Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1352

As for the world of Eris, in fact, the battlefield was already over there and had a wedding with the girls. In theory, there is no need to trouble again.

But there is a stupid man with a very low IQ in it, who can't understand this kind of thing at all.

Because of several worlds, there are often exchanges between the harems. In other words, the battlefield would teleport these girls to have sex, so she found out about it.

This guy Zhanchangyuan was carrying himself and married another bitch? !

Author's message:


Chapter 21 The first battle plan failed, so prepare for the second one

After discovering this, the idiot Akuya rolled around all over the floor.

"Ahhhhh, the battlefield was originally an unscrupulous man who wanted to marry another woman and don't want me."

To tell the truth, looking at this guy like this, Zhan Tian Yuan is really a little sincere, and doesn't want her anymore.

But looking at this guy like Akuya, the other girls who came out of the world of Eris, Eris, Big Sister Wiz, Daknis, Huihui and Yoyo, they are all in the same pair: "Ah, get married Then bang bang bang, it seems very interesting."

"It's not'seems to be fun' but it is fun in the first place. Doesn't it feel good to have sex in a wedding dress?

That's about it, the battlefield thought about it, it didn't seem to be a big deal. Isn't it just getting married? I have done so many things like getting married, and I have done so skillfully. It's no big deal to add a few people.

Hmm, that's it, that's it.

The war between the academy empire and Europe has not yet been completely over, and the negotiation is still in the process of fierce ing. The academy empire seems to have a sense of arrogance.

The battlefield was sincere, but the current one is getting married. Get married, have sex, and spend your honeymoon happily. Judging by the number of days each girl spends her honeymoon, the battlefield was supposed to spend more than one million honeymoons. By then, the existence of human society is still unknown.

of course.

In the eyes of the Roman Church, all this has no meaning.

For the Roman church, the only significance of this incident is to prove that the original sincerity of the battlefield is indeed unfathomable and very proficient in brainwashing techniques, especially those who are proficient in brainwashing techniques for girls.

"So, does it really make sense to send a woman in this way?"

When it was broadcast simultaneously across the globe, at the wedding of Battlefield Hara and Olianna's sister, someone couldn't help but ask. Under the wedding march, Battlefield Yuanzheng and Olianna's eldest sister looked like they were about to punch the Holy See in the face.

In any case, using the Apostle Cross, the tactics of bringing the Academy City into the control of the Holy See happily, and then happily and easily disintegrating the academy empire, seems to have completely failed at present.

"—But it’s okay, we can give him more women to be Rinpoche—I mean, the Holy See has more women believers and nuns with faith, abilities, and fighting power to fight evil The imperial emperor is fighting!"

Of course, these two things are one thing in a sense, and the two meanings are also the same. Looking at the surrounding waters, fires, and winds, all the high-levels of the Orthodox Church in Rome looked at themselves with "like and like" eyes, and the expression under the pope's crown suddenly became slightly ugly.

In this case, the Pope’s expression was naturally embarrassing.

But it doesn't matter. um, yes. never mind. This is not the first time I have seen something like this, so it doesn't matter at all. Although it is the supreme leader of the Roman Orthodox Church. But in the four-person group around, I'm afraid no one has much respect for him.

Thinking about it this way, the pope is really aggrieved.


Super chicken is unhappy.

Thinking of this, the pope's tone also improved a little:

"Don't think about those things, everyone! The Academy Empire will inevitably be destroyed. This is a destined thing! Our second plan can begin. I can't say that this plan can destroy the Academy Empire. I can only say, This plan will definitely weaken the strength of the Academy Empire by a large margin. After this, the third, fourth, and more plans will be pushed out and executed. Until the evil empire collapses, the culprit will be judged justly. That's it!"

Although, the high-level Orthodox church around do not approve of what the Pope said. But since the matter has reached this point, there is nothing left to say.

He said that the second one would be the second one. Yeah.

"In other words, the Book of Dharma? Is it really okay to throw such a dangerous thing to such a person?"

Of course, not everyone agrees with the Pope’s plan. After that, the middle-aged man who looked very wretched said: "If I say it, Apostles Cross is a very good plan. It's just that this plan is not entrusted to humans, and it is also in the process of implementation. I have encountered many problems-I think we can make slight corrections to this plan..."

"Whatever you think, but the Dharma Book Project is already a decision, the place on the left." The pope said to the middle-aged man with some impatientness—the wretched green hair.

Although, I have no liking for the so-called "God's Right Seat". But relatively speaking, the pope's most upset is indeed this guy who looks unhappy.

"Huh, it means, I can do anything in my own way, right?" He muttered like this, then turned around without hesitation, and left the table early:

"With your idiot method, even if you send out all the lovely nuns of the Orthodox Church, there is no way to win."

"You fellow, what do you know?!" Hearing this, the pope looked frustrated.

"I don't know much. But at least, I know how to defeat the Academy Empire and the battlefield sincerely."

Saying such blatant words, this guy left happily, making the Pope half angry, but helpless.

In theory, the four-member group of the right seat of God, which symbolizes the archangel, is not under the pope's position and status. Even if he is the ruler of the Vatican, there is no way to order them.

"Hmph, although he is an annoying fellow, but what he said is reasonable."

"You fellow, do you want to go alone like him?!" Seeing that red-haired bad guy said such words, the pope became even more anxious and frustrated-and that technique, although strong, had obvious flaws, and at the same time. Different guys with average strength. The strength of this bad red hair is really strong, very strong, extremely strong and explosive. It is powerful in all directions without dead ends.

For this guy, the pope is obviously more jealous.

"No, I'm not so arrogant. I think that any brain that I can think of can defeat the world's most powerful empire." He said, "My plan will probably be different from yours. But my plan is also different. It’s not a rash action—I still prefer a final word compared to a little bit of fuel. Hehehehe, then goodbye, old man."

Having said this, the guy also turned around, happily, and left without hesitation.

In this way, the right seat of God was half gone. For the remaining half, it feels unnecessary to stay here.

After speaking coldly, the water on the right of the dimension reluctantly saluted the Pope. All of them left happily.

"Damn... this group of bastards. If only this group of bastards and the academy empire can be destroyed together." The pope couldn't help but think of this...


at the same time.

The battlefield was sincere and very happy, playing with his harems in one way or another.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, today’s play is a maid’s milk play. The big sisters in ergonomic maid costumes-Misaka Mirei, Olianna Thomson, and Shinsei Hoori used them, and they were rubbed by the battlefield. The bigger tits rubbed against Battlefield Hara's body.

Because this scene is too erotic, many of the girls around turned their heads blushing, and then secretly glanced at them.

——Of course, in addition to these few girls with filthy tits, there are many girls who can play this play among the queens of the Academy Empire. They are all eager to try, queuing happily, looking forward to when it will be their turn to play this play with Zhanchangyuan?

"Hum, hum, hum, hum." Today's Academy Empire is still a day in Jiuchi Roulin.

Of course, at the same time as the wine pond meats the forest, Battlefield Yuanzheng has not forgotten the serious things.

This so-called "serious thing" naturally refers to things related to "war" and "affairs."

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