Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1350

With that said, Zhanchangyuan sincerely took two girls, one big and one small, to go shopping.

Chapter 19 Tips for Shopping with Girls

It was almost like this. During the shopping process, Misaka Mikoto basically confirmed a few things through conversation.

Olianna Thomson is single and currently has no boyfriend. He didn't refuse to join the sincere harem of the battlefield-these things were asked by the battlefield, very important things.

As for the fact that she was employed by the Roman Orthodox Church, she wanted to deploy a holy relic called the Apostle’s Cross in the school city, and turn the school city into a “very beneficial to the Holy See” setting, see Misaka Mikoto Coming is not too important.

It doesn't matter, even if the battlefield doesn't stop him sincerely, this guy will definitely be stopped by the Misaka sisters who are armed to the teeth during the patrol. There is no possibility of success.

The academy empire is a type that is loose on the outside and tight on the inside-I mean the security and execution of the security army and nothing else. At the same time, it has a wide range of mind control and the world's most powerful troop that can strike in all directions and move instantaneously.

Such an army will never let any enemy go.

In other words, this big sister Olianna Thomson is actually very, very lucky. When this big sister entered the academy city and wanted to do something, the first thing she encountered was the battlefield sincere, not the guards of Misaka.

The original sincerity of the battlefield, of course, depends on milk knowing people.

With such a big tits, such a beautiful and cute blond sister, it is absolutely impossible to be a bad person. Hmm, yes yes, that's the truth. Therefore, Zhanchangyuan was sincere and unceremonious--I mean, he didn't care about the danger at all, so he went straight up and told the eldest sister something, and let the eldest sister happily abandon the bright and dark. I mean throwing away the dark and making it clear.

"So, are you really doing these things for the academy city?" During the pleasant shopping process, Zhanchangyuan sincerely explained to Misaka Mikoto why he did this, and his purpose for doing this, also I left because of this, I was for work. What a wonderful man he is...

Of course, Misaka Mikoto said these things sincerely, not to believe in any punctuation.

"However, it is one thing to believe or not to believe, and to forgive or not to forgive is another thing, right Mikoto~" Rubbing Misaka Mikoto's hair happily, Battlefield said this sincerely: "Although I am helpless , And looks frustrated. But in the end, Mikoto, won't you still forgive me. In this way, I don't need to be afraid, right, right~"

"Ah, ah. It's really..." Misaka Mikoto looked very helpless, although she wanted to complain and resist, and said: "That's not the case, I really hate you as a silly bastard!"

But in the end, not even a single super-electromagnetic gun was fired. Misaka Mikoto only muttered a few words, and accepted the setting unhappily.

"Well, well, it looks like your relationship is very good."

"It's not good!"

Mikoto's mood improved a lot by complaining this time.

And the next step is a pleasant shopping time. Zhanchangyuan sincerely cast his presence trance magic to his two girls. It is the magic that has been explained once before. Then began to enjoy shopping. The snacks made the two girls very happy, and the beautiful clothes, beautiful bags and precious jewelry made them happier.

In fact, for the imperial queen with a population of more than one billion and extremely developed productivity, Mikoto and the eldest sister of the quasi-queen Olianna can hire a whole professional team to design all kinds of jewelry and clothing for themselves. And other accessories. Every big business, luxury goods merchants will be very happy to do this.

It is not only the relationship with the upper class and the ruling class. It is also an invisible advertisement. "Look, the Queen of the Empire buys things from me." After saying it, sales will definitely increase significantly. Hmm, that's it, that's it—

But, it's like I said before. The vast majority of queens in the academy empire have not yet done a good job of becoming a great ruler and the consciousness of high society. For them, those mentioned before are really unbelievable, and somewhat vague.

Or by comparison, like Zhanchangyuan, they spend a lot of money to buy whatever they want, which is already a very happy thing for them. Hum hum.

This made Zhan Tian Yuan a little bit emotional.

