Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1356

As I said before, the Amakusa-style cross mischief is like a big family. And Wuhe is like the sister of Sister Shenchuan. Seeing my sister's body seemed to be in trouble. Sister Shen Split naturally went to support her very worried. However, immediately following the close contact, the elder sister of the person who came over immediately felt that Wuhe was doing this like this.

Ah, ah. It's really harmful.

"No, sincere classmate." Seeing that the battlefield played a rogue, Yu Chuan smiled and did not change. I turned a blind eye to the interaction between the Amakusa-style sisters and the complaining eyes of my sister Shen Jian:

"I mean, you can take that Sister Orsola around and show her the greatness of the Academy Empire."

Chapter Twenty Five

That's it, that's it. There is also this kind of gameplay. As expected of Yu Chuan, you are really wrong to blame! "Zhanchang Yuanzheng showed a sorry expression in an instant, and the expression in Yu Chuan's eyes was never dissatisfied, unhappy, and turned into excitement and gratitude.

Er er er, really, really mouth teeth, Yu Chuan really is the best for yourself!

There was a moment of silence. The battlefield was sincere, and instantly became very excited, and very excited:

"Oh, oh, it's Yu Chuan, you understand me best!" He looked at Yu Chuanyi affectionately, and then said.

"Well, well, sincere classmates are really true, don't say such embarrassing things in front of others~"

So the two of them started flirting happily. The royal maid next to him, Wuhe classmate, looked very blushing. At the same time, because of the dialogue between the two people, a large amount of information of this kind was mentioned, which also opened the eyes of Wuhe students. Sanguan cracked and dizzy.

What is going on here? Why would the battlefield he admired sincerely, the Emperor God, do such a thing? ! More importantly, do you have to do something similar in the next step? And his own pope god Rishoori has done this and that kind of thing? What is going on in this palace? !

Even if she was a little conscious before, she was a palace maid after all, she had read some books of this kind, that is, the maid and her master had sex with each other.

At the very beginning, when Zhanchangyuanchengcheng appointed her as the imperial maid, Wuhe was a little bit excited, and even couldn't help but imagine that he had experienced a series of things and feelings with Zhanchangyuancheng. Get sublimation, and then you can have a very happy success. Two people like this, hehehe.

Thinking of this, Wuhe couldn't help but turn up his mouth, showing a hehe expression. But soon, this hehehe was defeated by the cruel reality.

"It turns out that the battlefield was a lunatic!" This thought was deeply planted in the heart of the little maid.

It sounds strange. When he didn't know that the battlefield was a perverted madness, Wuhe dreamed that the battlefield would slap her off. But when he knew this, and confirmed that Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely would definitely slap her off in various postures, Wuhe was entangled, and it could be said that he was in panic.

What to do is to be dragged away by the evil perverted emperor. What should I do in this situation? !

Such thoughts filled Wuhe's heart, so that she didn't know anything in a short time. Until the side, Yu Chuan smiled and said to Battlefield Hara:

"By the way, don't you want to train the royal maid? I think these two tasks can be done together. There is no conflict, right, sincere classmates?"

It's like what Zhanchang Yuancheng had worried about before. Even if he became the god emperor of the academy empire, even if he and Yu Chuan were already a married couple recognized by the law and even the whole world. But on the issue of title, Yuchuan still refused to give up. Yuchuan still refers to himself as a "sincere classmate".

This feeling is like letting manpower force the short and nostalgic youthful years. In other words, the relationship between Zhanchangyuan and her is always maintained on the relationship between classmates and boyfriend and girlfriend.

Heh heh, this is really a romantic and pleasant thing. Just thinking about this matter will make people can't help showing A black face, and then happily like this. And even the child who is very worried that he will be slapped by people-that is, Wuhe, when seeing the two people of Battlefield Yuancheng and Yuchuanyi looking at each other affectionately, he can't bear it. Live out with a relieved expression.

But soon he pursed his mouth, and then became envy and envy.

"Obviously, I want to educate this royal maid." She couldn't help muttering like this. However, there is no such thing as a happy mumbling, is it.

So in this way, Battlefield received further hints from Yu Chuan sincerely, that is, taking Sister Osola to visit the great projects of the Academy Empire, and training the royal maid, two things can be put together, and one piece of happily executed, right? .

Hum hum hum. So, the battlefield had brought Wuhe and two people to see Orsola.

Although some truth is concealed from the Academy Empire. However, Osola was still treated as a VIP.

