Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1370

"Very good, almost as strong as Aleister." Battlefield Yuanzheng was a little surprised-this guy is pretty good even among the contractors.

Of course, the Aleister he was talking about was the one when he was not qualified as a contractor. Of course, of course, even so, this is already an incredible compliment for Battlefield Hara.

However, it is obvious that the guy on the opposite side does not appreciate:

"Do not make jokes!"

He shouted excitedly: "Don't compare me with that kind of underdog, your Majesty!"

In the powerful light, the sound of the fire on the right was slightly arrogant: "What are you going to do next? Face the legendary archangel?! Or can I give you a chance to surrender now?

No, forget it, sure enough, you should die of non-religious garbage. Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

In such arrogant laughter. The procedure is complete.

Then it is.

"Ah... I was still playing the game just now, who is this asshole who wants to summon me?"

In mid-air, a blond angel with white wings appeared... From the image, it was indeed one of the most powerful angels of the Cross, Gabriel the Hand of God.

Unfortunately, this Gabriel...or Gabriel seems to be in a bad situation. Wearing pajamas, it seemed as if I couldn't wake up, and he was holding a handheld in his hand. The voice of speaking was also weak.

"...Oh, husband, haven't things been done yet?"

She continued to greet Zhanchangyuan in a feeble tone, "Also, why did I suddenly appear here?"

"How do you say this?"

Facing his own queen (one of them), Zhanchangyuan slightly explained the current situation.

"Oh, he summoned me out, wanting to steal my power, and then fight you?" Gabriel continued to say in a feeble tone: "Really...what does this kind of people think."

"Who knows."

"Then if it's okay, I will continue to visit Qihai."

"Hmm, go go go."

"You come back soon, too."

"Yeah, I know."

So in the next second, in front of six billion people around the world, the happily lit archangel disappeared happily again.

"So now." Zhanchangyuan looked at the ground with a sincere smile, the dumbfounded red hair: "Do you have anything else you want to say now, Mr. Fire on the right?"


The other party was silent, as if he had lost all his strength, his eyes were dull as if an idiot.

Although his own power did not disappear at all. He is still a strong man comparable to Aleister's level. However, this is meaningless.

The fire on the right fell to the ground like this. Creeping, five-body throws to the ground.

After absolute confidence is easily resolved, it is absolute fear. He even lost his courage to look directly at the battlefield.

With the surrender of the right seat of the god, the Roman Orthodox Church no longer has the power to stop the battlefield, and no one dares to fight the battlefield. The Roman Orthodox Church surrendered.

With the surrender of the Orthodox Church in Rome, the Italian government hastily chose to surrender.

They blew it this time.

They were the last country to surrender to the empire during the Third World War and persist to the end.

This is enough for all Italians to show off for years.


Thus, the Third World War ended.

Thus, history turned a new page.

It's like what Battlefield had expected before. The empire controlled the economy, politics and military of the European countries.

The empire controls Latin America and Oceania.

Empire has a strong influence on the Middle East and Africa.

Even in East Asia and Southeast Asia, the empire also has a lot of economic interests.

The whole world thus entered the age of empire.

The empire happily sets the rules, and the empire controls the world economy. The empire manipulates public opinion. The empire controls the world's most powerful army, controls the largest territory, and possesses the most superior technology. The most talents and the most advanced weapons and equipment...

The empire controls the present, and the empire controls the future. The empire can even twist the past at will. The empire determines the fate of all mankind. I believe that in dozens or even hundreds of years, global integration can be easily achieved after excluding those inferior races like scum. The future of mankind is bright. The battlefield is sincere, the ruler of the empire has become the supreme ruler of this world and will also become the greatest ruler in human history.

②① The endless sky

Chapter One on the Battlecruiser

Time flies.

Even in the universe, humans still use the AD calendar of the earth.

In a sense, this is interesting, isn't it.

Since the eighth colonial star of the Old Tran Confederation, Mar Sarah discovered the first batch of Zerg Zergs, at the same time, the Protos Protoss rushed to bring Mar Sara with its sisters. Star Joe Ira's entire planet is burned into glass. For the first time, human beings have seen an extraterrestrial intelligence race other than them.

And there are two at a time!

What's more important is that neither the Zeger Zerg nor the Protos Protoss looks like a friendly, peace-loving race. In fact, the following series of wars also proved this point.

Tarsonis, the capital of the Tran Confederation, suffered the most complete collapse. The most important city of the Confederation with a population of hundreds of millions and an incalculable wealth was destroyed almost instantly. Those crazy bugs killed everyone, and a handful of "survivors"—if they were alive in that state—maybe worse than dead.

It was really a dark day, yes, for the people of the Tran Federation, even the later UED, the expedition of the Earth Security Council, is definitely not as terrible as the destruction of Tarsonis, and it is definitely not as good as the following series In the war, the fight against the mad swarm and the arrogant Protoss came deeply.

"Fortunately, we won in the end. We won. We repelled the Protoss, the arrogant artiodactyls, and finally suffered the consequences-their capital was captured by the worms, and asked me to say, They deserve it! Who do they think they are? The law enforcement of the universe? The embodiment of order and justice? Fart!

Although in a sense, we and Protoss share common interests, but I still have to say so. When I heard that their capital planet Al was gnawed by bugs, I still felt very happy.

It’s the very simple ‘you have today’.

what! It's so ironic! These guys thought they were gods. The result was defeated by a group of bugs. And he was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

This is really the funniest story I have ever heard! "

The battlefield was sincere. Or Wright Baldwin. The youngest battlecruiser captain of the Turan Empire once again passed the bar on the battlecruiser.

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