Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1362

"No, no--" After this, Sister Osola stood in front of the battlefield: "This man, although lewd and shameless. But the justice he did, the people he saved, and the people he sheltered were all It is the most in the world. If he dies, the empire will collapse, so those people will have no support!"

"Perhaps, it is so."

Hearing what Osola said, the hesitant expression of the man on the other side became even worse. However, in the end, he made up his mind:

"However, with such power, he will not only save and protect people, but also kill and abuse people. Moreover, the number of people he kills and abuses is likely to be more than he saves and shelters. In this case, I think he still..."

"So what's wrong with this?"

When the middle-aged man wanted to say "It's better for him to die", Zhanchang Yuanzheng finally couldn't help but complain: "One or two of them are the same. That idiot died really miserably. Ah. I thought I was a oriole, but it turned out to be just a bigger praying mantis.

However, you guy seems to be very powerful, and his essence is no different from him. The same is pretending to be a fan. I also think that you have the ability and means to punish me and determine my life and death.

In the same way, I was about to slap in the face.

Of course, likewise, I don’t want to know your name either. "Zhanchangyuan said this sincerely, and then killed the guy with the next sword.

That guy was unbelievable before he died, absolutely no less than before. In theory, his accomplice was on the left. Or more is not necessarily. But it doesn't matter. As Zhanchangyuan said sincerely, he didn't care about these guys. Because they are not cute girls.

"Ah, ah. It's over. There shouldn't be another self-righteous oriole?" Zhanchangyuan mumbled, then turned around, smiling and looking at his royal maid and royal nun with a dull face.

"This is also in disguise-in fact, I have nothing at all ~ surprised or surprised?"

Chapter 31 The Things Taken for granted



Of course, the two girls around him were startled when they saw the original battlefield.

Just kidding. what happened? Didn't this guy in Battlefield have anything to do? Everything just now, it was as if there was a praying mantis behind the mantis and the oriole behind the oriole. Zhanchangyuan's sincere actions are all acting, all to cover up his true situation...Is that so? "

Thinking like this in my heart, the heads of the two girls are very messy-well, in fact they don't think so at all. They actually have no idea. Because their brains are completely frozen.

As I said before, whether it is Big Sister Orsola or Wuhe, they are not smart girls. Faced with such a chaotic pit connected to a pit, the two girls had no other idea except "I'll take it, what the hell is this?".

This thing is really bad. So it's really bad. The battlefield originally just wanted to have fun, and by the way a few guys were brought out to do it, so that the Orthodox Church of Rome understood that he was powerful. Let those guys give up their delusions and surrender well.

But now it seems that whether the Orthodox Church of Rome will still be hostile to itself, aside, the counter-effect is obvious.

Those are the two girls, who originally didn't have a high trust in the battlefield, but now they have become even lower.

Zhanchangyuan smiled and said to them: "It's okay now. Let's go back~" After that, they didn't answer "Um~" immediately.

"Yes~" Instead, he looked at Battlefield Hara with a puzzled, strange look. It's like thinking and recognizing whether this sentence of Zhanchangyuan has any meaning.

Regarding the two girls’ lowered trust in themselves, even with the behavior that the degree of affection may have been lowered a lot, the corners of the mouth of Zhanchangyuan’s mouth were upturned, revealing a happy smile——

It is very simple and simple to correct this error. Just like this.

So in the next second, Big Sister Orsola, the original battlefield, had five draws. His royal maid and the royal nun were in their arms, and then they kissed twice.

Just like the original imagination of the battlefield, this action is very lethal. Just now, the two girls who looked like "What is your idea? What do you want me to do!? I will never be fooled!" The two girls fell softly on the battlefield in an instant. In his arms, he looked at Battlefield Yuan sincerely with eyes full of resentment.

Hmm, it's very good, so it's OK. Then there is a very pleasant time.

Zhanchangyuan thought seriously and hard, and then came to a conclusion. The next thing he has to do is to play with the sister of the nun and play with the maid. In the middle of these two plays, he also played with his prisoners and prisoners of war play. Strive to add five apple trees to your apple orchard as quickly as possible during this period of time-yes, only five. Although there are a lot of nuns here. But only Yanis, the young girl who launched the attack and the garter stockings, the three of them can enter the battlefield. Whatever her nuns, just whatever. There is no problem even if it is released directly.

It's just that because this damages the reputation of the academy empire, it's better to keep them locked up. Close it, and then ask Big Sister Osola to persuade her to surrender. Then make the big sister very happy and increase her favorability.

Hmm, that's it. Zhanchangyuan sincerely and happily decided his behavior style for the next period of time. And for a while, he did exactly that.

The academy empire continued to maintain harmless humans and animals, and continued to maintain memorials. Zhanchangyuan sincerely and happily brushed his favorability. Soon Wuhe and Ossola's sister had sex off.

