Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1358

Even if it is a very small number of girls who will cooperate with Battlefield Yuanzheng to show off, what they think in their hearts is probably not what Battlefield Yuanzheng expects. They really worship Battlefield Yuanyuan and think that Battlefield Yuanzheng is very great. Rather, it feels like coaxing the child: "Okay~Yes~Yes~My battlefield is the best~"

It's almost like this.

But this Sister Orsola was not. This Sister Orsola actually looked at Battlefield Hara with a very admiring gaze, and kept nodding her head very excitedly, and said sincere praise to Battlefield Hara.

"Your Majesty is really amazing. Don't think that I am someone who doesn't know anything. I have studied it before. If you want to run such a huge national welfare project, you need a lot of money and manpower. And resources.

I originally thought that because of the chaos caused by the imperial aggression, the living standards of the people in these areas have dropped. But now it seems that it is not at all. Instead of declining, their living standards have improved! This is really amazing.

The empire must have the best, most efficient and clean government system in the world, right? "

"Oh, um, yes, yes, that's it." The big sister said this next, which surprised Zhanchang Yuancheng. Then there is: It is true that this is true-in this case, the satisfaction and vanity satisfaction brought to the battlefield will be even stronger-

In other words, if the other party is an idiot who knows nothing, her praise is worthless. But the other party is a lovely big sister who has carefully studied related matters, so her praise is very, very valuable, hehehehehehe. That's it, Battlefield's sincere affection for Big Sister Osola instantly increased a lot.

Such a natural and good big sister, it would be a pity if she didn't slap her off.

So now, there is only one question left.

How should I snap my big sister?

"I thought...but now, I'm so sorry." The eldest sister looked at Battlefield Hara with a slightly apologetic look, and then said:

"I have decided now to give you the Book of Dharma. I hope you can make good use of the power of this book."

"Book of Dharma?" Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely and shook his head: "No, no, I don't really care about the book of Dharma." He said to his big sister: "Compared to that cold book, I I am interested in people who can read books, but also very, very hardworking, kind-hearted people."

"Huh?" The eldest sister tilted her head naturally and looked at Zhanchangyuan: "What are you talking about, why don't I understand? Who is the kind of person you are talking about?"

Of course Zhanchangyuan could tell whether the state of Big Sister was pretending to be stupid or really didn't understand.

Sure enough, the natural idiot big sister hahaha. He almost couldn't control himself, and happily pressed his big sister to the ground.

Of course, in the time of speaking, part of Zhanchangyuan's body has already lost control.

He resisted, coughing twice. Then he looked at her with a serious look, and then said to her: "The person I'm talking about is your mouth, Sister Orsola."

"Eh, big sister..."

"Well, um, yes, yes. The empire is now waiting to be thriving. What is needed is a talent like you!" Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and excitedly: "So many orphanages, so many institutions, so many The matter. Although the empire is doing its best to serve the people, there are too many things.

Therefore, if we can get such excellent talents as Big Sister, then we will be much easier. "

"Even if you say so..."

Say so. But the big sister of natural stay still looks very distressed: "I am a nun from the Roman church, is this really okay? Please help me..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The empire is a country that emphasizes religious freedom." Zhanchangyuan said relaxedly: "We welcome companions of any faith to live and work in the empire. Of course, the premise is that she has sufficient abilities. In my opinion, Ou Sister Sola has enough ability to speak~"

Speaking of ability, but what Zhanyuanyuan looked at sincerely was obviously tits.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't talk about it.


"And now, even if your eldest sister claims to be the nuns of the Roman church, the group of Roman Orthodox guys don't care about you?" The battlefield was sincere, and continued to fight while the iron was hot. ?

Because you have interpreted the content of the Book of Dharma. Let the church feel that your existence threatens their dominance, so it wants to wipe out you.

This is simply too much. "The battlefield was sincere and filled with indignation:

"It's already the 22nd century. This group of bastards is still as rotten and depraved as the Middle Ages. I guess they are still alive in the era of free hunting witches, right. Those guys must want to catch you and live. Burned, right? It was like Bruno and Copernicus.

These bastards just don't look at the progress of human society. In fact, they would rather the current human society remain as rotten and degenerate as the Middle Ages, because it is more convenient for them to rule, accumulate wealth, and dominate.

As for the suffering of the people, those guys won't care! "

"This, this..."

Hearing that Zhanchangyuan said this sincerely, the natural stupid big sister somewhat agreed at first. But soon, the naturally staying big sister was a little scared, as if it was a little afraid that what Battlefield said sincerely would be too profane.

She pulled the corners of the battlefield's clothes hard: "Please don't say that, everyone in the church... still has good people. It's just, just..."

"Okay, okay. Of course I know. Of course there are good people in the church in Rome. It's like a good person like Big Sister~" Zhan Tian Yuan smiled sincerely, complimented Big Sister Ossola, and then continued: "But, The few good people can’t conceal the fact that the Roman Church is a corrupt, degraded, and evil organization that hinders progress. Am I right, big sister~"

Although he instinctively wanted to deny Battlefield Hara's words, the opponent opened his mouth and still couldn't say anything. Because her own experience has proved that what Battlefield said is very reasonable. In this case, Big Sister Orsola could only be silent.

"It's okay, big sister, it's okay." Seeing the big sister silently and silently, this situation should be Zhanchangyuan's happily comforting each other.

He opened his hand while saying "It's okay".

I can't hold it because I'm in a state of being a good wife, but I am indeed a nun who has a very strong affinity. After Battlefield made this action, Osola knew what was going on.

She squatted down very cooperatively, and then hugged with Battlefield Hara. Of course, from a subjective point of view, it was Osola, the sister of the nun hugged the battlefield, not the sister of the battlefield.

But it doesn't matter, the big sister's body is very soft and warm, especially the tits.

What does that sentence say. In this materialistic society, only the tits are left with a little temperature.

Under the nun’s robe, under the wide black robe, what kind of shameless body—every time this big sister moves something, she will vaguely show some body contours through her robe . The looming hazy feeling, in addition to that, there are some times when a little robe is clamped in the buttocks, most of which outlines the feeling of the buttocks and waist.

Ah, really. Really, really.

It felt like this big sister was wearing nothing but a hollow celestial body under the big sleeves of such a toga.

Thinking like this in his heart, Zhanchang Yuanzheng reacted slightly. Of course, because the cover-up is very good, and the big sister is a natural stupid, so there is no revealing.

Hehehe, so Zhanchang Yuanzheng was the same as before, using a little bit when embracing, rubbing and rubbing, such and such. Although they are all small actions that are not easy to find risks, the big sister Osola still has a flushing face and a soft body, and her affection for the original sincere sex on the battlefield has been greatly improved.

Really, this child, maybe...

No, no. I am a clergyman, how can I do this kind of fantasy?

But, but...

"All in all, Big Sister is in my empire, so it's good to live in peace~" Zhanchangyuan smiled and said to her: "It will be safe here~ You don't have to worry about anything. Just be my royal with peace of mind. The nun is fine."

"The royal nun is...?" The eldest sister had never heard of this term before, so she felt very confused.

"The so-called royal nun is a kind of nun." Zhanchangyuan explained to his eldest sister. He was also an idea that he had just thought of: "It means that the eldest sister lives here and does nuns as a nun. Happy life in his court.

Does your elder sister think this is good? "

"Will that be too convenient..." Orsola hesitated.

Chapter 28 The Roman Orthodox Sisters Pack and Give

"No, no, not at all." Zhanchangyuan replied very happily:

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