It is of course good to know that contented girls are good, and they are loved. But if he can, he hopes his girls understand a little bit more and spend more money-not to mention his face, or royal pomp. It is his instinctive hope to make his girls' lives better and more fulfilled.

It's like Maslow's pyramid model of demand. Zhanchangyuan sincerely feels that material needs and spiritual needs are both important, and he wants to give these girls.

"But...well, forget it. The most important thing is to be happy." Seeing Mikoto smiled happily as she watched herself carrying a large bag, Zhan Tian Yuan was sincere, and of course she also showed a satisfied smile— —

Of course, the big sister's share is indispensable. As a newcomer, she is only the quasi-harem of the battlefield at the same time, not the real harem-besides that, she is still a bit confused now, not sure what is going on now. So in the process of shopping, although Zhanchangyuan said many times: "Big sister, what do you want?" "You are welcome, just speak."

But the eldest sister is still very sensible and polite, shaking her head and smiling most of the time, saying no.

But this is difficult to defeat the original battlefield.

If the girl said because of polite reasons: "No, no, no, I don’t want that kind of thing." Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Ah, it’s great that it’s no use." If you leave in the same way, unless you are very handsome, your girlfriend's affection for you will definitely drop drastically.

Of course, this is not the relationship between Zhanchangyuan and Big Sister, but this does not prevent Zhanchangyuan from using this method sincerely and happily.

Just after this pleasant date, after shopping. Zhanchangyuan said to Mikoto, "I'm going to another place, you go back first."


Although she was very upset, and she was wondering if the battlefield had separated her, did she want to do something with this eldest sister. But after hesitating, Mikoto left reluctantly. "

Right after that, Zhanchang Yuanzheng turned a lot of goods out like magic.

"Give it to you."

"this is……"

"Just now, in each store, it took a long time for you to look at something, so I bought it. Of course, I paid a good price." Zhanchangyuan said, "It took a little time and space magic."

Of course, there is a bit of a lie here. It's the point of "big sister sees which time is longer". In fact, using the mind-reading ability, you instantly know what your big sister is thinking and what you want. So what I bought is definitely the most in line with the big sister's wishes.

"This, but..."

"It's okay, just treat it as a meeting ceremony. You will join the Academy City soon, right. In other words, you will soon be my subordinate, just treat it as employee benefits." Zhanchangyuan is sincere and very relaxed. That said.

"I have never enjoyed any employee benefits." The big sister said with a smile: "Of course, I have never tried before. I work for one person on a regular basis."

"Ah, now, you can try hard," Zhanchangyuan said to her.

"As a mercenary, I do a job for not too long."

"No, no, this is different. If you want me to say it, big sister, your job is forever."


Even the big sister Olianna, such a mature, sexy and informal person, is still a little bit overwhelmed by the attitude and offensive of the original sincere battlefield.

"That one……"

So she decided to change the subject: "You and the child are the emperor and queen. It is natural to use magic so that others cannot see your identity. But I don't need to use that kind of magic?" She said, naturally it was before. The trance magic that Zhanchangyuan casts sincerely.

After the eldest sister asked Zhanchangyuan why he did this, Zhanchangyuan replied sincerely and honestly:

"Because I don't want too many people to see you like this."

"I look like this, what's wrong?" Big sister smiled pretendingly.

"There is nothing wrong, it looks very sexy, very erotic." Zhanchangyuan replied sincerely:

"But, because of this, I don't want other men to see you like this-such a big sister, as long as I can appreciate it alone."

"Ah, you guy can really talk." Sister Olianna couldn't help but smile upon hearing what Battlefield said.

"No, no, this is not talking." Zhanchangyuan shook his head: "I can translate this meaning again, that is, big sister, you are my thing now."

"What's your thing?" The big sister still didn't understand a little, or pretended not to understand on purpose. Although it is said to be "innocent", in fact, the big sister just looks very erotic, and then deliberately uses her very erotic body. In fact, I have never touched on that aspect of things, very rusty and very embarrassed.

"That's it, my thing."

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