In contrast, Yanis and Angelina, and Rukia are another routine-the last two, that is, the girl mentioned before has garter socks. Battlefield obtained the names of these two children through interrogation.

Because I was a prisoner of war, I didn't know how many points I had sincerely clicked on the battlefield, but I had never used it once. The very destructive training skills finally came into use.

The three female prisoners happily had sex in one way or another. I don’t know how many times. While feeling happy on the battlefield, the three female prisoners’ training, obedience, yl, loyalty, etc. , And all happily promoted to the point of breaking the table.

The battlefield was sincere and lived happily like this.

However, at the same time that the battlefield is sincerely living such a happy life, from another perspective, the remnants of NATO in Europe and the Roman Orthodox feel very bad. During the negotiation, the negotiators of the Academy Empire refused to give in, and the NATO countries must be allowed to recognize the defeat and compensate the Academy Empire for its losses.

At the same time, Russia also joined the negotiations. Because the Academy Empire finally chose to reveal Russia, once wanted to use nuclear bombs to attack the Empire. And also demanded compensation from Russia and declared defeat.

Unlike Northern Europe, I feel that I am still very hungry and hope to rise, and there is a kind of crazy Russia after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, hoping to desperately support Russia as a superpower. The attitude is very tough.

While they released videos, satellite screenshots, and a lot of evidence in the Academy Empire, they refused to admit that they had fired nuclear bombs on the Empire. If this was admitted, it would represent the most important part of Russia's last shelf, and the deterrence of nuclear weapons fell apart .

Without nuclear weapons, then there would be no spiritual support before, without the concentrated power of communism, without the world’s number one army steel torrent, the world’s number one military scientific research force and the world’s number one heavy industry, and there would be no European group. Russia, with the same values, at least on the surface, is the same little brother, except for a happy collapse, there is no second way.

Of course, if you admit failure, it is also an unacceptable thing.

Maozi have been promoting a theory.

We are a fighting nation, and we are not afraid of death. The so-called horizontal ones are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death. It doesn't matter if the Maozi really think so in their hearts. But at least on the surface, they did pretend to be desperate.

In the last two to three decades, despite the fact that in the face of increasingly aggressive American emperors in terms of strategy, Mao Zi has been in a defensive state.

He could not stop NATO's eastward expansion, or even prevent the former Soviet Union countries from happily throwing themselves into the embrace of capitalism. Nor can it stop a series of betrayals by neighbors and allies.

There is no way to stop Georgia from falling into the arms of the United States-although he beat Georgia in the end, there is nothing wrong with it.

Nor could it prevent Ukraine from falling into the arms of the United States-although in the end another Crimean War and internal unrest almost destroyed Ukraine. But for Russia, the gain is not worth the loss.

Of course, he couldn't stop Europe and the United States from interfering in Syria-even though a large number of air forces and even ground troops were sent to help the Syrian government forces, which are considered allies, gain an advantage. However, for Russia, it is still not worth the loss-

The United States only needs to use its influence a little bit, happily use some diplomatic methods, deterrence, blackmail, and ideological output, and it can happily let an important neighbor of Russia rely on itself.

In the face of this situation, Russia cannot stop it. There is no other way but to use the military. On the surface, Russia sent troops to this and beat that, very prestigious. Actually, look at the country he beats? They are all his neighbors. A country can't even figure out things at its doorstep. Need to use force to solve, this is defense. It is falling into the next.

Why does Russia actually want to do it, want to spend money on war? He does not want to continue to maintain a military confrontation with the United States, and does not want to continue to oppose the United States-

But the United States does not care about these things. The pressure on them from the previous Red Empire was too great. The habitual thinking of the Cold War also continued, so much so that they would rather spend a little money, spend some time, and happily use a little influence to disrupt the countries surrounding Russia. Pleasantly put the Russian revival plan aground. And even fell into recession.

It seems that the US plan against Russia is successful. And it was a big success.

No matter how much the Russians brag about their bravery and good fighting skills, no matter how much they brag about their tough president, it will not change the fact that their economy is deteriorating, military research is exhausted, and the country is not improving.

One thing that is well-known is that sending troops to war requires money. And if you send troops to fight without any suitable reason, you will be labeled as an aggressor and be subject to international sanctions.

One is military spending, and the other is international sanctions. The two happily made Russia's already scumbag economy worse. It was a little ZTE, but it was beaten back to its original shape in an instant.

This is Russia now. Very, very hard, and very, very sad country. The people's spirit is close to the edge of collapse, and there is no other way but to drink vodka desperately and recall the glory of the powerful empire in the past. At the same time, the fertility rate is extremely low, and various ethnic minorities, especially those who believe in peace religion, multiply. I don't know when the number will exceed the Russians.

In terms of economy, heavy industry is not good, and manufacturing is not good. In addition to the arms industry, which can barely be maintained, it can only dig out natural resources, such as natural gas exports. Under this circumstance, the total economic value of Russia, which is huge, is only equivalent to Guangdong Province.

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