This makes Osola a little puzzled. Why, after thinking that you have done something wrong, your salary has not been reduced, but has been improved?

Of course, this child doesn't know at all. The evaluation of treatment has nothing to do with doing nothing wrong. It all depends on three points, first, whether it is a cute girl, second, whether the tits are big, and third, whether the former God Emperor of the battlefield is interested in her.

At present, it seems that Sister Osola meets all three points, so she is treated with high standards, which is a matter of course.

Now, although her personal freedom has been hindered to a certain extent, everything else is very good, the food tastes great, and there are various treatments, nice clothes, soft and comfortable bed. There are even computer TVs and so on. Allow her to get in touch with the outside world.

A lot of things can be seen from here. For example, the EU foreign ministers are all discussing when to visit the academy empire. And the current peace negotiations have made new progress. The requirements of the college empire have been met in a certain aspect, and how many benefits the two sides exchanged.

"It seems that the rise of the Academy Empire is already irreversible." With this in mind, Ossola thought about how she should act in order to rise in the Academy Empire. Under this premise, we can help the world as much as possible. .

If possible, she really wants to preach to the Academy Empire, and it is best to turn the Academy Empire into a cross country. But after thinking about it, this hope is impossible.

So I can only pray that the rulers of the academy empire are gentle and kind people. Just looking at what they did during the rise of the empire, the nun had no confidence in this.

"Ah, ah. What should I do. Almighty Lord, please guide me in the direction."

That is, when the sister of the nun was helpless and prayed for the gods to guide her, a voice came from her side, the sincere voice of the battlefield:

"Instead of praying for that kind of illusory gods or gods made up by others, it's better to pray to me. I think this is faster."

"……you are."

Although he said very blasphemous words. But Sister Orsola is a very gentle and good-tempered person. So he didn't get angry because of what Battlefield Hara said. Instead, he looked at the battlefield with a slightly confused look. I couldn't help sighing while looking at the confident Battlefield Hara.

Although she did not refuse her access to outside information or something. However, because Sister Orsola is a nun, she is not good at modern machinery and electronic equipment. In this case, she didn't see much, and she couldn't even recognize that the great God Emperor Battlefield Yuanzheng I was in front of her.

Of course, it is also possible that it is because the pictures of Battlefield Yuanzheng are different from those in the pictures of Battlefield Yuan-in the photo, according to the emperor's standards announced to the outside world, Battlefield Yuan sincerely wears a white marshal outfit, looks heroic and upright. stern.

But now, the battlefield that appeared in front of Sister Osola was sincere, with a smile on his face, looking at her up and down. That kind of eyes seemed to lick people, which made the nuns who were a little confused and didn't care too much about this aspect, felt uncomfortable, and subconsciously covered her chest.


Looking at the sister nun opposite, Zhanchangyuan's sincere mouth turned up, revealing a happy smile.

As Yu Chuan said, the tits of this sister's sister was unexpectedly big. Hum hum hum.

"So, so, who are you. This, this is the court of the Academy Empire, if you do anything bad, the Misaka Guards will come over!"

In this situation, watching the battlefield sincere step by step toward him, Big Sister Osola, somewhat incoherent, said such words.

"Oh, is that so. But I don't think it will be at all." Zhanchang Yuanzheng's mouth turned upward and continued to move forward. At the same time, behind the battlefield, Wuhe, wearing a light angel maid costume, looked at the clumsy nun falling to the ground with sympathetic eyes, just like a nun with the appearance of "come attack me."

"Next, this sister nun will definitely encounter something terrible." When I think of this, Wuhe feels very envious-I mean sympathy for others.


Zhanchangyuan ignored the maid beside him, with a very rude expression, and then said to the sister of the nun: "I am the supreme ruler here, the master of the academy empire, the emperor, and Zhanchangyuan speaks sincerely.

This is my court, no one can stop me. Including the Misaka Guards you mentioned. "

Of course, at the same time that Battlefield said this, everyone from the Misaka Guards sent a collective protest to Battlefield Hara through the Misaka network. Let Zhanchangyuan signed a series of agreements sincerely and very humiliatingly.

Of course, during this process, the battlefield's movements and posture did not waver at all. Still looking at the nun with condescending eyes, looking at the prey and the trophy.

"So, what do you think I want to do with you~ Heh heh heh..."

Facing such a cruel and faint king. The sister nun closed her eyes tightly.

Chapter 26 This is the greatness of my college empire!

Then there is--

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