefield, and some have mastered the original sincere combined dual-cultivation technique of the battlefield-just because they have no demonic physique, they cannot achieve the three-line integration. It's just passive, the indirect integration of Buddhism and Taoism, plus the apple orchard in the harem, is theoretically a religious belief. To put it nicely, it is the triad of immortality, Shinto, and Buddhism.

Of course these are not important points. The point is that after possessing this kind of energy, people like Misaka Mikoto who has no practice on the mysterious side will vaguely interact with the battlefield, and can happily feel where the battlefield is. Happy to find this guy through this power.

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